

in PvP

Posted by: CachoDm.4639


aoiqerugebgvuqegbognegoentot WHY DO I GET RANK 10-20 in my team vs 40-50 Im 44 I hate losing because of that they dont know what to do rank does mean something not all the people freaking farm it you dont teach them how to play how do you kittening want them to learn kitten kitten kitten anet kitten anet kitten cats kittenes mother kitteners bye

R48 Nooßlêss Multiclass Looking for a best friend.


in PvP

Posted by: Xcom.1926


Because there aren’t enough players queuing. If you want the system to force only equal ranks on both teams, they queue times would be outrageous.


in PvP

Posted by: CachoDm.4639


Who kittening cares id rather kittening wait 10 hours than lose because kittenking stuppid bittches kittenking not knowing how to play

R48 Nooßlêss Multiclass Looking for a best friend.


in PvP

Posted by: Xcom.1926


Who kittening cares id rather kittening wait 10 hours than lose because kittenking stuppid bittches kittenking not knowing how to play

If people had to wait 10 hours or even 10 minutes they would complain. As I said in another thread, ANet needs to bring in more players in sPvP. If they do a lot of the problems would fix itself.


in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


more players… unfortunatelly its not gonna happen, actually with the corrent balance and the boring as hell conquering system more and more players will stop sPvPing.

on the other hand W3 population is increasing. at least is what I notice.
that’s the road i took as well. after hitting Rank 40 I stoped sPvPing out of boredom, profession balance (or lack of it) and particularly the spec that hasn’t change for months since there is no other viable choice…


in PvP

Posted by: knbBlackTemplar.3059


aoiqerugebgvuqegbognegoentot WHY DO I GET RANK 10-20 in my team vs 40-50 Im 44 I hate losing because of that they dont know what to do rank does mean something not all the people freaking farm it you dont teach them how to play how do you kittening want them to learn kitten kitten kitten anet kitten anet kitten cats kittenes mother kitteners bye

I have absolutely same, but opposite problem. I’m rank 14 and it put me with 50 (but i’m actually never lose when play against same as my rank and do 10/0 k/d)

80’s: Sylvari Necromancer (Main). Human: Thief, Warrior (PvP Main), Engineer. Charr Guardian


in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


solution is to get 4 rank 50’s to carry you and play team queue. you will not lose.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)


in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Heh, your signature is rather ironic



in PvP

Posted by: Ryan.9387


Who kittening cares id rather kittening wait 10 hours than lose because kittenking stuppid bittches kittenking not knowing how to play

If people had to wait 10 hours or even 10 minutes they would complain. As I said in another thread, ANet needs to bring in more players in sPvP. If they do a lot of the problems would fix itself.

I get 10 min queues very often.

Ranger | Elementalist


in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Because there aren’t enough players queuing. If you want the system to force only equal ranks on both teams, they queue times would be outrageous.

Nomatter who is playing, it is possible to have roughly even net skill on each side.
That’s a matter of good matchmaking.

What Anet’s matchmaking does is find 5 people of the closest skill, puts them in a group then finds a group with the closest ‘skill level’ and matches them.
That is terrible.

It creates all rank 50s fighting rank 20s because they were the closest 5 man group at the time… the matchmaking could have simply taken 10 people and split them up to get roughly even skill total and been a billion times better.

That’s not even taking into account how kitteny this game is at actually finding out skill level.


in PvP

Posted by: CachoDm.4639


Heh, your signature is rather ironic

Rage free team I dont rage at my team. I do rage at anet because they kitten my free time

R48 Nooßlêss Multiclass Looking for a best friend.