1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

in PvP

Posted by: Psyco Flipside.1936

Psyco Flipside.1936

my guildmates and I were excited about the paid tournament launch but we are not able to join even a single game. The queue always remains at 1/8 groups registered.
What’s the problem? Is there some kind of bug or it is just nobody is playing? lol

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Argo.7541


No bug, nobody plays it.

(PLS excuse my bad english by sending corrections via PM :D)

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Psyco Flipside.1936

Psyco Flipside.1936

No bug, nobody plays it.

Wow. That’s sad news…
Actually, it’s normal, ArenaNet has taken too much time releasing sPvP stuff that nobody is interested in. I do want it becoming an eSport, but unfortunately it doesn’t look like one.

(edited by Psyco Flipside.1936)

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: xloz.6280


I don’t know about non-peak hours but during prime time it is close to instant q’s

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Shukran.4851


or maybe paid tourney are played by premades so you can’t find players who likes to waste tickets to soloQ paid tourney

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Weapon X.5163

Weapon X.5163

Weird, people dont want to waste time losing to triple bunker teams. Even though that does sound fun…..

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


People dont play because of the insane 5 tickets per player…

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Jarlaxe.4607


Problem is that there still is no ladder… its same kitten as free tournaments but with insane cost of 5 tickets u have to spend money to play vs good teams. Only way to get better is play vs better teams so at start u have to invest a lot to actually start winning. Whole philosophy to pay to play competitive is broken – honestly u cant make esport this way.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Arc.9374


Weird, people dont want to waste time losing to triple bunker teams. Even though that does sound fun…..

This, to some extent.

I personally am pretty interested in playing some Paid Tourneys, but I’m not going to just throw tickets away because the metagame dictates ‘bring bunker guardian, thief, maybe support/bunker ele, mes for khylo’ when neither I, nor the guys I play with have any interest in caving to the flavour of the metagame comp.

Wasting tickets to lose to inferior players being carried by their comp isn’t my idea of fun.


1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Seether.7285


If you can’t win it surely has nothing to do with the skill of you and your team, it is obviously all based on the comp you bring (lol).

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Noctred.6732


Wasting tickets to lose to inferior players being carried by their comp isn’t my idea of fun.

If you’re running a balanced comp and lose to inferior players, then they probably aren’t inferior players.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: wit.2310


The problem is that the better teams who already had many tickets win their matches and get more tickets and the teams that didn’t’ have tickets don’t get them back because they lose in 1st or 2nd round. This way very soon there’s only the good teams left with tickets and the tournaments won’t run anymore.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Arc.9374


If you can’t win it surely has nothing to do with the skill of you and your team, it is obviously all based on the comp you bring (lol).

Yeah, that explains why the vast majority of tourneying teams who make it past the first round run variations of the same metagame comp and do reasonably well with them (lol).

Between 2 teams of equal skill and strategic/tactical awareness, the team with the less robust build stands a much higher chance of loss.

So what happens is that when you have one team of lesser skill to another, and the lesser skilled team brings the more robust build because it’s the current flavour, it’s compensating for their lack of skill.

Of course, the argument can then be made ‘why isn’t your build as robust as theirs?’, which is a perfectly valid argument, and also the reason why we find ourselves with the metagame we have.



1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Seether.7285


You are making it sound like there is only 1 effective comp, there isn’t. Stop blaming the enemy comp for your loss when it was your team not having equal skill and strategic/awareness.

It’s ok though, nothing I say will change your opinions, if it was a mirror comp match-up you would be conjuring up a new excuse for yourself anyway.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Merciless.5349


Seether, I will personally pm you with a link to my Youtube video. You will enjoy it.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: alcopaul.2156


most likely that people are afraid and frustrated to lose to good teams because there is no more noob pug stomping anymore to make themselves feel good.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Arc.9374


And you’re making it sound like comp has absolutely nothing to do with victory, when it’s pretty clear that it does based on the fact that 95% of the teams I’ve faced on Khylo run bunker guard or engy, thief, and mesmer on the treb. I’m not saying ‘olol I lost therefore it was their comps fault’. I’m saying ‘olol those guys were pretty good, but their comp was what gave them the edge over our mesmer and thiefless comp’.

There is a reason the metagame is what it is. It’s the most robust and efficient use of manpower. Obviously if you’re a good team you can roll nubs with whatever comp you want, but if you knew you were going to run into a team of equal skill, would you bring the robust, take all comers build, or that 5* Ele build you were dicking around in free tourneys with?

No need to answer that question. It’s rhetorical.


1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Seether.7285


There are only 8 classes, when you name 4 of the classes off then yes there is a good chance that several end up in most comps. That doesn’t mean it is the only effective comp.

Also, just because a comp is popular does not mean it is optimal. I would say a lot of the comps are just copying of other people and a lot of teams don’t actually create their own comps from the ground up.

However, the teams at the edge of the competition are often the teams innovating new comps which others then try to emulate. Has there been an increase in the avg # of bunkers on a team? Yes I would agree that there has been a shift to more bunkers, however, instead of crying about OP bunkers my team changed our comp to take advantage of the strategy being used by other teams.

I am not going to simply give away the adjustments we made, but I think that any team that has a long chat together about how to deal with bunkers as a team will be able to find some decent options.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


I’ve tried to to paids with my team also … we have been waiting for hours and no game opened because we’ve been the only team that was queues … seems like there is almost no one who plays Paids … seems really sad but I guess a huge bunch of the community did already leave the game because it took ages to bring this mode out.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Dware.4259


GW2 doesnt get it.

They cant have it both ways.

You cant have a SUPER CASUAL game and e-sport at same time.

You cant see enemy names, there is NO reward like rp’s to keep you playing, so why do it?

oh wait, because its fun…..yea

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: shaolin.9716


The problem is most premades are bad and could barely win 500 to 400 against pugs. These guys prefer to win unfair games rather than get a fair match they’ll probably lose.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

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Posted by: Seether.7285


The difference vs Peak and Off-Peak hours for queues is probably going to be pretty large and I don’t know if it will ever really get better. There are no random groups and people are less likely to form pickup groups with tournament tickets at risk. This leaves the established 5 man teams as the man population of paid tournaments. Since most teams have people working jobs on “normal” schedules the teams tends to be active during prime time hours.

I would estimate that the queues are extremely short from 3pm pst (server time) to 12am pst, with queues probably being almost completely dead if you are 3 hours on either side of the primetime hours.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

in PvP

Posted by: Psyco Flipside.1936

Psyco Flipside.1936

GW2 doesnt get it.

They cant have it both ways.

You cant have a SUPER CASUAL game and e-sport at same time.

You cant see enemy names, there is NO reward like rp’s to keep you playing, so why do it?

oh wait, because its fun…..yea

SUPER CASUAL people are the key for a game to triumph. LoL is so famous because of casuals. <10% play rankeds, <1% play 1500+ ELO rankeds.

I have around 300 tournament tickets so I don’t have that problem, but I do understand 5 tickets are too much for almost everybody, and that’s why not too many teams are playing.
A ladder should be implemented SOON, because playing against same skilled people is a MUST. If you lose and lose and lose all over again because only the best guilds are playing, no one will keep playing in 2 weeks.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

in PvP

Posted by: Aspen Tie.5084

Aspen Tie.5084

Paid tournaments seem geared towards guild teams. If your team is continually losing in paid, than it only makes sense that they play free tournaments until you get better.

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