+1's are a freeloaders

+1's are a freeloaders

in PvP

Posted by: Rainbowsand.2438


and a huge team liability.
When you have next to zero chance to 1v1 anything and +1 may or may not happen, you are freeloading.

+1's are a freeloaders

in PvP

Posted by: Vornollo.5182


Did a Thief and/or Shatter Mesmer burst your Bunker Bubble?

[PUSH] Constant Pressure

+1's are a freeloaders

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

When playing home point defender I love a +1. If there’s a thief or a war on the team I’ll ask what they’re running, and ask them to be sure to +1 for me whenever anything makes a break for home.

If playing Berserker, I’ll find out who’s taking home and let them know I’ll be there to +1. Rotate around, eliminate targets from fights, win the match, get the girl, retire.

+1's are a freeloaders

in PvP

Posted by: Rainbowsand.2438


Nah just stomped a team full of +1’s. The big upside of not being in a team of those was that we killed their lord on third minute then just roflstomped what was left for fun.

+1's are a freeloaders

in PvP

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


Nah just stomped a team full of +1’s. The big upside of not being in a team of those was that we killed their lord on third minute then just roflstomped what was left for fun.

It’s almost like they are meant to add to a basic team comp rather than be an exclusive component of it. About the only thing you can get away with stacking a team with are builds with a bunkering capacity. A build that is decide to tip stand offs between bunkers by +1ing is likely not able to counter bunkers on a parity basis nor survive tons of AoE pressure. It would then stand to reason that if you fought a comp of said players that’d you outsustain them and have a reasonably easy time.

But let’s strip away all context and sense and just laugh at how bad +1 builds are, and not how broken bunkering is- which i guess bunkering has to be strong right because the whole format of capture the point is dependent on stopping decaps, it’s not like reasonable team fighting and rotation should be the dominant factor in deciding capture point outcomes… /s

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

+1's are a freeloaders

in PvP

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


lol no, on foefire if your home node is getting rushed by say a DS ele or a druid, NOT +1ing the home capper to kitten stall at mid is freeloading.

there are situations where the rest of your team can handle a 3v4 or a 2v3 for long enough that you can quickly peel off to +1 to secure a kill/cap/decap throughout a game.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

+1's are a freeloaders

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


I honestly think it depends a lot on map, on player but also weither team can rotate around thief. I had plenty of games where i went to decap far and had 2-3 enemies chasing me for half of the match around the node while my team wiped the rest of them. Not to mention thieves are pretty good at stealing beasts – i won quite few games that my team was ment to lose thanks to clutch beast steals (got 2-3 pips for that).

+1 is also such a thing: yea you could get a bunker 1 + you but if you are fighting a druid or tempest it would take you ages to kill them if ever. A decent thief/war can murder them pretty fast if they know how to use the opportunity window.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>