1000 glory = 1 gold

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: entropy.9613


T3 cultural from the PvP vendor goes for 60,000 glory + 60 gold. You’re saving 59g from PvE vendor price (~60), so 60k glory = 60 gold or 1k glory/gold.

T1 & T2 are daylight robbery. T2 saves you 3.6g for 40k glory at 11k glory/gold. T1 is worse, paying 1.38g for 20k glory at an outlandish 14.5k glory/gold. If you were making 300 glory/game, that’s roughly a return of 1 gold per 50 games, or 2s/game. These days you get 12.5s for losing a soloQ (plus glory).

20 slot bags convert at about 1k glory/gold, but the other bags are worse. Giant Wintersday Gifts currently go for 2s on the TP (falling). At that price they’d be 1k glory/gold although you lose the TP cut of 10%.

Glory/Gold Conversion
T1 cultural: 14,500
T2 cultural: 11,111
T3 cultural: 1,017
20 slot bag: 1,000
18 slot bag: 1,333
12 slot bag: 3,333
Giant Gifts: 1,111 (?)

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: muscarine.5136


I think we all knew it would happen this way…

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: Leeto.1570


So basicly you could just get t3 cultural for 120k glory? why i even bothered gathering the 60 gold then. Oh well can spend some extra glory now.


1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: ZombiesTT.3619


Where is this npc? Is it the regular ones?

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: jalmari.3906


what if you dont want cultural armor

Guardian 80 Necromancer 80 Ranger 80 Mesmer 80 Elementalist 80 Warrior 80

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: ZilentNight.5089


Does the cultural armor from pvp count towards the Empreror title?

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: entropy.9613


Where is this npc? Is it the regular ones?

There are two. The main guy is with the other gear vendors, the Wintersday guy is in the middle.

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: entropy.9613


Does the cultural armor from pvp count towards the Empreror title?

Apparently not but I suspect that will change in the future.

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Now do a time investment analysis of time it takes to get 1000 glory vs time to get 1 gold.

I can earn 2-3 gold in 15 minutes in some of the speed runs of dungeons. :p

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: Leeto.1570


Now do a time investment analysis of time it takes to get 1000 glory vs time to get 1 gold.

I can earn 2-3 gold in 15 minutes in some of the speed runs of dungeons. :p

300 + gloryand 30 silver 1 team match, for pvpers gold has been always more precious, now their around on same level, but if its true that they are removing glory then gold is still more precious.

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: Zylonite.5913


8 months of sPvP got me 120k glory points. Now I can spend it all on two T3 sets and pay an additional 120 golds? No thanks….

Betrayed by the gods of ANet

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056



But as of right now you get about as much silver during a tournament match as pvers get running around the dolyak in LA picking up gifts.

On second thought you probably get more running after the dolyak,
I find this troubling
30s+600 glory = 36s ATM = 18 gifts running around LA…

We have infinitely more fun though so..watevz I guess

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: Shakki.3219


8 months of sPvP got me 120k glory points.

or 1week skyhammer pre nerf

Reaper – Anguîsh

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


Are the mystery coffers worth it? I opened a couple and got garbage, salvaging for useless crafting materials and negligible luck doesn’t seem worth it considering it still takes 4.8s per coffer… Anyone know what the “rare” items are you get from them?

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: Proven.2854


Now do a time investment analysis of time it takes to get 1000 glory vs time to get 1 gold.

I can earn 2-3 gold in 15 minutes in some of the speed runs of dungeons. :p

300 + gloryand 30 silver 1 team match, for pvpers gold has been always more precious, now their around on same level, but if its true that they are removing glory then gold is still more precious.

It’s 300 + 750 glory for a team queue win, and only 200 for a team queue loss. So consistently winning in team queue is worth over 1 gold if you consistently win, going by the OP’s metric.

Call me Smith.

1000 glory = 1 gold

in PvP

Posted by: Michael.7382


Are the mystery coffers worth it? I opened a couple and got garbage, salvaging for useless crafting materials and negligible luck doesn’t seem worth it considering it still takes 4.8s per coffer… Anyone know what the “rare” items are you get from them?

I got 2x frozen rifle, ppl get also bramble, also otehr frozen, liek shield or gs. Nut its raaaaaare.

Champion: >| Illusionist | Shadow | Phantom | Legionnaire | Magus | Hunter |<
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|