Wanna know what they all have in common? Mobility, range, AoE, area denial and of course non obvious animations. If a Warrior uses axe all you have to do is stay 301 range away from him and he will never hit you. The only ways he can possibly get close is by using his other weapon set as sword or greatsword. If he uses those he has no cc besides possibly using Bull’s Charge or Tremor mace off hand which both have obvious animations. So all you have to do is be ready to dodge when he switches to axe since sword and greatsword don’t do very good damage besides one or two skills. Sword doesn’t do much besides Final Thrust which has a 3/4 second cast time and he will only use it when you are at 50% hp or less. Greatsword does 0 damage unless you stand in Hundred Blades or the stars align and Rush hits a target.
Jump Shot: longest hang time in the air known to humanity, plus it still has a lower coefficient than the the level 2 and 3 Eviscerates (coef of 2.07).
Fire Grab: has an extremely long cast time and an insanely long CD, and it only does more damage than a level 2 Eviscerate if your opponent has burning on him/her (still does less than level 3). Also an extremely hard skill to land.
Backstab: really? Does less damage than a level 2 or level 3 Eviscerate.
Mind Wrack: not even close, even with three illusions (still far away if you have Illusionary Persona).
Illusionary Swordsman: phantasm has one of the most obvious cast times and animations in the game. Also attacks on a pattern. Still significantly less than a level 2 eviscerate.
Maul: are you kidding? Again, extremely obvious animation (massive bear in your face) and still is echelons below a level 2 eviscerate (in fact, it does less damage than a level 1 eviscerate).
Whirling Wrath: yeah, given that usually only three of the 9 projectiles hits your opponent (if you’re lucky) and has a long and obvious animation, don’t know where you’re pulling this out of.
Whirling Axe: unless you just stand in place, this isn’t going to do much damage to you. Even if you do stand in place, most of the attacks don’t hit you anyways.
Pry Bar: not even close, don’t even try.
Smite: really?
Zealot’s Defense: have you ever used this skill before?
Well of Suffering: just a small AoE pulse on a 1 sec interval… And it’s a utility w/ a much longer CD than Eviscerate.
Deathly Claws: it’s an elite skill… On an extremely long CD… That makes you the largest target in the game… That has an insanely large animation… Seriously?
Lava Font/Meteor Strike: just stop trying please.
Churning Earth: literally the most obvious cast in the game with an extremely predictable follow-up and strike time.
Yes, he has a bit more hp and a bit more armor than you, but probably won’t have much defense on his own. No point on defense traitline, Endure Pain at most.
A bit? I don’t really agree that warriors need to be ‘nerfed into the ground’ but you need to do some reading on the stats, 4000 HP between a warrior and a thief with the exact same build, and that isn’t even the worst, the Ele has 8000 HP less and has the lowest armor class. And they all deal at best equal damage.
It is completely laughable to say that the stat dichotomy in this game is currently balanced. The idea at launch was that squishier classes would have more defense in their abilities, but this has never been true for certain classes, the ele for example had defense in its utilities and healing in its weapon skills to balance out its stat drawbacks. And then it had every facet of its defense nerfed by nearly a third because they could stack those defensive abilities, and therein lies the impossible problem between balancing classes reliant on defensive abilities versus classes reliant on defensive stats. If you give them enough defensive abilities to have varying builds and methods of defense, they are going to stack them and it will be overpowered, if you don’t then they have nothing versus the inherent and ever-present defense of the stat-dependent classes.
No. Just a lot of players that are bad at pvp like any mesmer losing to a gc warrior getting encouraged by other complaint posts into believing they are not the reason they lost.
Warrior press -2 130 range skill ,nothing hapens
Mesmer press -2 invulnerable to any damage
Thief press -2 ,teleport to target,remove condi and immobilize
Should i go on ? You realize how stupid it is to compare only 1 skill?
Lol? Are you really trying to compare the #2 skill with other #2 skills? That’s ridiculous lmao. I don’t understand how warriors think their classed is balanced right now. We’re not asking for a nerf to the ground like eles. We’re asking for a nerf to make it more balanced. I bet a lot of you were people asking for needs on other classes yet you can’t take one yourself and get EXTREMELY defensive about it and your only excuse is that they are bad. I see soooo many warriors in game its ridiculous along with necros. I took a screenshot the other day on a bunch of matches in a row on how many warriors there are because they are op atm. There’s usually 3-4 warriors on a team and/or 2 necros. Just saying. Take the suggestions for once, I know the necros are and have been saying they aren’t happy with the state their class is in right now but whenever a warrior thread goes up (and there are a lot) you all go berserk and start calling people names and saying they suck at the game. Why do you think there are so many threads? You’re getting a nerf, I mean if there isn’t one for you next patch then you can say I told you so but I extremely doubt that. Just accept it and help with the suggestions on where you think things should be and you might be able to put some input in rather than just saying no, everyone is just bad.
warrior already got 25% damage nerf along with – 50 % crit chance in most builds making that a 40% ish damage nerf on the best build that hadThe cc got a serious nerf between raw casting time increase and sigil of para .Class is balanced and not abusable anymore except a lot of trait and weapon skill bugs/useless(as in for real) it needs better heals so it wont be forced into just healing signet.Rememberf warrior had all the cc and all the damage since lauch ,actually damage was a lot higher and they still were the wors tabsolute pvp class ever-Seriously what do you want zero damage,zero heal ,zero mobility on a warrior everything is op for you guys. .Just replace it with a strawman already lol-
Also popularity does no = OP . Anet introduced daily achievments in spvp sp expect to see warriors since 90% of pve players main warriors specifically.The argument is really silly.
Yes, he has a bit more hp and a bit more armor than you, but probably won’t have much defense on his own. No point on defense traitline, Endure Pain at most.
A bit? I don’t really agree that warriors need to be ‘nerfed into the ground’ but you need to do some reading on the stats, 4000 HP between a warrior and a thief with the exact same build, and that isn’t even the worst, the Ele has 8000 HP less and has the lowest armor class. And they all deal at best equal damage.
It is completely laughable to say that the stat dichotomy in this game is currently balanced. The idea at launch was that squishier classes would have more defense in their abilities, but this has never been true for certain classes, the ele for example had defense in its utilities and healing in its weapon skills to balance out its stat drawbacks. And then it had every facet of its defense nerfed by nearly a third because they could stack those defensive abilities, and therein lies the impossible problem between balancing classes reliant on defensive abilities versus classes reliant on defensive stats. If you give them enough defensive abilities to have varying builds and methods of defense, they are going to stack them and it will be overpowered, if you don’t then they have nothing versus the inherent and ever-present defense of the stat-dependent classes.
Was comparing Warrior to Mesmer. A bit is 3k difference. It’s something, but not much.
Now, if you compare it to ele, yes, it’s a big difference, and that’s the main reason why eles never used zerker some time ago. And I agree they have been overnerfed/the rest has been overbuffed.
However, when I face glass warriors I know they go down pretty fast and are easy to hit, unless they use stances. Mesmers and thieves can cover themselves a bit better, IMHO, even if in group fights mesmers have more problems, and thieves make up for this cover with low hp.
You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…
Isn’t this arguement pointless? Yes glass warriors hit VERY hard but no one uses them because their really powerful attacks are hard to land and hit 1 target. Run a meta warrior build and you’re MUCH tankier and your skills are either crazily easy to hit for massive damage (condi) or hit an entire point (hambow). People complaining that warriors using evis to hit 13k are similar to people saying eles hit 10k meteor showers – yes they can do it but thats not really important in tournaments.
Warriors have issues that need to be addressed (pin down i’m looking at you -.-) but cluttering up the place with silly 13k Evis isn’t going to help the progression of the game’s balance.
Wanna know what they all have in common? Mobility, range, AoE, area denial and of course non obvious animations. If a Warrior uses axe all you have to do is stay 301 range away from him and he will never hit you. The only ways he can possibly get close is by using his other weapon set as sword or greatsword. If he uses those he has no cc besides possibly using Bull’s Charge or Tremor mace off hand which both have obvious animations. So all you have to do is be ready to dodge when he switches to axe since sword and greatsword don’t do very good damage besides one or two skills. Sword doesn’t do much besides Final Thrust which has a 3/4 second cast time and he will only use it when you are at 50% hp or less. Greatsword does 0 damage unless you stand in Hundred Blades or the stars align and Rush hits a target.
Lol. I’ve never seen an ele turn 180 degrees and firegrab before. Eviscerate is much easier to land than most of the things you listed because it will actually turn your character even if you’re not facing the correct direction.
Glass mesmer got outplayed by glass warrior. L2p issue since glass war is the easiest proffesion to kill besides pve mobs.Common knowledge a mesmer should not die to warrior regardless of spec for the matter.Loving the tears.
Lol i disagree, depends what you utilitys you have, Since condi removal and portal are pretty common , only leaves 1 slot for stunbreak. I wouldn’t have a problem with them if i have 3 stunbreaks on my bar.
Personally i do think warriors are abit op atm, Not because of damage but because they have everything now.
Chazwyne, Necromancer <3
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
Ele’s and Rangers (certain aspects, mostly their pets) need rework/buffs, I give no respect to other classes who complain how UP their class is.
Mesmers and Necro’s especially have no reason to complain. Engi’s and Guardians are fine…thief is…I don’t know. Remove stealth from this game (or at least the way it currently works) and you can buff them as much as you want.
Guardians and Necro’s should perhaps have more utility/weapon skills that allow them to disengage, but that’s the extent of it.
Warrior does not have even half the defenses of a Mesmer and with all those defenses if you couldn’t dodge the obvious Eviscerate animation its a learn to play issue.
lol. ok in a 1v1 mes is doing alright if with the right builds, but in a zerg mes melts in seconds. perma immobilize, perma stun, knock downs knock backs and that with like half the toughness and health of a warrior. we gott no stability our passive healing signet is pretty usless in a zerg and we got the worst condi cleanse in game….your comment that a mes has more defenses than a warrior is a complete joke or u must be trolling.
Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood
22k kill shot? nice photoshop , he not even have 25 stack of power, lots of stack of might. I was trying maaaaaaaax kill shot build in spvp, I even used banner for 15% crit dmg more. u cannot do this dmg in spvp xD
the highest a kill shot ever hit me for was 13k but the target must have been upleveled or pure glass or not geared right. still 13k is a lot but then again killshot is easy avoidable as u see it coming, but eviscerate is harder to spot…
Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood
The strongest eviscerate builds hit for an upper limit of10k on a full glass, you were probably encountering some silly solo q build from a hipster warrior with no condi removal/mitigation beyond zerker stance.
Warrior does not have even half the defenses of a Mesmer and with all those defenses if you couldn’t dodge the obvious Eviscerate animation its a learn to play issue.
lol. ok in a 1v1 mes is doing alright if with the right builds, but in a zerg mes melts in seconds. perma immobilize, perma stun, knock downs knock backs and that with like half the toughness and health of a warrior. we gott no stability our passive healing signet is pretty usless in a zerg and we got the worst condi cleanse in game….your comment that a mes has more defenses than a warrior is a complete joke or u must be trolling.
Warrior does not have even half the defenses of a Mesmer and with all those defenses if you couldn’t dodge the obvious Eviscerate animation its a learn to play issue.
lol. ok in a 1v1 mes is doing alright if with the right builds, but in a zerg mes melts in seconds. perma immobilize, perma stun, knock downs knock backs and that with like half the toughness and health of a warrior. we gott no stability our passive healing signet is pretty usless in a zerg and we got the worst condi cleanse in game….your comment that a mes has more defenses than a warrior is a complete joke or u must be trolling.
Because two of those abilities are only really good in mantra builds (and of those two, one of them is pretty much never used in mantra builds, as far as I’ve seen, anyways). Null Field is a great condi cleanser, it’s just that it tends to be the only condi cleanser for the vast majority of builds.
Warrior does not have even half the defenses of a Mesmer and with all those defenses if you couldn’t dodge the obvious Eviscerate animation its a learn to play issue.
lol. ok in a 1v1 mes is doing alright if with the right builds, but in a zerg mes melts in seconds. perma immobilize, perma stun, knock downs knock backs and that with like half the toughness and health of a warrior. we gott no stability our passive healing signet is pretty usless in a zerg and we got the worst condi cleanse in game….your comment that a mes has more defenses than a warrior is a complete joke or u must be trolling.
Because two of those abilities are only really good in mantra builds (and of those two, one of them is pretty much never used in mantra builds, as far as I’ve seen, anyways). Null Field is a great condi cleanser, it’s just that it tends to be the only condi cleanser for the vast majority of builds.
Like I said they are good even without a mantra build or are you suggesting a skill that gives on demand 2 second stability in an AoE and a stun break x2 isn’t good? Condition cleanse one is obviously worse than Null Field but its always an option and way better than http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Shake_It_Off!%22
Same cooldown but that can cure 1 in an AoE while the mantra clears 2×2 in an AoE. Casting mantras isn’t hard if you run with 1 or 2 stealth abilities.
Warrior does not have even half the defenses of a Mesmer and with all those defenses if you couldn’t dodge the obvious Eviscerate animation its a learn to play issue.
lol. ok in a 1v1 mes is doing alright if with the right builds, but in a zerg mes melts in seconds. perma immobilize, perma stun, knock downs knock backs and that with like half the toughness and health of a warrior. we gott no stability our passive healing signet is pretty usless in a zerg and we got the worst condi cleanse in game….your comment that a mes has more defenses than a warrior is a complete joke or u must be trolling.
Because two of those abilities are only really good in mantra builds (and of those two, one of them is pretty much never used in mantra builds, as far as I’ve seen, anyways). Null Field is a great condi cleanser, it’s just that it tends to be the only condi cleanser for the vast majority of builds.
Like I said they are good even without a mantra build or are you suggesting a skill that gives on demand 2 second stability in an AoE and a stun break x2 isn’t good? Condition cleanse one is obviously worse than Null Field but its always an option and way better than http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Shake_It_Off!%22
Same cooldown but that can cure 1 in an AoE while the mantra clears 2×2 in an AoE. Casting mantras isn’t hard if you run with 1 or 2 stealth abilities.
Do you read what you write before you post it? That implies either using up three utilities just so that you can get AoE stability for 4 seconds total every ~32 seconds (at best), or using up two utilities and an OH weapon slot so that you can charge your mantra. I’m assuming you’ve never used mantras before, which goes to show how inexperienced you are with what you’re talking about because mantras are almost never good, unless you’re running a mantra-dedicated build. As for Mantra of Resolve, it has an extremely small radius (less than half that of “Shake it Off!”) and doesn’t stunbreak, and the long cast time makes you incredibly vulnerable. This is true of all mantras, in fact: the vulnerability from the 3 seconds of casting time tends to heavily outweigh the benefits of using the mantras.
Have you ever used mantras? My Mesmer always takes at least one mantra and you aren’t that vulnerable casting it outside of stealth either. Name one other ability besides Shadow Step that provides 2 stun breaks in one utility slot. You can even ignore the casting it in combat if you want since it can still be pre cast to be better than most skills of the type. Either way its your only stability skill and classes like Thief and Necromancer only have them on an elite or 30 point grandmaster and they don’t even break stun.
Have you ever used mantras? My Mesmer always takes at least one mantra and you aren’t that vulnerable casting it outside of stealth either. Name one other ability besides Shadow Step that provides 2 stun breaks in one utility slot. You can even ignore the casting it in combat if you want since it can still be pre cast to be better than most skills of the type. Either way its your only stability skill and classes like Thief and Necromancer only have them on an elite or 30 point grandmaster and they don’t even break stun.
I believe this means /thread.Have some very nice Holidays everyone!
Or that ANet is, quite simply, wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time for them, given what used to be the incredibly weak state of the warrior half a year ago as compared to where they are now.
I believe this means /thread.Have some very nice Holidays everyone!
Or that ANet is, quite simply, wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time for them, given what used to be the incredibly weak state of the warrior half a year ago as compared to where they are now.
Warriors always dealt massive damage.
Easy to avoid by just wiping out the warrior in seconds, but always massive.
The difference is that now they are more survivable. A bit too much, maybe. I wouldn’t mind a warrior with soldier amulet and properly specced dealing decent (not great, but enough to kill someone) damage. A glass cannon who has also good armor and immunity through stance is another thing, though.
You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…
Glass cannon warriors melt in seconds. Once their stance if over, they die.
And it’s a completely horrible build for any type of PvP. Save zerker for PvE. Sure, you can find plenty of brainless players who can’t hit a zerker warrior without any real evasion mechanics. but any competent player is going to spank that warrior.
this is working as intended. warriors have high health, heavy armor because warriors do not have illusions, stealth, death shroud, pets, spirits, minions, turrets, etc.
doing this damage.
many professions are capable of doing massive damage with the right build.
more condi removal
only if they equip the right skills and traits
cleansing ire? defensive trait.
warhorn? support skills
warhorn convert conditions? defensive supportive trait.
shake it off? support skill.
soldier runes? defensive supportive runes.
good mobility
only with the right skills and traits.
working as intended, how else do you expect the warriors to catch people and put them down?
If you don’t wear any armor and get hit by a 13k eviscerate then frankly it’s your fault. How hard is it to put on some armor? You don’t even have to put any runes in it. Just put it on…