(edited by philheat.3956)
14 days inactivity (holidays) and decay
“Inactive players will experience skill-rating decay, impacting the division they’re placed in. Decay can be worked off by playing ranked games.
Period of inactivity allowed before decay begins: 3 days.
Skill rating reduction per day: 100.
Maximum skill-rating reduction: 700 (after 7 days).
Decay removed per game played: 100."
Conclusion: you can start now and you just have to play a maximum of 7 games to get your decayed MMR back.
It doesn’t really matter, because the decay is not permanent. After 3 days of inactivity you will start losing 100 rating per day, up to 700 in total. When you come back, every played match will remove 100 from the decay, so after 7 games your rating will be (roughly) the same as before your inactivity.
It doesn’t really matter, because the decay is not permanent. After 3 days of inactivity you will start losing 100 rating per day, up to 700 in total. When you come back, every played match will remove 100 from the decay, so after 7 games your rating will be (roughly) the same as before your inactivity.
kk thanks boys