-17 rating for a 2v5 game
The fact you keep getting the same bad teammates should give you an idea of why we don’t have 5v5 queuing lol. The population is too small bro
I make PvP & WvW videos
So I’ve had the same two mesmers in my team today, they kept afking / idling in the games. I have reported them, blocked them, tried to queue dodge them and a few times, carried them. This game our ele aswell as both mesmers decided to afk instead of actually trying to win the game. This resulting in -17 rating for me which is ~3-4 wins worth of rating.
Can we please for the love of kittening jesus holy christ have 5 queing back. I feel like calling them all out with screenshots on the forums and maybe, just maybe the mods can take some kind of action.
if you want wait for a long long time until MM finds another full team in your skill range: yes.
if you only want 5 q to farm soloers as a full team: no
mixed q is kitten and was the first step to this pvp low population scenario
Yeah, I got a guardian today:
“Just started guardian today, I don’t know the rotation sorry”
“Go play unranked”
“No I’ll get pips for this”
The match-making update has done something, I have only seen 2 stacks today. Makes no odds if my team are trying to get tranq when there are 2 support ele’s sat on it though haha.
Unranked needs the same rewards as ranked, I’m sick of toxic players who don’t even communicate let alone look at the map.
Ranked should be for players who want to play competitively and get better at pvp.
Aww sorry to hear that OP. I had that too!
These AFK players just join ranked match for the reward =/. I also notice that these AFK players are mostly newcomers. Can’t blame them, I would do that too if I were in their shoes 4 years ago (there was NO Gold reward at all that time, only karma and skins). Why work so hard since there is so many veteran players to trash me? Might as well just AFK and get free gold. Oh yeah and also ascended gears! Yay~~ =D
Lol, so what is the actual problem?
Arena needs to segregate the newcomers and veteran players based on the previous Rank System; meaning to have a platform of Rank 0 to Rank 15 players learn to play among themselves, learn the game and improve, not being trashed by the veteran players. Like wise, same goes with the reward system. The higher rank you are, the better reward, This would prevent alternate account veteran holders to engage in ranked match manipulation.
Sadly, due to this fundamental problem when it first launched, both newcomers and veteran players got so fed up with the pvp system.
(No new players likes to be killed within 2 seconds, and no veteran players like to spar with newcomers) which ultimately resulting in the low pvp population now. Sigh.
Level 54 Bear Rank
(edited by yLoon.5289)
So I’ve had the same two mesmers in my team today, they kept afking / idling in the games. I have reported them, blocked them, tried to queue dodge them and a few times, carried them. This game our ele aswell as both mesmers decided to afk instead of actually trying to win the game. This resulting in -17 rating for me which is ~3-4 wins worth of rating.
Can we please for the love of kittening jesus holy christ have 5 queing back. I feel like calling them all out with screenshots on the forums and maybe, just maybe the mods can take some kind of action.
It’s because the system only considers YOUR MMR relative to the opposing team, not your TEAM’s MMR.
So the games that are virtually impossible to win – because you’re expected to carry no-hopers or people who AFK through games – are actually the ones that give you the biggest rating loss, because you, personally, have a higher rating than the average of the enemy team. The game doesn’t care that you’re at a massive handicap because the rest of your team just isn’t trying.
In this case… you’re obviously a higher MMR than those guys that are trying to AFK their way to rewards. So you have a higher MMR than your team average, probably significantly higher, which means you likely have a significantly higher MMR than the enemy team (which may have 5 competent players rather than two good players and three who aren’t trying). So you get a big hit, even if rationally speaking there wasn’t much you could do to turn the game around.
It’s stupid, but it’s the way the system currently works.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.