2-Day Losing Streak...Then Back to Normal

2-Day Losing Streak...Then Back to Normal

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Dear Anet,

Last week I had a terrible time. In 2 days of playing, I must have won just 4 or 5 games. Loss, after loss after loss. I began to think I’m done for. That I’m finally revealed to be the terrible player I am deep inside and my confidence couldn’t sink any lower. I started expecting losses and I put down the rare win to pure fluke.

In the middle, I even changed my server from EU to NA to improve my ping times.

But finally, the nightmare ended and I started winning again. I’m neither a better, nor a worse player than I was last week…so what happened?

I know that the MMR system is supposed to maintain a 50% win ratio. But can you please at least try and make it a bit uniform? What am I supposed to feel flattered or something you made me lose for 2 days straight to balance out your MMRs? It’s not flattering, it’s not fun and it honestly made me question whether or not I should continue playing – how am I supposed to know if I’m losing due to being bad or because you’re balancing MMRs?

2-Day Losing Streak...Then Back to Normal

in PvP

Posted by: BlackTruth.6813


RNG man. That’s why solo que is aggravating and rage inducing, you either get people who care or people who don’t. Sometimes even when you 1v2 at far point and even if you win that, your team still manages to lose 4v3.

It’s RNG because you literally have no control over people’s skill level for that match OR their decision making for that matter.

Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager

2-Day Losing Streak...Then Back to Normal

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh

Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer

The longest streak I saw was 5. Not as bad as my record of 12
Funny enough, over the past 7 days you had the exact same number of Victories and Defeats (with some forfeits and byes thrown in). There was a suggestion thrown out a while ago to make players on losing streaks be put on the favored team if there is one.

Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)

2-Day Losing Streak...Then Back to Normal

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


The longest streak I saw was 5. Not as bad as my record of 12
Funny enough, over the past 7 days you had the exact same number of Victories and Defeats (with some forfeits and byes thrown in). There was a suggestion thrown out a while ago to make players on losing streaks be put on the favored team if there is one.

Not a bad idea…I guess when you’re losing, even 5 matches seems like a lot!

2-Day Losing Streak...Then Back to Normal

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

The longest streak I saw was 5. Not as bad as my record of 12
Funny enough, over the past 7 days you had the exact same number of Victories and Defeats (with some forfeits and byes thrown in). There was a suggestion thrown out a while ago to make players on losing streaks be put on the favored team if there is one.

Not a bad idea…I guess when you’re losing, even 5 matches seems like a lot!

10 mins average per match, 1 minute pre match wait, 25 minute queue time, yeah it can seem like a lot.

2-Day Losing Streak...Then Back to Normal

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


The longest streak I saw was 5. Not as bad as my record of 12
Funny enough, over the past 7 days you had the exact same number of Victories and Defeats (with some forfeits and byes thrown in). There was a suggestion thrown out a while ago to make players on losing streaks be put on the favored team if there is one.

Not a bad idea…I guess when you’re losing, even 5 matches seems like a lot!

10 mins average per match, 1 minute pre match wait, 25 minute queue time, yeah it can seem like a lot.

Well, not 25 mins q time. I get around 3-5 mins….

Still, I did lose a lot. As Evan said, the highest streak was 5 matches, but there were other losing streaks as well. That’s corrected over the past 2-3 days, but it wasn’t fun while it lasted!

2-Day Losing Streak...Then Back to Normal

in PvP

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


The longest streak I saw was 5. Not as bad as my record of 12
Funny enough, over the past 7 days you had the exact same number of Victories and Defeats (with some forfeits and byes thrown in). There was a suggestion thrown out a while ago to make players on losing streaks be put on the favored team if there is one.

Not a bad idea…I guess when you’re losing, even 5 matches seems like a lot!

10 mins average per match, 1 minute pre match wait, 25 minute queue time, yeah it can seem like a lot.

Well, not 25 mins q time. I get around 3-5 mins….

Still, I did lose a lot. As Evan said, the highest streak was 5 matches, but there were other losing streaks as well. That’s corrected over the past 2-3 days, but it wasn’t fun while it lasted!

that’s over an hour of straight loses… thats hair pulling frustration, who would enjoy that, not i

2-Day Losing Streak...Then Back to Normal

in PvP

Posted by: deda.8302


This happens to me all the time wining and loosing streaks that prompt each other.
It is as said in some other post system is “punishing” your for to much wining and “rewarding” you if you loose to much.

With free to play accounts it even more noticable sinc ether is more low ranking player in pvp that have to be matched up and fill missing spot,and last thing lagg is horible these days horible to a point that i dont get a desync on stomp i get DC