2 Diamond and 3 Ambers new normal?
Just wondering where this “grab a low MMR” so you can Q faster is going.
What’s this going to end up with?
It WILL stabilize at some equilibrium point, right? Where there is no more way to speed up the Q time.
Could it drop to 2 Diamonds and 3 Ambers?
People are loosing matches to lower MMR not so they can queue faster, but so they can be paired with lower skilled players who they will them steam roll for a string of wins. If you are referring to players in Diamond league partying up with Amber division players you need a wake up call the system is designed to allow that and matchmaking (I laughed and thew up just a little bit at the same time there) is designed to account for these pairings. The opposing team should be equally balanced. Of course if it’s not and you end up on a team with two ambers against a full premade of five Diamonds consider it a taste of what the pug groups you steam rolled in premades getting to Diamond must have felt like.
If you happend to make it to Diamond entirely though solo queue you should immediately book a trip to Las Vegas because luck is on your side.
Conquest is not a solo sport. Your League Division Rank is indicative of how well one has played in premades and really nothing else. Actually, that’s not even true. As designed Leagues are a grind from Amber to Ruby. It may take you 300 hours but you can grind your way in solo queue to Ruby, statistically it’s not only possibly, it will happen even if you’re a horrible player. So Amber, Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby are all indicative of how much PvP you’ve played. Not how good you are.
Diamond and Legendary you can’t grind your way or solo queue your way into. When a player reaches Diamond they have a lot of incentive to give up matches and lower MMR.
I think everyone is missing the point of why Diamond/Ruby premades take an Amber or Emerald player with them. It’s because if their MMR is that high, and in diamond they literally “Cannot” get a queue playing solo. Literally they will not find a game no matter how long they wait. They would sit in queue for days.
The queuing system is literally broken. In turn, this effects everyone because they are “forced” to take a lower MMR just to get a game, which does lower their team’s MMR. Maybe some pro’s are exploiting this, but I would like to believe most are doing it simply to play ranked pvp.
The queuing system is literally broken. In turn, this effects everyone because they are “forced” to take a lower MMR just to get a game, which does lower their team’s MMR. Maybe some pro’s are exploiting this, but I would like to believe most are doing it simply to play ranked pvp.
Thieves are people too, they need to eat, so they steal. Logic.
The queuing system is literally broken. In turn, this effects everyone because they are “forced” to take a lower MMR just to get a game, which does lower their team’s MMR. Maybe some pro’s are exploiting this, but I would like to believe most are doing it simply to play ranked pvp.
Thieves are people too, they need to eat, so they steal. Logic.
It was slightly inelegantly put, but essentially because half of what goes into deciding your match-up is your division, if you’re in a high division, you can be sitting there for at least fifteen minutes to get a game. Partying with someone in a lower division might be considered slightly unethical, but it essentially gets you a game faster whilst, in theory, keeping you against similarly skilled players (as if the division part of matchmaking is circumvented, it should be mostly based on your actual MMR).
The queuing system is literally broken. In turn, this effects everyone because they are “forced” to take a lower MMR just to get a game, which does lower their team’s MMR. Maybe some pro’s are exploiting this, but I would like to believe most are doing it simply to play ranked pvp.
Thieves are people too, they need to eat, so they steal. Logic.
It was slightly inelegantly put, but essentially because half of what goes into deciding your match-up is your division, if you’re in a high division, you can be sitting there for at least fifteen minutes to get a game. Partying with someone in a lower division might be considered slightly unethical, but it essentially gets you a game faster whilst, in theory, keeping you against similarly skilled players (as if the division part of matchmaking is circumvented, it should be mostly based on your actual MMR).
Slightly? It’s not that people duo que, we’ve seen serval screenshots with 4x Diamond and random Amber/Emerald in one premade to trick entire MM, so Diamond premade could do some moar pugstomping in lower tiers.
The queuing system is literally broken. In turn, this effects everyone because they are “forced” to take a lower MMR just to get a game, which does lower their team’s MMR. Maybe some pro’s are exploiting this, but I would like to believe most are doing it simply to play ranked pvp.
Thieves are people too, they need to eat, so they steal. Logic.
It was slightly inelegantly put, but essentially because half of what goes into deciding your match-up is your division, if you’re in a high division, you can be sitting there for at least fifteen minutes to get a game. Partying with someone in a lower division might be considered slightly unethical, but it essentially gets you a game faster whilst, in theory, keeping you against similarly skilled players (as if the division part of matchmaking is circumvented, it should be mostly based on your actual MMR).
Slightly? It’s not that people duo que, we’ve seen serval screenshots with 4x Diamond and random Amber/Emerald in one premade to trick entire MM, so Diamond premade could do some moar pugstomping in lower tiers.
It’s a bit of a logical fallacy to assume that someone in a lower tier is automatically less skilled. That’s also not exactly how your MMR calculation as a team works. In all seriousness, I’m not going to touch the issue of ESL teams, but there just aren’t enough players in Ruby/Diamond to keep the queue times down at the moment.
The queuing system is literally broken. .
No matchmaker in the world can find an equal team to oppose your team if there are no players of that skill waiting in the queue.
And the answer is not to throw your team into a match that have no hope of winning against a high-MMR premade on voice comms.
An absolute requirement for a fun league is a large enough population.
How many? Well, for each fair match of 10 players you should have about 10 or 15 alternates who can be forming and playing while a match is in progress. That’s 20-25 players for each “MMR bracket”, say 1500 to 1800, 1801 to 2100, 2101 to 2400, 2401 to 3000, 3101 to top level.
That’s at least 125 players always in Q if perfectly divided into all the various MMR brackets.
(edited by Laserbolt.6731)
When diamonds queue solo, or together, there are no pops.
When diamonds queue with new to PvP friends, they get the second best team queuing. Every time. There is no way to get weak teams if you have any diamonds in party.
So many in this thread don’t realize this.
If you’re that much better than everyone else, enough to win against any team, even with an inexperienced player, there’s nobody getting un-deserved wins from doing this.
Try inviting amber players from the mists into your party, and see how it goes for you. . Maybe that’ll clear up any doubt that it will allow you to farm worse players easier .
If players are queuing with inexperienced friends, try queuing up with your full party and farming them, if you think you can.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Most people here complain about getting “bads” on their team. Yet when a 3-4 man team of “pro” players queue up with “bads,” this is now considered to be some terrible abuse of the system?
There’s nothing wrong with lowering the MMR of your team by queuing with new players. Your team’s effective skill level actually is lower. Yes, you may still have 3 or 4 of the top players, but you’re basically doing a 3v5 or 4v5 at that point, which is not always an easy win. I’ve been on the receiving end of this and have won matches against teams that consisted of 3-4 proleaguers and 1-2 newbies.
The only thing I’d consider to be abusive is if you had one of the diamond players create a second, free account (which would start at low MMR) and then queue with his diamond friends in order to help them get pips.