2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: ajmaresh.5430


Look i play mesmer, im not here whine about the mesmer being overpowered or anything, but there were 2 mesmers in tpvp that looked 100% identical and had names that had 1 letter difference ( one had c and the other had o) and the names had some length to them so it was even harder to tell which was which and they were always side by side. You’d be extremely suprised as to how much this effected the game, especially when they both when downed my entire team was running around trying to find the real one for a good while. (i just ran off when this happened i learned my lesson as soon as the game started). I really don’t see how this in any way is against the rules or anything like that but i just thought id let people know theres some people with some new ways to lessen the quality of parts of the game for us for lack of better words.

(edited by ajmaresh.5430)

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


You realize that the downed mesmer is the second to appear and has an icon over his head, right?

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I don’t really see a problem here. Target them and you’re fine.
Not even gonna mention how bad 2 mesmers are in a setup.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


The other day, our teams faced a team with 3 Necro, 1Mesmer and 1Rangers….. To put it way over the top, all 3 necros are all Minions Masters…,The war were so….mess up…

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

The other day, our teams faced a team with 3 Necro, 1Mesmer and 1Rangers….. To put it way over the top, all 3 necros are all Minions Masters…,The war were so….mess up…

Well, that the overall fights are a big mess of clones,pets and animations all over the place is allrdy known and also mentioned by the shoutcasters. I hope they restructure this and try to create an overview that makes teamfights a bit more user-friendly.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: ajmaresh.5430


again with 2 necros, no difference though just worth mentioning

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: ajmaresh.5430


You realize that the downed mesmer is the second to appear and has an icon over his head, right?

i said i play mesmer, i know how to play my class and know how it works, whent heres 2 doing it simultaneously it makes thigns complicated and confusing..

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


But then, what’s the point of “informing”?

Signed, level 1 alt

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


my thoughts….theres nothing confusing about the what i believe is obvious icon over real downed mesmer….as for actual fighting i get it 2 mesmer could be a kitten but take not of movements animations etc you can soon tell the real one etc….

2ndly….I think you’ll find 2 mesmers becoming popular for pure brutal portal domination i saw a team wreck kitten with duel portal mes 1 offensive burst 1 back point defender….there was insta portal pathing from all 3 nodes
back point people could port to mid then take offensive portal dudes to far
within an instant.

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

2ndly….I think you’ll find 2 mesmers becoming popular for pure brutal portal domination i saw a team wreck kitten with duel portal mes 1 offensive burst 1 back point defender….there was insta portal pathing from all 3 nodes
back point people could port to mid then take offensive portal dudes to far
within an instant.

How you wanna counter a BM-Ranger as a mesmer? Go phantasm is just useless for the team. You fanboying a setup just because you lost to it? Watch competitive teams and their setups and tell me who plays dual mesmer. BTW: coordination with portals against decent teams is really hard work.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


The other day, our teams faced a team with 3 Necro, 1Mesmer and 1Rangers….. To put it way over the top, all 3 necros are all Minions Masters…,The war were so….mess up…

Well, that the overall fights are a big mess of clones,pets and animations all over the place is allrdy known and also mentioned by the shoutcasters. I hope they restructure this and try to create an overview that makes teamfights a bit more user-friendly.

Cool, can I please have the video?Thanks in advance. Oh and another match with 4 Bunker Engines and 1 Mesmer, they are….unkillable(…

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: ajmaresh.5430


But then, what’s the point of “informing”?

i dont know.. discussion or something? why do you have such a problem with me posting this….

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


Hello, i am leungclj, you may know me as “She The Only Mesmer” from SOAC revenge II, in case you dont, here is me =)

and here is a screenie of me (and my brother rizla next to me)


and yes, there is someone right next to me that looks exactly the same and almost the same name as me. And I am guessing OP is talking about me.

Just to let you know, no, I did not come out with the idea of running two exact looking and exact naming thing, I had all my GW1 character “I am the only [insert profession name]”, and when I switch to GW2, my first character is this mesmer, and named it what it is now.

One day I joined these group of ppl playing tPVP, and they think my mesmer looks cute, (which i admit it is), and about one week ago, these people starts making the exact looking asura as me, to be honest, i think its quite funny, there were total of 6 of us, haha.

anyway, here a tip if you see us teaming up again (you wont see it happen too often) just call target, it works everytime.

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: ajmaresh.5430


anyway, here a tip if you see us teaming up again (you wont see it happen too often) just call target, it works everytime.

did no one read what i said about knowing my class and how to fight it? i already know about that… no one understand you actually have to play against them t see the impact it made…

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: ajmaresh.5430


anyway, here a tip if you see us teaming up again (you wont see it happen too often) just call target, it works everytime.

did no one read what i said about knowing my class and how to fight it? i already know about that… no one understand you actually have to play against them t see the impact it made…

and yes, there is someone right next to me that looks exactly the same and almost the same name as me. And I am guessing OP is talking about me.

no im not talking about you at all, but it was 2 asuras

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


anyway, here a tip if you see us teaming up again (you wont see it happen too often) just call target, it works everytime.

did no one read what i said about knowing my class and how to fight it? i already know about that… no one understand you actually have to play against them t see the impact it made…

and yes, there is someone right next to me that looks exactly the same and almost the same name as me. And I am guessing OP is talking about me.

no im not talking about you at all, but it was 2 asuras

I think you are talking about me, I am asura, and mesmer….

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: Fomby.4295


I understand how annoying it could be to face a setup like that. But I don’t see how it’s any more difficult than facing two mesmers with different names. There are clues to seeing the real mesmer, clues that you would have to use regardless.

Played a game earlier with 4 mesmers and a guardian…. Suuuuuuuper annoying, but we still won.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: ajmaresh.5430


anyway, here a tip if you see us teaming up again (you wont see it happen too often) just call target, it works everytime.

did no one read what i said about knowing my class and how to fight it? i already know about that… no one understand you actually have to play against them t see the impact it made…

and yes, there is someone right next to me that looks exactly the same and almost the same name as me. And I am guessing OP is talking about me.

no im not talking about you at all, but it was 2 asuras

I think you are talking about me, I am asura, and mesmer….

there are millions of asuran mesers… your name was not one of theirs.. you sound like you just want it to be you

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: ajmaresh.5430


I understand how annoying it could be to face a setup like that. But I don’t see how it’s any more difficult than facing two mesmers with different names. There are clues to seeing the real mesmer, clues that you would have to use regardless.

Played a game earlier with 4 mesmers and a guardian…. Suuuuuuuper annoying, but we still won.

its not a huge difference its just extremely confusing when your trying to stay on target and dont know theres 2 people with similiar names so you think this other guy is the same person even though you had just called a target, leaving the last mesmer time to regenerate and recharge his skills whilst your attacking his buddy thinking its him

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Look i play mesmer, im not here whine about the mesmer being overpowered or anything, but there were 2 mesmers in tpvp that looked 100% identical and had names that had 1 letter difference ( one had c and the other had o) and the names had some length to them so it was even harder to tell which was which and they were always side by side. You’d be extremely suprised as to how much this effected the game, especially when they both when downed my entire team was running around trying to find the real one for a good while. (i just ran off when this happened i learned my lesson as soon as the game started). I really don’t see how this in any way is against the rules or anything like that but i just thought id let people know theres some people with some new ways to lessen the quality of parts of the game for us for lack of better words.

Kill them both.

Problem solved.