2017 Solo q Class rankings?

2017 Solo q Class rankings?

in PvP

Posted by: Nekroseth.9253



Recently i rejoined the fray, after almost 2 years of break from the game, and so i bought the expansion, just not sure how the state of the classes is .

As i see rankings and general opinions on classes, they are quite outdated, actually not only outdated as in 2016 but they get outdated 2-3 times in 2016…seems like buff-nerf-kitten classes hardcore?
Not sure i thought i roll a Mesmer…almwas felt a but more fun then most classes, trough i always played Necro-Ritualist in Gw1 , the Gw2 necro is not really like that , even trough, i consider it right now…just not sure what state they are in right now.

Anyone got first hand experiance. Where does Mesmer-Necro stand right now in the ranking?

2017 Solo q Class rankings?

in PvP

Posted by: BikeIsGone.8675


It’s hard to come up with a general ranking, since it comes down to player skill alot. A good Dragon-hunter for instance can single handedly carry his entire team in bronze-silver (and maybe even gold) tier while it falls off HARD in higher tiers. Ranking classes by pro-scene usage also doesn’t make sense on the other hand, since we are talking about SoloQ here.

As for the both classes you specifically asked about:

- Mesmer. Essentially comes down to player-skill. A LOT. A good mesmer can be invaluable for any kind of soloQ comp, while a bad one can often be the single cause for a loss. Obviously this goes for a lot of classes, but even more so for mesmer. Although mesmer provides some decent teamfight-utility (with a lot of downed-controll, aoe-cc, heals and single target pressure) it really excels at smaller skirmishes and map-control. It requires good map awareness and rotation-knowledge. Definitely one of the harder classes to successfully play in soloQ.

-Necro. A pretty capable teamfighter with insane damage potential. As a necro you basically want to be in as many teamfights as you possibly can. With a lot of boon-hate, necro is one of the best bunker-killers out there, pressuring the likes of ele, engi and druid (which usually are quite hard to bring down) with ease. The main drawbacks of necro is, are its below-average mobility and the lack of self-sustain, making the class a go-to-target in Solo Q. Unless you are a masochist, you should always play with supports. Learning how to kite and knowing when to defensively are key to playing necro sucessfully.

As you can see, both classes have their pros and cons, but both are indeed VIABLE in SoloQ. Imo it comes down to how much time you want to invest to learning the class. Necro is definitely easier and excels in low and mid tier matches. Mesmer on the other hand is incredibly hard to play effectively but has overall more potential.

2017 Solo q Class rankings?

in PvP

Posted by: steelheart.7386


It’s hard to come up with a general ranking, since it comes down to player skill alot. A good Dragon-hunter for instance can single handedly carry his entire team in bronze-silver (and maybe even gold) tier while it falls off HARD in higher tiers. Ranking classes by pro-scene usage also doesn’t make sense on the other hand, since we are talking about SoloQ here.

As for the both classes you specifically asked about:

- Mesmer. Essentially comes down to player-skill. A LOT. A good mesmer can be invaluable for any kind of soloQ comp, while a bad one can often be the single cause for a loss. Obviously this goes for a lot of classes, but even more so for mesmer. Although mesmer provides some decent teamfight-utility (with a lot of downed-controll, aoe-cc, heals and single target pressure) it really excels at smaller skirmishes and map-control. It requires good map awareness and rotation-knowledge. Definitely one of the harder classes to successfully play in soloQ.

-Necro. A pretty capable teamfighter with insane damage potential. As a necro you basically want to be in as many teamfights as you possibly can. With a lot of boon-hate, necro is one of the best bunker-killers out there, pressuring the likes of ele, engi and druid (which usually are quite hard to bring down) with ease. The main drawbacks of necro is, are its below-average mobility and the lack of self-sustain, making the class a go-to-target in Solo Q. Unless you are a masochist, you should always play with supports. Learning how to kite and knowing when to defensively are key to playing necro sucessfully.

As you can see, both classes have their pros and cons, but both are indeed VIABLE in SoloQ. Imo it comes down to how much time you want to invest to learning the class. Necro is definitely easier and excels in low and mid tier matches. Mesmer on the other hand is incredibly hard to play effectively but has overall more potential.

Necro is not easy at all. Its the easiest class to kill in the game and some of the most common classes in solo queue like Warrior eat necros for lunch. If you dont know how to kite and pre-kite you are nothing but fodder playing condi necro because unlike when it was 5v5 you at least had teammates that could coordinate to rez you or pressure people off you if you were in a group. Seriously I don’t know where this came from but Necro is not easy to play in solo queue at any level. Sure at lower levels people will be worse at calling targets and focusing but that doesn’t change the fact necro still easy to kill. I don’t recommend Necro at all for newbs in the current environment.

(edited by steelheart.7386)

2017 Solo q Class rankings?

in PvP

Posted by: master.1607


Go longbow warrior.

0 Risk, insane dps-condi-regen-mobility-armor-health-blocks anything you need.. Use stances spam longbow skills thats all

2017 Solo q Class rankings?

in PvP

Posted by: suffish.4150


Mesmer is a great solo q carry. It has great 1v1 potential and can set up kills in teamfights with well times moas. It has the best rotation potential with portal (more useful if u are with a friend who knows when to portal with you) and good disengage for when under pressure. However, it is very high skill cap and a bad mesmer will contribute basically nothing to a team whereas a good one can carry a whole game.

Necro is, alongside ele, the very worst solo q carry in the game. You have almost zero active defence, no 1v1 potential and low mobility. I am not saying necro is a bad class, because I think it is a mandatory class for top level competitive play due to its ridiculous teamfight pressure and strength when with an ele to support. But for SOLO Q it is impossible to carry unless your team is good at supporting you. With no support, even the best necros in the game will melt when focused.

Personally, I think the best classes in the game to carry are Mesmer, Druid, engi and thief. Mesmer and thief due to their amazing ability to set up quick kills and turn fights around into their favour. Druid and engi because when played well they can survive 1v2 for several minutes, sometimes without even giving up the cap and are very, very hard to kill even when focused. Against players who leave you 1v1, they are less good at carrying however.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

2017 Solo q Class rankings?

in PvP

Posted by: BikeIsGone.8675


Necro is not easy at all. Its the easiest class to kill in the game and some of the most common classes in solo queue like Warrior eat necros for lunch. If you dont know how to kite and pre-kite you are nothing but fodder playing condi necro because unlike when it was 5v5 you at least had teammates that could coordinate to rez you or pressure people off you if you were in a group. Seriously I don’t know where this came from but Necro is not easy to play in solo queue at any level. Sure at lower levels people will be worse at calling targets and focusing but that doesn’t change the fact necro still easy to kill. I don’t recommend Necro at all for newbs in the current environment.

WoW ….Did i trigger you? Cause i dont really know why. Both our posts about necro essentially say the same thing.

I never implied that necro was easy. I said it was easIER (!)…and by that, i meant in comparison to mesmer.

2017 Solo q Class rankings?

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


If you consistently play N/Rt then I’d think you’d go for Revenant. That’s similar to a combination of both old classes.

The play style is different, true, but the same can be said of gw1 Necro and Mesmer as opposed to the gw2 versions.

Mesmerising Girl

2017 Solo q Class rankings?

in PvP

Posted by: Nekroseth.9253


So, if i understand basically, to be able to meet people on the battlefield, and kill them and to meet others and able to not to die is what i am going to look in classes. Like the ones that are bunkers and duelist “roles.” ?
Yes i assume Engi was always in that spot, trough always sparked my interest and fantasy, it never really is cool as i imagine it up…not to mention* i dont feel it to be able to kill anyone. Or does it?*

Now that you mention Druid…are all classes centered around the “elite” specialization or what they call it? Is it the only viable build for pvp, or is it just so op or its just a hype or i miss something? When you say mesmer you do mean cronomancer build, or the class in general, or some specifically solo q build?

As for gw1. Even making me think on Gw1 makes me sad, and depressed, since we actually have gw2, but its making me cry how not any better it is then gw1 to me And what you say is right, nothing is like in gw1, even the same class with the same skills, its just a dumbed down….allright ill stop here.

Instead ask : How is Reve then? I hear sooooooo many opinions on it. The 2016 rankings show him on top spot all the time, since it has sustain and good dmg aka able to duel? I did gave it a shot… felt like some second grade warrior rip of with less weapons skill fantasy then ever before in any game. (“you have sword…what can you do with it? I stab people, or cut them….but mate you are a dark knight ascending from th depts of the timeless mist…..should you not do something….interesting? . . . i bash them in the skull to”)
Aside from that…it is a “Warrior” type of class then?