23th June Boys

23th June Boys

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


23th June Boys

in PvP

Posted by: Cerpin.9152


Which most likely means that WTS will be affected.
Going to be interesting…

23th June Boys

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


time to dust out bolt and spam 3

would 23rd be good time to sell weapon skins?..<_<

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

23th June Boys

in PvP

Posted by: Gryph.8237


So the classes already top tier in PVP meta remained top tier, while those not in top tier, i.e. Necro now will no longer be played. All hail the top five classes, the dev’s favorite, their pride and joy, the drivers of meta, the masters of pvp, the mobile, healing, condi clearing, high dmg, group buffing classes. What’s left, necro and maybe the ranger, who received some nice buffs.

23th June Boys

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


So the classes already top tier in PVP meta remained top tier, while those not in top tier, i.e. Necro now will no longer be played. All hail the top five classes, the dev’s favorite, their pride and joy, the drivers of meta, the masters of pvp, the mobile, healing, condi clearing, high dmg, group buffing classes. What’s left, necro and maybe the ranger, who received some nice buffs.

You didn’t even see all the classes today. You should probably watch them before writing comments that make you seem silly.

Watch the stream when it is posted and then give input.

23th June Boys

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Did they really have to throw Warrior’s Burst Precision into Arms?
Makes burst skill mediocre now…

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

23th June Boys

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


So the classes already top tier in PVP meta remained top tier, while those not in top tier, i.e. Necro now will no longer be played. All hail the top five classes, the dev’s favorite, their pride and joy, the drivers of meta, the masters of pvp, the mobile, healing, condi clearing, high dmg, group buffing classes. What’s left, necro and maybe the ranger, who received some nice buffs.

You didn’t even see all the classes today. You should probably watch them before writing comments that make you seem silly.

Watch the stream when it is posted and then give input.

how bout ranger?

Bad changes Imo. Traps nerfed, light on your feet nerfed, HS a trap?, pet AI still crap, pet traits are again kittened (0 condition damage and healing power to begin with). So what were you saying again?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus