[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Winterfell.8915



I really wanna play something else, in tpvp, always shatter. Now if a gaurd at mid gives ret for everyone, and the normal combo for shatter is, f1 + BF, with ret up on everyone, and you give everyone your shatter and bf aoe, can reallyyy hurt!

Tried it in a pug tourny, nothing fancy but something like this I wanna achieve:

Adjust builds on conditions etc :P Portal and illusion of life is just a must for every tournament!

We got a bit nerfed, 20% cd trait, 20% more cd for sword 2 etc.. But we are still King of the hill with diversity! Phantasm are doing fine, you must use it proper now boohoo.. Shatter still can burst someone down!

We even got a new build! Condition dmg, you can even bunker it together with a guard at mid, got a lot of stealth so they wont focus you! But your cond dmg on them really hurt! You can def close, dont use stealths, use portal/illusion of life, improvise!

I also saw someone using a really fun and good interupt build!

I got an example of mine new condition build! Try to picture it in tpvp! I like to see new combinations!

(edited by Winterfell.8915)

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: XerreX.7196


Not bad, but you are not even running the strongest possible condition spec : 3
it is possible to stack 15 confusions up with it if played perfectly , and your build is made for HJ-s, solo play only… but it will be definitely fun to see the reaction of teams facing up vs a condi mesmer in a main meta : P

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Please post evidence that confusion can be stacked upwards of 15+. I have been told and tried many-many times that confusion cannot go beyond 10 stacks and only lasts for 5 seconds. It stacks in intensity, not duration. So far, despite doing my best, I have never managed to get it higher than 10 stacks.

To boot, even in down state when I have stacked confusion x 10 a warrior 100 bladed me with only literally 1mm of red left to their health bar. They walked away ambivalent to it. It didn’t even take that sliver of health away. If you also look closely at rangers using long bow or pistol thief, the confusion only affects the first strike of a channeled skill. So if their skill rapidly fires 5 shots,.. shot 1 will cause confusion damage. Which in my opinion defies even calling it a condition, it nothing more than a mere nuisance for other players to laugh at and say, “They tried.” At least with retaliation all hits will cause retaliation. These two in game effects operate the closet to each other in dynamic, yet one stacks in duration, the other in intensity. Again another example of skill disparity. One gets nerfed, the other remains ok despite both being highly comparable.

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Yeh, im not focusing to get many stacks on them, it dont last long, and most players will see it and cure it. But im focusing on bleed, with iduelist popping every 12 sec one.. times 3 with a bleed that ticks 123.. last 8 sec.. cure it.. it comes back fast! And focusing on giving them confusion non stop.. not a big stack once but keep putting them on them :p..torment.. hits for 92.. if you move it tick 2 times a sec.. torch burn 710..

It hard to cure it all imo.. tried it in tournament with another cond class.. its fun.. just a premade.. I really want to know how it works with a bleed spamming necro.. kill mine illuaions get confusion.. using rabid and carrion ruby.. to survive burst.. heals cure condition.. mantra resolve cures.. Can get more cond dmg.. but also wanna survive.. and 123 bleed without might etc is decent..

Haha I only can hope to see some cond mesmers in tourment.. played too long shatter hehe

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Well done. I love it. May I have your build trait?

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


@ CntrlAltDefeat.1465

Its possible but I dont wanna do it:P Video stacking:

I think I can stack more sec!!:P

Edit: Yeh I stacked 20 hehe.. Video:

Hmm Maybe im gonna change mantra of resolve with null field hehe


Im using this build:
And runes/amulet:

Thinking of switching the trait in illusions, (ret on shatter n2) for another one.

(edited by Winterfell.8915)

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Obsessed by stacking now haha!

24 stacks of confusion and around 15 bleeds that thicks in 136 in sPvP, maybe you can get even more in PvE:P

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Zumi.6384


Obsessed by stacking now haha!

24 stacks of confusion and around 15 bleeds that thicks in 136 in sPvP, maybe you can get even more in PvE:P

Sweet! Now all I need is a guy to stand still for 32 seconds while I summon 3 duelists :P

Willowbreeze: Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast [Crit]

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Obsessed by stacking now haha!

24 stacks of confusion and around 15 bleeds that thicks in 136 in sPvP, maybe you can get even more in PvE:P

Sweet! Now all I need is a guy to stand still for 32 seconds while I summon 3 duelists :P

24 seconds (A)

(edited by Winterfell.8915)

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Dragnela.6532


Obsessed by stacking now haha!

24 stacks of confusion and around 15 bleeds that thicks in 136 in sPvP, maybe you can get even more in PvE:P

Sweet! Now all I need is a guy to stand still for 32 seconds while I summon 3 duelists :P

24 seconds (A)

Haha nice dots.

Test it in Team PvP.

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


I have said since before the patch. Mesmers can bunker. We can face tank 2 necros and a thief with the right set up…. We may not hold that point but if we have 3 people wasting time trying to kill us…. Then it is essentially a 4v2… That is nothing to gawk at….

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Shalla.3967


Cool stuff Winter!

Asura Quagganmancer

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Thnx! Tried it in tpvp.. Works pretty good in mid, with portal and illlusion of life as uties!

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


Ofc they are still fine and they probably will always be for a very simple reason:

They have a lot of useful (and unique) game mechanics in their kit. Illusions, portals, mass stealth, etc. Even if Anet nerfed mesmers more they would still be useful. People are simply going crazy because of every single nerf and if there is a buff (which doesn’t happen too often but still) it’s just meh – nothing to really speak about.

In the end it’s like every patch. Some professions are nerfed and people cry about it and some are buffed and people want more buffs. That’s just how it works for pretty much any game tbh.

Oh and btw nice videos.

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


@ CntrlAltDefeat.1465

Its possible but I dont wanna do it:P Video stacking:

I think I can stack more sec!!:P

Edit: Yeh I stacked 20 hehe.. Video:

Hmm Maybe im gonna change mantra of resolve with null field hehe


Im using this build:
And runes/amulet:

Thinking of switching the trait in illusions, (ret on shatter n2) for another one.

Thank-you for video, I can’t see exactly how many got stacked, but I can see they stacked pretty quickly. I guess confusion will remain one of those conditions that I am not too interested/or skilled in. My heart broke just a little when I kept stacked between 4-7 times on a player and it was only doing sub 1000 damage on skill use. By the time it cleared the total damage output to time invested keeping it stacked just didn’t seem to strike me as rewarding..maybe for others it is, but it puts to rest you can’t get it above 10 stacks or have last more than 5 seconds.

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Ofc they are still fine and they probably will always be for a very simple reason:

They have a lot of useful (and unique) game mechanics in their kit. Illusions, portals, mass stealth, etc. Even if Anet nerfed mesmers more they would still be useful. People are simply going crazy because of every single nerf and if there is a buff (which doesn’t happen too often but still) it’s just meh – nothing to really speak about.

In the end it’s like every patch. Some professions are nerfed and people cry about it and some are buffed and people want more buffs. That’s just how it works for pretty much any game tbh.

Oh and btw nice videos.

I am gonna sound like an arrogant a-wad for saying this, but veteran game players as they mature aren’t happy with unjustified nerf’s. Anet used to publish concise notes with each balance patch about why they buffed or nerfed. In gw2 they just kinda treat you in a need to know basis. In short, why extend blurred frenzy cool down and make it an evade instead of lowering it’s damage and leaving the cool down in place?..why damage reduce mind stab instead of increase cool down?…this is the only part of the mesmer balance that I find annoying. No justification or yard stick measuring as to why. Instead I have players just saying, “They were to O.P”..but I don’t expect players to have to answer dev’s decisions and I don’t think it’s totally awesome with players putting words in dev’s mouth, especially ol’ catch cries “It’s too O.P” Mesmers are still fine in my opinion, just a little feedback about the who’s, the what’s, the where’s and the why’s would have been appreciated.

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Tried it in a pug tourny, nothing fancy but something like this I wanna achieve:

Adjust build on conditions etc :P Portal and illusion of life is just a must for every tournament!

Played shatter so long, back since a month again, so no team. :P

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Alugjen Darlas.5329

Alugjen Darlas.5329

that poor necro was me :P .About the build i have faced toonight 2-3 different mesm with different builds on 1v2 or 1v1 .And the flip coin of this build is that the necro can flip all the condi back ^^ putrid mark . Still keep going tho i would like to play again my mesm in tpvp with new builds instead of the same since the beta ‘’ shatter ’’cough * cough*.

[SC]Nine Inch Nose -205 Precurssors .

[25/06]Mesmer new tPvP [Build Diversity]

in PvP

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Hehe yeh! Lets hope a clone doesnt walk in it:P

Update build/runes/sigils/amulets:


Or Rabbit and carrion jewel


I really wanna play something else, in tpvp, always shatter. Now if a guard at mid gives ret for everyone, and the normal combo for shatter is, f1 + BF, with ret up on everyone, and you give everyone your shatter and bf aoe, can reallyyy hurt!

(edited by Winterfell.8915)