3 Month gap between balance is not healthy

3 Month gap between balance is not healthy

in PvP

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


Simple as that.

a 3 month period between each “major balance patch” is not healthy for the game at all, especially if you want gw2 to kick off as “e-sports” material.

Balance needs to be done constantly, you can’t just go “right, that’s that done for now, see you in 3 months, we’ll just hot fix stuff from now on for the next 3 months.”

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

3 Month gap between balance is not healthy

in PvP

Posted by: Asato.5479


they don’t do hot fixes, and yep it sucks

balance patches must be done every month at least… (like in every pvp game…)

yeah 3 months is so long.

3 Month gap between balance is not healthy

in PvP

Posted by: geekilo.8512


I used to love pvp, but now it’s becoming too much… it’s not even fun to play.

3 Month gap between balance is not healthy

in PvP

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


I had my daily dose of pvp today, and I guess that the last drop of “imbalance” has poured through the glass of stacking hate and bad experiences. (In short: I snapped)
There are just few things that I’d like to mention:

1. Why elite specs get so many good traits while core specializations for some classes lay devastated and forgotten (just as certain weapons).

2. This game is said to be focused on pvp more rather than pve (this is what I heard most of the time before buying the game). There were promises and we do not see them fulfilled.

3. I and others would really like to know for what particular reason, our beloved devs thought this is going to be a great idea to start leagues on pvp with such “fancy” clusters of chaos running rampant on PvP ? (Saying about cheesy and gimmicky traits and builds).

4. Is there any info about when are we really going to be blessed with a serious balance patch?

Now there is something else I’d like to touch about current meta builds:

Oh good golly, I had the most terrific experience with this. The most scary thing about it is that some builds require skill to be good, but once you have what it takes, thses are like a demi-god to fight 1v1 or during team fights and you don’t even have a shadow of chance to win 2/3 v 1 on such beasts as some either CC lock you and be done with you, outheal with passives and slowly finish you off.
Someone told me that there are lots of buttons to push for elementalist to sustain, I guess that is right but still, why such lightly clothed class gets so many immunites, passive health regeneration and CC on top of that with considerable damage? Why is celestial stat even a thing, it just makes classes that already have a wide variety of capabilities to fight, encourage them to use every aspect of what they can muster due to being boosted instead of being dedicated to one. Of course you might say that it takes skill and there are certain trade-offs. But practice says something else, when you get your face CC’ed to the ground while your butt is whooped with fat damage and when you try to fight back, your enemy just heals on passives, then tell me how it feels.
If certain builds are supposed to be tanky, then please why someone thinks that granting them rapid regeneration, crowd control, and a damage that hits like a truck, is a good idea ? It is impossible to balance 9 different classes beacuse it is bound to happen due to the diversity between professions.
Why certain classes can’t be straight forward ? Why there has to be so many gosh darn hybrids that are capable of mixing sustain/damage/CC and boosting it with celestial stats along with a crap load of passives that save someone in the background.
Can’t we just have a nice simple concept of:
1. I can CC but I can’t deal damage and heal
2. I can deal damage but I can’t CC and heal
3. I can heal but I can’t CC and deal damage

As for now, there is a lot of cancer, cheese and salt.
There are definitely people that will /laugh at what I just said but you know, sometimes some of us have to pour some salt at certain moments to carry on later.
I guess it might be trash and I should gitgud, I don’t even know If I am bad or is this meta overwhelming.
Please enlighten me for I have lost my way in PvP, I can’t even…

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

(edited by Rodzynald.5897)

3 Month gap between balance is not healthy

in PvP

Posted by: Jana.6831


My thief died 9 months ago, tell me about it.
It’s his second birthday tomorrow.

ETA: Actually I knew he was about to die 9 months ago, he died on June 23, so half a year ago.

(edited by Jana.6831)