301-276 ORNG vs MGTR
Just shows Bunkers arent strong enough.
More buffs.
That and more anti bunker builds.
Yo we need minstrel back man we cant bunk hard enough atm kappa
- Primordial Legend
Yo we need minstrel back man we cant bunk hard enough atm kappa
Minstrel’s and Nomads. Lets do it
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
They should bring them back and i want to start a team for it.
2 d/f ele minstrel ammys and 2 bunker mesmers and 1 bunker engy.
Ill take open applications and no experience required to play these builds.
They should bring them back and i want to start a team for it.
2 d/f ele minstrel ammys and 2 bunker mesmers and 1 bunker engy.
Ill take open applications and no experience required to play these builds.
Can my hamster try out for this team? He has no gw2 experience and doesn’t communicate well on voice comms, but I think he is skilled enough to play a master bunker ele or bunker mesmer. He has certainly demonstrated the required mental capacity.
If you can grab your hamster and lord helseths hamster to play if by any chance they know each other im pretty sure we can win any upcoming tournament. They sound better then me already.
I was literally just gonna take my face and smash it left to right on my keyboard like tiny children to a piano.
200k here we come
Why condi-meta? The only builds that are heavily condition-focused are condi-revs – it’s a condi-rev meta, since they pretty much cancel out the existance of any other condition-builds with their resistance-uptime.
I’ll be honest, fell asleep during the second match between Car Crashed and Rank 55 Dragons and missed the other matches. I tried to watch a bit of the NA ones but only managed to pay a bit more attention on the last group. it is incredibly boring
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
Edit: Oh and nerf Thief. Still showing up in spvp, this is unacceptable.
Why condi-meta? The only builds that are heavily condition-focused are condi-revs – it’s a condi-rev meta, since they pretty much cancel out the existance of any other condition-builds with their resistance-uptime.
condi rev easily pushed out DH from most teams and because of it people went more diamond skin ele. The new necro is also more condi dmg then anything else and they also pushed out anything dps.
Then ultimately it becomes a point where your only seeing 2 revs (condi) and 3 bunkers. If you remeber the old bunker wars you couldnt stack psn,burn and chill didnt do damage. So that was straight bunker wars. Now we have condi bunker wars because if you dare try to use a dps character someone will switch to a condi character and it will be better.