35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


I’d love to discuss class balance issues, but currently a THIRD of matches are over before they even begin.

Is ANet planning to do anything about this in the coming months? I feel it’s too late considering how tiny the PvP community has become.

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


If people are away or disconnect or simply refuse to play even if theyve marked themselves ready, then theres little arena net can do about that, Even League of Legends til now, teams have people who are Afk, not to mention the trolls, feeders and griefers, they are even more impactful since Lol games can last at least 20minutes, there are ways to help mitigate or discourage/punish behavior, but in the end its the player who plays, if their in the game and they dont then its gg

on a side note I think afks are only 5-10% of my games, I have days that I dont get any, so I dont think a sweeping statement is a good description.

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Zetus.1476


Please fix this ASAP.

A single person shouldn’t have the power to kittening ruin 9 other people’s experience.

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


If people are away or disconnect or simply refuse to play even if theyve marked themselves ready, then theres little arena net can do about that

That’s nonsense and you know it. There’s only so many times people can have accidental disconnects, the rest either AFK on purpose or simply give up/ragequit around shortly into the round.

A simple reporting feature would go a LONG way towards marking repeat-offenders. A message should pop up “you have been reported AFK and will be kicked in 1 minute unless you do any action”. Any action will remove that message.

If you get reported + kicked multiple times = 24 hour ban.

(edited by Wintel.4873)

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Please fix this ASAP.

A single person shouldn’t have the power to kittening ruin 9 other people’s experience.

You mean 4 peoples experience. When i notice my team is full of rank 1s and preform a blood sacrifice and pray that the other team has an afker.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Requiem.8769


Please fix this ASAP.

A single person shouldn’t have the power to kittening ruin 9 other people’s experience.

You mean 4 people’s experience. When i notice my team is full of rank 1s and preform a blood sacrifice and pray that the other team has an afker.

Apparently it’s working. You must play a lot of PvP.

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Please fix this ASAP.

A single person shouldn’t have the power to kittening ruin 9 other people’s experience.

You mean 4 people’s experience. When i notice my team is full of rank 1s and preform a blood sacrifice and pray that the other team has an afker.

Apparently it’s working. You must play a lot of PvP.

You don’t want to know what i have to sacrifice on a pentagram to not get skyhammer.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

The solution is not to sweat over Solo Arena.

I consider it to be a hotjoin 2.0. A bit tougher opposition on general, might have a bit more organization. Otherwise just a random battle with randoms who are running random builds and say nothing on chat.

EDIT: Although I consider this, I still give my a-game in solo arena, even if nobody else is. I just don’t expect any results.

One – Piken Square

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

This is roughly accurate according to my experience. But I don’t see much you can do about it. They already give players more than enough time to turn up. In fact that 2 minute wait before each match is probably why people afk.

I guess they could punish everyone who has 0 points by the end of the match.

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I would say its about 30%-40% of uneven matches (3×5; 4×5), 20-30% of matches with at least one player with low rank and no idea what to do, 5%-10% of matches with outclassing – for example 2 guards 2 cc wars 1 engy vs 3 mesmers 1 necro 1 thief (yes I know that you could swap chars before fight, but if the system would work you could make 2 mostly equal teams from these classes).

And the rest of the fights are truly fun with close wins/looses, well balanced team comps, same skill level players. Too bad its such a low chance to get one.

P.S. Forgot to mention fights on skyhammer, thus reducing chance of getting a good fight even more.

(edited by Lukin.4061)

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


just a lie

i have maby in 20 matches one side with 4 ppl – my or enemy team

sry but i see only 2 reasons

1. you are very bad and i never saw your ranking range and whats going on there
2. you lie to make game looking bad

areanet have to numbers so grow up – you dont need to pull crap like this


edit: btw US or EU? – im EU and there are not much leaver/AFKler

(edited by Romek.4201)

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


This is roughly accurate according to my experience. But I don’t see much you can do about it. They already give players more than enough time to turn up. In fact that 2 minute wait before each match is probably why people afk.

I guess they could punish everyone who has 0 points by the end of the match.

Or they could put in an AFK reporting system that kicks players if they don’t resume activity within 1 minute, and multiple kicks = 24 hour ban. Simple?

I can’t understand why so many people keep saying “ANet can’t do anything about it”. ANet can do a LOT about it. Even Blizzard (World Of Warcraft) do something about it.

(edited by Wintel.4873)

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


As it’s been stated before, there’s very little to be done about people going AFK. Even with a reporting system it’s still going to suck no matter what because you just had your time wasted.

The best possible solution would to have the game kick for inactivity. They should only be kicked for inactivity for the first few minutes of play. This is to avoid a team going “we’re losing, someone go AFK.” After said person is kicked then the option to surrender should be added that once again the remaining 4 people must agree to accept and then that team should not have it count as a loss.

Of course, there’s still the possibility of trolling no matter how good the system is. They could simply move around in spawn until the period to kick for inactivity is over then go AFK. If a kick feature were added it would also need to have a very short period to actually do a kick because there’s a chance for players to go “we’re losing kick XYZ,” guy gets kicked and they surrender. Once again though trolls will then simply play for this time period then go AFK or do nothing useful.

A easy to use report system will help with repeat offenders, but a human will still have to look into every case because once again groups of trolls can go around reporting somebody and make it seem like they are always going AFK even if they’re not.

Bottom line is if someone is hell bent on ruining a game for you chances are they’ll find a way to do it, and if you don’t add some stipulations there’s a chance for abuse in order to avoid losses.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

35% of matches decided by AFK/leavers

in PvP

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


i have about 60-75 soloq games played and i think i only had an afker once or twice on my team.

People tend to ragequit when its not looking that rosy i guess?! Even then i had some nice comebacks – no idea why anyone would ragequit in ranked play.