39 Games D/D Ele Ruby
Vanilla bunker guard
-17 games
-0 losses
-One of the games we were outnumbered 4v5 from the start.
-4 pips from sapphire so far
-Pressure from a Rev or a Reaper annihilate this build.
Conclusion: Viable at low tiers. Vastly inferior to cleric tempest.
D/D Ele, various amulets, no clerics… Amber through top of Ruby
-56 Games
-5 losses
-3 d/c, Ragers and 2 groups with grouped in ambers that people were carrying
-downfalls came depending on the amulet
Can’t play it like this anymore at a consistent rate, just clerics, and sometimes Menders now
no longer affect the intended travel distance.
-The Pros at ANET
So I thought it would be interesting to see how far i could get on paladin d/d ele in season 2. Here are my results so far.
- 39 games
- 4 losses
- 2 of those losses were 4v5
- 3 pip into ruby so far
- A dragonhunter who somewhat knows what he is doing will destroy you since you lack sustain without cele amulet
- Revs should beat you but most people play them poorly
Has anyone else tried out some bases classes? How did you fare? Let me know in the comments below.
Dunno about base classes but my guild has a few builds in guild message of the day and Arcane Ele has carried most of us to diamond.
It’s good to see another Ele not following the META.
….. And Elementalist.
MM necro ( alt accnt, no hot )
i don’t rem. exactly how many wins since i did not count it.
45 wins maybe. tier 5 ruby 1 pip in.
4 loses. 1 in emerald, 1 sapphire, 2 ruby.
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
(edited by Lord Hammer Hand.4815)
You can literally get to ruby using anything, most of the players who are still in div 1-3 are still there for a reason.
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
Indeed, you can get to Ruby with many things, even diamond, even legendary if you know what you do. And, let’s be honest, d/d elementalist was amongst the strongest build available, and Paladin is far from bad on Elementalist since 1. Healing Power was not that great anyway 2. Power from Paladin did not exist before and can work as a “workable” replacement 3. Thoughness > Healing Power because every point of life means more effective health.
If you get to Diamond with Ventari Legend Revenant, I’ll be impressed, though. And to conclude, they say Ruby is the area where you get stuck. Getting out of it is the challenge according to the legend.
(edited by Alekt.5803)
Amber to Diamond solo queue with condi ele tempest. Stayed in Ruby for a few weeks cos i was bored, but reached Diamond this morning.
Its all our skill guys. Who you are paired with or against due to MMR has no bearing……you are all gods.
4 pips away from diamond on my f2p mesmer. It’s actually somewhat decent when compared to the chronoshatter metabuild right now although it doesnt nearly produce as many clones and no f5 / shield ofc.
I dont think i lost a single game up to ruby but now my winrate is around 70-80% or something. Doubt ill be going for legendary though.
In 1 day new account ambar to diamond soloq, here are the photos
ah, while everyone post d/d ele, bunker guard, MM necro. u posted a condi double moa mesmer, one of the most OP meta today. u just proven others how broken mesmer atm. kudos to you for playing OP build against lower division. i mean the handicap u gave them right?
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
Just hit diamond with core MM nec.
-Does good against most classes, pretty tanky
-Dh really hurts but at the same time I want my minions to die on them
-Mesmer Moa is both dangerous but beneficial as my minions die on him
-Scrapper Moa is like Mesmer moa only shorter
-I don’t mind my minions dying on him for unblockable aoe poison fields
Sw/Sw M/Sh Warrir Str/Def/Dis. Merc amulet.
37-8 T_T
Vanilla bunker guard
-17 games
-0 losses
-One of the games we were outnumbered 4v5 from the start.
-4 pips from sapphire so far
-Pressure from a Rev or a Reaper annihilate this build.Conclusion: Viable at low tiers. Vastly inferior to cleric tempest.
Hey, in case anyone was wondering, I ended up getting the vanilla bunker guard to Sapphire easily, but I found that I had limited carry-potential because I wasn’t playing DPS. I ended up doing Sapphire-Diamond on core warrior. Unfortunately vanilla bunker guard remains a poor-man’s cleric tempest.
Video or it didn’t happen.
Video or it didn’t happen.
Best I can do is a screenshot.
I made the guardian at the start of the season, and the warrior when I hit ~5 pips into sapphire.
Ranked guardian games: 23
Ranked guardian wins: 20
Winrate= 87% amber—>sapphire
Ranked warrior games: 72
Ranked warrior wins: 52
Winrate=72% sapphire—>diamond
(All ranger and necro ranked games were played pre-season).
First 2 screenshots show warrior ranked game win-rate, 3rd screenshot shows diamond, 4th screenshot shows that account doesn’t have HoT.
GG condition spammers/ keyboard face rollers this is proof of imbalance of condition meta (the balance between condition put time and condition clearance time) all i am seeing is the S2 favorite classes necros,eles,mesmers,revenants
If you get to Diamond with Ventari Legend Revenant, I’ll be impressed, though. And to conclude, they say Ruby is the area where you get stuck. Getting out of it is the challenge according to the legend.
Had you requested that before I would have tried ;p.
But as someone who played most of his games as a Ventari rev I can say that Ventari has almost no carry potential.
It also depends on teammates who do understand how it works to be effective because, no matter how much you practice, it’s impossible to not waste heals on mobile classes if they are actively avoiding it…
Herald of Ventari
GG condition spammers/ keyboard face rollers this is proof of imbalance of condition meta (the balance between condition put time and condition clearance time) all i am seeing is the S2 favorite classes necros,eles,mesmers,revenants
Actually my build is a bit of a hybrid, doesn’t rely soley on condition damage, and is sub par compared to a true condition nec.
Hi, I haven’t played since we had only solo and team queue. These win rates seem really high comparing to before, are these what you achieve with your premade team?
Hi, I haven’t played since we had only solo and team queue. These win rates seem really high comparing to before, are these what you achieve with your premade team?
Not sure who you’re talking to, but the vast majority those games were played solo-que, though a few tiers were completed while duo-queing and less trio-queing. That being said, I can’t recommend anyone play warrior, or any core specs at all. It really is an uphill battle. When I tried core warrior in legendary division this evening I got absolutely spanked.
(edited by Salamander.2504)
Amber to Diamond solo queue with condi ele tempest. Stayed in Ruby for a few weeks cos i was bored, but reached Diamond this morning.
Same here. Condi ele swaping between wanderer and sage amulet with scepter/focus.
Needed a bit in saphire after a bad sunday … Now in ruby i did go up and then fall back. Now canĀ“t get back on a winnig streak in soloQ and its too anoying to fight for days to get a few pips in the end XD. It feels like i would need a week off work to get to diamond …
Edit: ah dam. Base classes …. well i guess i try it.
(edited by Wolfric.9380)