3mins waiting tpvp?
Bump thread if you agree – flame on if you dont
Great way to start a thread. . .
Now to answer your actual question, it is to ensure that people have time to accept the invite and load in before the game starts as well as make a quick battle plan based on the enemy team. If there is any significant delay between queuing up you need to allow for players not being present exactly when the queue pops, and 1 minute to allow for that when loading can take up to 30 seconds it is just way too little time.
It has already been lowered once from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. Lowering it again is not needed at all and would be detrimental to the game.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
So i golo solo for tpvp way too often simply cuz i h8 ppl.
Not a big deal you lose to crappy teams cuz ur own team is even crappier.
I wouldnt mind that but having to wait 3! kittening minutes just to get the round to start after waiting for the team and tournament to set up is just too long.Reduce it to 1 minute it would still be waaaaay more time than anyone could ever need.
Bump thread if you agree – flame on if you dont
I actually think that for Free Tournaments, 1 minute would be fine. It’s still enough time to get your strategy in (in frees it’s mostly the same strats each time anyway). In Paid Tournaments, I think the current time is fine. So ya, I agree.
Free or paid, the connection issue some players may have doesn’t change. 3 minutes is fine, make everyone “ready up” if you want to skip the wait.
So i golo solo for tpvp way too often simply cuz i h8 ppl.
Not a big deal you lose to crappy teams cuz ur own team is even crappier.
I wouldnt mind that but having to wait 3! kittening minutes just to get the round to start after waiting for the team and tournament to set up is just too long.Reduce it to 1 minute it would still be waaaaay more time than anyone could ever need.
Bump thread if you agree – flame on if you dont
I actually think that for Free Tournaments, 1 minute would be fine. It’s still enough time to get your strategy in (in frees it’s mostly the same strats each time anyway). In Paid Tournaments, I think the current time is fine. So ya, I agree.
I like the 1 minute idea. Nobody ever uses the “ready up” button anyway, they just run around killing each other until the match starts.
In frees you’re either a random team that isn’t likely to strategize or it’s a very simple strategy, or you’re on voice chat in your premade group. 1 minute seems more than enough
In paids you’re almost always in voice chat and have a strategy already worked out or you know the moves.
The only reason that a shorter clock wouldn’t work is because of the 20-30 minute queue times and everybody is going AFK. 3 minutes gives you plenty of time to get your drink/pee/smoke/peeponyourneighbor or whatever it is you do. If we had proper queue’s there would be no reason for people to afk for extended periods because they’d know the game would be up in a moment.
3 minutes is fine.
Just place the “ready up” box in the very center of the screen and force people to click “yes, I am ready” or “not yet”.