I host dank memes 244p tournament MingLee
(edited by xKratos.4758)
Memes and Dreams bois.
Yes, I know it’s unranked and yes I know they’re prolly all PvErs. But to the people who kept saying the meta is awful and stacking DHs equal free wins, this VoD highlight just show that it mainly a L2P issues. So, just git gud bruhs
(edited by xKratos.4758)
Ye you right mate – it doesn’t mean anything because it’s unranked =) Still I can understand, pure melee with DHs could be really painful and not very effective.
It’s not fair to the DH in the video because… i’m not one to talk bad about anyone here. But those DH are equivalent to 6 out of 10 skill level vs 8/10 skill level players. It’s clear that you’re not even sweating in this game when a Warrior should struggle vs a DH as well as your comp.
That said, a lot of players on this forum needs to see this because there’s a huge difference between pug yolo bad players and legitimate Legendary Esports players… DH was NEVER op in the upper premade leagues. The class was a borderlined 5th pick when it came to premades and anyone who says “DH needs nerf” should have been complaining about matchmaking instead – or they’re just very very bad players.
There’s nothing to be proud of in this video other than showcasing players on the forum are overly dramatic about the “dh hype”. It’s more like a “they’re always stacked up and annoying to see every match” type thing. If it was 1 DH per team, there wouldn’t be any QQ posts on DH in S4.
(edited by Saiyan.1704)
I soloed some DHs in diamond/legend on thief because they were bad and got carried by the build in divisions where they don’t belong. This video doesn’t show anything but that better player can still win game with handicap (e.g. thief vs dhs) vs worse players.
I soloed some DHs in diamond/legend on thief because they were bad and got carried by the build in divisions where they don’t belong. This video doesn’t show anything but that better player can still win game with handicap (e.g. thief vs dhs) vs worse players.
I agree but I will say, a lot of players simply grinded to Legendary on X build. I say X build because.. you can literally pick any build in the game and hit Legendary. Regardless of the DH full yolo trapper build or full bunker thief build or zerker Necro build… it’s odds of probability. It can and will happen after 250+ games.
just because you win against someone doesnt mean they are bad. maybe youre just a lil better than them. or they having a bad day. i was in a match when i defending a home point but i decided to type something to my team then a thief came and burst me while im not looking and died. then he type in chat noob. did that make him good and me a bad player? we won that match also.
just because you win against someone doesnt mean they are bad. maybe youre just a lil better than them. or they having a bad day. i was in a match when i defending a home point but i decided to type something to my team then a thief came and burst me while im not looking and died. then he type in chat noob. did that make him good and me a bad player? we won that match also.
Here is proof: for thief to win DH has to afk and type messages.
just because you win against someone doesnt mean they are bad. maybe youre just a lil better than them. or they having a bad day. i was in a match when i defending a home point but i decided to type something to my team then a thief came and burst me while im not looking and died. then he type in chat noob. did that make him good and me a bad player? we won that match also.
Thief never beats a DH that’s not kittened and who is paying attention. If you’re kittened, you’re bad. If you’re not paying attention, you’re probably bad. It’s a very safe assertion that any DH that dies to a Thief 1v1 is bad.
A Thief will never kill a DH if the Thief is just a little better than the DH. The DH has to be bad for the Thief to win. And honestly, most extremely subpar DH players will still manage to win against even excellent Thief players. You have to be REALLY bad to die to Thief while on DH.
In your case, you were not paying attention to the map and your surroundings, AND you were typing and as such practically “AFK” while being bursted. Maybe you’re not a bad player overall, but at that moment your play was indistinguishable from that of a drooling idiot with zero awareness and zero mechanical skill, which is synonymous with saying that at that moment, the ONLY reason the Thief won was because you were playing poorly.
If you weren’t playing poorly, you would have recognized that the Thief was or could be rotating to your position, and you would be watching for that. You wouldn’t have been caught unaware. You could have sent your message early, and actually pressed buttons instead of just dying. And of course, if those things were true, and you were good enough at DH to randomly press buttons in some random order (I’m assuming this is the case. It’s the case for virtually everyone.), you’d have a near-zero chance at losing to that Thief. The chance would be actually zero if you pressed buttons somewhat intelligently, which you probably can because you’re smart enough to post on the forums AND smart enough to be able to type in team chat during a game.
Reasons why you won.
1.) Right off the bat the other team expected an ez win so they most likely weren’t taking the first half of the game seriously while you guys were motivated to win because your comp is definitely the underdogs.
2.) Their Druid Trolled and Netflixed(went idle) on them.
3.) The DH’s were not meta, not just their build but their playstyle. It looks like 4 Revenants who just bought HOT decided to make a DH toon due to recent revenant nerfs and put together a ANET default DH build and tested it out on that match. None were fighting on point, using blocks, they chased you off point using a scepter, laying traps off point…. etc
4.) It’s Unranked. PPL test builds here. Hotjoin is bad for testing builds since its always 4vs5 and ppl stacking so you either stuck with the dominating team making you feel your build is good or stuck with the losing team making you feel bad about an actual meta build.
Go Find Aspire Eternal in Hotjoin Server 001 or kitten, these are Meta DH you can challenge. Just don’t tell them your making a video about how OP DH’s are and they should be nerfed lol.
(edited by Hirasaki.6208)
Thief OP thanks to Karl McLain, thief player, and his balance team.
Twas ever thus. Move along.
(edited by Svarty.8019)
Thief OP thanks to Karl McLain thief player and his balance team.
Twas ever thus. Move along.
He loves his Guardian more, iirc he has even stated as such don’t quote though me as it was a while and could be wrong.
who said i got burst by a thief? and who said i was a DH? LOL i just made a sample that you winning a 1v1 isnt everything regardless of what class u play. killed a rev once with a auramancer ele so either im really good ele and hes very horrible rev or he wasnt paying attention.
Thief OP thanks to Karl McLain thief player and his balance team.
Twas ever thus. Move along.
He loves his Guardian more, iirc he has even stated as such don’t quote though me as it was a while and could be wrong.
LOL what? I remember seeing a balance patch preview of Karl and he forgot the name of one of the Guardian traits. Yeah he luuuuuves Guardian.
Thief OP thanks to Karl McLain thief player and his balance team.
Twas ever thus. Move along.
He loves his Guardian more, iirc he has even stated as such don’t quote though me as it was a while and could be wrong.
LOL what? I remember seeing a balance patch preview of Karl and he forgot the name of one of the Guardian traits. Yeah he luuuuuves Guardian.
You act like he never did that with Thief, I think the most recent time was when he was showcasing Daredevil
Thief OP thanks to Karl McLain thief player and his balance team.
Twas ever thus. Move along.
He loves his Guardian more, iirc he has even stated as such don’t quote though me as it was a while and could be wrong.
LOL what? I remember seeing a balance patch preview of Karl and he forgot the name of one of the Guardian traits. Yeah he luuuuuves Guardian.
You act like he never did that with Thief, I think the most recent time was when he was showcasing Daredevil
I don’t know what he did to thief I was just responding to the “he loves his guardian more”
Thief OP thanks to Karl McLain thief player and his balance team.
Twas ever thus. Move along.
He loves his Guardian more, iirc he has even stated as such don’t quote though me as it was a while and could be wrong.
LOL what? I remember seeing a balance patch preview of Karl and he forgot the name of one of the Guardian traits. Yeah he luuuuuves Guardian.
You act like he never did that with Thief, I think the most recent time was when he was showcasing Daredevil
I don’t know what he did to thief I was just responding to the “he loves his guardian more”
Ah, I only said that because I see him talk more about Guardian than any of his other classes he is in charge of as well as how he talks about them
just because you win against someone doesnt mean they are bad. maybe youre just a lil better than them. or they having a bad day. i was in a match when i defending a home point but i decided to type something to my team then a thief came and burst me while im not looking and died. then he type in chat noob. did that make him good and me a bad player? we won that match also.
Thief never beats a DH that’s not kittened and who is paying attention. If you’re kittened, you’re bad. If you’re not paying attention, you’re probably bad. It’s a very safe assertion that any DH that dies to a Thief 1v1 is bad.
A Thief will never kill a DH if the Thief is just a little better than the DH. The DH has to be bad for the Thief to win. And honestly, most extremely subpar DH players will still manage to win against even excellent Thief players. You have to be REALLY bad to die to Thief while on DH.
In your case, you were not paying attention to the map and your surroundings, AND you were typing and as such practically “AFK” while being bursted. Maybe you’re not a bad player overall, but at that moment your play was indistinguishable from that of a drooling idiot with zero awareness and zero mechanical skill, which is synonymous with saying that at that moment, the ONLY reason the Thief won was because you were playing poorly.
Lol what is this black and white generalizing… ugh. Normally I don’t enjoy embarassing people but would you be down to be featured in my daredevil guide vs dragonhunter video?? I wanna make you eat your own words; we can do side nodes or foefire mid 1v1s and show you ways that dh can be outplayed and lose to a thief,
People are not giving enough credits to OP tbh. At some point he was 1v3ing and down one and came out alive. Basically hardcarrying his team, yes the guards were really bad but tbh i think they would lose that if not for Op trolling outnumbered fights almost the whole game while interacting with his chat at the same time. Pretty entertaining to watch for sure. Just wish the quality was a little better :/
Yeah, there is no Fibre Internet Services in my area and the package I’m paying for already the highest they got to offer >..< But thanks for noticing the works I was doing XD
Had a match with a guard bandwagonner claiming that dh is broken. We had 3 guards, enemy had 2. We lost 500-150. In his defense he claimed he never said he was good.
You can always tell who isn’t a dh main.
I couldn’t find a pic that suitably showed the patting of the back, so this will have to do.
Memes and Dreams bois.
Yes, I know it’s unranked and yes I know they’re prolly all PvErs. But to the people who kept saying the meta is awful and stacking DHs equal free wins, this VoD highlight just show that it mainly a L2P issues. So, just git gud bruhs
In the fights you won you outnumbered the enemy, often 3-1, and in one of the mid-fights the enemy streamed in one at a time to feed you guys. It was so face roll that you had an inventory screen up while spamming auto attack, lol.
just because you win against someone doesnt mean they are bad. maybe youre just a lil better than them. or they having a bad day. i was in a match when i defending a home point but i decided to type something to my team then a thief came and burst me while im not looking and died. then he type in chat noob. did that make him good and me a bad player? we won that match also.
Thief never beats a DH that’s not kittened and who is paying attention. If you’re kittened, you’re bad. If you’re not paying attention, you’re probably bad. It’s a very safe assertion that any DH that dies to a Thief 1v1 is bad.
A Thief will never kill a DH if the Thief is just a little better than the DH. The DH has to be bad for the Thief to win. And honestly, most extremely subpar DH players will still manage to win against even excellent Thief players. You have to be REALLY bad to die to Thief while on DH.
So about 99% of DH’s I see in WvW are bad when I beat them down with my Daredevil? Out of all the DH fights I was in, I lost 2. One was due to a buddy of his showing up and +1ing the fight (Which I was winning) and one that kept running back to his stone mist NPC’s trying to bait me (I was fighting close to them) so eventually I gave up and picked off a rev.
There must be a literal ton of bad DH then as I see DH in WvW a lot.
There must be a literal ton of bad DH then as I see DH in WvW a lot.
PvE-ers come for dailies.
i’m a pve person. i’m a madman who would charge elites and vets in ds. even i have sense to use the 3 good test dummies they have in the waiting area in pvp. also fought someone when i was dh it was a thief with p/p sword and shield is really useful against them.
Who thought that class dailies are a good idea? Supports class stacking and use of classes that aren’t their main class, mix it with the current matchmaking and you get the video from the 1st post.
just because you win against someone doesnt mean they are bad. maybe youre just a lil better than them. or they having a bad day. i was in a match when i defending a home point but i decided to type something to my team then a thief came and burst me while im not looking and died. then he type in chat noob. did that make him good and me a bad player? we won that match also.
Thief never beats a DH that’s not kittened and who is paying attention. If you’re kittened, you’re bad. If you’re not paying attention, you’re probably bad. It’s a very safe assertion that any DH that dies to a Thief 1v1 is bad.
A Thief will never kill a DH if the Thief is just a little better than the DH. The DH has to be bad for the Thief to win. And honestly, most extremely subpar DH players will still manage to win against even excellent Thief players. You have to be REALLY bad to die to Thief while on DH.
So about 99% of DH’s I see in WvW are bad when I beat them down with my Daredevil? Out of all the DH fights I was in, I lost 2. One was due to a buddy of his showing up and +1ing the fight (Which I was winning) and one that kept running back to his stone mist NPC’s trying to bait me (I was fighting close to them) so eventually I gave up and picked off a rev.
There must be a literal ton of bad DH then as I see DH in WvW a lot.
WvW is basically glorified PvE tbh. Nothing to be proud of about beating DH as DD in WvW. Now, if you beat kitten or anyone who is good on DH as DD then maybe you can kind puff your chest.
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