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4 points why guildwars 2 PvP will never sustain growth.
To start things off with, Guildwars 2 is a beautiful game, lovely PvE, And has a few of the most balanced PvP in any MMO out there. With that said let us delve deeper into why exacly i decided to make this post.
I am a PvP guild leader, and i am expressing my concerns here for seeing members just outright quit PvP for some of the descisions Anet has made in the PvP area of the game.
There are, like with allot of games, a few things that are generally unfair and not fun. This is not really an issue. If it was maintained and balanced correctly when something is dominant or when problems arise.
The main reason for why i made this post is to talk and discuss about why there are no frequent balance changes. And even more importantly. Why stuff that is broken will not get fixed eventho theres a huge team behind anet of developers and the likes who could potentially do just that.
Lets get into the meat of things.
The invisible bug.
If such a thing would arise in a gold making scenario, Anet would seize to stop all the ways to abuse said bug, ban people who abused it and shut it down in less then a week. By tweaking and fixing it. Even going as far as to just prevent you from entering the bugged areas (Note the Hall of Monuments bug)
Why is Anet not focussing on or even acknowledging this probem? Any decent developer would atleast notify there community. But as it stands i see massive amounts of people talk about it thinking that its a hack. Wich is simply not true. filing false reports. And even worse, toxifying games and making new people who enter PvP for there first time just outright quit. This is not the way to create a healthy PvP enviroment and it will stop PvP from being seen as a ‘good’ game.
balancing the game.
The game is balanced only on meta builds. Traits have no reall diversity. And if you want to compete with the best, you better get a Meta build because anything thats not close to meta, is not close to challenge. Ofcourse you can tweak a meta build to your liking. But in general theres only synergy between a few traits and a few options to choose from. Reall creativity is not allowed in competetive PvP.
Listening to the community
I have yet to see any competetive spirit not in for trolling, actually like skyhammer. Most games on this map are either hilarious for your team because you rolled the right classes. Or downright frustrating, making you want to destroy a keyboard or 2 because you know you cannot win, you cannot stop it. And there is nothing you can do about it when that one guy who voted skyhammer with his turret engi setup camps the skyhammer. Another problem wich kills the game at any low/medium level of skillplay. Making people leave after they see it happen to them and never look back on PvP. It also promotes disgusting flaming and raging.
Rock papper scissors balance
One thing the devs in the PvP side of things seem to disregard and think is good for balance is the Rock Papper Scissors balance. Some classes just cannot win versus other classes. At all. No matter how big the skillgap is between them. This is not a good trait of a competetive game where you can only play 1 class at a time. And also outright kills the fun for a brunt of players. I understand balancing classes is a daunting task and this might just be the only way howto slowly crawl to a balanced game. But add the entire notion of 1 balance patch every X months. And you now have a game where you will never progress or see improvements against certain classes unless you dedicate your time for a long period of time and actually witnessing the rare occasions where PvP is getting rebalanced.
personal finishing words
I have my personal biases versus Turret engineers and Shatter mesmers. Because any soloqueue or 1v1 with one of the 2 results in a disadvantage for the brunt of classes or even just a straight up unwinnable situation as others (thiefs come in mind versus turret engineers)
Thanks for reading. And i hope Arenanet will change there stance on these 4 points. I as a pretty hardcore PvPer hope my guild can thrive without people raging out or straight up leaving after there first few games losing to unwinnable situations.