First of all, read carefully and if you are going to critisize on anything please counter them with some reasonable arguments on how this or that is not going to work well, and we can discuss a better proposal.
My proposal to implement in the ranked pvp system to avoid these situations is :
Instantly remove and ban the player from the ranked system for at least a day, if one of these situations occurs :
1) a player stays more than 30 seconds at spawn zone (even if he moves inside) after he respawned from dead state
2) a player not engaging in combat staying off point for more than 60 seconds
(again even if he moves around doing nothing)
3) if 5 or more (which means his team and at least 1 from the enemy team comfirms his behavior) match manipulation reports occurs for the particular player either it comes from his teamates or the enemy player.
After the player is kicked and banned from the ranked system he receives an email in game warning him that if he behave in a ranked match staying idle or manipulating the result for the favor of the enemy team again he will get a permanent penalty not allowing him to participate in ranked for the rest of the current pvp season leaving him on his current position.
In case of situations of disconnection, or someone suddently needs to abort a game due real life reasons, the player may choose to /abort the game receiving the current dishonnor penalty for himself of 10 minute ban and the deserter tag with the pip loss without affecting the rest of his team progress. To avoid a manipulation he will receive a warning after the desertion that the next abort should cost him 1 day ban and if he does that several more times : a ban for the rest of the season.
Of course these rules must be made clear for each player before he enters the current pvp season to avoid any misunderstandings.
Now, another simple idea when it comes on situations of 4v5 or 3v5 for whatever reasons.
Once a player got kicked or he disconnects for any reason the system should balance instantly the match by removing 1 player of the enemy team to spectate position (like in hotjoin maps) until the others team player comes back.
Which player should the system put to spectate ?
Lets say if a guardian goes missing (kicked or disconnected) from the blue team the system should prioritise to put a guardian (same class) from the red team on spectate mode.
If there is no guardian on the red team to put on spectate mode the system will pick a random player from the red team.
This will ensure that both teams will have an equal chance of winning no matter what or who is missing. It will also greatly reduce situations of match manipulation-frustration and will enchance fair play and fun in pvp once again.
And please instead of criticizing this idea you might help improving it by throwing your ideas, if you don’t like it at all just ignore this threat !
Thank you.
(edited by Olympia.5697)