4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


First of all, read carefully and if you are going to critisize on anything please counter them with some reasonable arguments on how this or that is not going to work well, and we can discuss a better proposal.

My proposal to implement in the ranked pvp system to avoid these situations is :

Instantly remove and ban the player from the ranked system for at least a day, if one of these situations occurs :
1) a player stays more than 30 seconds at spawn zone (even if he moves inside) after he respawned from dead state
2) a player not engaging in combat staying off point for more than 60 seconds
(again even if he moves around doing nothing)
3) if 5 or more (which means his team and at least 1 from the enemy team comfirms his behavior) match manipulation reports occurs for the particular player either it comes from his teamates or the enemy player.

After the player is kicked and banned from the ranked system he receives an email in game warning him that if he behave in a ranked match staying idle or manipulating the result for the favor of the enemy team again he will get a permanent penalty not allowing him to participate in ranked for the rest of the current pvp season leaving him on his current position.

In case of situations of disconnection, or someone suddently needs to abort a game due real life reasons, the player may choose to /abort the game receiving the current dishonnor penalty for himself of 10 minute ban and the deserter tag with the pip loss without affecting the rest of his team progress. To avoid a manipulation he will receive a warning after the desertion that the next abort should cost him 1 day ban and if he does that several more times : a ban for the rest of the season.

Of course these rules must be made clear for each player before he enters the current pvp season to avoid any misunderstandings.

Now, another simple idea when it comes on situations of 4v5 or 3v5 for whatever reasons.

Once a player got kicked or he disconnects for any reason the system should balance instantly the match by removing 1 player of the enemy team to spectate position (like in hotjoin maps) until the others team player comes back.

Which player should the system put to spectate ?

Lets say if a guardian goes missing (kicked or disconnected) from the blue team the system should prioritise to put a guardian (same class) from the red team on spectate mode.

If there is no guardian on the red team to put on spectate mode the system will pick a random player from the red team.

This will ensure that both teams will have an equal chance of winning no matter what or who is missing. It will also greatly reduce situations of match manipulation-frustration and will enchance fair play and fun in pvp once again.

And please instead of criticizing this idea you might help improving it by throwing your ideas, if you don’t like it at all just ignore this threat !
Thank you.

(edited by Olympia.5697)

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

This one time I had to step away from my computer to deal with a child. It was a one off event, not something that happens often.

For this I’d receive a week long ban from PvP.

Since I only PvP, I’d put down the game and never return.

Great idea OP :)

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


This one time I had to step away from my computer to deal with a child. It was a one off event, not something that happens often.

For this I’d receive a week long ban from PvP.

Since I only PvP, I’d put down the game and never return.

Great idea OP

Don’t play ranked if u have a child around to deal with, when i play in general i have always a person to look after my 3 year old son

Not a great idea for afkers and match manipulators i know

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Sinmir.6504


You aren’t supposed to name… I think her, (the name does sound quite feminine) on the forum. That’s something you can get in trouble for.
A knock at the door, phone rings, family member needs help. Banned for a week. We don’t know why she stayed in base. I don’t imagine she would rage quit if the team was winning. Maybe a parcel arrived that her parents or sibling had ordered, nobody else in the house to sign for it. Maybe something more serious like a frail grandparent having an accident and needing medical attention, she needed to call the ambulance and comfort them.
The other option, I’ll just say I’d hate if that happened. I have a clear shot at the inner gate guards, door breakers behind me. Somebody disconnects on the other team, next thing I know I’m a spectator and my DBs are dead. Or I’m on the trebuchet, enemy door breakers are at the outer gate, one treb shot away from wiping out the DBs, enemy same class as me sees that, alt F4, I’m spectator as well, outer gate down. Could practically be used as an advantage. A player the same class as you alone either attacking, defending or on a point you and a teammate could 2v1 or you could AFK and let your friend do what they want to do unchallenged. If you are queueing with friends there is a player the same class as you that is better than you and you believe to be carrying their team, why not just AFK? They can’t carry if they are a spectator, if they were better then their team lost more than yours.
Could maybe try to balance it, get a player back by offering their place in the game to queuing players, make it fair on them by not giving dishonour if they choose not to join a match that is already halfway through and giving their place in the queue back after the match.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


You aren’t supposed to name… I think her, (the name does sound quite feminine) on the forum. That’s something you can get in trouble for.
A knock at the door, phone rings, family member needs help. Banned for a week. We don’t know why she stayed in base. I don’t imagine she would rage quit if the team was winning. Maybe a parcel arrived that her parents or sibling had ordered, nobody else in the house to sign for it. Maybe something more serious like a frail grandparent having an accident and needing medical attention, she needed to call the ambulance and comfort them.
The other option, I’ll just say I’d hate if that happened. I have a clear shot at the inner gate guards, door breakers behind me. Somebody disconnects on the other team, next thing I know I’m a spectator and my DBs are dead. Or I’m on the trebuchet, enemy door breakers are at the outer gate, one treb shot away from wiping out the DBs, enemy same class as me sees that, alt F4, I’m spectator as well, outer gate down. Could practically be used as an advantage. A player the same class as you alone either attacking, defending or on a point you and a teammate could 2v1 or you could AFK and let your friend do what they want to do unchallenged. If you are queueing with friends there is a player the same class as you that is better than you and you believe to be carrying their team, why not just AFK? They can’t carry if they are a spectator, if they were better then their team lost more than yours.
Could maybe try to balance it, get a player back by offering their place in the game to queuing players, make it fair on them by not giving dishonour if they choose not to join a match that is already halfway through and giving their place in the queue back after the match.

Seriously ? Then why he/she didn’t reply to our teamchat ? at least some sort of a warning or something ?

lets say one of these extreme situations happen in real life inside my house or just outside of it, i would be more glad to go and help someone in need knowing that i might have a weekly ban than just do nothing at all, an the other hand why my teamates has to suffer all this ?

On the balance thing, yes it would be much more fair with a spectator mode,because lets face it : after a certain level and beyond carrying a game is not a simple task espacially on higher divisions (diamond-legendary) where the pressure and frustration are on peak for each match. You say “If you are queueing with friends there is a player the same class as you that is better than you and you believe to be carrying their team, why not just AFK?” well anyone goes AFK for this sort of manipulation its his sorry kitten with a penalty for week and a permanent season x ban if he do it again so good luck with that !

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


Another idea if you find that a whole week ban from ranked is extreme for you.
The ban can be for 1 or 2 days long and this rule will apply only on higher divisions
such as diamond and legendary, so the people who play ranked pvp for the legendary backpack only climping to ruby or lower wouldn’t suffer if they get frustrated or ragequit because they are only up for the backpack piece.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


It’s cute you think the player base can support this idea

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: zinkz.7045


Don’t play ranked if u have a child around to deal with, when i play in general i have always a person to look after my 3 year old son

Either stick to solo games rather than GW2 or always queue as a premade if you can’t cope with people having to leave their keyboard at times.

(edited by zinkz.7045)

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


It’s cute you think the player base can support this idea

I don’t know you tell me i find it perfect !

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


Don’t play ranked if u have a child around to deal with, when i play in general i have always a person to look after my 3 year old son

Either stick to solo games rather than GW2 or always queue as a premade if you can’t cope with people having to leave their keyboard at times.

Well yeah ! Good idea ! I have 2 children to take care off, a private teacher in my house for my oldest son,a plumber in my kitchen fixing stuff, and what else ? oh yeah im expecting a friend to come by so what do i do ? Lets open Gw2 and play ranked while i am waiting.. perfect !

You know.. why do you even seriously commit yourself in pvp and read pvp forums when it is perfectly fine by you for someone to go afk while playing ranked ?

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Sinmir.6504


You aren’t supposed to name… I think her, (the name does sound quite feminine) on the forum. That’s something you can get in trouble for.
A knock at the door, phone rings, family member needs help. Banned for a week. We don’t know why she stayed in base. I don’t imagine she would rage quit if the team was winning. Maybe a parcel arrived that her parents or sibling had ordered, nobody else in the house to sign for it. Maybe something more serious like a frail grandparent having an accident and needing medical attention, she needed to call the ambulance and comfort them.
The other option, I’ll just say I’d hate if that happened. I have a clear shot at the inner gate guards, door breakers behind me. Somebody disconnects on the other team, next thing I know I’m a spectator and my DBs are dead. Or I’m on the trebuchet, enemy door breakers are at the outer gate, one treb shot away from wiping out the DBs, enemy same class as me sees that, alt F4, I’m spectator as well, outer gate down. Could practically be used as an advantage. A player the same class as you alone either attacking, defending or on a point you and a teammate could 2v1 or you could AFK and let your friend do what they want to do unchallenged. If you are queueing with friends there is a player the same class as you that is better than you and you believe to be carrying their team, why not just AFK? They can’t carry if they are a spectator, if they were better then their team lost more than yours.
Could maybe try to balance it, get a player back by offering their place in the game to queuing players, make it fair on them by not giving dishonour if they choose not to join a match that is already halfway through and giving their place in the queue back after the match.

Seriously ? Then why he/she didn’t reply to our teamchat ? at least some sort of a warning or something ?

lets say one of these extreme situations happen in real life inside my house or just outside of it, i would be more glad to go and help someone in need knowing that i might have a weekly ban than just do nothing at all, an the other hand why my teamates has to suffer all this ?

On the balance thing, yes it would be much more fair with a spectator mode,because lets face it : after a certain level and beyond carrying a game is not a simple task espacially on higher divisions (diamond-legendary) where the pressure and frustration are on peak for each match. You say “If you are queueing with friends there is a player the same class as you that is better than you and you believe to be carrying their team, why not just AFK?” well anyone goes AFK for this sort of manipulation its his sorry kitten with a penalty for week and a permanent season x ban if he do it again so good luck with that !

Doesn’t need to be extreme circumstances, DHL pull into your driveway with a parcel, nobody else home to sign for it. What do you do?
About the spectator thing. I did say queuing with friends, are they going to report you for going AFK to put a strong enemy player in spectator mode? Even in pugs they could agree that if a player the same class was a lot stronger then AFK and remove them. Group could decide they’d do it for you if you do it for them. your own team aren’t going to report you for helping them.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: zinkz.7045


Well yeah ! Good idea ! I have 2 children to take care off, a private teacher in my house for my oldest son,a plumber in my kitchen fixing stuff, and what else ? oh yeah im expecting a friend to come by so what do i do ? Lets open Gw2 and play ranked while i am waiting.. perfect !

You know.. why do you even seriously commit yourself in pvp and read pvp forums when it is perfectly fine by you for someone to go afk while playing ranked ?

If someone has a genuine reason to go AFK then yes it’s fine, if for example someone’s doorbell rings and they have to go answer the door, then yes I’m fine with that, because I’ve queued up solo for a game in GW2 and have realistic expectations in line with that, rather than delusional expectations you seem to have more in line with what you would expect if you were playing DOTA 2 at The International for a $1m.

Really if you can’t cope with other people behaving in a different manner to you, then the answer is in your hands and simply involves you taking responsibility for your preferences rather than expecting the world to behave how you want, so go find 4 other delusional people with the same views as you and queue with them.

(edited by zinkz.7045)

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


You aren’t supposed to name… I think her, (the name does sound quite feminine) on the forum. That’s something you can get in trouble for.
A knock at the door, phone rings, family member needs help. Banned for a week. We don’t know why she stayed in base. I don’t imagine she would rage quit if the team was winning. Maybe a parcel arrived that her parents or sibling had ordered, nobody else in the house to sign for it. Maybe something more serious like a frail grandparent having an accident and needing medical attention, she needed to call the ambulance and comfort them.
The other option, I’ll just say I’d hate if that happened. I have a clear shot at the inner gate guards, door breakers behind me. Somebody disconnects on the other team, next thing I know I’m a spectator and my DBs are dead. Or I’m on the trebuchet, enemy door breakers are at the outer gate, one treb shot away from wiping out the DBs, enemy same class as me sees that, alt F4, I’m spectator as well, outer gate down. Could practically be used as an advantage. A player the same class as you alone either attacking, defending or on a point you and a teammate could 2v1 or you could AFK and let your friend do what they want to do unchallenged. If you are queueing with friends there is a player the same class as you that is better than you and you believe to be carrying their team, why not just AFK? They can’t carry if they are a spectator, if they were better then their team lost more than yours.
Could maybe try to balance it, get a player back by offering their place in the game to queuing players, make it fair on them by not giving dishonour if they choose not to join a match that is already halfway through and giving their place in the queue back after the match.

Seriously ? Then why he/she didn’t reply to our teamchat ? at least some sort of a warning or something ?

lets say one of these extreme situations happen in real life inside my house or just outside of it, i would be more glad to go and help someone in need knowing that i might have a weekly ban than just do nothing at all, an the other hand why my teamates has to suffer all this ?

On the balance thing, yes it would be much more fair with a spectator mode,because lets face it : after a certain level and beyond carrying a game is not a simple task espacially on higher divisions (diamond-legendary) where the pressure and frustration are on peak for each match. You say “If you are queueing with friends there is a player the same class as you that is better than you and you believe to be carrying their team, why not just AFK?” well anyone goes AFK for this sort of manipulation its his sorry kitten with a penalty for week and a permanent season x ban if he do it again so good luck with that !

Doesn’t need to be extreme circumstances, DHL pull into your driveway with a parcel, nobody else home to sign for it. What do you do?
About the spectator thing. I did say queuing with friends, are they going to report you for going AFK to put a strong enemy player in spectator mode? Even in pugs they could agree that if a player the same class was a lot stronger then AFK and remove them. Group could decide they’d do it for you if you do it for them. your own team aren’t going to report you for helping them.

Any courrier comes into my house unexpected if im bussy i make him wait couple of minutes, not everyone is obligated to answer right away to an unexpected guest or anything else such as a police which i find it extremely unlikely to happen.if i expect someone to come i don’t play at all.

Like i said, perhaps you don’t know, even now if you go offline more than 2 minutes while in a premade your whole team lose a pip because of you even if your team wins the 4v5 somehow. If it would be with the rules i suggest with the ban and the warning i wrote above would you dare to afk even for a joke ??

(edited by Olympia.5697)

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Koru.8574


Don’t play ranked if u have a child around to deal with, when i play in general i have always a person to look after my 3 year old son

Either stick to solo games rather than GW2 or always queue as a premade if you can’t cope with people having to leave their keyboard at times.

Well yeah ! Good idea ! I have 2 children to take care off, a private teacher in my house for my oldest son,a plumber in my kitchen fixing stuff, and what else ? oh yeah im expecting a friend to come by so what do i do ? Lets open Gw2 and play ranked while i am waiting.. perfect !

You know.. why do you even seriously commit yourself in pvp and read pvp forums when it is perfectly fine by you for someone to go afk while playing ranked ?

its a game dude..there is no commitment
if you are soooooo salty make a team for that commitment you want towards pvp

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


Well yeah ! Good idea ! I have 2 children to take care off, a private teacher in my house for my oldest son,a plumber in my kitchen fixing stuff, and what else ? oh yeah im expecting a friend to come by so what do i do ? Lets open Gw2 and play ranked while i am waiting.. perfect !

You know.. why do you even seriously commit yourself in pvp and read pvp forums when it is perfectly fine by you for someone to go afk while playing ranked ?

If someone has a genuine reason to go AFK then yes it’s fine, if for example someone’s doorbell rings and they have to go answer the door, then yes I’m fine with that, because I’ve queued up solo for a game in GW2 and have realistic expectations in line with that, rather than delusional expectations you seem to have more in line with what you would expect if you were playing DOTA 2 at The International for a $1m.

Really if you can’t cope with other people behaving in a different manner to you, then the answer is in your hands and simply involves you taking responsibility for your preferences rather than expecting the world to behave how you want, so go find 4 other delusional people with the same views as you and queue with them.

I don’t expect anything, i am here to make a suggestion. You came here and call me delusional for no legit reason. Why don’t you instead of calling me names read carefully my suggestions above and bring new alternatives or if there is anyting you don’t agree with you can always say the reasons you might find so logical nicely without insulting people ?

And if you can’t cope playing responsibly a team game without going afk in critical times then you are the one who must go and play a solo game where u can afk anytime you like.
Last thing if it is really ok with you with afkers in upper levels of ranked pvp then i won’t bother answering you again.

(edited by Olympia.5697)

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


Don’t play ranked if u have a child around to deal with, when i play in general i have always a person to look after my 3 year old son

Either stick to solo games rather than GW2 or always queue as a premade if you can’t cope with people having to leave their keyboard at times.

Well yeah ! Good idea ! I have 2 children to take care off, a private teacher in my house for my oldest son,a plumber in my kitchen fixing stuff, and what else ? oh yeah im expecting a friend to come by so what do i do ? Lets open Gw2 and play ranked while i am waiting.. perfect !

You know.. why do you even seriously commit yourself in pvp and read pvp forums when it is perfectly fine by you for someone to go afk while playing ranked ?

its a game dude..there is no commitment
if you are soooooo salty make a team for that commitment you want towards pvp

Exactly this is a game ! but look each threat about afkers and match manipulators and all those pvp is dead threats about these things ! why not trying to make it better and more fun by balancing things keep away people who ruin other’s people game cause they can’t play by the rules ? There is no salt the match i lost was really insignificant for me as i am already in legendary division but i had people on my team still on diamond.
Fine ! if you find it extremely to ban people then suggest something else im all ears !

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Koru.8574


lol im fine with how it is rn, i mean if u have an afker the only thing id like is to have a team vote give up option during any time of the match

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


lol im fine with how it is rn, i mean if u have an afker the only thing id like is to have a team vote give up option during any time of the match

Why would you give up ? maybe the other 3 of your team wants to win !
Isn’t it better if you have to fight 4v4 making it balanced again instead of just loosing a game (maybe even your winstreak) and your pip ?

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Sinmir.6504


lol im fine with how it is rn, i mean if u have an afker the only thing id like is to have a team vote give up option during any time of the match

Why would you give up ? maybe the other 3 of your team wants to win !
Isn’t it better if you have to fight 4v4 making it balanced again instead of just loosing a game (maybe even your winstreak) and your pip ?

Would be even more annoying for the other team. If a player on the other team was AFK while I was in the middle of something crucial I wouldn’t want to be frozen out.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


lol im fine with how it is rn, i mean if u have an afker the only thing id like is to have a team vote give up option during any time of the match

Why would you give up ? maybe the other 3 of your team wants to win !
Isn’t it better if you have to fight 4v4 making it balanced again instead of just loosing a game (maybe even your winstreak) and your pip ?

Would be even more annoying for the other team. If a player on the other team was AFK while I was in the middle of something crucial I wouldn’t want to be frozen out.

Yes but how do you feel when you win 5v4 or lose 4v5 ? isn’t it more fair for someone to sit out until the missing player comes back ?

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


20 seconds without combat or being on a point. RIP Reapers. What about thieves needing to run from home to far for a decap? I’m pretty sure that’ll take 20 seconds or nearly that long. And what if someone ends up being on that point? He’s not going to engage in that fight just to avoid getting banned. I like that you’re thinking of solutions, but this one is no good. Also, anyone can just stand outside the spawn area.

At the very least, they should make it so that if you aren’t in combat and not moving for, let’s say, 30 seconds, then you’re banned. They should be careful what system they implement to deal with AFKers. If it’s too weak, it’ll be easily abused, but if it’s too strong, then honest players could end up being punished.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


20 seconds without combat or being on a point. RIP Reapers. What about thieves needing to run from home to far for a decap? I’m pretty sure that’ll take 20 seconds or nearly that long. And what if someone ends up being on that point? He’s not going to engage in that fight just to avoid getting banned. I like that you’re thinking of solutions, but this one is no good. Also, anyone can just stand outside the spawn area.

At the very least, they should make it so that if you aren’t in combat and not moving for, let’s say, 30 seconds, then you’re banned. They should be careful what system they implement to deal with AFKers. If it’s too weak, it’ll be easily abused, but if it’s too strong, then honest players could end up being punished.

Finally someone thinking rational ! Ok 20 sec might be too much,i only put it from my own experience that you can’t be ooc for more like 20 maybe 25 off point not engaging.

I play thief alot, thiefs are the most vesratile class in conquest pvp, he can run around decaping and choosing fights to +1 fast this is how a good thief shines making every second of his roaming count,ofc not everyone is a good thief but even the average ones should have at least step on any point or engage something between at least 1-30 sec.

That afk timer should only work only after getting ooc or leaving the spawn, and there can be other factors to reset the afk timer aswell,like using a siege or approaching within a certain radius on a enemies capped point without engaging and many other mechanics.

Ofc ragequiting people will try to exploit these mechanics to get out clean,thats why i suggest the instand report/kick as players themselfs can see a weirdo jumping around doing nothing on purpose.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Malediktus.3740


An activity meter could be the solution. So this in another game. If your activity drops 0 you get booted from the match and receive punishment

One of my 30 accounts (Malediktus.9250).

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: zxstanyxz.8769


Any courrier comes into my house unexpected if im bussy i make him wait couple of minutes, not everyone is obligated to answer right away to an unexpected guest or anything else such as a police which i find it extremely unlikely to happen.if i expect someone to come i don’t play at all.

what kind of couriers do you use? if I’m not at the door within 10 seconds they’ve already started writing up the “I’m sorry you weren’t in” ticket, and if they manage to complete that by the time i get to the door (<30s) they’re already gone and I have to figure out some way of getting across to a remote industrial section of the city in order to pickup the package sometime within the next 7 days… so yes I’m answering the kittening door right away

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


An activity meter could be the solution. So this in another game. If your activity drops 0 you get booted from the match and receive punishment

Like the activity participation in wvw kinda thing i guess.. thats also a great idea but kinda easy to manipulate like the currently afk meter where you get the warning and you can just hit any movement key or skill and reset it.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


Any courrier comes into my house unexpected if im bussy i make him wait couple of minutes, not everyone is obligated to answer right away to an unexpected guest or anything else such as a police which i find it extremely unlikely to happen.if i expect someone to come i don’t play at all.

what kind of couriers do you use? if I’m not at the door within 10 seconds they’ve already started writing up the “I’m sorry you weren’t in” ticket, and if they manage to complete that by the time i get to the door (<30s) they’re already gone and I have to figure out some way of getting across to a remote industrial section of the city in order to pickup the package sometime within the next 7 days… so yes I’m answering the kittening door right away

I don’t know how courier work in your country. but generaly courier work like that : if you have a scheduled delivery from a store, they call you earlier at the same day of the delivery to confirm the location. That means you are expecting him anytime.
I can’t be that irresponsible to play in ranked while waiting someone or play any game that requires my attention in generaly and make the guy wait outside in case of scheduled delivery. In a case of an extremely unscheduled-random delivery from any anonymous source i simply ignore it, you have no obligation to receive something like that at all especially at your own house.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: kin korn karn.9023

kin korn karn.9023

In my experience, deliveries are rarely scheduled so precisely. I typically get an “estimated delivery date,” which is usually more like a 3-5 day window. Which reminds me… I’m currently waiting on a package. Guess I gotta stay out of ranked til next Tuesday.

You’re being absurd.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


In my experience, deliveries are rarely scheduled so precisely. I typically get an “estimated delivery date,” which is usually more like a 3-5 day window. Which reminds me… I’m currently waiting on a package. Guess I gotta stay out of ranked til next Tuesday.

I already explained some cases of being afk during playtime, finding new excuses isn’t gonna help. You wanna play ranked and leave your team alone ? fine its your right ! All i ask is to ban people from ranked pvp who are just randomly afk.

So far anyone who hasn’t brought any better idea to solve this and being just a sarcastic kitten, obviously has no interest to solve the problem at all, and the fact that they try to generate more excuses to afk shows that they do it quite frequently and they would like to get away with it intact.

So please once again in case you haven’t read the first post : if you have anything to propose for this problem feel free to do so, if you don’t agree on anything and have nothing better to say then just ignore it !

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


Mr.Dude is home, plans on playing Gw2 pvp ranked. He gets a babysitter to take care of his kid and he is sure nothing will interrupt him. 3 minutes after starting a game one of the following things happen:
- babysitter comes and tells you your kid has hurt himself and needs medical attention emdietly.
- You smell a suspicious smell of fire smoke, and notice that neighbours firealarm is sounding.
- power goes away for 5min.
- a burglar comes in your room and knocks you out cold.
And more…

When you can finally play again after you have taken care of what problem that happened, would it be fun to find out that you are banned from the only game mode in the game you like?

I think OP takes GW2 ranked way to serious.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community – http://www.alphas.se/
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


Mr.Dude is home, plans on playing Gw2 pvp ranked. He gets a babysitter to take care of his kid and he is sure nothing will interrupt him. 3 minutes after starting a game one of the following things happen:
- babysitter comes and tells you your kid has hurt himself and needs medical attention emdietly.
- You smell a suspicious smell of fire smoke, and notice that neighbours firealarm is sounding.
- power goes away for 5min.
- a burglar comes in your room and knocks you out cold.
And more…

When you can finally play again after you have taken care of what problem that happened, would it be fun to find out that you are banned from the only game mode in the game you like?

I think OP takes GW2 ranked way to serious.

keep the excuses coming you are being very productive..

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Sinmir.6504


One thing about the balancing being freeing out a player of the same class if available on the other team. Shouldn’t it be more to do with MMR, which place they were in the team, or personal score, how big a contribution the leaver made and freeze the player in the same place rather than remove by profession.
An example, say you have a Dragon Hunter doing well, making a good contribution. Meanwhile a Guardian with all Spirit Weapons on the other team decides to rage quit he gets killed a few times. Freeze out the Dragon Hunter, which team suffers most from the rage quit?
As I said I wouldn’t be happy with being frozen out because a player on the other team was AFK but this is what I think would be more fair if it did come to that.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: kin korn karn.9023

kin korn karn.9023

In my experience, deliveries are rarely scheduled so precisely. I typically get an “estimated delivery date,” which is usually more like a 3-5 day window. Which reminds me… I’m currently waiting on a package. Guess I gotta stay out of ranked til next Tuesday.

I already explained some cases of being afk during playtime, finding new excuses isn’t gonna help. You wanna play ranked and leave your team alone ? fine its your right ! All i ask is to ban people from ranked pvp who are just randomly afk.

So far anyone who hasn’t brought any better idea to solve this and being just a sarcastic kitten, obviously has no interest to solve the problem at all, and the fact that they try to generate more excuses to afk shows that they do it quite frequently and they would like to get away with it intact.

So please once again in case you haven’t read the first post : if you have anything to propose for this problem feel free to do so, if you don’t agree on anything and have nothing better to say then just ignore it !

I didn’t bring up anything new. I just pointed out how ridiculous it is that you’re telling people how they should receive deliveries and when they should/shouldn’t answer their doors. I think the dishonor system works just fine for people who are unintentional and infrequent offenders. A one week ban for minor offenses is just silly, and your response to criticism is rather alarming.

As amusing as it is to watch you slowly descend into madness on a video game forum, I think it might do you some good to turn off your computer and go get some fresh air.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


In my experience, deliveries are rarely scheduled so precisely. I typically get an “estimated delivery date,” which is usually more like a 3-5 day window. Which reminds me… I’m currently waiting on a package. Guess I gotta stay out of ranked til next Tuesday.

I already explained some cases of being afk during playtime, finding new excuses isn’t gonna help. You wanna play ranked and leave your team alone ? fine its your right ! All i ask is to ban people from ranked pvp who are just randomly afk.

So far anyone who hasn’t brought any better idea to solve this and being just a sarcastic kitten, obviously has no interest to solve the problem at all, and the fact that they try to generate more excuses to afk shows that they do it quite frequently and they would like to get away with it intact.

So please once again in case you haven’t read the first post : if you have anything to propose for this problem feel free to do so, if you don’t agree on anything and have nothing better to say then just ignore it !

I didn’t bring up anything new. I just pointed out how ridiculous it is that you’re telling people how they should receive deliveries and when they should/shouldn’t answer their doors. I think the dishonor system works just fine for people who are unintentional and infrequent offenders. A one week ban for minor offenses is just silly, and your response to criticism is rather alarming.

As amusing as it is to watch you slowly descend into madness on a video game forum, I think it might do you some good to turn off your computer and go get some fresh air.

There you go again ! nothing new to propose, just to critizise and offend !
I never told people how to live their lives, my point is that going afk in ranked match is
unexeptable and people should be punished effectively in higher divisions (which on those levels people want more committed players from the matchmaking system). The current dishonor system is failing epicly cause people can afk and manipulate results safely without any warning or penalty by pressing a random movement key.

You are the ridiculous here coming to point some ridiculous afk excuses that people like you generate again and again. And if you’re going to criticize my sanity state again like you’re the expert shrink, il just report and block you for good.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


Suggestions of penalties and other situations edited on the main post.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Conaywea.5062


First they need to balance the game before adding something like that

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: MissCee.1295


Okay, first up can we all agree 4v5 is not fun.

Working on the presumption 4v5 is not fun, I can see no reason why a discussion aimed at reducing or eradicating the occurrence would cause such outrage.

For the current season Anet introduced the ability to report “Idle Players” and “Match Manipulation”. This fact tells me two things:
1 – AFK’ers and their ilk were already a known problem
2 – PVP players were unhappy about the problem & said so

More than a couple of threads already exist regarding what is happening to reported players. This tells me:
1 – AFK’ers etc are still a problem
2 – PVP players are unhappy about the problem & saying so

What OP has said is a “suggestion”. It is not a call to action, it is not written in stone, it is not a done deal. IT IS A SUGGESTION FFS!

Given what a bloody mess ranked pvp is in right now, if you are not actively being part of the solution then you are by default part of the problem.

Learn how to read and comprehend, then grow the kitten up and add something useful to the conversation or shut the kitten up.

Personally I am all for some kind of “punishment” system being introduced. I am also in favour of having the option to surrender and/or individuals resign from a match. Genuine pvp players (of all skill levels) play Ranked for the competition.

IRL kitten happens, it could happen to any of us that we need to unexpectedly leave a match. Such an occurrence should not be punished. But habitual and deliberate offenders need to suffer a comparable penalty to that which they inflict on their teammates when afk/ragequit etc.

You may all release your vitriol in my direction at your leisure.

*Edit for spelling

My toons: Loki Thunderstruck, Loki Livewire,Loki Spellbound, Loki Meanstreak

Find pvp players: https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars2PvPTeams/

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: kin korn karn.9023

kin korn karn.9023

A) I have a problem, and here are three potential solutions. What do you think?
B/C/D/E) Your solutions are unreasonable for these reasons.
A) No! I don’t actually want any criticism for the ideas; I want you to take responsibility for creating better solutions to my problem. Rrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaage!!

Sheesh, get a grip.

Anyway, this season hasn’t been nearly as bad as the last. I think simply having 2 specific report options for “AFKing” a match has kept a lot of people honest. Perhaps just as important: MM seems a lot better. Last season was a wreck. I’m sure there are people out there who would disagree, but that’s my experience.

DCing, lagging out, and IRL distractions are always gonna be a thing. A one-week suspension for any offense is insane. The goal should be to keep repeat offenders out, which would involve something like a warning after X number of offenses, then suspensions increasing in duration, scaled to the number of offenses (and ideally the seriousness of the offenses). Which is more or less what dishonor is, but to have a more intensive system in place, it would take a lot of moderating and quite some time to see any effect, and I’m really not sure it’s reasonable to expect this just to appease people who come to the forums with wild, knee-jerk reactions due to an unfortunate (but let’s be honest, little more than inconvenient) experience ingame.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


One thing about the balancing being freeing out a player of the same class if available on the other team. Shouldn’t it be more to do with MMR, which place they were in the team, or personal score, how big a contribution the leaver made and freeze the player in the same place rather than remove by profession.
An example, say you have a Dragon Hunter doing well, making a good contribution. Meanwhile a Guardian with all Spirit Weapons on the other team decides to rage quit he gets killed a few times. Freeze out the Dragon Hunter, which team suffers most from the rage quit?
As I said I wouldn’t be happy with being frozen out because a player on the other team was AFK but this is what I think would be more fair if it did come to that.

I agree that this can be really frustrating as it is, nobody would like to freezy in mid game cause some ragequiter. Thats why im proposing extra penalties for these kind of behaviors. On a 4v4 balancing the system can pick up a random player regardless his contribution, i just had the impression that this class pick up preference by the system, could bring more balance in 4v4 situations.

4v4 in ranked - Afk manipulators

in PvP

Posted by: Olympia.5697


A) I have a problem, and here are three potential solutions. What do you think?
B/C/D/E) Your solutions are unreasonable for these reasons.
A) No! I don’t actually want any criticism for the ideas; I want you to take responsibility for creating better solutions to my problem. Rrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaage!!

Sheesh, get a grip.

Anyway, this season hasn’t been nearly as bad as the last. I think simply having 2 specific report options for “AFKing” a match has kept a lot of people honest. Perhaps just as important: MM seems a lot better. Last season was a wreck. I’m sure there are people out there who would disagree, but that’s my experience.

DCing, lagging out, and IRL distractions are always gonna be a thing. A one-week suspension for any offense is insane. The goal should be to keep repeat offenders out, which would involve something like a warning after X number of offenses, then suspensions increasing in duration, scaled to the number of offenses (and ideally the seriousness of the offenses). Which is more or less what dishonor is, but to have a more intensive system in place, it would take a lot of moderating and quite some time to see any effect, and I’m really not sure it’s reasonable to expect this just to appease people who come to the forums with wild, knee-jerk reactions due to an unfortunate (but let’s be honest, little more than inconvenient) experience ingame.

This is not only my problem its a known issue for a very long time, i didn’t came here yesterday just to wind up things cause of some unfortunate experience, these kind of things happened-happen and will happen unless devs have a deeper look to it and punish even further match manipulators, ofcourse all within the box of reason. Again read the original post again as it has been edited already before you insult me twice.