5 v 5's don't work

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Frizz.6704


I love that they implemented it. I think the patch was great and I think what GW2 is doing is great.


5 v 5’s rarely work because someone always leaves and one person down in 5 v 5’s is a big deal!!! 8 v 8’s it’s somewhat buffered because there are more players. Can we lock players in for a game because people only leave because they are losing but it ruins the whole game for everyone else when they leave.

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Oracle Fefe.5078

Oracle Fefe.5078

To be honest, I would’ve preferred 6v6, as an uncoordinated 5s team seems too small and leads to giant disadvantages if one person is missing.

Locking players in wouldn’t work, that would just encourage them to afk.

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


It would’ve worked better, if the matchup worked the way free tournaments work.. or RA in GW1:

-enter arena
-start at 0:0 with full teams

I really hate it when i join the game at 450 vs 72… -_-

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Sam Pan.3651

Sam Pan.3651

In random teams the game feels too random. No single player can feel like they are in control. Even in CoD when ur team sucks, at least you yourself are still capable of shining if you are good enough. In this game, if your team sucks, you are completely helpless. And considering there are so few options for building your own custom character to suit your own style, there is no sense of personal investment in seeing whether or not your current spec is capable of working.

Even in GW1, when my random team sucked, I still felt like I had something left to prove or at least test out when I was capable of running my own personal style of build with all the freedom for building that GW1 allows.

And also in GW1 the freedom of building meant that there was more of a possiblity that your opponents had built there characters in a way that would leave weaknesses to your own build. In this game, everyone is so rounded out, with two weapon skill sets, that you can’t really think for a minute that your spec is gonna be able to find a weakness in anyone elses when the rest of your team already sucks.

(edited by Sam Pan.3651)

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Frizz.6704


Then just select an 8v8 server. Many other people will appreciate the 5v5

What a useless thing to say. It’s Beta and so they are wanting to find out if things arn’t working. I am happy they introduced 5 v 5’s (thought I made that clear), but at the moment it isn’t working very well because if one person is missing it makes a big difference.

Do you understand?

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: ZombiesTT.3619


Maybe they should have a lobby before the game starts? I dunno I like hot join and you don’t lose anything if your team loses. I’m excited to try out 5v5 and see how it works. Actually my biggest concern was splitting the community between 5v5 and 8v8 matches.

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Frizz.6704


Maybe they should have a lobby before the game starts? I dunno I like hot join and you don’t lose anything if your team loses. I’m excited to try out 5v5 and see how it works. Actually my biggest concern was splitting the community between 5v5 and 8v8 matches.

It’s a great idea. I like that they brought in 5 v 5’s. But they need to make people stay. Just do what wow did and have a 15 min cooldown if you leave a match before it is finished? Or don’t start matches until their is a full team. I don’t know I’ll let them figure it out…but I feel it’s a problem.

I also noticed there are a LOT of thieves in 5 v 5’s. Starting to think people go there not to win but to duel. I was literally capping points today while standing and watching people duel off the node.

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Frizz.6704


In random teams the game feels too random. No single player can feel like they are in control. Even in CoD when ur team sucks, at least you yourself are still capable of shining if you are good enough. In this game, if your team sucks, you are completely helpless. And considering there are so few options for building your own custom character to suit your own style, there is no sense of personal investment in seeing whether or not your current spec is capable of working.

Even in GW1, when my random team sucked, I still felt like I had something left to prove or at least test out when I was capable of running my own personal style of build with all the freedom for building that GW1 allows.

And also in GW1 the freedom of building meant that there was more of a possiblity that your opponents had built there characters in a way that would leave weaknesses to your own build. In this game, everyone is so rounded out, with two weapon skill sets, that you can’t really think for a minute that your spec is gonna be able to find a weakness in anyone elses when the rest of your team already sucks.

I’m beginning to agree with you. I think 5 v 5 in tournaments there is a huge incentive to win, but 5 v 5’s in PUGs is looking more and more like it is going to be a dueling zone. As I said above there is a huge number of thieves (even more than normal) coming in, and I had people trying to hide and gank me off the nodes when they were losing – they were not even trying to cap. HOnestly, I think people are using this as a place to have 1 v 1 fights, and that is why over 50% of matches are thieves. Don’t know for sure but this is my impression. Since I run a support build, and try to help the team, this sucks for me:(

Again I love that Anet responded but these are the current issues from my standpoint.

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Oh I am not the only person who say this coming I am sure.

with 5v5, unless both teams are even it is so hard to fight man down and now each player becomes more important. It is harder to hide weaker players on the team.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Wow….Just wow. Everyone was crying for 5vs5 hot joins, now we have them all you can do is QQ? kittening ridiculous.

actually no: people are NOT complaining because they added 5v5 hot join.
Everyone in this particular thread is saying they like it.

People are complaining because it is implemented without any measure against leaving, and the fact you don’t always join up in an evened out match to start.

That is a major difference!

The idea is good, the working out needs work.
That’s what this feedback is for.

Only one post is actual QQ, and sorry to say it’s yours…

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Frizz.6704


Wow….Just wow. Everyone was crying for 5vs5 hot joins, now we have them all you can do is QQ? kittening ridiculous.

It’s a bit tiring having people comment about this when they clearly have not read the whole thread. Please read before you comment as it just makes you look ignorant.

No one is complaining about 5 v 5’s. It’s a great implementation. But it is also a Beta test and they want feedback. As it stands 5 v 4 is a big advantage and something they need to think about. That is not a QQ or a ‘I hate 5 v 5’s’ it is a valid concern that I hope they can address.

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Brinson.7289


They made 5v5 because thats what is used in tournaments.
Randoms leave and it sucks but they don’t need to waste any more time changing room sizes when there are bigger fish to fry.
I’d like to say the official answer is “Suck it up and wait for customs.”
As I played a few matches it was clear that 5v5 rooms are only good to take your team of guildies\friends in to work on your teamwork. There is absolutely no teamwork when randoms are involved. Mainly because you cant talk to them on the fly.
You can waste time typing but nothing is going to keep a random from going rogue.

\-\ Poquito (Engineer) /-/ Tarnished Coast
Not Sure If Serious [BZNZ] ||| Cynical [CYN]

(edited by Brinson.7289)

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


They made 5v5 because thats what is used in tournaments.
Randoms leave and it sucks but they don’t need to waste any more time changing room sizes when there are bigger fish to fry.
I’d like to say the official answer is “Suck it up and wait for customs.”

surely a penalty for leaving wouldn’t upset any balance or future plans?
A simple ‘deserter debuff’ could go a long way, especially when coupled with an afk report debuff in case you stay but do nothing…

Nothing all that time-consuming to implement.

I love having the option to 5v5 now, and it’s rahter nice they kept it alongside of 8v8.
But it’s very clear that a 5v5 balanced match is very vulnerable to anyone leaving.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Brinson.7289


Would it really be effective to add a penalty though? I perceive hot joins as just a quick way to test a build or just to pass time until you find something exciting to do.

\-\ Poquito (Engineer) /-/ Tarnished Coast
Not Sure If Serious [BZNZ] ||| Cynical [CYN]

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Irnhide.3428


When one leaves your side is kittened in 5on5…

Make a penalty for leaving games maybe???

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


did the winning ever really matter in Hotjoins? I mean no one tactically plays to win. Every time i jump in one (and I don’t anymore) people are playing it like a death match rather than conquest.

First impression of the 5v5 hotjoin is a lot less zerging and far more small skirming though I only jumped in to check out a couple matches while waiting on tourny que. a nice change of pace from what I could tell. Where it goes from here will take some time as the player base has to adjust.

Far too soon to say “it’s not working”

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Brinson.7289


What if someone wants to test a build and it turns out to be a very bad setup? That player now has to sit in the match and have no fun.

What if someone joins a 5v5 match and it isn’t fun because no one is working together and they are getting stomped and rez camped? Shouldn’t be penalized because you weren’t matched with a good team of players.

What if there is someone in the match that is being rude [not a rare circumstance] and you reaally don’t want to listen to this guy anymore? You shouldn’t be penalized for leaving.

What if my daughter hurts herself and I have to drop group or afk to mend her wounds? Daddy duty calls and I shouldn’t get penalized for being pulled away from the game.

\-\ Poquito (Engineer) /-/ Tarnished Coast
Not Sure If Serious [BZNZ] ||| Cynical [CYN]

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Frizz.6704


What if someone wants to test a build and it turns out to be a very bad setup? That player now has to sit in the match and have no fun.

What if someone joins a 5v5 match and it isn’t fun because no one is working together and they are getting stomped and rez camped? Shouldn’t be penalized because you weren’t matched with a good team of players.

What if there is someone in the match that is being rude [not a rare circumstance] and you reaally don’t want to listen to this guy anymore? You shouldn’t be penalized for leaving.

What if my daughter hurts herself and I have to drop group or afk to mend her wounds? Daddy duty calls and I shouldn’t get penalized for being pulled away from the game.

You shouldn’t leave a warzone because things arn’t going your way. All of your examples, except the last one, I constitute as ‘things arn’t going my way’ so I will leave. Leave at the end of the match but you went in to play a full game and leaving is a rubbish move as you are letting everyone else down.

In the last instance, if your daughter hurt herself, I doubt you would be wanting to play your computer for about 15 mins and thus the penalty you would receive would be of no consequence.

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


5v5 definitely needs improving.

From what I’ve experimented so far, I absolutely love it! It’s clearly not as popular as 8vs8, but I feel like I make a bigger difference.

So, I entered this map and my team was losing 70-350. We’ve worked hard, and by the end of the match, we lost 400-500. Even though it was a loss, it felt extremely satisfying, because such a thing would never have happened in a zerg 16-man match.

5v5 has a big problem, though: most of the time, it’s not 5v5. It’s 3v3, or 4v4. That’s because there’s always those players that leave the match anytime before it ends. So we get 2-3 dedicated players in each team, and 2-3 slots for other players to come in and go.

I was also going to suggest that, for casual spvp, it may be better to have 12-man matches over 10-man matches. 6v6 will mean, in practice, 4v4 or 5v5 most of the time, taking into account the player recycling that is common in hot-join.

Another problem is the rewards. I feel like 5v5 (and even if it was 6v6), atlhough funnier and deeper than 8v8, punishes you for more time spent to get the same rewards. I have a question: Are the win rewards at the end of a match spread towards all players? If not, maybe they should, so 5v5 match wins could give slightly better end rewards to compensate for their longer duration. When it comes to mid-game points, I feel they are fine as they are.

Maybe better rewards could be enough to make more players stick until the end?

(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


The big problem is the way sPvP works. Games just don’t feel serious at all. Pugs vs pugs free tournaments is what is needed the most. Solo players currently have nowhere to go to enjoy a serious fair competitive game without the unfair interference of premades.

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Psikerlord.2569


Really glad to see 5v5 hotjoin, seems to work most of the time to me. Which is a lot better than 8v8, which NEVER works. No-one plays 8v8 objectives. it’s just a zerg. At least 5v5 (or 5v4 whatever), you get some proper games going (all in good fun of course – it is hotjoin after all)

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: leman.7682


I rarely play hotjoin, but when I do I leave it as well.

Also, I stopped playing thee game already, too boring, no incentive, no people.

Feels like a wasteland.


5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: faeral.7120


5v5 is fine.

ppl do play for objectives more & the server population stays stable for longer periods of time. at least, until Capricorn ( then i usually rotate to a new Temple server unless the players on current server are good ).

however, where are my custom servers? they should be around here somewhere…

5 v 5's don't work

in PvP

Posted by: Prelude.3817


It just needs a queue system imo.

The “Play Now” option should allow to enter a queue, filling the gaps left by leavers.
Atm it’s a “Join empty server” button.
It could be integrated to the PvP panel too, so that you don’t have to wait in front of the server NPC (mostly wait for the “Full Server” error message to pop up each time you try to join a 9/10 server -.-)

Finally, if it works as it should (matching you with players of the same rank), it would lessen the chances to have unbalanced teams.
Atm hot join is full of Free Trial event rank 1: Not fun for them, discovering the game getting instagibbed, not fun for you, there’s no teamplay at all.

(edited by Prelude.3817)