50k+ total damage bladetrail

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


If you think thiefs can do burst then watch this movie..

when it happened i was like.. that can’t be ! thought i had the match in the pocket.. that was till i got hit by bladetrail for a total of 18500+ damage and all my pets eat about the same damage.. i made a movie about it and paused at the actual damage

is that working as intended if so .. lets all roll warriors and lay down 50k+ bladetrail damage in groups.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: cab.4072


Anyone know how this was possible, and if it is repeatable? it looks like he had 10 stacks of might, but that wouldn’t hit that hard that Ik of.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


Ye it hits a rly lot, 2day was me against warrior(im glass thief not, backstab but no trinket) im left 11 k hp he has some 20% hp, i see bladetrail im dead… was kind of surprising at first, not to mention its aoe, and instant cast, if cast from melee range. Well, the warrior was running pow/prec/vit could do some 20% more on crit via berserkers.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

(edited by Stin.9781)

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


That is some BS bug since I’ve only done 18k HB on Chief. So that shouldn’t even be possible at all.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


Im not sure how its done, i did not play warrior much but ive seen hits of almost equal damage/

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: cab.4072


Nvm, I just tested it, each additional target adds more damage, so it is only possible to do this kind of damage against a cluster of opponents. It just happens that minion masters get screwed over by this.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


Ye did tests myself … and when i managed to hit 12 targets at once i did close to 30k to each(same as backstab combo but aoe on 12 ppl)… o so rly reasuring 1 warrior spin through group of ppl all 5 downed. Much more of a reason to QQ about is this.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


I don’t know about that the first pet it hits it hitted for 14k damage.. 1 hit 14k damage.. then anothet pet for 7k then me for 18.5k and tbh im not even glass cannon spec as minion master you have natural toughness build in from talents i dont run around with 900 toughness.

its a bit weird you see your hp dropping from full to near empty in a matter of sub 1 second.. and having almost 30k hp and natural toughness im not really used to that..

so this is working as intended then ?

so being a mm i have to deal with :
1.moa wich terminates all my pets in an instant
2.water wich terminate all my pets also
3.sub standard hp of pets.. i mean its obvious flesh golem got 12k hp and thats the strongest pet of them all
4.bad minion ai
5. ranged executes from warriors who can terminate my pet and me with 1 skill

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


The damage increases with number of targets hit, If you warent running minions build i wouldnt hit more then 5k tops, but thing is… this whole thing is disturbing in mass battle scale. Imagine yourself and all your minions cought up in this aoe and 2-3 more ppl in it get wiped by 1 skill ! 1 skill to rule all aoe if positioned well. If he has fury its close to 100% critical too. even if it dont wipe u 1-2 more aoe from random anyone and you are all down.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


a group wipe button….now thats pretty cool

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


Well, might as well roll a warrior and troll with it for a while in Spvp… i wanna see more warrior rage threads maybe thn they forget thief.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


  • wave hand * these are not the droids you are looking for!
  • wave hand again * Nerf thieves… -_-’

(edited by Volrath.1473)

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


Well, im used to ppl looking for OP stuff on stealthy classes. I played scout(ranged invis class) rogue(World or rogue craft series tell opinion bout them) Commando( old game BfH invis knifer/sniper). and i always see thoe classes beeing created rly powerfull and well balanced. Then they get overnerfed by a lot, then get buffed back up. It seems stealth classes are never balanced for anyone its either UP or OP

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Noctred.6732


That’s kinda hilarious.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Orzwark.2431


This is exactly why I like how A-net handled balance. Even though it seemed very one-sided, the warrior in the video has so little survivability he almost lost anyway. If that necromancer wasn’t totally confused by the crazy burst, he could have still won.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Malicious.6742


Get Invis from Thief/Mesmer land that thing on stacked zerg in WvW expect massive QQing on forums. Someone please do it and fraps.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


It’s a dumb oversight with the way the ability works. It needs to be fixed and I don’t think you’ll have anyone arguing it is a dumb oversight. The tooltip doesn’t say it works that way.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: shalmont.2539


This is extremely situational, other than in hotjoin i dont see when you will see a cluster of people standing lined up waiting for it to go through and return to the players, someone said this was instant, it is by no means instant, even if they are standing in front of you, if he hits the closest target that means he wont get that high dmg unless they are all on top of you….

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


It should hit each player in the trail once and only once. That seems obvious.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Navzar.2938


While I understand this is very situational, I think there should be a limit to the additional damage.

Ye did tests myself … and when i managed to hit 12 targets at once i did close to 30k to each

If its like this, it can completely slaughter a group in wvw. The additional damage per target should be reduced and/or the aoe should be limited to 5 targets like other aoe skills.
However, as far as spvp goes, I don’t think its really much of a problem outside of the unfortunate MM.

(edited by Navzar.2938)

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


Ok done futher tests on Spvp. This thing trigers not always. However, when it does i see ppl geting downed instantly. And this is Spvp. Now ok lets say warrior master how to do this 100% of time. He go WvW bladetrail> 10 ppl on ground 1 skill turned whole battle.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


And it is not normal AoE, since it hits your target then comes back too you like a boomerang. Look basic ida of it You—-•-•-•→target in between there ware 3 objects that will get hit twice. If too many ppl just jump on 1 spot, i can devastate whole mass of them. These things dont rly happen in Tpvp or Spvp often, but in WvW if 100% working way to abuse it(when i try it works at around 10-20% rate) it could be gamebreaking.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: JonPeters.5630


Game Design Lead


It’s a bug. We saw the video and have a fix already but because the build is underway and we need time to test it, and because this is kitten hard to do reliably it will be some time before it goes in.


50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: JonPeters.5630



Game Design Lead

Edit: obviously if people figure out how to reliably do this we will look into a hot fix.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

It’s a bug. We saw the video and have a fix already but because the build is underway and we need time to test it, and because this is kitten hard to do reliably it will be some time before it goes in.


Even the devs get “kittened” sometimes.

It amuses me to imagine that word started with an ‘f,’ but it was probably a ‘d’.

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


Hey Jon, wile your at it “fix” hundred blades too if a 8k Pistol wip had to be “fixed” a 16k hundred blades needs the same treatment don’t you think? Also I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen to backstab! (already started leveling my warrior just in case)

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Too bad not a lot of people even has the balls to use that 18k HB build LMAO. Not getting nerfed I believe so lets be realistic, hey Jon don’t forget Fast Hands <3

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


Ofcorse it won’t! Jon here plays a warrior as we all know, how would you explain warriors being op since early betas untill now? And most of the complaints are deleted, as for thieves they even made a STICKY thead to encourage ppl to wine about them!

Nuf said.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Varyag.3751


Hey Jon, wile your at it “fix” hundred blades too if a 8k Pistol wip had to be “fixed” a 16k hundred blades needs the same treatment don’t you think? Also I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen to backstab! (already started leveling my warrior just in case)

100Blades doesn’t need a nerf really, not only does it have no CC attached to it but the Warrior profession can’t exactly Shadow Step or anything. The issue that Pistol Whip Thieves had was the fact you could throw a 9k Pistol Whip and follow up with… another Pistol Whip and then another. Thief profession mechanics really screwed over Pistol Whip.

Too bad not a lot of people even has the balls to use that 18k HB build LMAO.

Yeah, but that’s because it’s an easy to counter one trick pony build that doesn’t have Stealth and Shadow Steps. Still rolling first day chumps in hot join with 100blades (especially unsuspecting Thieves) is kitten fun.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

(edited by Varyag.3751)

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: ryse.1350


Edit: obviously if people figure out how to reliably do this we will look into a hot fix.

Was able to reliably hit for 10k+ using the below build and just spamming bladetrail on the heavy golem pit in the pvp lobby.


Seems like bladetrail just keeps compounding the +X% damage traits totaling into insane damage on the last few hits of the return swing. Get full adrenaline and start throwing your bladetrail such that the outgoing throw and return both hits five targets…should get similar results. (Also explains why our necro minion master friend got destroyed.)

After removing Berserker’s Power(Strength V) and Slashing Power(Strength IX) from that build the damage no longer balloons to insane numbers, so they may be the main culprit.

Highest hit I had was ~25k damage.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


You don’t need to come up with excuses, we both know that warriors will not be nerfed.
Mine is almost 80

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Krono.2918


The interesting part, if you watch when he scrolls up in the combat log, bladetrail only hit him for 999 damage and he dodged the return on the blade so…

The warrior was running superior sigil of air, as you can see Lightning Strike hit him harder than bladetrail.

What’s up with this vid?

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Hey Jon, wile your at it “fix” hundred blades too if a 8k Pistol wip had to be “fixed” a 16k hundred blades needs the same treatment don’t you think? Also I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen to backstab! (already started leveling my warrior just in case)

100Blades doesn’t need a nerf really, not only does it have no CC attached to it but the Warrior profession can’t exactly Shadow Step or anything. The issue that Pistol Whip Thieves had was the fact you could throw a 9k Pistol Whip and follow up with… another Pistol Whip and then another. Thief profession mechanics really screwed over Pistol Whip.

Too bad not a lot of people even has the balls to use that 18k HB build LMAO.

Yeah, but that’s because it’s an easy to counter one trick pony build that doesn’t have Stealth and Shadow Steps. Still rolling first day chumps in hot join with 100blades (especially unsuspecting Thieves) is kitten fun.

There is a way to make that build viable, just the fact that majority of the players are unskilled. That’s what I meant to say. Sure Warrior has no Shadow Step, but they have Rush and Whirlwind attack to dart in and out of combat if necessary. Those two skills allow plays to happen AND they break immobilize. Of course most probably will disagree with me cause you know, most people are simple minded to the point where they think Frenzy + Bulls Charge is the only way to make HB land. Glass cannon HB is legit but it simply wasn’t made for unskilled players.

And whats funny is it isn’t THAT hard to reach the level of play that I’m talking about either. That’s why I was boggled on why the hell Blade Trail even has that feature, because Warrior is fine as is.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Varyag.3751



There is a way to make that build viable, just the fact that majority of the players are unskilled. That’s what I meant to say.

100b is certainly viable, that is the main reason as to why it is still probably the most popular of Warrior builds – that and the build type is relatively easy to use and get results with.


Sure Warrior has no Shadow Step, but they have Rush and Whirlwind attack to dart in and out of combat if necessary. Those two skills allow plays to happen AND they break immobilize.

This is also true, the lack of shadow steps, stealth and lack of immobilize on 100b is what prevents 100b Warrior from being overpowered. Which is the point I was trying to make to compare with Pistol Whip thieves.


because Greatsword Warrior is fine as is.

Fixed for you.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Mace (main or off-hand) is fine, Sword (main or off-hand) is fine, Axe kinda got screwed after the Eviscerate nerf and putting an Axe on your off-hand is kinda pointless. Long Bow + adrenaline system = not forgiving. Rifle is too situational.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Varyag.3751


You’re not getting any argument here… I agree with what you’ve said.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Rhydian.5412


Meh My ranger has taken similar damage from warriors doing the same thing, I would rather fight against the invis bug with a HS spammer than deal with that. Unless my pet by itself justifies an 18K+++ bladetrail this is different from Mesmers and thieves who just aggravate me, this is just an I win button, god forbid you have already popped a Cooldown to break out of stun and used your endurance up in a Zerg when this comes barreling at you, normally I get hit with this while trying to ward off numerous thieves so it would be nice if it were a 1v1 balance issue however we are not fighting in 1v1 games.

But as stated its a bug, thank god.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Mace (main or off-hand) is fine, Sword (main or off-hand) is fine,

Video proof of these claims from top tier play in tourneys (meaning against proper competitive teams with real comps and not hotjoin pug crap or pug tourney groups).


I agree with you about mace OFFHAND and all. And sword has it’s place for mobility or using the immobilize to land a HB but as an actual main weapon? Pfffft.

ON topic: Thanks Jon. Kind of assumed it had to be a bug as I’ve been unable to replicate it with any kind of reliable success in the mists. Can’t say I’ve ever seen it or been hit by it but then again in tourneys it’s not often players are all huddled together in groups of 5+

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

(edited by Braxxus.2904)

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


That’s a bug? I thought that was normal considering how whirl attacks work, since they usually run through targets so fast they don’t hit that much.

edit : Sorry I thought this was the spin attack lmao.

(edited by Knote.2904)

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


I did 32k 100b on Necro (using shroud, its why I got that high number since everything dies before 100b is finished.

Thief burst my kitten /p>

Also glass cannon warrior is viable in tpvp. You can kitten a whole team trying to raise or stomp someone. You have uber movement, better then thief and more survibility.

Lets not mention lol 12k eviscirate and immunity to damage with shield block and endure pain.

PS. Whirlwind instagibs any glass cannon thief even if he is in stealth

(edited by ilJumperMT.4871)

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


Bah edit button gone.

Lets all roll warrior. Highest Damage, Highest HP, Highest Armor. Best farming for PVE too.

Devs favour Warrior, they said themselfs. Lets not mention that Warrior get buffed while broken unplayable useless class gets nothing looks at ranger

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: phaeris.7604


1) Wow on that damage, my blade trail usually hits for 1k-1.5k maximum on a target. I really just use it as a mesmer pet clearer or a snare/ranged root. Never ever had it do those sort of numbers.

2) Saddest thing was to see the warrior almost die when he only got one attack in the whole fight (admittedly the attack did hit for bugged damage.)

3) IlJumperMT, please decided on the level of lies you’re telling. Before you claimed 24k damage on a necro with HB, then it went up to 27k HB, then in this thread it’s 32k damage, pick a number and stick with it man, will it be 50k next time? 1 millionK? Eviscerates which hit for 12k? Whirlwind instagibbing thieves?

Honestly you my as well say warriors can shoot laser beams out of thier eyes and run at faster than light speeds. I have to hand it to you, 32k damage in spvp, when the highest damage anyone has ever done has only been on an npc, which was 18k with a full glass cannon build.

Also…more survivability than a thief?….lollers.

BUt please keep posting stats like that. I’d rather face more people trying to play warriors than thieves, it’s a 10 times easier fight.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

It’s a bug. We saw the video and have a fix already but because the build is underway and we need time to test it, and because this is kitten hard to do reliably it will be some time before it goes in.


while you are at it, give the thief class a look, they can spam 10k-15k hits without even breaking stealth

to me it looks like the whole class is a giant bug on itself

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


while you are at it, give the thief class a look, they can spam 10k-15k hits without even breaking stealth

to me it looks like the whole class is a giant bug on itself

These are the kind of people asking for nerfs to the Thief class. The kind that think we can go around spamming 15k damage attacks and never break stealth. lol

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

while you are at it, give the thief class a look, they can spam 10k-15k hits without even breaking stealth

to me it looks like the whole class is a giant bug on itself

These are the kind of people asking for nerfs to the Thief class. The kind that think we can go around spamming 15k damage attacks and never break stealth. lol

if it makes you feel any better I’ll cut on the sarcastic hyperbole and say the facts plainly as they are

“they can make a 8k hit followed by a 15k hit, and if their target survives that (very veeery doubtful), spam a bunch of 4-5k hits back to back…that, in a few seconds, where the engine probably wont have rendered them visible yet”

you are the kind of people denying the need for thief nerfs. The kind that would royally suck at the game without a class that practically plays alone.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Coffeebot.3921


The method for reliably achieving large crits with blade trail is fairly simple, it has to do with the interaction of Forceful Greatsword in the Arms trait line which gives might on each crit, if you crit 7 targets on the way out and then crit them on the blades return each target would give the warrior another stack of might which would increase the total damage for the next hit.

Dunno about a full on sPvP game but I got a 42.5k blade trail against heavy target golems using sPvP gear.


Fornicate like you’ve never fornicated before.
I am anti-censorship, for it doesn’t make sense to pander to a minority.

(edited by Moderator)

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Sami.1560


Just tried bladetrail vs the dummies with 25 stacks of might and it still hits for “sensible” amounts.

edit: looking at the opponent’s buffs in the video, he seems to pop Frenzy right before the final hits (two black-bordered icons appear which look like Quickness and the +50% more damage to yourself). However, I’ve been trying to time frenzy with bladetrail and still can’t get those crits.

(edited by Sami.1560)

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Kisses.1054


I like the flesh golem jsut chilling out doing nothing after you died. :/

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


I think the bug has to do with damage addition. You knwo like how each hit of HB adds up the damage for each hit showing you the finale of BH being 13K or what ever? I assumed Bladetrail did that, each hit was additive to its total damage number shown.

However, because we’re piercing targets, and hitting new ones, this upgraded damage is carried over to the next target, and its like being hit by 2 blade trails. Hit all a necro’s minions before him and it might be like he was just hit by 6 blade trails at once.

A theory, but i saw some insane numbers when loling around with damage golems recently, i assumed it was like HB, never knew i was ACTUALLY hitting the golems for 30K.

50k+ total damage bladetrail

in PvP

Posted by: Talve.9027


Funny thing about it is actually that you did not use your heal and you still almost took him down with yourself after that 18k.

That has been my counter against warriors as trap ranger for ages. Sure, take me down. But if you manage it, you probably come with me.

Thats how glassy they have to be to pull off this kind a burst.

However yes. I was shown this bug a little time ago by a guildmate. Don’t worry. Like said earlier, fix is already on the way.

Noexc / Ranger
Talve / Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest