-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: raph.9526


HI i wanna understand wath happened…. i was at 177win – 133 loose and rank 191 now im rank 241 ….. and 178win -134 loose just win 1 game and lost one this leaderboard doesnt work for sure …. thx for the fake gift


-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: raph.9526


you guys have to look at the big drop like I and other guys that loose -50 rank or more with only 1loose …. its impossible to drop that fast cmon …. +1win+1loose on a 57.1 ratio doesnt make you drop that much over my 310games played …. !

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: raph.9526


before releasing something it have to be 100% test … cause its matematicly impossible look 1sec leaderboard and in like 1hour see 50 players dropping 50+ ranks …. its 100% impossible and i look at rank improvement by player that doesnt even play and they up all by almost same number ?? should i just stop playing and came later when i wont loose my rank for free

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


What happened was you probably destroyed some team that’s not even on the rankings, then you got destroyed by one that’s not on the rankings.

If your rank 100 and you beat rank 1100s you don’t go up that much, if your rank 100 and you lose to rank 1100 you will go down fast, because your not suppose to lose to them.

Its like starcraft leaderboards, your ladder points is 3000 and you lose to someone with really bad ladder points you will lose lots of points and the person will gain lots of points that beat u because hes not suppose to beat you.

Ok look at this ladder http://starcraftrankings.com/ if Your that rank10 guy with 1220 points, and you lose to someone that’s like rank 70 with like 850 points, YOU lose like 50 points and he will gain 50 points. So you will drop from rank 10 to rank 14 in 1 game, and if you win another game against someone with 850 points you will only get like 2 points because hes nowhere near you.

Its okay to lose to people higher points/rank/rate, but when you lose to someone lower than you, you lose a lot of points and if they are considerably lower than you, even more points.

A rank 10 guy losing to a rank 1000 guy will go down in ranks and that rank 1000 guy will go up really fast, probably become a rank 900 or in 800s because that’s a big feat. However that rank 10 guy shouldn’t go up in rank, he has to win against rank 1000 guys like 40 games in a row to get to rank 9 or however much is the difference of points between them.

The only difference between starcraft ladder is that it shows your points, GW2 doesn’t want to show you your points.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: Demolition Man.3751

Demolition Man.3751

Doesn’t really make much sense imo, that definitely does not seem right. Especially when there are players with more wins and a higher win percentage, yet still there is are a multitude of players that are still ahead in rank.

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Sorry for long post, all I gotta say is, its a point system and they don’t show you your points. I don’t know the exact formula they use but its common sense that if you have 1000 points and beat someone with 700 points you earn 5 points because your considerably higher. That puts you at 1005, now you lose a game to a 700 point person, you go down 50 points because your considerably higher in points than him. Now your at 955 points.

Just look at http://starcraftrankings.com/ for easier understanding. Or this http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=195273 its not GW2 but GW2 uses similar system, just look at that picture under matchmaking rating, I have no idea what all that other stuff is.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: Nettle.9025


I fell 43 spots from 2 wins and 0 losses. Something seems off with this. Guess these leaderboards aren’t really even worth looking at yet.

Badding up tourneys since 2012
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: HPLT.7132


Seems to work quite well….

So 1 match dropped me 650 ranks and another solo q match another 1100 ranks while than magically quite a few wins brought me back.. HM KAY


-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: Zodian.6597


This is why we need to show MMR, people just don’t understand the concept of “strength of win”, without the numerical value showing they just generalize every groupe and base the whole thing on w/l ratio.

PS: There are actually many people trying to climb up the ladder now that it’s out (I even have friends that have taken time off from work to try and farm up to >r100). So if you don’t play as much (right now) as other people, you will start to fall. This will stabilize as time goes on and as the internal mmr begins to peak (imagine start of the season ELO in LoL -we’re all starting at around 1600 and racing to get to 2k+).


(edited by Zodian.6597)

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: Infectious.4836


Can’t be as bad as my 500+ place drop without playing any games.

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: Baam.2493


tl;dr? The current MMS seems to be too violatile and fast changing. Needs to award playing many games (put a cap on max gains and a bigger cap on max losses for rating…?).

I have ~50 games registered and i’m higher then some very good players with +100 games registered, whom also have a great w/l. I shouldn’t be able to be ahead of them with this little effort; reward playing the game!

To anyone that reads the above, don’t take that to mean I think grinding is a good thing. Just make it so that to really reach the top of the leaderboards, you have to do it over the course of many games to find your true skill level.

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: Vence.6974


Thats how it was and is with gw1 guild ladder where if a top 50 guild just lost to rank 900+ then the higher ranking guild will drop by 100-200 ranks while the lesser team will rise just as much.

The Yellowflash of GW2

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.4386


Gained 18 ranks by playing 0 games
Suspicious but not necessarily bugged.

Anyway too many premades in top 100. Looks like we need separation of solo-queues and premades. Community seems to be large enough.

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


Gained 18 ranks by playing 0 games
Suspicious but not necessarily bugged.

Anyway too many premades in top 100. Looks like we need separation of solo-queues and premades. Community seems to be large enough.

perhaps 18 people infront of you dropped really low :p

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

-50rank with +1win+1loose when 250+ games

in PvP

Posted by: Socram.6587


tl;dr? The current MMS seems to be too violatile and fast changing. Needs to award playing many games (put a cap on max gains and a bigger cap on max losses for rating…?).

Sorry, but no.
A proper rating always takes the matchups into account and not the amount of played games. If you are rank 7 and lose to a team with an average rank of 634 (lets not regard the circumstance that such matchups should rarely occur if there are enough players in the queue), then why should you only drop a few ranks? Several hundred seem to be more appropriate ;-) It’s not like you couldn’t climb up again just as fast.

ANet just needs to split the ladder between premades and solo queuers, ideally also the tournaments queues ingame.
In the current implementation all players who can at least sometimes play in a proper team and care about their rating would never queue as a solo player because they would most likely lose against a premade and get a huge drop in their rating. So they are discouraged from playing… by the game itself oO