6 hours of farming to go up divisions

6 hours of farming to go up divisions

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

Rewarding us for farming non-premades and stomping guilds that clearly doesn’t have equal MMR was toxic enough, but you want us to do that for 25 games?! Ruby and Diamond you want us to do that for 30+ games?!!


What the hell ArenaNet? You do realize that is a ton of games JUST to kitten people off?

There is a reason why you have placement matches in other games ArenaNet, it’s to prevent high skill teams from farming over and over until they get to their proper rank.

(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)

6 hours of farming to go up divisions

in PvP

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


fyi mmr is still the same one from before. my team keeps getting pro league teams because we have a fairly high mmr, so it’s impossible to farm randoms. of course sometimes it happens that you get a random enemy team but usually that’s not the case.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

6 hours of farming to go up divisions

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

fyi mmr is still the same one from before. my team keeps getting pro league teams because we have a fairly high mmr, so it’s impossible to farm randoms. of course sometimes it happens that you get a random enemy team but usually that’s not the case.

Usually is the key word.

We were in 5th place and still fought against a non-premades, hell, in 7th place we fought against the same guild team 3 times in a row. How the hell is that any fair to them?

Combine that with the insane amount of games you have to play, it just serves to kitten people off.


It’s bad enough to have bad match making, but this is rubbing salt on PvP’s open wounds.

(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)

6 hours of farming to go up divisions

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


fyi mmr is still the same one from before. my team keeps getting pro league teams because we have a fairly high mmr, so it’s impossible to farm randoms. of course sometimes it happens that you get a random enemy team but usually that’s not the case.

Usually is the key word.

We were in 5th place and still fought against a non-premades, hell, in 7th place we fought against the same guild team 3 times in a row. How the hell is that any fair to them?

Combine that with the insane amount of games you have to play, it just serves to kitten people off.


It’s bad enough to have bad match making, but this is rubbing salt on PvP’s open wounds.

I think that you think they care. I would rethink that.

6 hours of farming to go up divisions

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


As much as I like to bash A-net there is not an unlimited amount of equally skilled players. If a full premade roughly around your MMR level is not available to be matched with you what do you propose you just sit in the queue forever? Also, leagues just started yesterday how fast do you want this whole process to legendary to take? You are making it a grind by playing 6 hours in one day.

6 hours of farming to go up divisions

in PvP

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


Rewarding us for farming non-premades and stomping guilds that clearly doesn’t have equal MMR was toxic enough, but you want us to do that for 25 games?! Ruby and Diamond you want us to do that for 30+ games?!!


What the hell ArenaNet? You do realize that is a ton of games JUST to kitten people off?

There is a reason why you have placement matches in other games ArenaNet, it’s to prevent high skill teams from farming over and over until they get to their proper rank.

Yes, there is a lack of competency by the individuals who designed this. It was not well thought out and it adds credence to the argument that ArenaNet really doesn’t have the talent it needs on the PvP development team. The company needs to put more money into this aspect of the game and frankly hire more experienced and more competent staff.

If you want the PvP in your game to be respected at pro level, there a lot more to it than hiring a good brand manager and tossing boat loads of money into production and promotion of the Twitch broadcast. It seems that was their approach unfortunately.

6 hours of farming to go up divisions

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

As much as I like to bash A-net there is not an unlimited amount of equally skilled players. If a full premade roughly around your MMR level is not available to be matched with you what do you propose you just sit in the queue forever? Also, leagues just started yesterday how fast do you want this whole process to legendary to take? You are making it a grind by playing 6 hours in one day.

The issue isn’t the amount of equally skilled players, think about it, if my team is stomping to the top 10 of the leaderboards, why keep going? Unless the other top tier teams are playing; other players or teams don’t stand a chance.

Because we lack legendary, we lack the items you get from climbing tiers and there is no way to accelerate it. Just go up a one pip, one, by one, by one. Instead of playing 3-4 games a night, it’s better to play 10 or more.

And your right, to avoid sitting in queue for hours the system does its best to give us matches. A lot of matches. Making TONS of unfair matches to avoid us to sit around for too long.

Quality is a problem, but now quantity is too.

(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)

6 hours of farming to go up divisions

in PvP

Posted by: Shepherd.5839


Now the thread has clearly spiraled into a slightly different discussion but I just want to say, 6 hours for a for a division change is completely fine imo. I didn’t go from placement to platinum V in Smite joust in just a couple hours, I did it by putting in the time and effort and working like mad just to get there.

That’s how leagues SHOULD be. If you can go up to ruby or diamond in a day or two’s work, then that is literally pointless. The system wasn’t made to be easy and it shouldn’t be. This is what leagues are.

6 hours of farming to go up divisions

in PvP

Posted by: Pizz.3698


fyi mmr is still the same one from before. my team keeps getting pro league teams because we have a fairly high mmr, so it’s impossible to farm randoms. of course sometimes it happens that you get a random enemy team but usually that’s not the case.

Usually is the key word.

We were in 5th place and still fought against a non-premades, hell, in 7th place we fought against the same guild team 3 times in a row. How the hell is that any fair to them?

Combine that with the insane amount of games you have to play, it just serves to kitten people off.


It’s bad enough to have bad match making, but this is rubbing salt on PvP’s open wounds.

My team was in 3rd, now in 5th and we fought premades all night last night. Even faced abjured at one point. It’s still the first day. Give the game time to calculate everyone’s mmr. There’s a huge influx of new players.
