(edited by Ruufio.1496)
600 Games 50% Win/Loss Rank... 22
At least in sPvP you can have some fun either lose or winning. Have you tried pugging free tournaments only to get farmed by premades at round 3? I cannot phantom why the hell Anet decided that letting premades farm pugs was a good idea. Have you guys ever thought about a revolutionary idea: different queues? I know you think premades will play only paid tournaments, but it’s so naive it’s not even funny. How do you think they will farm their tickets?
Have you guys ever played a MOBA game?
I agree that pugs vs premades is one of the worst aspect of the current PvP game and would benefit a lot from getting improved as soon as possible. I haven’t done a free tournament in at least a week because, as you say, if you manage to win games with your pug you have increasingly more chances to be matched against a premade on the next round. It’s totally pointless to pug free tournaments in the current state.
I was having the same exact thoughts the other day. You pretty much get rewarded for disregarding strategy completely, joining the mass zerg and spamming high damage moves so you tag somebody and get kill credit for them.
Alternatively, you can also stack up points by using swiftness to run back and forth between points that aren’t being zerged and capping them. Even if you see enemies coming towards the point you just capped, you’ll get more points if you abandon it and run to another one instead of trying to defend the point.
This game…..lol.
i was thinking about this last night, i think they wont seperate premades from pugs because of low population issues.
I guess the least they could do is prioritise premades vs premades
This is defiantly an issue and is one of the reasons I have (as a pvp player) sadly decided to stay out of Spvp for the time being.
Hardly anyone goes for the objectives of the game, because they know they can get more glory just farming kills. So games end up being not even close cause most of the time, one team has 0 people who care about objectives and go for kills, and the other team has 1 or 2 that do, win the game for their team while the rest of their team is engaged in battle.
Whats worse, is that the people that DID the objectives, get MUCH LESS glory than the people who completely ignored them.
The system really needs to be looked at cause right now hot join pvp is just NOT fun.
More incentive needs to be placed on the objectives, rewards need to be better for the ones doing the objectives, and there needs to be a higher discrepancy between winning and losing a match as far as glory goes. Because as it stands now, you can be on the losing team ignoring objectives and going for kills, and earn WAY more than the winning team whose members went for the objectives and got slightly less kills.
Their right to zerg, downstate makes it a zerg game.
For example you will know spawning enemys will come to take your point that your groups just taken and that you need wait a little while to defend it but the zerg wont know this they just zerg off to the next place, now you standing alone know its pointless to defend on your own so you have to follow them off in the zerg.
Most of the games I play people seem to try and win. In fact I think the OP’s comment that he has a 50% win/loss rate after 600 games shows that the system is working really well.
Just think back to almost any other mmo’s battle-ground type pvp: premades farming pugs, twinks farming everyone, totally dependant on gear, spawn camping, endless grind before you can even be competative-at which time you are probably sick of the game (if u even managed to stick it out that long)- a cycle that is often repeated every “season”, pve to do pvp……
There is always room for improvement, but this game has the best battle-ground type pvp ever and is only 2-months old; every time I see a dev in the mists I want to hug them for it.
I have over 1000 games played and a 62% win rate. That’s about were it should be for random matches with random teams if your looking for an assessment of your performance. 60% means you have enough of an impact to influence victory for your team even though you have no control over anything else. 50% means you’re about as effective as most of the people you play with, which is fine because that means that you know what you’re doing and not dragging the team down.
While I do come across zergs, it isn’t all the time and even so, it’s not hard to play around them and just back cap them all game. I think people zerg for a variety of reasons but I think a big one is that new player just want to experience combat more than static point defense, which is fine. The main incentive in spvp is to be were the action is. Want points? get off the lone point no one is going to and defend the one that is under attack, capture undefended stuff, assist teammates on the way. Doing that scores far more than just zerging around all game.
Zerging is a problem, and I think until they give some sort of point incentive to defend the points after capping it, the randoms in hotjoins are going to continue to zerg all day.
But as others have said, it’s hard to blame them when if they try to sit on a point, their whole team will leave them, and then they’ll get rushed down by 3+ enemies.
so my 890 game played which 616 are tourney with about 58% wins makes my rank 33 fabolous!!!
I totally agree. Even in swtor pugs generally attempted to play the objectives. What I can’ t understand, with the spvp scoring system as it is, is why there are objectives at all. Basically it should be an open field with pillars to LOS if you can be bothered. All meet in the middle and empty your aoe cooldowns. This seems the only playstyle the current scoring system promotes.
Personally speaking, I am one of those mugs that does stay at a point to guard it. I would rather win the game and pretend I had done something worthwhile…
I didnt play any betas but bought the game based on its reputation for pvp. I was shocked to be honest.
I think the problem is not people playing well, it’s the fact you do not recieve enough glory points. Even if you score 250+ points every game it takes you hours to watch your bar move, and days for it to hit the next level.
People generally want to win and you do run across bad players. I find that out of 75% of quick join games people DO go for objectives, they just do not try to go for more than one or break the enemy’s hold of one. I expect that in GW2, as it appreals to a braod base of people, many who are not pvpers.
Still, the base of the problem is that we are not rewarded enough glory. Considering it took me this long to get to PvP 20 off of free joins, I can only wonder at what kind of experience is needed for PvP 50 or more…
So rank matters now? I was under the impression that all it did was make your character look “cooler”. I didn’t know it was a measure of someone’s worth.
Also, I honestly thought this thread was going to mention something about balance. Given the sample size of 600 games, the OP has won exactly 50% of them. Half the time you draw the long straw, half the time you draw the short straw.
Then it was made to sound like the OP loses all the time, or that he/she’s entitled to a higher rank because of reasons. I’m still trying to figure out how rank matters at all. It’s a plastic carrot on a wooden stick, and people are chomping at the bit to get their mitts all over it.
I mean do you see that carrot? Look at how orange it is, I HAVE TO HAVE IT.
What is balance to you folks, exactly? Winning all the time because we always think we’re better than the other player, regardless? Jumping into a pug and being able to swing the game to your favor because you’re pro? It’s a pug, and hot-join at that. Glory doesn’t even reward you with anything other than looking different, and it’s still enough to make people ignore objectives.
So how do you get people to not ignore objectives? Make them worth more? Then you have to somehow make sure people don’t just join games and trade capping, which people do anyway right now. So then what? You make it so you only gain glory with 10+ people, or 8+ people, or what-have-you. What is stopping people from just all dropping the second there are less than 10 people? Nothing. Servers would wipe clean in moments, and they already seem to degrade quickly when leavers start leaving.
So how, exactly, do you create a system where people in a public game actively try to just do objectives and try to “win properly”? I’m open to suggestions, as long as the person suggesting is open to me finding a way to exploit the system and make hot-join “no fun”.
EDIT – Do people really need spikes on their armor today, so they can come back and complaint that they’re top rank too quickly and no longer have any more incentives to PvP? Or that they already have the set they want for looks, so why bother?
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
If you want objective based game play; then play tourny’s. If you cant handle those then maybe you should WvW, lol.