A Generic QQ post from a ranger

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Hey all. First time righting a rage post I think (or if I have made others I don’t remember them) so feel free to let me know if I can make it saltier.

Over the last few weeks. It has been a living kittening hell playing PvP. To put it in perspective I am a power ranger. (que generic lol pew pew comments for my generic qq thread).

I ended up not liking druid so for the most part I stuck with my longbow/gs build I had made for myself. Its not the typical WS build but it has led me through a couple years of a high win rate as long as I played to my strengths.

Big kittening mistake. I might as well have deleted my ranger as far as it goes in PvP.

It isn’t the chronomancers. Its not the reapers or the scrappers. And I laugh at the dragonhunters.

Its the god kitten tempests. I am SICK of going into a match and seeing one of these.

Because its an impossible matchup.

A tempest naturally shuts down EVERYTHING about BOTH of my weapons. This isn’t a soft counter. This isn’t something you can just get good with and improve past. This isn’t something where you can pull of godlike positioning and timing and make it through. This is a flat, base, Hard Counter. If there are two tempests on the enemy team. Then I am not going to get a kill in a team fight. It simply isn’t going to happen.

The reason for that is Magnetic Aura and Frost Aura. And the fact that they are kittening AOE. And there MASSIVE protection uptime. And not even normal protection. IMPROVED protection.

To put it in perspective. My build is designed around self creating and maintaining 25 stacks of might and permanent fury. I will never have less than 18 stacks mid fight unless I get corrupted. I run a marauder amulet so you know my damage SHOULD be good.

If in a miracle the FULL rapid fire hits. It will do less than 5k against a tempest.

Keep in mind this isn’t an unmighted rapid fire with normal crit chance. This is litteraly as boosted as it can get. With all the damage modifiers available to me rolling. I CAN"T make the burst hit harder than that.

In that situation the tempest will heal from it in seconds. And there is nothing I can do to stop it.

And heres the funny part. This ^ situation never happens. When tempests are on the field there is so much frost and magnetic aura going out that I can’t land more than 1-2 odd attacks at a time. And trying to melee a tempest as a power ranger is suicide. You cant even try to burst them down with a sword/axe combo because lolreflect your path of scars. And good luck making maul do enough damage to kill them.

Typically my PET does more damage to the tempest than I can even if I do everything possible to play perfectly.

I have played ranger for three years. I know how to play my class. And I know how to play my build well enough to be a threat.

But this? It isn’t possible. The tempest has to be new to there build entirely for me to actually be able to do anything. And if theres two? Like kitten near EVERY PREMADE has? Get ready to spend a whole round doing NOTHING.

I don’t typically get angry at anet or there balance team. You can check my post history. I am usually playing the devils advocate to try to get people to see things from there perspective.

But this? I can’t. I have no idea how this made it into the game. I simply don’t understand.

There is no way to break the auras. There is no way for me to counterplay other than run around and try not to die until its over only for something else to be put up in its place.

I don’t have unblockable attacks to pierce reflects. I don’t have enough melee burst to bypass them. I can’t outlast them because they have more sustain and PBAoE pressure than I can EVER produce.

Honestly? If LRS had a 50% chance to be unblockable. Or was unblockable when shot from behind a target. I would atleast have the ILLUSION that something I do in these matchups actually matters.

But I don’t even have that.

I really wish there was a balance patch today. But even if there was. I SERIOUSLY doubt this would have been what they addressed. Because in a way. It just so happens to hurt the build and playstyle I have spent three YEARS developing more than anyone else.

I don’t expect them to get nerfed. Nor do I expect to get buffed. In a way this was just a way for me to vent. Sorry to waste the time of anyone that read this. Hope you all are having a better time than I am.

Ghost Yak

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Shepherd.5839


Tempest damage is pretty low, just make sure not to fire at them when magnetic aura is up. Best help I can offer low, other than that maybe roll a DH lol? It’s pretty much a power ranger these days just with more survival as well.

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


On that note. How about a suggestion. How about aruas have a set number of times they activate. And once there gone they kitten well dissapear. At least then I could shoot myself five times then start doing damage.

Ghost Yak

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Timston.1976


Yay for tempest qq, thought u were going for Dragonhunters for a bit. As a Dragonhunter I get shut down by tempest reflect and sustain but guards have always been subpar when dueling Tempest. I would think Druid would do better with it’s large amounts of sustain, weird right?

Guard main,Team pvp enthusiast, and all around Jolly fellow
bunker guard will live again, well, someday

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Tempest damage is pretty low, just make sure not to fire at them when magnetic aura is up. Best help I can offer low, other than that maybe roll a DH lol? It’s pretty much a power ranger these days just with more survival as well.

Sadly. Even when magnetic aura is down it isn’t possible for me even if I went full glass to kill them before the next aura is up. There sustain and boon uptime is too high. And power ranger has 0 method of counterplaying those.

As for rolling a dragonhunter I am sure I would be happier. But as I said. I have spent so long developing my playstyle that abandoning feels like throwing away all the work and practice I put into it.

Ghost Yak

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Yay for tempest qq, thought u were going for Dragonhunters for a bit. As a Dragonhunter I get shut down by tempest reflect and sustain but guards have always been subpar when dueling Tempest. I would think Druid would do better with it’s large amounts of sustain, weird right?

Yeah. Atleast druid has staff which no problem with projectile hate. I just wish I LIKED playing druid.

Ghost Yak

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Timston.1976


Tempest damage is pretty low, just make sure not to fire at them when magnetic aura is up. Best help I can offer low, other than that maybe roll a DH lol? It’s pretty much a power ranger these days just with more survival as well.

Roll a DH to help against tempest, dude, DH gets kitten d by any semi good tempest, please, stop with teh DH comments when there are revs outs there m8

Guard main,Team pvp enthusiast, and all around Jolly fellow
bunker guard will live again, well, someday

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Sorry got no sympathy for pew pew rangers.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Actually Id like to add something. Why does EVERY elite spec have projectile hate built into it. I mean ALL of them do. Expect beserker of course.

Edit: this is the end of my Generic QQ post. Feel free to comment or not. As I said this was mostly to vent. Absolutely everything I said is true though.

Ghost Yak

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Tempest is broken in some ways, and weak in others. I don’t like how it’s become a super bunker that needs to be trained down and focused (read CC spammed) in a teamfight to take it down.

I love tempest for the support it brings, especially things like the heal shout. It’s just problematic when that support translates into too much personal sustain.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Mitch.4781


Well, you’ll be pleased to know that now they will be even harded to take down as u can’t see their Aura’s as clearly since the visual nerf LMAO

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


Totally understand where you are coming from. Pretty much impossible to apply ranged pressure, almost certain death to engage in close. Its not just your build that has a problem with them either.

A Generic QQ post from a ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Nath Forge Tempete.1645

Nath Forge Tempete.1645

at least when facing a tempest … u don’t die as u died when facing an old d/d godmode … so stop the hate plz !!

and just for info… pew pew ranger isn’t a good dps build so don’t hope to get a bunker build down just by pewpewing him alone.