A Must-Read The new state of the game

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Patchi.9061



I’m skipping the introduction as I am fueled by salt, rage, anger .. you name it.

Some of you guys me know me in game as Paw Paw. Not much into there I am a hardcore PvPer… I had a team it disbanded so I started solo qing again. That being said, I know the game inside out, I’ve done tournaments .. I’ve played with great players and I know what I am talking about right now.

When I started PvPing, people complained about the bunker meta.. how warriors and spirit rangers were strong. They were right to complain..the regen on those classes were absured. I’m not really here to talk about any of that…but I just wanna compare what people are complaining about back then and what people are complaining about right NOW.

People are complaining about AI. Artificial Intelligence… Something that has NOTHING to do with player skill…except actually placing that AI/Summoning. If you don’t know what I’m talking about..have you heard the term AIDS? It stands for AI Doing stuff…..and I’ve been saying that a lot lately.

Let’s take that one step backwards. We are all PvPers. What are PvPers in Guild wars 2? People who queue in a strategic 5v5 game to compete in a conquest map and test their skill against each other.

That’s right…test their SKILL. Furthermore, in order to do so… the PvP developers need to balance the game to make sure the game is competitive and fun.

Now let’s go back to what I said point by point:

“Test their skill”… Now don’t get me wrong… I am not gonna complain about how turret engi takes no skill and it is one of the major reasons the PvP community is toxic to every freakin turret engi in this game and Honestly hope they all lose every game they queue in as turret engis coz they do not deserve that win what so ever since they did NOTHING but run around summon turrets and randomly dodge. —- Putting that aside… Guild wars 2 has been trending to more mindless game play and the balance updates have shown nothing but to promotes those brainless game plays.

First — you add the new traits and buff turret engis
Second — you buff power ranger with the read the wind trade and allowing air and fire procs
Third — you buff downstate necro and reward the 1 spam gameplay.
Fourth — you are constantly buffing condi mesmers and condi rangers hoping they come back to the meta.

Do not get me wrong. Celestial meta is not balanced by far. No class should be able to be a bruiser and still deal tons of damage…. However, you can differentiate between a good cele engi and a bad one.. a good cele ele and a great one…etc etc. Turret engi? power necro? power ranger? aside from the general knowledge of how to dodge and position yourself (which is a factor on anything you play) There is NO difference.

The other point was… “To make this game competitive and fun.”
What part of puttin turrets mid air and just being there as a nuisance is fun to fight? or even fun to play? what fun do you get from being spammed by a ranger 1500 range away when you are solo qing? what part of killing a power necro only to die to him in a downstate seconds after because spinal shivers and air and fire proc’d on you?

Anet…. expansion is coming…this is your real last chance to prove to everyone to coming back to this game that there is esports….The first thing the old players are gonna do is solo q or even team q….your game is flooded with turrets, liches, and mindless gameplay. What do you think their first reaction will be? Do you honestly wanna pursue esports or are you just a making a terrible saddistic joke out of us and slowley killing your game?

Your move anet.

TL;DR: Stop the brainless gameplay and start rewarding skilled play. Competitve or not it is not a good idea to have any sort of brainless builds that has such high reward in solo qs. Wether they are effective in tournaments or not is irrelevant since only a select few participate in the tournaments and people usually would try solo/team qs before even thinkin of forming a team/participating in a tournament … and with all these brain-dead classes/builds in solo q it is not a fun experience and any sane person would quit this game.

P.S: Sorry for the rage… However you guys really pushed us to the edge….There has been no initiative or any sort of movement to reward skilled gameplay..

P.S.S: No offence to the good power rangers/necros but your class brain-dead even if you are so good at positioning/dodging.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: SimpleKingly.5021



15 chars 15 chars

Lowjin is my stripper name ;)

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Patchi.9061


Sometimes I wonder if Anet even plays their game…..seriously go ahead and solo q into an engi/necro/ranger daily.. Good luck and try your best to have fun…because whoever made turret engis probably thought skyhammer is esports.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: SimpleKingly.5021


Yeah man, Anet’s mindset is kittened. We’ve all known and witnessed that over the last 2 years. Honestly, they’re kinda a one-sided company. It’s apparent they don’t care what their players think as far as balance. We witness that every week as they add more and more items/skins (that take a lot of time to design, trim, fit to each race, ect) into their precious gem-store cash cow, but we haven’t seen builds/amulets that have been imbalanced for well over 6 months shaved even slightly? Tells you something about the company right there.. I’ve given up on complaining and learning how to just take the D. This isn’t Guild Wars 2 anymore, it’s prison. You’re stuck in it and you just keep getting the D. We’re basically the white businessman who got sent into the pen for fraud, and Anet is Big Bubba.

Lowjin is my stripper name ;)

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Define “skill”? Go ahead, let’s see what you come up with. This term has been the most abused excuse from players to date.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I would define skill in conquest mode something like 65% knowing how to rotate and protect your team’s assets and 35% mechanical skills of your class.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


I agree with most of the sentiment about AI but I don’t get the rage at power rangers or power necros. They are generally weak classes.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


Define “skill”? Go ahead, let’s see what you come up with. This term has been the most abused excuse from players to date.

I asked this question once and the best answer I saw was playing a high risk high reward build successfully. So arguably the power rangers and necros are actually skilled players despite OPs opinion, and turret engis and more meta classes are lower because they assume less risk to play.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Aeroxe.8140


fueled by salt, rage, anger .. you name it.

I had a team it disbanded so I started solo qing again.

I think we know where this channeled salt is coming from now haha :P

Thief (main), ele, guard
Past member of most teams NA. Retired proleague season 1+2.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I agree with most of the sentiment about AI but I don’t get the rage at power rangers or power necros. They are generally weak classes.

As another engineer, I’m guessing he doesn’t like power necros and rangers because they can shut down engineers before you see them. And the fact neither of those classes take as much coordination of skills as some other classes.

Personally, I don’t like either because they get trained down to fast and offer not much in the form of team utility.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Patchi.9061


fueled by salt, rage, anger .. you name it.

I had a team it disbanded so I started solo qing again.

I think we know where this channeled salt is coming from now haha :P

Haha well I am a little dissapointed that all hard work and we didn’t get to prove ourself :/ Regardless, not being on a team = not playin with permades…it really showed me the terror of solo q x: Most of my ex-team-mates stopped enjoyin the queues because of all those AIs… most of the salt is coming from the fact they did stop playing :/

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Elxdark.9702


agreed pawpaw….. I can’t even play this game anymore.

My daily:

Got logged going ranked pugs vs pugs ok great, press b see enemy team 1 turret 2 shoutbows 1 power necro 1 hammer guard ok good, see my team 2 teefs 2 rangers 1 mesmer ok fine ill try to carry this, result = 500-120.

ok thats fine whatever thats just bad luck.

Going ranked, pugs vs premade k thats fine… press b see my team 2 teefs 1 ranger 1 warrior 1 ele whose names i’ve never heard, k whatever lets see what we can do..
result = 500-50.

Ok w/e bad day gonna try the last game.

Going ranked, pug vs trio this is bad press b see enemy team hammer guard venom share teef power necro 2 turrets, I don’t even bother to see my team.

If we add the random lag spikes its impossible for me to play this game atm I can’t even tryhard anymore.

The few times I get fun while playing is when I’m doing scrims/trio/duoq but when i’m solo this is what happens.


(edited by Elxdark.9702)

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: zapv.8051


Well I agree with a lot of what you said, but the part about longbow rangers and necros isn’t really legit. The problem with longbow rangers is the range is too high, if it were actually 1500 it would be better, and if it were 1200 it would be completely fine. Pretty easy to play, but they get shut down really easily. Necros on the other hand are not easy to play well, the difference between a good and bad necro is really easy to see. I’d say most of the meta builds are easier to play. Also, neither of those builds are really meta. Besides that I’d say the combination of fire and air are really annoying because the added 2-3k damage is too much and has no counterplay. If all sigils gave a little indicator, and where avoidable it would be fine.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Drennon.7190


I support OP. Being a solo player is a nightmare right now.


A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: ARVY.3069


I would have to agree. Not sure how solo q’ers like myself will ever stand a chance against premades in the state of the game.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: MercWatcher.1397


The whole competitive and fun, testing your skill thing, I’ve always harped about. There’s a mentality among a lot that I’ve seen that winning is everything, at any cost. If there was a build with a 1 hit kill, these people would be thrilled at their god mode. Where’s the fun in that? Might be a thrill for a bit, but it would get boring pretty fast. There would be no challenge, no skill barrier to overcome. I totally have respect when I fight those I know aren’t playing a cheesy face roll meta build that I see about everyone in their class playing. If you can play an unconventional build and become good, that’s real skill.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Hit the nail on the head about returning players. I haven’t played in over a year for many reasons (some which you listed), biggest one is they just do not care. Heard there is an expansion coming so I’m here browsing, but doesn’t look like anything has changed.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Teru.2063


Agreed, those builds are just annoying and ruin solo q

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: DarkSyze.8627


You are correct: I agree with you 100%+
Patchi: you are honest player. Thank You! for being honest

" Solutions To A Problem Can Only Be Found, When You Want To Get Rid Of It "

(edited by DarkSyze.8627)

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Heres my experience of SoloQ from this week, and three months ago.
Enjoy the proof infront of your eyes.


Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: adozu.6398


this doesn’t show much, except that a few months ago the matchmaking wasn’t matching you properly?

(a “perfect” matchmaking will result in every player close to 50% win rate)

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: wasted.6817


I agree that they really need to clean up this game from aids and passives. As for power necros and rangers, i’am not sure there’s a problem there. I mean, there’s as much difference between good and bad power necro/ranger as there’s between good and bad cele ele, might be even more, plus they have counter plays, what kind of counter play does shoutbow or d/d cele ele have except overload them with cc and dps? If you complain about those specs then you surely should complain about shoutbows and d/d cele eles.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Henrik.7560


this doesn’t show much, except that a few months ago the matchmaking wasn’t matching you properly?

(a “perfect” matchmaking will result in every player close to 50% win rate)

This so called current “Perfect” matchmaking is pretty kitten then, Leaderboards are meant to show who the true players are. The ones to look up to. Right now on the front page, we have people famous for being terrible in PvP. This new update to MMR is the rise of noobs and the fall of the pros. All the LB determines now is who plays the most, it has absolutely nothing about skill involved in it, the old way was much better.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: adozu.6398


leaderboard != matchmaking

in a good matchmaking you’ll always be matched with people about as good as you, meanign top players will fight other top players and bad players other bad players and everyone will be close to 50% win rate in the end.

current leaderboard sucks (is -anyone- denying that?) but how does your picture show anything like that? all i get from it is that you went from 60%+ winrate (meaning either you were matched with players worse than you or abusing premade) to approx 50% which is what the target should be from the game matching perspective.

ps: in that same picture you hold as “better than now” player 10 and 25 have a winrate way below 50% so uhm what?

(edited by adozu.6398)

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Balsa.3951


except the midair exploit i dont get much … maybe u feel hard because u solo Q now?

I play Guardian, Ranger and Necro in PVP and most op i feel with Medi guard since i can get hit like a champ and still burst people down. Same goes for Necro but Im slower and as Ranger I feel cool so long i dont get hunted down by good players.

so sadly cant share ur exp about Ranger necro OP

as Ranger i cant even hold a cap point all I can do is kill ppl and hope my team mate stand long enough that i can kill everybody around him/her

what i can and admit is Ranger play looks from the outside like coward style.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: necrofail.7439


I agree with most of the sentiment about AI but I don’t get the rage at power rangers or power necros. They are generally weak classes.

As another engineer, I’m guessing he doesn’t like power necros and rangers because they can shut down engineers before you see them. And the fact neither of those classes take as much coordination of skills as some other classes.

Personally, I don’t like either because they get trained down to fast and offer not much in the form of team utility.

agreed pressing 4 on an engi every 15 seconds requires so much more timing.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Burn.5401


In the old leaderboards I was getting matched with players on my skill level literally every game and they were all super fun and exciting games. Now I am constantly serving as a balancing mule to equalize the whole team’s MMR which is just stupid. Instead of placing you together and against people on your MMR, the system calculates the total MMR of the team meaning that you can have a player with 100 MMR and one with 2000. How is that fun and fair?

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Anyone else thought that it was a start of a new “State of the Game?” :<

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A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Emapudapus.1307


In the old leaderboards I was getting matched with players on my skill level literally every game and they were all super fun and exciting games. Now I am constantly serving as a balancing mule to equalize the whole team’s MMR which is just stupid. Instead of placing you together and against people on your MMR, the system calculates the total MMR of the team meaning that you can have a player with 100 MMR and one with 2000. How is that fun and fair?

This 100%, i can live with game not being perfectly balanced but i cant play with crap lb\matchmaking we have now, 0% fun.

Beside we ALL have to\are forced to beta test this in a fully released game … i want to get payed for it. If not, anet can stuff it in their rear end and give us old thing back (rewarding only 100 or something, ppl is also joke while whole playerbase is contributing to it).

all is vain

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I would love for power necro to actually have some good mechanics rather than 1 spam, but you know we have the worst defensive mechanics in the game. Anet rewarded necro with terrible defense for a strong offense.


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A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Skullface.7293


Ah come on Paw Paw! I’m sure you can differentiate me from bad rangers . I do understand the anger tho. Completelly do.

Hiro || Talgo
Main: Ranger
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/hirothebeast

(edited by Skullface.7293)

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


I’d say you can see the clear difference between good and bad power necro or ranger pretty easily, as it’s far more obvious in certain situations, but idk.

I find it quite funny that you present us your qualifications and hope that we, intimidated peasants and ANet, find the truth in words recycled every day on forums.
I get your complainment, I agree with some parts. But at least check previous page and count same threads before posting.

Because “I’m qualified, hardcore so you better listen” reminds me of.. https://youtu.be/Qbnv6eHKjCQ

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: necrofail.7439


Power necros just seem to kitten people off because it’s right when you are sure you are going to win that they wtfrekt you. Rangers just because pew pew!

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: FOX.3015


The annoyance in this game comes from equal reward not being given for equal effort.

Spamming one or two buttons cannot be effective for any class in this game, because it discourages players to become better.

Why should I play the class that requires a ton of effort, when I can just play another class that spams one button and is still effective, and even multitask coffee sipping.

You can’t have two classes with similar roles have vastly different skill requirements, in regards to effective mechanical play, in a competitive environment.

For this game to not only be competitive, but fun, there needs to be EFFECTIVE counter-play to fighting anything a single player may come across.

Counter: “To move, act, or respond so as to be in opposition.”

This game needs to be all about counter-play. Anet needs to give every class appropriate tells to every ability of concern to other players.

All one-shot mechanics need to be removed or given proper tells/timings so that they may be avoided by other players.

An example of this is ‘backstab’ for thieves. Backstab is nearly instant and can one-shot, but the counter-play for this is that a thief requires stealth to backstab. So when a thief stealths, typically the other player knows that there is at least a 3-second window where they may in fact be backstabbed. This player has been given time to react to the thief stealthing, and may now prepare for the backstab.

The fresh-air burst on elementalist is almost another good example. The fresh-air trait has a 5-second cooldown, so after it’s used once, the other player know’s they have 5 more seconds before they have to worry about it again. The only problem here is that there is no requirement to use this ability at any time, meaning that good player will simply bait you’re dodges and force you to eat it every time. Against a good player, there really is no counter-play, except to eat/random dodge the burst and pressure them down before the next one.

An example of non-effective counter-play is spinal shivers on necromancers. Unavoidable damage is unacceptable. The only counter-play you have against spinal shivers is to stay above 50% health, or make sure you can get your heal off after it procs.

Anyway, I realize now that it would take a long time to type out all the fundamental issues in Guild Wars 2, concerning competitive PvP. All I want is for this game to be competitive.

“A test of skill or ability; a contest: a skating competition.” – competition.

I’ll continue to hearthstone when I que into turret engineers. I apologize in advance to all my future soloq homies, but it just isn’t worth the stress/effort involved to win or lose against someone you know is probably casually sipping their coffee.

(edited by FOX.3015)

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: necrofail.7439


Never thought I’d see the day where people are complaining about power necros and chill of death……

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: pdemo.8312


you have too much time on your hands… 801 words dude

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: FOX.3015


go to school my chield. 801 wurds is nothing even wen describing a singl thot,

(edited by FOX.3015)

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I agree with most of the sentiment about AI but I don’t get the rage at power rangers or power necros. They are generally weak classes.

As another engineer, I’m guessing he doesn’t like power necros and rangers because they can shut down engineers before you see them. And the fact neither of those classes take as much coordination of skills as some other classes.

Personally, I don’t like either because they get trained down to fast and offer not much in the form of team utility.

agreed pressing 4 on an engi every 15 seconds requires so much more timing.

It does. I’m guessing you haven’t played engineer enough to understand the nuances of gameplay and just assume it is face roll.

Fact of the matter is most players don’t bother to pay attention to what is in the hands of an engie. Case and example, good players seeing me with tool kit equip reduce the amount of times I land prybar. Or when rifle is equipped if I’m standing within range and see stab fall off the player it is a good sign that I’m dropping my CC combo on a man. If people don’t understand player tendencies and mistake them for faceroll mechanics, then that’s their problem, not a class problem.

ps. I wasn’t complaining about necro or power rangers +1ing a fight. I really have no issue with their mechanics other than rangers’ range on LB being not in line with advertised tooltip.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Patchi.9061


I am not complaining about the class being overpowered whatsoever, I am complaining at the effort required to do such burst. Simply the idea of Necros having a 70% increased damage in downstate + having procs is just insanely stupid. What do power necros really do aside from focusin on positioning themself and wait for their passives to proc? BE REAL PEOPLE. Same applies for ranger and turrets and any class that has AI. Classes with AI should be punished for being AI. Look at minion mancer or spirit guardian, there is a reason they are not viable and they should stay that way. AI should not be a viable build but associating some AI into your build should be fine (healing turret/rocket turret/thumper turret for decap/golem for necros etc..)

Putting everything aside, what frustrates me more is the fact how inconsiderate anet can be.. can we at least get a headsup that these issues are being looked at? sigh

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

So, the OP doesn’t know what playing to win means…
K cool, nothing to see here.
(Read the TL/DR section, thanks)

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Are you complaining about passive procs as an engineer? C’mon man, I play engineer and know we don’t get to make that criticism when we have IP. When you make those kind of statements it looks like you are just mad you cannot faceroll another class without thinking about what you are doing instead of actually caring about a real sense of balance.

I’m fine with necros having spinal shivers and fire and air procs. If they’re not fine with my IP then it’s hypocritical.

As far as downstate necro goes, I really don’t take any issue with it. It makes me play a bit more defensively when I take one down, but nothing game breaking.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Patchi.9061


No. I wreck power necros all the time, I have 0 issues with rangers/necros/turret engis. In fact, I have no problem facing any class as a cele engi except possibly condi rangers. However, don’t overthink this too much. I’ll do some baby step explanation for you sir.

Necro takes no skill. Rangers take no skill. Turret engis take no skill. Yet they are all effective in solo q/team q because again…they take no skill but have very high reward. It is ANNOYING to deal with, Extremley over used by the player base, and extrmley frustrating for anyone who wants to be part of the PvP scene.

Take a minute and think about it. The reason we don’t have a proper leaderboard system isn’t because it is hard to make one but it is because there is a small player base in the PvP community. You can’t blame Anet for tryin to make a leaderboard but you can blame them for giving bad players really easy classes to play and have a very high reward and are extrmley annoying to fight and hence make the community extrmley toxic..as I am right now. I used to play gw2 on a daily basis at least 2-3 hours a day..Now I haven’t even bothered to log on for a good 4 days simply because it is a pain to Solo q, a pain to team q, and even more of a pain to wait in heart of the mists for 8 minutes just to match up against 2 turret engis , 1 power necro, 1 power ranger, and a shout warrior over and over again only to die to random procs or players who are absoultley doin nothin but summoning turrets.

tl;dr: If you are tryin to tell me to learn to play then please don’t coz i already did and I pretty much know how to deal with each of the classes I mentioned. IP is an issue, but it has a counter. Spinal shivers, power ranger + air and fire, turret engi in general…there are counters as well…however…the skill required to play these classes… close to 0.

Anet needs to reward SKILLED gameplay, or this is NOT esports, but a complete and an utterly sad joke.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Are you complaining about passive procs as an engineer? C’mon man, I play engineer and know we don’t get to make that criticism when we have IP. When you make those kind of statements it looks like you are just mad you cannot faceroll another class without thinking about what you are doing instead of actually caring about a real sense of balance.

I’m fine with necros having spinal shivers and fire and air procs. If they’re not fine with my IP then it’s hypocritical.

As far as downstate necro goes, I really don’t take any issue with it. It makes me play a bit more defensively when I take one down, but nothing game breaking.

I am a bit indifferent about passives… But I personally got used to it… Nearly every Engineer runs the Transmute trait, so when I approach them with my Warrior for instance, I always use Fan of Fire (Or a regular arrow with Doom sigil, because more passives) just to get that trait on a cooldown

If you see a Staff Ele – you can nearly count on it that they run Earth’s Embrace, so as a Necro I usually save Corrupt Boon for that…

Most passives can be counted for in a way, and ever since the introduction of Metabattle, you can count on the many people copy-pasting builds, and thus those passives…
Annoying? Maybe, but certainly nothing that cannot be dealt with – unlike the Spirit/Dhuumfire meta which happened before… Those passives simply made the offensive pressure too much to deal with, while there was no effort put into triggering them

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A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


No. I wreck power necros all the time, I have 0 issues with rangers/necros/turret engis. In fact, I have no problem facing any class as a cele engi except possibly condi rangers. However, don’t overthink this too much. I’ll do some baby step explanation for you sir.

Necro takes no skill. Rangers take no skill. Turret engis take no skill. Yet they are all effective in solo q/team q because again…they take no skill but have very high reward. It is ANNOYING to deal with, Extremley over used by the player base, and extrmley frustrating for anyone who wants to be part of the PvP scene.

Take a minute and think about it. The reason we don’t have a proper leaderboard system isn’t because it is hard to make one but it is because there is a small player base in the PvP community. You can’t blame Anet for tryin to make a leaderboard but you can blame them for giving bad players really easy classes to play and have a very high reward and are extrmley annoying to fight and hence make the community extrmley toxic..as I am right now. I used to play gw2 on a daily basis at least 2-3 hours a day..Now I haven’t even bothered to log on for a good 4 days simply because it is a pain to Solo q, a pain to team q, and even more of a pain to wait in heart of the mists for 8 minutes just to match up against 2 turret engis , 1 power necro, 1 power ranger, and a shout warrior over and over again only to die to random procs or players who are absoultley doin nothin but summoning turrets.

tl;dr: If you are tryin to tell me to learn to play then please don’t coz i already did and I pretty much know how to deal with each of the classes I mentioned. IP is an issue, but it has a counter. Spinal shivers, power ranger + air and fire, turret engi in general…there are counters as well…however…the skill required to play these classes… close to 0.

Anet needs to reward SKILLED gameplay, or this is NOT esports, but a complete and an utterly sad joke.

You are being subjective, not objective.

Somewhere you have conflated “skill” in mmos with simply mashing buttons in an intelligent manner to use your skills. When skill level goes deeper than that. Mechanics are probably only 35% of what it takes to be great in conquest mode. Map awareness, positioning and rotation skills are more important in my views. You can add communication skills if you are running with a team on that list too.

When you say Necros and Power rangers are easy to play because procs it’s only a part of the story. It’s ezpz to just train down either of those classes, and it takes those players concentrating on what they’re doing to not just become farmbait. Any ranger and necro who just mindlessly tries to pewpew usually has a bad day when they encounter other classes played by players with greater skill levels. There’s some map mechanics where rangers can become abusive, sure. But nothing a thief or other class can’t fix usually.

I don’t find necros and rangers to just be brainless classes. Mechanically neither one of them may be as sophisticated as engineer or elementalist. But all MMOs have classes that are easier or harder to play than other classes.


Be less biased in your ability to perceive “skill”. If you’re not enjoying the meta, take a break as you say are doing currently. Nothing wrong with that at all.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


No. I wreck power necros all the time, I have 0 issues with rangers/necros/turret engis. In fact, I have no problem facing any class as a cele engi except possibly condi rangers. However, don’t overthink this too much. I’ll do some baby step explanation for you sir.

Necro takes no skill. Rangers take no skill. Turret engis take no skill. Yet they are all effective in solo q/team q because again…they take no skill but have very high reward. It is ANNOYING to deal with, Extremley over used by the player base, and extrmley frustrating for anyone who wants to be part of the PvP scene.

Take a minute and think about it. The reason we don’t have a proper leaderboard system isn’t because it is hard to make one but it is because there is a small player base in the PvP community. You can’t blame Anet for tryin to make a leaderboard but you can blame them for giving bad players really easy classes to play and have a very high reward and are extrmley annoying to fight and hence make the community extrmley toxic..as I am right now. I used to play gw2 on a daily basis at least 2-3 hours a day..Now I haven’t even bothered to log on for a good 4 days simply because it is a pain to Solo q, a pain to team q, and even more of a pain to wait in heart of the mists for 8 minutes just to match up against 2 turret engis , 1 power necro, 1 power ranger, and a shout warrior over and over again only to die to random procs or players who are absoultley doin nothin but summoning turrets.

tl;dr: If you are tryin to tell me to learn to play then please don’t coz i already did and I pretty much know how to deal with each of the classes I mentioned. IP is an issue, but it has a counter. Spinal shivers, power ranger + air and fire, turret engi in general…there are counters as well…however…the skill required to play these classes… close to 0.

Anet needs to reward SKILLED gameplay, or this is NOT esports, but a complete and an utterly sad joke.

I find it very hypocritical to complain about passive procs and passive play when engineers have IP, or passive boon procs, or turrets. Don’t cherry pick the classes you rant about, if you’re going to do it, go all the way. Most classes have stuff like this in meta builds – at least these zerk builds require rotation and positioning, unlike some cele builds out there.

Plus, these classes you’re complaining about are still weak classes that allegedly take 0 skill. If you’re such a great player, you should be able to deal with them without some wall of text.

Lastly, QQ about downed state that requires 3 traits is hilarious. It’s very easy to stomp downed state.

(edited by Roe.3679)

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Forgot one point…

You’re completely off based about why GW2 isn’t a bigger #esport than it already is. Mobas and CS:GO are way less complicated games to play as far as skill goes. Anet would need sponsors and better promotion and ways to nurture the competitive tournaments for even bigger rewards than WTS.

If Anet was capable of hosting million dollar tournies you would see teams come out of the woodworks and new faces.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Are you complaining about passive procs as an engineer? C’mon man, I play engineer and know we don’t get to make that criticism when we have IP. When you make those kind of statements it looks like you are just mad you cannot faceroll another class without thinking about what you are doing instead of actually caring about a real sense of balance.

I’m fine with necros having spinal shivers and fire and air procs. If they’re not fine with my IP then it’s hypocritical.

As far as downstate necro goes, I really don’t take any issue with it. It makes me play a bit more defensively when I take one down, but nothing game breaking.

I am a bit indifferent about passives… But I personally got used to it… Nearly every Engineer runs the Transmute trait, so when I approach them with my Warrior for instance, I always use Fan of Fire (Or a regular arrow with Doom sigil, because more passives) just to get that trait on a cooldown

If you see a Staff Ele – you can nearly count on it that they run Earth’s Embrace, so as a Necro I usually save Corrupt Boon for that…

Most passives can be counted for in a way, and ever since the introduction of Metabattle, you can count on the many people copy-pasting builds, and thus those passives…
Annoying? Maybe, but certainly nothing that cannot be dealt with – unlike the Spirit/Dhuumfire meta which happened before… Those passives simply made the offensive pressure too much to deal with, while there was no effort put into triggering them

I just feel like if passive and RNG procs are in game and somewhat equalized between classes it isn’t a huge game breaking deal. Of course I would prefer RNG and passives to play more of a minor role in the game if any role at all, but I ain’t the devs and just hafta #deal-with-it.gif.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Patchi.9061


Again, have you read my post? This is not about Competitive play whatsoever, however it indirectly effects it, and here’s why:

Getting into competitive play actually requires the person to be motivated and interested in improving as a player first, then improving as a team. That being said, rotations, communication, mechanics, and positioning etc.. come into play. However, how do you expect people to enjoy this game knowing that they got “outplayed” by someone who just summons turrets and runs around, spams 1 and waits for procs, etc etc…

That being said, you cannot compare IP with spinal shivers. IP does not result in a 1 shot 1 kill. You just can’t compare the two passives. There is a lot of way you can deal with burns, engi is a problem but not that big of a problem AT THE MOMENT.

Stop focusing on complaining about every single aspect in this game, it won’t lead to nowhere… haven’t you learned that anet can’t multitask?

Like i said in my post, celestial engi/ele/warrior are by far not balanced. However, this is irrelevant to this post. This post is about MINDLESS gameplay. Positioning, rotations, communication and all those cool stuff come with ANY CLASS YOU PLAY. However, when you play a class that requires 0 brain skills, and 0 inteligence aside from what I mentioned above that makes you a “better” player…. then those classes do not reward SKILL what so ever.

Skill in my opinion (this is where i am subjective) is how you OUTPLAY your opponents. How do necros outplay? they don’t…their passives do. How do turrets engis outplay? they don’t…their turrets do. How do rangers outplay? they don’t they are in a very bad position at the moment and require a rework.

Now dear sir, to summarise this post for you one last time and I hope I don’t have to repeat myself….

The classes I mentioned are brainless, I am NOT saying that the cele builds are not broken. What I am saying…in order for this game to have more teams…more players..better leaderboards..and generally a better and more competitve community… it all is on ANETS hand to reward skilled gameplay and punish brainless ones. Promote and encourage players to play classes and builds that actually requires your brain to function rather than just kiting around or spamming 1. Please tell me more about how you can be a better power necro by positioning… I don’t wanna repeat myself anymore..whenever you are writing the next post re-read what I said i’m pretty sure the answer is there.

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Skullface.7293


No. I wreck power necros all the time, I have 0 issues with rangers/necros/turret engis. In fact, I have no problem facing any class as a cele engi except possibly condi rangers. However, don’t overthink this too much. I’ll do some baby step explanation for you sir.

Necro takes no skill. Rangers take no skill. Turret engis take no skill. Yet they are all effective in solo q/team q because again…they take no skill but have very high reward. It is ANNOYING to deal with, Extremley over used by the player base, and extrmley frustrating for anyone who wants to be part of the PvP scene.

Anet needs to reward SKILLED gameplay, or this is NOT esports, but a complete and an utterly sad joke.

So I guess I should feel bad then for maining ranger from reading this. I beat cele engis, shoutbow warriors ,cele eles and even hammer guardians on point as a power ranger.

For some reason tho you always had issues facing me on power ranger with your engi. Guess there is a skilled ranger player.

Yep, no skill at all. But I do have fun playing it!

Hiro || Talgo
Main: Ranger
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/hirothebeast

(edited by Skullface.7293)

A Must-Read The new state of the game

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


I disagree that every class needs to know positioning and rotations as well as zerk specs do. It’s fairly easy to hop on a cele ele or shoutbow and faceroll on point and still be effective. I agree with you about passive play in general but your focus on just a few classes is a mistake. You can’t argue against spinal shivers being a passive proc and dismiss IP as being fine and still have a valid point.