A better pvp ranking systen

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: epoc.7941



The state of the game had caused me to take a short hiatus from playing. Upon returning to try out the new ranking system I was actually excited. No premade vs pugs everyone gets to deal with ring I can finally have a rating that is a testament to my skill and u derstanding of the gametype. Now by NO MEANS am I an expert pvper or at my class but I’ve played with some amazing players and pvpers who are and held my own they’ve helped me understand the game mode my role in a match and increase my overal skill with my class. I was saddened to see the game still isn’t exactly in the right place (condi which is supposed to be DOT damage can do more buster dmagae than dps wtf) but what upset me the most was what I was excited about the most the ranking system. Man it’s so frustrating because with this new everyone gets pugs system there’s really no telling what you’ll get. Even if you do your job impeccably you can lose matches on tiny margins because of mistakes other team members make and what happens your rating suffers even tho you were a huge contribution to your match.

The problem is a rating system based on a overall W/L ratio alone isn’t enough. At least not to me. It STILL doesn’t accurately portray an individuals personal skill. Even tho On own front It hs been successful most of my matches have been close that is to say the matches are more even. The satisfaction of seeing my own characters rating improve based on MY own gameplay isnt there. Even matches I win I just feel drained bc I’m correcting ppl on my team, ppl double capping running into 1 v 2s on a already capped point. Am I saying I don’t wanna ply with these people? Preferably no but hey it keeps things competitive anyone can get newbs on their team it’s rng and that’s fair but do I think my own personal rating should suffer bc of their inexperience, i think not

What do you think? Should their be a Team rating score alongside a Personal rating based on your own performance? It would definitely help in recruiting skilled pvpers for a team or a guild.

PS: I main a theif and am good at getting decaps and plus 1ing where needed. I play my role pretty well and do have room for improvement and am seeking it but I honestly do not believe my rating peflects my current level of skill.

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: Ziggityzog.7389


It’s not your fail the anet devs just dont care much about pvp. just gliders, hair colors, harvest tools, and things to get you to buy gems. If anet really cared about pvp they could fix it. There are ways like going TDM that fix the competitive nature of the game. They can also make the rank system better with the calculations. But again they just don’t care.

It’s not your fault your forced to dancing around and in circles to play “pvp”. It’s anet’s fault for just making it a bland dance in and around circles gameplay. A game of pvp where a class is required like a teef and run speed, is not competitive pvp it’s just people zerging middle all game or another point.

Pvp died around season 3 when they could have started to get away from circle dancing hoedowns.

lol’ing at thos who use broken builds and claim to be good since 2005.

|||Necro the masterclass very few know about.|||

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: epoc.7941


It’s not your fail the anet devs just dont care much about pvp. just gliders, hair colors, harvest tools, and things to get you to buy gems. If anet really cared about pvp they could fix it. There are ways like going TDM that fix the competitive nature of the game. They can also make the rank system better with the calculations. But again they just don’t care.

It’s not your fault your forced to dancing around and in circles to play “pvp”. It’s anet’s fault for just making it a bland dance in and around circles gameplay. A game of pvp where a class is required like a teef and run speed, is not competitive pvp it’s just people zerging middle all game or another point.

Pvp died around season 3 when they could have started to get away from circle dancing hoedowns.

Yeah I wish they’d ad more options to pvp in terms of game types I know less populated games with more options and still have short que times.

Death matches
Official 1v1 queues
2v2 queues
Capture the flag maybe

All of these could add to the pvp experience but ur right they only seem to care about generating money bc it’s not like players haven’t been clampring for things like this since forever

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

The problem is a rating system based on a overall W/L ratio alone isn’t enough. At least not to me. It STILL doesn’t accurately portray an individuals personal skill.

The system is glicko 2 based which is more than win loss ratio. It factors in how well it knows the rating of you and your opponent (deviation), and the rating difference between you and your opponent. Keep in mind that you are unlikely to get your deviation below 60. What that means is the system is 95% sure you are within 2 deviations (+/- 120) of your current rating.

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


The problem is a rating system based on a overall W/L ratio alone isn’t enough. At least not to me. It STILL doesn’t accurately portray an individuals personal skill.

The system is glicko 2 based which is more than win loss ratio. It factors in how well it knows the rating of you and your opponent (deviation), and the rating difference between you and your opponent. Keep in mind that you are unlikely to get your deviation below 60. What that means is the system is 95% sure you are within 2 deviations (+/- 120) of your current rating.


Whatever it’s doing, it seems to work. I placed gold 1 after winning 60% of my placement matches. Then I spent the next 40 games stuck in gold 1, unable to advance but also not dropping into a lower tier.

Tonight I made some pretty significant changes to my build and suddenly I won 7 out of 10 games and came within less than 30 points of winning on two of my losses! After all of that fruitless effort, tweaking my build allowed me to break into gold 2 for the first time.

It will be interesting to see where I start to hit that ceiling again. But I expect despite the obvious mismatches the system produces, I will end up in a place where I find it difficult to advance but also not dropping back down to a lower tier. I think this is what you should expect from good matchmaking. At the rating you belong, you should expect stiff competition and a win/loss rate that keeps you more or less at that tier.

How the system does that despite mismatches is a mystery to me. But so far it appears to be working, in my opinion.

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: epoc.7941


The system is glicko 2 based which is more than win loss ratio. It factors in how well it knows the rating of you and your opponent (deviation), and the rating difference between you and your opponent. Keep in mind that you are unlikely to get your deviation below 60. What that means is the system is 95% sure you are within 2 deviations (+/- 120) of your current rating.[/quote]

I never said the systems ability to match ppl up fairly based on their current rating was flawed I stated your rating based the actions of 4 other players contributions instead of your own is. Idm having a rating based on my team winning or losing but an individual rating would be nice as well and useful to boot.

Here’s an example a person with a good team score and a great personal score couldnlikey just be a good player who just doesn’t get good teams but still tries to contribute as a member of the teams as opposed as an individual to bolster his own score. a player with both is one who gets matched up with people of equal caliber (which would increase as it goes up) but a player with a poor team score and a high personal score is probably just someone not really caring about the team and complaining about how everyone else sucks and they’re but the reason they’re losing.

It’ll be really easy to pick people for a team (for tournaments) based on these two values and will really expand the competitive scene as people will feel more encouraged to play and compete because their personal progress doesn’t feel hindered by the ring of matchmaking.

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: epoc.7941


The problem is a rating system based on a overall W/L ratio alone isn’t enough. At least not to me. It STILL doesn’t accurately portray an individuals personal skill.

The system is glicko 2 based which is more than win loss ratio. It factors in how well it knows the rating of you and your opponent (deviation), and the rating difference between you and your opponent. Keep in mind that you are unlikely to get your deviation below 60. What that means is the system is 95% sure you are within 2 deviations (+/- 120) of your current rating.


Whatever it’s doing, it seems to work. I placed gold 1 after winning 60% of my placement matches. Then I spent the next 40 games stuck in gold 1, unable to advance but also not dropping into a lower tier.

Tonight I made some pretty significant changes to my build and suddenly I won 7 out of 10 games and came within less than 30 points of winning on two of my losses! After all of that fruitless effort, tweaking my build allowed me to break into gold 2 for the first time.

It will be interesting to see where I start to hit that ceiling again. But I expect despite the obvious mismatches the system produces, I will end up in a place where I find it difficult to advance but also not dropping back down to a lower tier. I think this is what you should expect from good matchmaking. At the rating you belong, you should expect stiff competition and a win/loss rate that keeps you more or less at that tier.

How the system does that despite mismatches is a mystery to me. But so far it appears to be working, in my opinion.

For starters congrats on making gold 2. I’ve been in gold 2 myself from the moment I got my ranking. But last night I actually dipped below it for a bit because I just couldn’t win a match and it wasn’t bc I was playing poorly it was because the players inwere playing with were making really really lousy decisions that Wild cost the match…and so my score dropped not because I failed but bc my entire team did. In a system where both the team and individual effort is shown I wouldn’t feel so bad about losing bc my stats or ranking would show I’m still a good team player. Feel me?

In other words what I’m saying is if I were to tey to get recruited by a team for a tourney they might have a prwjudce against me based on my teir yet that really is just a reflection of my team w/l and not my ability to play in a team. And that riggbthere aucks.

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


The problem is a rating system based on a overall W/L ratio alone isn’t enough. At least not to me. It STILL doesn’t accurately portray an individuals personal skill.

The system is glicko 2 based which is more than win loss ratio. It factors in how well it knows the rating of you and your opponent (deviation), and the rating difference between you and your opponent. Keep in mind that you are unlikely to get your deviation below 60. What that means is the system is 95% sure you are within 2 deviations (+/- 120) of your current rating.


Whatever it’s doing, it seems to work. I placed gold 1 after winning 60% of my placement matches. Then I spent the next 40 games stuck in gold 1, unable to advance but also not dropping into a lower tier.

Tonight I made some pretty significant changes to my build and suddenly I won 7 out of 10 games and came within less than 30 points of winning on two of my losses! After all of that fruitless effort, tweaking my build allowed me to break into gold 2 for the first time.

It will be interesting to see where I start to hit that ceiling again. But I expect despite the obvious mismatches the system produces, I will end up in a place where I find it difficult to advance but also not dropping back down to a lower tier. I think this is what you should expect from good matchmaking. At the rating you belong, you should expect stiff competition and a win/loss rate that keeps you more or less at that tier.

How the system does that despite mismatches is a mystery to me. But so far it appears to be working, in my opinion.

For starters congrats on making gold 2. I’ve been in gold 2 myself from the moment I got my ranking. But last night I actually dipped below it for a bit because I just couldn’t win a match and it wasn’t bc I was playing poorly it was because the players inwere playing with were making really really lousy decisions that Wild cost the match…and so my score dropped not because I failed but bc my entire team did. In a system where both the team and individual effort is shown I wouldn’t feel so bad about losing bc my stats or ranking would show I’m still a good team player. Feel me?

In other words what I’m saying is if I were to tey to get recruited by a team for a tourney they might have a prwjudce against me based on my teir yet that really is just a reflection of my team w/l and not my ability to play in a team. And that riggbthere aucks.

I’m not suggesting that losing streaks due to poor team play can’t happen, but it seems to me that over a large number of matches the system seems pretty accurate. If I had to illustrate how that works (in my mind, because again I don’t really understand how it does what it does), the basic idea is that as I drop below my rating level I start to win more matches again. Sure, I can still lose due to factors beyond my control, but the matches overall tend to become easier as my rating drops and if I play enough games my rating will start to increase again.

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: Spoichiche.1290


It seems like you do not understand what the ranking system is.

First of all, your skill rating has nothing to do with your W/L ratio.

Second of all, the ranking system doesn’t stop after the result of one match. You’re right, you can get bad teammates, you can lose a match that you ‘deserved’ to win. In the end, it’s kind of like a coin toss. But, the system is not designed to give you an accurate rating after one match.
The theory is that you are matched with and against the average player around your skill rating. If you are better than the average player of your skill rating, you have a higher probability to win, and will win more than you lose, resulting in your skill rating going up.
Bad luck can happen and make you lose some games, but the more matches you play, the less luck becomes a relevant factor.
If you toss a coin 5 times, you will have a random result that doesn’t necessarily show the 50% probability. But if you toss a coin 50 times, the result will be very close to 50%.

Now, the system is not perfect, and get pretty wonky when the player population is low. But for the most part, it should be pretty accurate, especially at ratings where there is no population issue.

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


It seems like you do not understand what the ranking system is.

First of all, your skill rating has nothing to do with your W/L ratio.

Second of all, the ranking system doesn’t stop after the result of one match. You’re right, you can get bad teammates, you can lose a match that you ’deserved’ to win. In the end, it’s kind of like a coin toss. But, the system is not designed to give you an accurate rating after one match.
The theory is that you are matched with and against the average player around your skill rating. If you are better than the average player of your skill rating, you have a higher probability to win, and will win more than you lose, resulting in your skill rating going up.
Bad luck can happen and make you lose some games, but the more matches you play, the less luck becomes a relevant factor.
If you toss a coin 5 times, you will have a random result that doesn’t necessarily show the 50% probability. But if you toss a coin 50 times, the result will be very close to 50%.

Now, the system is not perfect, and get pretty wonky when the player population is low. But for the most part, it should be pretty accurate, especially at ratings where there is no population issue.

I can’t tell if what you said is a rule or an exception. I was placed in T2 platinum, got to 250 once but didn’t get the recognition (title and leaderboard place) due to match cap at the time (45 was it I guess). But once I hit the cap (60 matches) I needed like 2 matches to get to 250 and since that day that happened 4-5 days ago, I keep on falling and falling down on matches where some of my team mates prefer to do a decap instead of a fullcap while the whole enemy team is busy fighting mid or far/ double caps/ going 1v2 to a capped point... you name it.
I’ve been playing to my furthest skills, doing fakes, rotating to every fight I could to ensure a win, but as soon as I left or some other competent dude in my team, the whole rest just fell apart. I am okay with losing, but being bound to lose with a huge point gap many times in a row or overall is just getting bamboozled by the system.
Now I think I have more than 70 or about 80 matches played, but the curve of my rating is changing rapidly from T2 plat to T1 plat or even T3 gold which is not what should be happening to a player who knows his drill.

At first I thought it was stupid, but more and more I keep on believing in some sort of "account luck".

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

(edited by Rodzynald.5897)

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: epoc.7941


It seems like you do not understand what the ranking system is.

First of all, your skill rating has nothing to do with your W/L ratio.

Second of all, the ranking system doesn’t stop after the result of one match. You’re right, you can get bad teammates, you can lose a match that you ‘deserved’ to win. In the end, it’s kind of like a coin toss. But, the system is not designed to give you an accurate rating after one match.
The theory is that you are matched with and against the average player around your skill rating. If you are better than the average player of your skill rating, you have a higher probability to win, and will win more than you lose, resulting in your skill rating going up.
Bad luck can happen and make you lose some games, but the more matches you play, the less luck becomes a relevant factor.
If you toss a coin 5 times, you will have a random result that doesn’t necessarily show the 50% probability. But if you toss a coin 50 times, the result will be very close to 50%.

Now, the system is not perfect, and get pretty wonky when the player population is low. But for the most part, it should be pretty accurate, especially at ratings where there is no population issue.

I can’t tell if what you said is a rule or an exception. I was placed in T2 platinum, got to 250 once but didn’t get the recognition (title and leaderboard place) due to match cap at the time (45 was it I guess). But once I hit the cap (60 matches) I needed like 2 matches to get to 250 and since that day that happened 4-5 days ago, I keep on falling and falling down on matches where some of my team mates prefer to do a decap instead of a fullcap while the whole enemy team is busy fighting mid or far/ double caps/ going 1v2 to a capped point… you name it.
I’ve been playing to my furthest skills, doing fakes, rotating to every fight I could to ensure a win, but as soon as I left or some other competent dude in my team, the whole rest just fell apart. I am okay with losing, but being bound to lose with a huge point gap many times in a row or overall is just getting bamboozled by the system.
Now I think I have more than 70 or about 80 matches played, but the curve of my rating is changing rapidly from T2 plat to T1 plat or even T3 gold which is not what should be happening to a player who knows his drill.

At first I thought it was stupid, but more and more I keep on believing in some sort of “account luck”.

This is what I mean about the rating system. That I understand it’s designed to make more balanced matches but my beef is having no representation of my individual skill.
Am I the best player ever? No. But I understand what I need to do and play my role well yet feel that that is not represented currently.

I just feel that there should be a system in place that yes shows this player is currently playing at this level but also something that shows this player as an individual is at this level. It just adds a layer to pvp that I feel allows people to better understand where they stand with other players and as an individual and also allows other players to have some better criteria to look at when looking for teammates for tournaments

A better pvp ranking systen

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


It seems like you do not understand what the ranking system is.

First of all, your skill rating has nothing to do with your W/L ratio.

Second of all, the ranking system doesn’t stop after the result of one match. You’re right, you can get bad teammates, you can lose a match that you ‘deserved’ to win. In the end, it’s kind of like a coin toss. But, the system is not designed to give you an accurate rating after one match.
The theory is that you are matched with and against the average player around your skill rating. If you are better than the average player of your skill rating, you have a higher probability to win, and will win more than you lose, resulting in your skill rating going up.
Bad luck can happen and make you lose some games, but the more matches you play, the less luck becomes a relevant factor.
If you toss a coin 5 times, you will have a random result that doesn’t necessarily show the 50% probability. But if you toss a coin 50 times, the result will be very close to 50%.

Now, the system is not perfect, and get pretty wonky when the player population is low. But for the most part, it should be pretty accurate, especially at ratings where there is no population issue.

I can’t tell if what you said is a rule or an exception. I was placed in T2 platinum, got to 250 once but didn’t get the recognition (title and leaderboard place) due to match cap at the time (45 was it I guess). But once I hit the cap (60 matches) I needed like 2 matches to get to 250 and since that day that happened 4-5 days ago, I keep on falling and falling down on matches where some of my team mates prefer to do a decap instead of a fullcap while the whole enemy team is busy fighting mid or far/ double caps/ going 1v2 to a capped point… you name it.
I’ve been playing to my furthest skills, doing fakes, rotating to every fight I could to ensure a win, but as soon as I left or some other competent dude in my team, the whole rest just fell apart. I am okay with losing, but being bound to lose with a huge point gap many times in a row or overall is just getting bamboozled by the system.
Now I think I have more than 70 or about 80 matches played, but the curve of my rating is changing rapidly from T2 plat to T1 plat or even T3 gold which is not what should be happening to a player who knows his drill.

At first I thought it was stupid, but more and more I keep on believing in some sort of “account luck”.

This is what I mean about the rating system. That I understand it’s designed to make more balanced matches but my beef is having no representation of my individual skill.
Am I the best player ever? No. But I understand what I need to do and play my role well yet feel that that is not represented currently.

I just feel that there should be a system in place that yes shows this player is currently playing at this level but also something that shows this player as an individual is at this level. It just adds a layer to pvp that I feel allows people to better understand where they stand with other players and as an individual and also allows other players to have some better criteria to look at when looking for teammates for tournaments

Can you think of any way to judge an individual’s performance amongst a team of random players that can’t be exploited? That has been the issue preventing any sort of rating based on individual performance.

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