A guide to spvp (reworked)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


After a big kind resonance on my old thread and ppl complaining about it not being up to date I rewrote/worked the whole thing here for you!

Here is the link to a somewhat beginners guide (it’s not that good yet).


This guide is aimed at everyone who is interested in spvp. I will explain how a good teamcomp looks and also talk about rotations (how you move who on the map).
I want to give starters the possibility to make a good teambuild together with their friends based on this guide


All teamcompilations have one goal: to be most efficient on a 3 point capturesystem (thanks capt. Obvious).
But actually think of it:
You have 3 points (+ secondary objectives..) which give you 1 point per 2 seconds each. So the team who has more points (nodes) over time wins the game. Simple as that.
All the teamcompilations come from different mindsets regarding the 3 point principle.

1.1 Secure 2 Points

So if you win and secure 2 points you will logically get more points than your opponent.
This strategy -usually- involves 2 Bunkers sitting on each node. The last 3 players are Roamers (may also be bunkers). The idea behind this strategy is, that you have 2 ppl for each node, who defend it, while your damage dealers/ guardian roam between the points and you just win every fight.
If you manage to win teamfights well, this strategy proves very successful and is the most used strategy by teams in my opinion.
The whole teambuild should be based on teamfights. And you will only push far, after you won the fight for decapping it quickly and play safe on 2 points again.

1.2 Secure 2 but invade far

You also play 2 bunkers (one watches mid, one close) but only 2 roamers for the teamfight. You have 1 class who is dedicated to decapping the opponents point or just keeping it decapped.
(NOT a thief who just leaves midfight to decap quickly).
This class is ususally a hardcore bunker and the opponent team has to send at least 2 people to their node (2v1) to get it capped. While you have a 1v2 on farpoint your team should win the midfight because you outnumber the enemy.

1.3 Just win fast

“We just win the fights on 2 points”
You play only one midbunker, no dedicated closepoint defender and no dedicated decapper. You decap after you won the fights (or after somebody died, or your thief is low). You have 4 dmg roamers, move fast and win fights fast. This strategy doesn’t work that well

1.4 Bunker them

There are teams out there who play with 4 or more bunkers (usually the 5th is a decapper which is also a bunkerish class.) The idea behind this is, that you inc every point. Keep them decapped and cap over time using knockbacks. And just win by outsustaining the fights

(edited by Django.5923)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923



Leaving the capturepoint principle aside let’s just think about strategies for the best possible team regarding damage and the fights. So if you are thinking about a build with your friends keep this in mind:
Because you always need at least 1 bunker (guardian) Let’s look at the other 4 players.

There are 2 types of damage:

  • Powerdmg
  • Conditiondmg

And in my opinion 2 mindsets on fights or on starting a fight:

  • We win fast. (you need insane burst and movement. The only chance of winning a fight vs really good hardtargets with only softtargets is to outnumber and spike them quickly. Use your movement.)
  • We bunker. (You just have so much rezzing ability and safestomps while still having enough dmg, that you win.)

Which leads us to 2 different types of targets:

  • Hardtargets
  • Softtargets (usually glasscannons high dmg)

I’ts usually better to have more hardtargets. You die less fast and you have more options to rezz or stay on a point.

Depending on the setup you can say if a team is good in teamfights or needs to fight small skirmishes.

2.1. Balanced Team. 2cond-2power

A balanced team -as the name indicates- is a mix of all of the above. You will probably play 1 cond and 1 power as hardtargets and 1 cond and 1 power as soft (or either combinations). This works very well. Because you have degenerating condition dmg and a power class to finish off on each point

2.2 The condition team 4 cond / 3cond-1power

A pure condition team with 4 conditioners would probably not be so good. The dmg would be good but you sometimes lack the possibility of spiking someone (you CAN spike with condis tough). But conditionclasses usually are slow. You would rather play with 1 roamer on power (mesmer or thief)

2.3 The powerdmg team 4power / 3power – 1condition

4 power works really well. At least one of them should be a hardtarget (hambow probably) I would even play with 2 warriors and then probably thief and or mes. Can also be played with a conditionclass as second bunker

In general you can say that every combination regarding damage works. The problems then start when we talk about rotations. For example the 4 condition team would simply be to slow vs a team with mes and thief.

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923



Based on the above I will talk about the different roles now and give some standard builds as guidelines. So think about what your role should be.

3.1 The Guardian

Guardians dont go AFK! As guardian you are a supporting roamer! You should always move where the big fights are at. The Guardian fits perfectly here, because he has high sustain and the best teamsupport ingame. There really isn’t a better option for this role than the guardian.
In the fights the guardian should bunker the damage of the opponents while providing savestomps and supporting the team with stability, conditionremoves, heal and rezzes.

Always keep in mind that if your guardian sits alone on a point while you have fights going on your team just made a mistake. Switch places with the guard!
Bunker Guardian

3.2 The closepointdefender

The closepointdefender should be a strong 1v1 class who can still last against 2 enemies or more for a brief amount of time. He usually caps close at beginning and watches it during the game. He should always ask how many opponents are where, to know if he has to stay on the point or if he can move and support. If you just stupidly stay on your point your team may be outnumbered somewhere and lose because of you, so keep that in mind.

Ranger: Can cap close then support mid with shortbow. He can quickly fallback to defend.

Warrior: He can cap close and possibly win every 1v1. You have only 1 problem; when he comes mid he can’t really watch close because he will be somewhat ON the point. If something pushes close a fast roamer of your team should fallback to prevent the decap until the warrior arrives.
Hambow Warrior

Engineer: He is strong in 1v1, but if not grenades bad in teamfights. He should push far after the closecap. Then somebody else has to watch close in that time. I play this rather tanky build in tpvp.

3.4 Hardtarget Teamfighter – Secondary Bunker or hardtarget roamer

Basically he fullfills the role of dealing damage and winning the teamfights, while providing support and possibilities to help rezzing. He is also the one who STAYS on mid rather then the guardian, so that the guard can roam. The one who stays should be rather tanky to shortly hold 2 ppl invading. All of these builds can hold 2 ppl shortly and are good in 1v1s.
Hambow Warrior
Terror Necro
D/D Ele

3.3 The decapper/invader

The invader has the task to keep far decapped or decap it and at best bind 2 opponents at his point, so that the team can win. Basically every bunker would work for this. At the moment we often see engineers with decap troll builds fullfilling this role.
There are many ways to play this build and this is just one of it.
This role can be fullfilled by basically every tanky and good 1v1 comp. It depends if you want to win the 1v1 on far and they therefore have to send 2 ppl or if you just want to be immortal 1v1 and thats why they have to send 2 ppl.

3.4 Softtarget Teamfighter/Roamer/Sweeper

He has the role of dealing the most damage as possible while providing high mobility to move fast and win fights fast.
S/D Thief
S/D Ele

There are many more possible builds this is just a general overview. Don’t just copy you can also build your own build. Just remember which role you want or have to fullfill.

(edited by Django.5923)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923



Okay we talked about general strategies in spvp, about dmg and about the roles which there are.
In this chapter I will talk about bunkers and how you can build your team around them.

So gather your friends in ts who you want to start pvping with. Look at the classes and then what build you could make.

All the possibilities of rotations and also strategies come from how many bunkers (hardtargets/strong 1v1 classes) you have.

If you are experienced you can predict the opener of an oponent or predict which situation you have to provoke for them to have a problem.

There are 5 possible teamcomps basically (with 1 bunker 2,3,4,5)

I will talk about how you can win with your build (movement rotations)
The classes you should probably use or are using
mapspecific openers and tactics
ways of countering your build

4.1Teamcompilations with 1 bunker

4.1.1 How can you win?

You will have a really hard time. You can only win if you kill fast enough. You are probably not able to rezz somebody. You can’t sustain when the fight gets to long and you are probably bad in 1v1 situations (due to the speccs) and you can’t effectively move your guard and have no second defender if the enemy pushes 2 points.

Your only chance is high mobility and outnumbering due to that.

4.1.2 What does the build look like?

The not so good variants in brackets ()

1. Guard +
2,3,kittentermes, dmgEle, DmgEngi condi or (power), (100bladesWarrior), dmg Guard, Powernecro, Thief, (powerranger), trapranger

This teamcomp is probably not that good and really hard to play. You will start loosing when the enemies get better.

4.1.3 Mapspecific tactics?

Niflhel: I would make a 3 point opening. Push far with guardian and 2 others while the best 1v1er goes mid and the fastest caps close. You have to try to snowball them and get those NPCS!. If you open on 2 points you are in teamfights instantly and will probably loose. You can still try tough. If you regroup I would push on 2 points rather then 1.

Legacy: You will have a really hard time. You need to always decap them and leave fights in enemy favour the provoke an outnumbering and spike them. You can win and you will probably play on lordkill. I would open with guardian in mid and the best 1v1er close and the rest spike far.

Khylo: You have much potential here. Don’t use your treb at first. Send the guard mid and the best 1v1er close. One should go treb. The other 2 can try to spike mid or far (far probably better). Use and ABUSE your treb afterwards. You should have high mobility.

4.1.4 how to counter?

Since your only chance of winning is litterary the mobility and element of surprise I would try to provoke big fights. Unfortunately you can’t only provoke small skirmishes. It’s just not possible. You will have that 3v3 or 4v4 and then you will loose there (possibly). So your enemy will surely play on 2 points if he is intelligent. If they split up you outnumber and farm them.

(edited by Django.5923)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


4.2 Teamcompilations with 2 bunkers

4.2.1 How can you win?

Lets say you have a spiritranger, a guard and 3 squishy dmg dealers (ele, thief, mes).

This comp is probably better. You don’t really need the damage from 4 dmg dealers, because in a 3 point game the team with 2 points captured over a higher amount of time wins. So 2 bunkers makes sense right?

it does, but it’s still not that effective. VS good teams you will notice, that the team who has the guardian in the fight wins (assume it’s an even fight 2v2, 3v3, 4v4).

Why is that? Guardians offer so much support AND damage. Burning, condition remove (which is active support but also a damage buff, because a good guardian will remove your weakness and chilled so that you can deal more damage). Heal, rezz and safestomps.

So you need your guard in the teamfights. Which is a problem in a 2 bunker comp, because if you play 2 points you need to probably move your guard sometime and then a squishy has to defend.

You would probably also need to play on 2 points in this comp, but start with playing on 3 points. Maybe spike far with 3 and then quickly support close mid with the other 2 while one caps. While the game is going on you should play on 2 points and only decap far fast if you can afford it (an opponent is down and stomped so your team doesn’t have any disadvantage in numbers).

4.2.2 What does the build look like?

1. Guard +
2. Spiritranger, Hambow, Eviscerate, TerrorNecro, (DecapBunkerengi), (SecondGuardian), (Bunker Warrior), (Bunker Ele)
3,kittentermes, dmgEle, DmgEngi condi or (power), (100bladesWarrior), dmg Guard, Powernecro, Thief, (powerranger), trapranger

4.2.3 Mapspecific tactics?

Same as above. The „best 1-1 class“ is just your second bunker now.

4.2.4 how to counter?

The big problem of this build is if you push the point of the secondary defender. If you don’t move your guard you will probably loose and if you do you have a squishy on the other point making him vulnerable. So I would push your close hard and spike mid when the guard moves.

(edited by Django.5923)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


4.3 Teamcompilations with 3 bunkers

4.3.1 How can you win?

Ok to be serious now the good comps start. Every good comp in my opinion needs at least 3 bunkers.

With 3 bunkers and 2 DPS you should play on 2 points. Why you ask? because your guardian should be a ROAMER!. Basically you need 1 bunker at each point while your guardian roams with the 2 dmg dealers to the fights. Far can be quickly decapped.

(for example ELE plays like this)

So basically: send 1 close – 1 mid (or far or wathever combination) and then move quickly with guard and the 2 dmg dealers to the fights.

4.3.2 What does the build look like?

1. Guard +
2. Spiritranger, Hambow, Eviscerate, TerrorNecro, (DecapBunkerengi), (SecondGuardian), (Bunker Warrior), (Bunker Ele)
3. Spiritranger, Hambow, Eviscerate, TerrorNecro, (DecapBunkerengi), (SecondGuardian), (Bunker Warrior), (Bunker Ele) – if you took spiritranger or necro, dont take 2
kittentermes, dmgEle, DmgEngi condi or (power), (100bladesWarrior), dmg Guard, Powernecro, Thief, (powerranger), trapranger

4.3.3 Mapspecific tactics?

Niflhel: Starting from here you have many possibilties. You could 1 close 1 mid 3 far push. (ele does that mostly) or play safe on 2 points and then quickly decap far. Just remember you play on 2 points while your guard moves with the 2 dmg dealers. You never defend 3 points. You only move your 2 dmg roamers on the 3rd point (paintrain).

Legacy: Extremely strong in Legacy because you still have 2 ppl with high mobility to decap.

Khylo: Also strong because of treb abusing possibilities.

Don’t push far too much. You have a 2 point build.

4.3.4 how to counter?

This is hard to counter just with an opener or movement. You have to win the fights. An option is to rotate someone to the second bunker who can win the 1v1. You then will have to watch where the 2 high mobility roamers move and move with them so that your friend doens’t get outnumbered.

(edited by Django.5923)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


4.4.1 Teamcompilations with 4 bunkers

4.4.1 How can you win?

This is best to play on 3 points. Why? because you can have a bunker on each point and a guard + dmg dealer supporting it. Cheesemode plays this comp. They have 3 really good 1v1 classes with high sustain a guard an a thief.
They all play classes which are really good in small skirmishes (stability stomping, safe rezzing etc. just wins 2v2s)

4.4.2 What does the build look like?

1. Guard +
2. Spiritranger, Hambow, Eviscerate, TerrorNecro, (DecapBunkerengi), (SecondGuardian), (Bunker Warrior), (Bunker Ele)
3. Spiritranger, Hambow, Eviscerate, TerrorNecro, (DecapBunkerengi), (SecondGuardian), (Bunker Warrior), (Bunker Ele) – if you took spiritranger or necro, dont take 2
4. Spiritranger, Hambow, Eviscerate, TerrorNecro, DecapBunkerengi (it now is a good option), (SecondGuardian), (Bunker Warrior), (Bunker Ele) – if you took spiritranger or necro, dont take 2
5 Shattermes, dmgEle, DmgEngi condi or (power), (100bladesWarrior), dmg Guard, Powernecro, Thief, (powerranger), trapranger

4.4.3 Mapspecific tactics?

Basically cap close, win the midfight and the 1v1 on far on each map. Rotate your guard and thief where they are needed most.

4.4.4 how to counter?

There is no counter. You have to win the fights. You can possibly be faster than them and spike them due to that. You should also make a 3 point opening (send someone far who can possibly win the 1v1). If a 4 bunker team caps a point it’s really hard to get it back.

4.5.1 Teamcompilations with 5 bunker

This is possible. Mostly people send a decap engineer far and then just outsustain the other points (mostly with 2 warriors)

4.5.2 What does the build look like?

1. Guard +
2. Spiritranger, Hambow, Eviscerate, TerrorNecro, (DecapBunkerengi), (SecondGuardian), (Bunker Warrior), (Bunker Ele)
3. Spiritranger, Hambow, Eviscerate, TerrorNecro, (DecapBunkerengi), (SecondGuardian), (Bunker Warrior), (Bunker Ele) – if you took spiritranger or necro, dont take 2
4. Spiritranger, Hambow, Eviscerate, TerrorNecro, DecapBunkerengi (it now is a good option), (SecondGuardian), (Bunker Warrior), (Bunker Ele) – if you took spiritranger or necro, dont take 2
5. Spiritranger, Hambow, Eviscerate, TerrorNecro, DecapBunkereni, (SecondGuardian), (Bunker Warrior), (Bunker Ele)

i’d probably run this specc with 2 warrios, guardian, spiritranger and decapengi

4.5.3 Mapspecific tactics?

Push all the points and win the fights basically. Or keep decapped and outbunker.

4.5.4 how to counter?

Vs such a setup you HAVE to push 3 points. If you let them cap a point it will suck balls. You should be faster use that to your advantage.

(edited by Django.5923)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


5. Predicting the opponent movement/opener and what to do after you have won

so it’s not that hard. Think about what compilation the opponent is running and how he needs to play to win. In certain comps you can almost 100% accuratly say that they wont push your close for example.

But another problem most teams have is what to do after a win.

One of the most important things you should always remember and keep in mind is:
„If I move on a point where no opponent is, will my team be outnumbered?“

Only move if you have to (because you will die otherwise) or an opponent is down.

If you won a midfight. Rather you push your opponent and zerg at their spawn OR you possition your team in between the 2 points you have and move where the opponent does. This mostly bears 1 problem „Oh kitten they are stealth THEY ARE HERE! I’m dead!“ and you are outnumbered. So I would let 2 bunkers sit close mid and push far with 2 or something so they are forced to regroup over that (leave after they come, unless you can win 100% certainly.)

6. Predicting after the opener and watching the respawns

If you listen to Maylo’s stream for example you will hear that the good teams always call out what is stomped and when it will respawn. Your team NEEDS to do that too!

For example a Thief is stomped mid, the guy who stomped him says: “Thief stomped mid respawn in 15”. And when the 15 seconds are over again! “Thief should have respawn now”.

Basically. You have a 4v4. You kill the Thief. Then you have these 15 seconds in which you have a 4v3 after this your Thief or another class should watch where the thief moves after his respawn.

You should always do that with each opponent. The best thing would be that you send a class to scout who is very mobile (thief or mesmer or both). And basically you always send someone back who can defeat him.

I will bring a match we played on temple for example. The opponents weren’t good, but also not that bad, but we were only able to defeat them to zero because of our movement on the map.

Our comp: Ele, Thief, Engi, Warrior, Guardian. Theirs: Warrior Warrior Guardian Ele Thief

We pushed far with Warrior And Ele. Our Thief capped our close and Engi went mid. Our guard was assigned to go mid or far depending on where the opponents would go. They defended far with 4 ppl, so he went far. Our thief could cap close without enemy inc and was mid quick where we 2v1 finished the ele. Then we pushed towards farpoint to have 15 seconds of 5v4. After the ele had respawn our thief pushed after him. Because he couldn’t win the 1v1 I pushed with him and we killed him again. (Our 3 PPL on far were all pretty tanky and rezzing very good! to survive thief and 2 warrs, otherwise this wouldn’t have been possible).

Then they sent out their thief with the ele. The ele rushed close while the thief decapped mid (because I pushed with the ele). Our thief went after their thief and we won both 1v1s.
I then watched both points and they pushed again in stealth this time (ele and thief).
I then went mid and let our thief stay above. Only the thief went mid. I instantly left mid for close to trade with our thief because we have won the 1v1s previously. Both close and mid got decapped but our trade let to the two 1v1s again which we won again. And the game was over 500 to 0.

If there are 5 enemies on the map you should have always even fights, EXCEPT you have hardbunkers who can hold more ppl (2v3 for example).

And don’t forget one rule: Don’t sit on the points and wait for the enemy if you wiped the whole team, go in front of their base and zerg em!

7. The thief

The thief is top tier. And he will always be. The reason is his mobility. A team with thief vs another without has always a problem. You need a thief to counter the other thief. No class can go after him with his mobility.

The only chance of winning vs a team with thief without is winning the fights. But vs good teams thats not reliable.

I would say that in two equally good teams the team with thief would win. Just because of the decaps going on.

Mobility is “almost” everything!

(edited by Django.5923)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


8. OK Django, but what if we loose?

if you loose there are a few possibilities from which regrouping is probably almost the best. I think i will do this for each map. Regrouping also depends on your and the opponents composition

1. Forest of niflhel

Let’s say you lost your 4v4 on keep. Your close bunker is still on his point which is yours. Now there are several options.
1. It may be possible that they push your point with 3-4 ppl. What I would do then is send your hardest bunkers there to survive as long as possible and win the other points OR go with 5 ppl on your point and own them (you could get zerged while their points tick.. so be aware). It depends on what comp they have and if you think you can win the fight. VS really good teams I would probably send 3 bunkers on close and let the 2 dmg roamers win another point. You should be able to hold the point pretty good because your respawn is so near.
2. Lets say they don’t push and await your push (or just sent somebody to decap). I would regroup over close and then do the NPC (watch for steal). After a won teamfights most teams feel safe to do the npc so your thief should watch for a steal if possible (decap mine and then try to steal maybe).
So you killed the npc. Then you should go either keep or far, preferably in stealth. You lost the teamfight earlier so you should provoke another situation which you can win (small skirmishes, or a short 4v2 because you stealthed).

Snowballing is seldom good on this map. Because on farpoint the enemy will win over time due to his short respawn distance. And keep is a big distance to walk and when you arrive probably everyone else will be dead. It always depends tough. If the point is still your’s standing on it even tough it’s suicide is probably a good idea. Remember if you survive 10 seconds (time until you get fully stomped) your team and the opponent team will get 5 points. (depending on the situation this is good or bad. If you will only survive 10 seconds they will get 5 points anyway. If you inc the point or not. Because if they cap they will also receive 5 points in that time. It depends if your team needs those 5 points desperately or it is better for your team to regroup. It could also be that you jump on the point and die after 10 seconds but after that 3 of your teammates are there again to snowball and hold the point.) If you can hold the point snowballing is ok! If you are decapped and they will win over time it’s probably time to regroup.

9. After reading all this… what should we play?

Ultimately I recommend you to play what you like the most and try to make that work.

what you certainly need is:

1. A guardian
2. A rather tanky dude for one point (can be any build/class)
3. A rather tanky dude for the other point (can be any build/class)

And then you just decide what your tactic should be.

do you want to have movement team and outrotate enemies? play with fast classes mesmer/thief or even others

do you want to outbunker everone? add more bunkers

do you want to win big fights? add dps guards, necros

do you want to win small skirmishes? play classes which are good in 1v1, 2v2 etc.

Basically what I need to say is, that a Movement Team is probably the best when played perfectly (with mesmer and thief). It’s very hard to beat and nearly impossible to beat without a thief (5 bunkers). Altough it’s much harder to win with it because you need to be very good with rotations and if you make mistakes your whole team can wipe easily.


- play what you like to play

- if you want to have more success as a starting team (not much experience). Play a bunker comp. The movement teams which are good are all around top 100 (and there are about 3). So you can come really far with a bunker comp (movement teams will counter you at one point tough)

(edited by Django.5923)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


Final words

Thanks for all the kind replies on my old thread. I will respond to every question you have (here or ingame).

If builds are not up to date anymore visit my twitch
I always try to keep an update list of all the meta builds!

Also I’m offering coaching for teams. COMPLETELY FOR FREE! I accept donations tough
I will help you build your teambuild, talk how you should move etc. Unless i don’t have to coach you 2 hours per week (lets say 3-4 hours ONCE).

I would also like if some other experienced players have inputs regarding this thread.

Thank you for reading

And ask me anything you want ingame: infamous django (or on my twitch chat)

(edited by Django.5923)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Raunchy.6891


Another helpful guide for people looking to get into team queues. Thanks Django.

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Sephiroth Uriel.6980

Sephiroth Uriel.6980

Exactly what we needed! Thank you Django

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Awesome guide. Now if someone would just put up a “noob” guide with the bare basics then we’d have the first stepping stone, too. I’m too tired explaining to ppl that bringing more ppl to a cap point doesn’t cap it any faster.

One – Piken Square

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Sephiroth Uriel.6980

Sephiroth Uriel.6980

There is one, Tom! It’s a stickied post from a dev. Here:


A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


I also did an attempt on that. It’s not that elaborate but with the “new to pvp start here” thread it should be enough =)


you can also ask me ingame if you want

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


since many ppl think the old thread (and therefore this) should be stickied and it’s just ignored (I also wrote Josh Davis which is saying he will add to his new to spvp thread if somebody wants to contribute.. but no answer).

So everybody who thinks this should be stickied, can you write Josh Davis a private message?

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Sickness.9831


yeah, id like to know why theese awsome guides are still not stickied…i mean its like every 2nd reply that beggs for the guides to be stickied

Shaku – Elementalist – Made in Meta [MiM]

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: ThatShortGuy.4672


+1 Great guide! (Also a bump to keep it near the top)

That Cloaked One / That Phantom Memser / That Dark One

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Tomal.7516


gj Django,
I think that will help very much beginners and is also a sign that PvP`ers can be helpful people

Best Schmock EU!

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


new chapter:

6. Predicting after the opener and watching the respawns

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Belze Intilie.8436

Belze Intilie.8436

bump for sticky +1

Bro Code(x) (Mesmer), Bro Tect (Guard)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Anet are clearly too busy serving raw potatoes to sticky this.
Even though I no longer play, I can still see this being extremely helpful to many who still feel like wast…spending time in this pvp.
Kudos for the effort, nevertheless. It’s put together in a really clear and insightful manner.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Billionaire.5607


Thanks for the updated guide! I had your old one bookmarked, will update with this one! +1 vote to sticky please!

twitch: www.twitch.tv/gamblerbihz
5k Hours Played over last 1.1k days – “I love this game”

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Turin.1024


tl;dr: have more bunkers than the other team

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Tris.8327


I feel this guide is a little biased against 1 bunker team comps, when high tier competitive teams are doing very well with low amount of bunkers. Team Mist/TCG doesn’t run two bunkers, so why should a team with just this comp be unlikely to win?

Don’t get me wrong, I think this is fantastic and well written, but maybe reconsider your opinion on single bunker teams. Out playing your opponents and rotating faster than slow bunkers is often more important.

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


You are right i just didnt work on it that much. The theme of movement was started with the topic of the thief. But i will write morw about the current comps.

but what you are wrong with is that tcg doesnt run 2 bunkers. They run 3. Guardian is fullbunker, a warrior is always bunkerish if he is not zerker, same goes with DD ele which is also not a softtarget.

basically a bunker is something that is hard to kill. Which elem and warr are atm. So in my opinion tcgs comp is 2 bunkers (1 fast to defend close → ele, and one slower to win 1v1s → eviscerate warrior, guardian and 2 high mobility classes.)

if you run 3 highly mobile classes you will probably start to have teamfights and situations where one of the roamers has to 1v1 something in enemy favor.

basically the good comps atm are:

bunker (cheesmodeish)
with 1 thief
movement team (mesmer thief).

but still i think the guide still fits. Its still one of the best options to have at least 2 somehow tanky classes for each point and a guard and the rest is somewhat optional.

but ill write something about that later

(edited by Django.5923)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Belze Intilie.8436

Belze Intilie.8436

bump to help some people with all the celes…

Bro Code(x) (Mesmer), Bro Tect (Guard)

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


Lose has 1 O. Drives me nuts.

Definitely a guide focused on coordinated teams.

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Hugh Norfolk

Hugh Norfolk

PvP Game Designer

Awesome Guide! Thanks for taking the time to write this up.

A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Awesome Guide! Thanks for taking the time to write this up.

Though I am glad this got a red post…

… this is 5 months old…

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A guide to spvp (reworked)

in PvP

Posted by: Dwaynas Avatar.1562

Dwaynas Avatar.1562

… this is 5 months old…

Yes, but nothing changed since (more than) 5 months (balance excluded)

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