A question for the "pros"

A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: Kso.6458


Im just curious, this is just something I wonder about. How many of you players that consider yourself a pro , top tier team whatever have played DAoC? If you did, did you 8v8, solo stealth wars,? What is/was your general opinion of the pvp?

Im not trying to start a flame war or anything, I just think its funny that people say this games pvp is complex after having played DAoC for over a decade. Im showing my age lol. Did most of top tier teams in this game get there start playing WoW or Warhammer? If thats the case then I could see why people could like this style of pvp and be fooled into thinking it was ok since what you had to compare it to was kitten to begin with. If I am coming off like an kitten, this time Im not trying to I really feel bad for competitive pvpers that never got to experience daoc back in the day when there was a population. Ive had younger guildies of mine come from wow/war/rift and try to play daoc and quit super fast because they cant even understand how to deal with interrupts, or having to stand still and cast a spell or not being able to cast when youre getting beat on. Not to mention long duration cc. Haha oh you kids have it so easy now lol.

So yeah dont even bother posting if youre gonna say omg I always got mezzed or you needed gear to compete or give some other sort of tell that automatically lets me know you were terribad.

A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: Powerr.3649


I played DAoC for close to a decade as well. Best game! Miss it so much. My favorite part about DAoC was interrupts. Every time a melee hit you, you would be interrupted….POSITIONING!! and Extending/Kiting!

I really enjoy the tPvP in this game. It requires a certain amount of skill to be a top player. The game has a high skill floor and low skill ceiling, making it hard for players to immediately get into but easy to get to a high level of skill.


A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: Moderator.9672



As a reminder, try to avoid as much as possible comparing Guild Wars 2 to other games when posting.

Please, focus your feedback and contribution on your Guild Wars 2 experience.


A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: Dismay.4729


Hahaha, Anet sounds like a jealous girlfriend.

Gurugant (Kaypud Guard)
DismÁy (Ele)
Teeheef (Bad Thief)

A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: PaZZo.5724


Ah, good times there on Lancelot and all the 8men ganks and the unwritten honor code. Probably the greatest fun i had in an MMO to date

A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: Poplolita.2638


Im just curious, this is just something I wonder about. How many of you players that consider yourself a pro , top tier team whatever have played DAoC? If you did, did you 8v8, solo stealth wars,? What is/was your general opinion of the pvp?

Im not trying to start a flame war or anything, I just think its funny that people say this games pvp is complex after having played DAoC for over a decade. Im showing my age lol. Did most of top tier teams in this game get there start playing WoW or Warhammer? If thats the case then I could see why people could like this style of pvp and be fooled into thinking it was ok since what you had to compare it to was kitten to begin with. If I am coming off like an kitten, this time Im not trying to I really feel bad for competitive pvpers that never got to experience daoc back in the day when there was a population. Ive had younger guildies of mine come from wow/war/rift and try to play daoc and quit super fast because they cant even understand how to deal with interrupts, or having to stand still and cast a spell or not being able to cast when youre getting beat on. Not to mention long duration cc. Haha oh you kids have it so easy now lol.

So yeah dont even bother posting if youre gonna say omg I always got mezzed or you needed gear to compete or give some other sort of tell that automatically lets me know you were terribad.

Apple. Orange.

A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: Rinceweed.3690


I’ve never played DAoC, but have played GW1 pvp quite competatively (GvGs and HA mostly) and it too was far more complex than the sPvP is in GW2… but it’s unfair to compare the two, since the GW1s class system is closer to a competative trading card game than to a classic RPG …

All that aside, I do feel disapointed in the sPvP … not only in the lack of a competative scene or the still missing spectator mode and all other features that are necessary for the scene to evolve – i’m not pleased even with the gameplay, gamemode and the maps themselves – and I’m really not the “one whiner in the group”, but quite the opposite, I’m the most involved and interested in competative PvP from my guild and my group of friends, who have most stopped even caring for it.

I feel sad for that, and I’m really hoping that Anet are involved in the discussions of changing their philosophy about the sPvP part of the game… I understand that it would be a bad thing to even talk about it or announcing some changes, when people are already involved in the preparation for the big tournaments noone really knows are even going to happen… but considering so many people are unsatisfied and the sPvP competative scene is currently non-existant (or should I say un-existable?) only minor improvements wont do.

I got a bit carried away… here’s my beef with op:
What I think OP wants to point out and in turn propose is that “the game needs more gimmicks” .. which I can easily relate to, but I don’t see that as a solution to the problem of it not being fun to play.

A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


Top players don’t really play hot join, where the ‘’8vs8 stealth wars’’ go on. They play 5vs5 tournament format where you’re only likely to find one thief on the enemy team.

I suggest you take a look at some of the ’’pros’’ streams to take a look at how the game really plays.

Well, I say ’’real’’ game, but considering that only 1% of the population in the game can actually play paid tournaments that might be the wrong way of putting it.
The ‘’real potential of the game’’, then.

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: Spindelhalla.2139


I will always love DAoC. I played it regularly (and by regurarly I mean many many hours a day since back then I could afford to do so.. good times xD) for about 7 years, then another couple years every now and then and still now sometimes I get invited by friends to play on private servers, a friend of mine even opened one recently.
Does my username bring good memories? xD

@Powerr – Cool, I didn’t know you are an ex DAoC player!! I think you recognize me since I have the same name on twitch.tv and I often watch your stream

Ohhh I’ll tell you guys a funny story.. When WoW came out I was playing DAoC but I tried it anyway.. It was hard for me to kill mobs in the noob area, sometimes I had to run or die and you know why? I was so used to DAoC that I wasn’t trying to cast spells when the mobs were hitting me.. instead I was trying kite – cast – kite and so on.. I laughed a lot when I realized I was able to cast while being hit haha xD

But anyway, I think in it’s way GW2 pvp is good. They should change the requisites to participate in tournaments tho, right now I think it is too easy to join frees and too hard to join paids.

A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


DAoC for the win tbh, I’ve never experienced anything close to the pvp of daoc nor the awesome community it had; DAoC was the mmo of the century (Although the OP Savage era was kind of annoying to deal with :<).
Hib/Excal all the way.

Team Paradigm.

A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: Atlas.6901


Never played DAoC, but heard it was amazing. Still, can we get at least a little love for Ultima Online?

A question for the "pros"

in PvP

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

I was stunned when people said daoc had the best pvp the first time i heard it.
it took several years to get the pvp in daoc reasonable.
when it started there was no limit on CC. perma stun and mez on a large group could be done by one healer. It was complete pile of hot steaming kitten.
It literally took years for them to get around to changing that.

They did have those web rosters to compare stats and such though and that was pretty cool.

taking keeps was pretty cool. having a good leader and doing some non zerg tactics at choke points was pretty good. have someone play bait and surprise attack… but that is primarily just map design and world size not the system.

I had the top rated theurgist for a while… Not that is saying much as it was a very under powered class in rvr for way too many years and so not played all that much.

Whats to special about interrupts? That can be done in gw2. more over you can just dodge out of the way of the attack with good timing. GW2 combat is so… alive.

Although i can still see my toon winding up for a cast and stopping. oh quickcast failed. hit again.. no wait it did work but i missed the window. I honestly hope that never happens again in any game.

EvE has a bunch of the thrill of combat that DAOC had but so much more. every battle in eve was like my first times in DAOC rvr. Do you remember what that feels like?