A simple way to improve paid tournaments

A simple way to improve paid tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: OneManArmy.5617


Change the paid tournaments to either of the following formats:

Simple Tournament Format:
Requirement to start a game: 2 Teams
Format: Best of 3 ( Map rotation is randomised each time)
If the same team wins the first two maps then the tournament obviously ends.
Winning team gets a golden chest and a chance at the lottery gem system in addition to qualifying points.
Losing team gets a silver chest.

More advanced Tournament Format:
Requirement to start a game: 4 Teams (2 sets with 2 teams each)
Format: Best of 3 ( Map rotation is randomised each time)
Rules: If the same team in a set wins the first two maps then the tournament set obviously ends.
Teams are seperated into two sets(2 teams in each) and fight each other.
The winners of each set’s best of three will play against each other for 1st and 2nd place.
The losers of each set’s best of three will play against each other for 3rd and 4th place.
First place gets a golden chest,a high chance at the lottery gem and qualifying points.
Second place gets a silver chest, a high chance at the lottery gem and qualifying points(Less than First place)
Third place gets a copper chest,a low chance at the lottery gem and very low amount of qualifying points(Much less than second place).
Fourth place gets a copper chest and a rabbit banner.

I believe these changes are not very hard to implement and will promote a more healthy environment for tournaments; will reduce the horrible queues and allow teams to practice in a competitive format.
(Usually in e-sports and tournaments of this genre the game type is best of three against the same opponents)
The awarded qualifying points can either be a static value or based on MMR once that is in place.

This will also allow for players to play more games without the need to reduce the ticket price.(At least 4 games played for the price of 5 tickets per player).
Rewards can be anything really, I tried to keep it as close to what it is now as possible.

What do you guys think?

Surrender is not an option!

(edited by OneManArmy.5617)

A simple way to improve paid tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Dexxer.3174



Would be nice…

A simple way to improve paid tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


this would obviously solve many problems with paids

A simple way to improve paid tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


simple tournament format:
no need for best of 3. one match, who win take a prize. welcome ladder

A simple way to improve paid tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

If the losing team lost the first round by a lot they wouldn’t even try for the next 2 rounds. Currently, if you lose the first round, you are spared from future rounds against harder teams.

Personally, as a solo amateur-intermediate sPvPer, I’m pretty much going to lose every tournament match unless I’m with a full group of people like me. Having to play 3 times for last place is a big turnoff.

A simple way to improve paid tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: OneManArmy.5617


@Clark Skinner The suggestions are only for paid tournaments.
The reasons you mentioned are why i don’t suggest to change the free tournaments format, so that players with no full teams can still have fun.
Paid tournaments cannot be run as a solo, you need a full team and once the matchmaking rating is in place you will usually be playing against opponents at your level.
The goal of the change is first and foremost to allow more games to be played for the 5ticket price and to reduce the queue times.

Surrender is not an option!

(edited by OneManArmy.5617)