A small look on DHs from the devs maybe?
Might as well say it before some one else does… You won the fight. What’s the issue?
3k burns is equivalent to a single critical from a power class. Should I get into how debilitating Power Wars are? Y’all guys dish out twice the DPs.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
It’s Arc Divider.
Now that needs to be looked in to.
Might as well say it before some one else does… You won the fight. What’s the issue?
3k burns is equivalent to a single critical from a power class. Should I get into how debilitating Power Wars are? Y’all guys dish out twice the DPs.
It is not equivalent because 3k burn is 3k damage to evry class and it cannot be negated after it was applied(i know condi remove exists), u cant run away from a 3k tick (however 6k here))))))))) but u can always make some steps back when u are expecting an arc divider(which is also hialrious about its 450range but we are talking about DHS the king of pvp)
Might as well say it before some one else does… You won the fight. What’s the issue?
3k burns is equivalent to a single critical from a power class. Should I get into how debilitating Power Wars are? Y’all guys dish out twice the DPs.
It is not equivalent because 3k burn is 3k damage to evry class and it cannot be negated after it was applied(i know condi remove exists), u cant run away from a 3k tick (however 6k here
))))))))) but u can always make some steps back when u are expecting an arc divider(which is also hialrious about its 450range but we are talking about DHS the king of pvp)
no no no no you dont get it. thats next week. then the week after we complain about thief’s. theres a schedule to this dont you know. if we dont complain we dont speak.
i saw… that facts thief are OP
and they come here complaining about someone that puts them in some troubles… but they won….
ppl tent to forget how much burst can power classes dish out.
ppl tent to forget how much burst can power classes dish out.
Including power DH…
Also, I’m just gonna have to write down why conditions are more powerful than power damage in some other place on my computer so I can copy and paste it every time claims power damage is stronger.
Conditions needs to be toned down a lot. It’s not just a Dragon Hunter issue
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
I really don’t see an issue here. Burn guard is such a bad class. It has very low sustain and it easily focuses down and it only has one damaging condition which means it can always be cleansed easily. In addition, burn guard can only burst you like that one time and then it is stuck on low dps until it gets its cooldowns back.
I understand entirely that if you get bursts by a burn guard with no condi clear available, you are dead. However, this is completely your fault- why are you engaging a burn guard without condi clear? That is a move that makes no sense because one mess up and you are dead. Not even I would engage a burn guard if I didn’t have signet of renewal or celestial avatar unless absolutely necessary. If yo have any condi clear though, burn guards are a pretty easy kill especially when in teamfights.
And no, other guard builds are not a problem either, DH is possibly the weakest class in the game right now even though it is still viable.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
I really don’t see an issue here. Burn guard is such a bad class. It has very low sustain and it easily focuses down and it only has one damaging condition which means it can always be cleansed easily. In addition, burn guard can only burst you like that one time and then it is stuck on low dps until it gets its cooldowns back.
I understand entirely that if you get bursts by a burn guard with no condi clear available, you are dead. However, this is completely your fault- why are you engaging a burn guard without condi clear? That is a move that makes no sense because one mess up and you are dead. Not even I would engage a burn guard if I didn’t have signet of renewal or celestial avatar unless absolutely necessary. If yo have any condi clear though, burn guards are a pretty easy kill especially when in teamfights.
And no, other guard builds are not a problem either, DH is possibly the weakest class in the game right now even though it is still viable.
DH is possibly the weakest class in game right now?
Almost everything in DH/Guard toolkit is AOE/range and high damaging. You can literally press random buttons on DH and kill people who have spent hours upon hours learning how to play their class. It has multiple ways to deal with everything and the numbers on almost all the skills need serious tweaking (multiple instant cast skills being able to do 10k+ damage on multiple people at a time in PVP).
In season 1 when DH was at its lowest point comparably to everything else I could throw together random talents and still score kills and win matches at legend. It has since received buffs while other things have been nerfed. Thief, DH/Guard and Mes are comically OP by anyone who spends time trying to actually figure out how to play them.
(edited by JayAction.9056)
In soloQ, DH and warriors are my least favorite team mates. Because everybody keeps talking about how “OP” they are, many players tend to play them even when they have 0 experience with the class, and aren’t too great at PvP in general. Some just have misguided ideas about what they are supposed to be doing. That makes them the most unreliable team mates.
Frankly, this isn’t a DH/guard issue at all. A burnguard is powerful and fun to play but it has serious weaknesses in exchange for that. They don’t have cover condis, so even the most basic condi clear will remove the burn, it is up to the player to see that. It and other builds are quite easily countered by unblockable skills and just plain good timing and positioning.
Engineers and mesmers on the other hand are my favorites, because most ppl in the steering wheel of those classes know what they are doing.
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.
…, DH is possibly the weakest class in the game right now even though it is still viable.
Sorry, but I seriously almost spilled coffee all over my keyboard reading that.
Yes, and Earth is flat, barely 5000 years old, and is the center of the universe!
Ahh nothing like the GW2 PvP board…comedy at it’s finest!
…, DH is possibly the weakest class in the game right now even though it is still viable.
Sorry, but I seriously almost spilled coffee all over my keyboard reading that.
Yes, and Earth is flat, barely 5000 years old, and is the center of the universe!
Ahh nothing like the GW2 PvP board…comedy at it’s finest!
Hes actually right. In an optimal scenario for DH’s meaning you dont face Druids / Eles or Scrappers. They can pull off miracles. However, the moment you face these classes. Ele specifically you simply cant teamfight. Your dmg are so cut short with protection, and mainly projectile denial. IE Swirling Winds, Magnetic Aura, Overload Earth and depending on your teamcomp, Aftershock!.
This forces dh’s to rotate, which is horrible since they don’t have any mobility. (Even with rune of the lynx). They have favorable match-ups vs Power Warriors and mesmers. Kinda even vs condi wars.
If you however can’t find these match-ups and are instead put against a Scrapper or a Druid. (Which both can easily outrotate you.) You’re in for a bad-bad match.
This forces dh’s to rotate, which is horrible since they don’t have any mobility.
I lost it this guy said dh dont have mobility my favourite argument gonna make my compialtion about dhs getting from mid to close before thief could even decap cos community cant deny facts after i posted it, no mobility jeez best joke so far in this thread and people were even saying dh is weak u sir topped it
This forces dh’s to rotate, which is horrible since they don’t have any mobility.
I lost it this guy said dh dont have mobility
my favourite argument gonna make my compialtion about dhs getting from mid to close before thief could even decap cos community cant deny facts after i posted it, no mobility jeez best joke so far in this thread and people were even saying dh is weak u sir topped it
I assume you’re counting F2 Sword 2 and Judge’s Intervention. If you blow F2 and JI to stay on a target, there’s absolutly no way you’ll ever win the fight since you’re losing your only viable stunbreak, fury uptime, aswell as gap maker, heal and condi clear just to stay with a target. You also need a target in order for Sword 2 and JI to actually work. Same as with Shiro’s Phase Traversal and Infiltrators Signet.
Do not mistake this for mobility. Guards thrive on maps such as Khylo and Foefire to to the open nature of the map. If you however take this to Forest and Temple you’ll not be successful due to losing vision easily.
On open maps such as Skyhammer, this doesnt really work either due to the plethora of “No valid path to target”.
But by all means, if you want to embarres yourself by quoting me. Go right ahead.