A solution to the leaderboard issues...

A solution to the leaderboard issues...

in PvP

Posted by: Elegant Avenger.8042

Elegant Avenger.8042

Make the leaderboards team or guild based instead of individually based.

Reasons why this is a good idea:

1. You can build prestige as a team by winning tournaments and have your guild name displayed publicly.

2. Rewards for seasons can be given out to the active PvPers in the top few guilds, instead of just blanket rewarding the top 250. (This opens up a whole list of easy-to-implement guild-wide rewards.) Or perhaps you could add a ‘PvP roster’ to each guild (similar to the current rank structure) that is limited to a small, finite # of players. Then only those on the PvP roster would get the season rewards and it would prevent guild invite selling.

[Thought: Maybe the MMR of those few players one the PvP roster (no more than 10-15) would be averaged to determine the guild MMR/leaderboard rank?]

3. People will have more incentive to play on a team instead of worrying about their individual rank.

4. You can go and play ranked matches with your friends who don’t PvP as much. This is done by creating a smurf guild/team. As a result, you don’t have to worry about ruining your rating by playing matches you aren’t taking as seriously.

5. It reduces individual egos, and promotes guild pride. (Yes I know that it may cause some elitism by ‘being in the top guild’ but the current leaderboards already seem to do that anyway.)


(edited by Elegant Avenger.8042)

A solution to the leaderboard issues...

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


So don’t rank or reward Solo players that this is all they do in game and work their butt off? Not everyone wants to be on a team. Also this has been suggested and shot down, never to return. Players would sell guild spots to the highest bidder just so they can make some cash. People pay high end to get those exclusive rewards that they didn’t actually work for and therefore diluting the whole system. You could just as easily sell “Guild Roster” spots. Can’t have a roster with only 5 people because every team needs subs. This would never work in any way, shape or form. You want team rewards? Play/ win tournaments. That is why they are there. Then your name goes onto an exclusive in game PvP Champion board for recognition. Then take the REAL cash and buy gems for anything in game you want..

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

(edited by GhOst.4019)

A solution to the leaderboard issues...

in PvP

Posted by: Elegant Avenger.8042

Elegant Avenger.8042

So don’t rank or reward Solo players that this is all they do in game and work their butt off? Not everyone wants to be on a team. Also this has been suggested and shot down, never to return. Players would sell guild spots to the highest bidder just so they can make some cash. People pay high end to get those exclusive rewards that they didn’t actually work for and therefore diluting the whole system. This would never work in any way, shape or form. You want team rewards? Play/ win tournaments. That is why they are there. Then your name goes onto an exclusive in game PvP Champion board for recognition.

You obviously didn’t read my PvP roster idea, which would make it impossible to sell the rewards to even more than a couple of people. There would be enough room for subs, and thats about it. The people who do sell their guilds out will be mocked, and that guild’s reputation will be gone as soon as you see a noob repping it. Something tells me top players would rather have their reputation/ prestige in tact than a few extra gold.

It is MUCH harder to accurately hand out rewards/ranks to individuals in a team based game. If you gave out rewards as a one time thing every month, then people couldn’t sell rewards they already won. They would have to accurately predict that they’re going to win in order to sell them. It would be much more difficult to sell rewards if they aren’t guaranteed, and the most you could sell them to is maybe 2-3 people.

Team based leaderboards worked just fine in Guild Wars 1 so don’t tell me it would never work.

And finally, ArenaNet doesn’t have to get rid of the individual leaderboards. In fact they could use the current system to develop the team leaderboard (with the PvP roster idea.)

(edited by Elegant Avenger.8042)

A solution to the leaderboard issues...

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


It worked just fine in Guild Wars 1 so don’t tell me it would never work.

First of all….re-read my post. I did talk about your “Roster”. Unless you reward only the top 5 teams or something, there will be selling. There is always extra spots open (as I stated in my post while talking about your “Roster” that you ignored).

Second of all…This did not work in GW1 as there was a TON of spot selling, and as the devs stated a few months ago; it is the MAIN reason that they will never entertain this idea again. It defeats the purpose of trying to reward only those who actually worked for it.

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros

A solution to the leaderboard issues...

in PvP

Posted by: Elegant Avenger.8042

Elegant Avenger.8042

It worked just fine in Guild Wars 1 so don’t tell me it would never work.

First of all….re-read my post. I did talk about your “Roster”. Unless you reward only the top 5 teams or something, there will be selling. There is always extra spots open (as I stated in my post while talking about your “Roster” that you ignored).

Second of all…This did not work in GW1 as there was a TON of spot selling, and as the devs stated a few months ago; it is the MAIN reason that they will never entertain this idea again. It defeats the purpose of trying to reward only those who actually worked for it.

First of all, you edited your post, and you did not mention the PvP roster idea before so. Second of all, I know people sold spots in Guild Wars 1. Guess what? The people who bought the spots were easily identified and were known to be bad players. Third, the top guilds in GW1 didn’t sell spots, and usually only let close friends in to maintain prestige.

Also, the rewards in GW1 were much different. They were permanent (i’m talking about gold trims), which allowed a guild to disband but still sell rewards. The rewards in GW2 should not be permanent, and instead should be handed out at a single time at the end of each season.

A solution to the leaderboard issues...

in PvP

Posted by: GhOst.4019


There is a time stamp on the edit…READ THE STAMP. It was edited 2 seconds after I posted it and long before you replied.

#1 Player Granada
#1 Player Comoros