A way to balance necromancer´s burn

A way to balance necromancer´s burn

in PvP

Posted by: uri.6521


I know than the devs already nerfed Dhuumfire to 2 secons instead of 4, but i think it was not the apropiate way to change it for this 2 reasons:

1. Engineers have the exact unerfed version of this trait and is an adept major trait instead of a grandmaster major trait.

2.This trait has a 10 seconds internal cooldown so, this means that it is built to burst down people (i have experienced it by myself how those extra 600 – 700 burnig damage literally burst me down when they fearlock me for like 4 seconds)

Im not a necromancer but my way to fix this trait is:

1. Remove the internal cooldown (sounds crazy op but its a grandmaster trait remember).

2.Make it so it can now have the chance to burn tragets for 1 second at a 33% chance

This is not exactly a perfect soultion to my point 1 at the start of the post why? because eles have a major adept trait called burning presicion… well back to the topic doing this change would make things more interesting since, as you know, necromancers staff and scepter and everything (exept life transfer), a terror necromancer hakittens at the speed of a grandpa so, unles they also have high preission, they will not be able to place any constant burning on the traget, and if they do, tant means they have both condition damage and presicion, potentialy making them very very squishy.

But thats not the end, this means that the fast hitting weapons (daggers, axe, wells etc.) can use this trait akittens most potential thus opening new builds (im thinking of guardian like builds with low condition damage but perma burn because of dhuumfire)

Now the final question is:

¿Am im nerfing or buffing necros with this change?

A way to balance necromancer´s burn

in PvP

Posted by: galandor.1059


This sounds like one of those ideas you scribble down while your half drunk at a bar on a napkin.

Never turns out well.

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

A way to balance necromancer´s burn

in PvP

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

Remove the burning. Replace it with 3s torment, 1s ICD. Swap the trait’s place with that of Terror. Make Terror fueled by Power instead of Condition Damage.
There. I have just fixed the Necro, removed the QQ, but kept stuff viable. Go me.

A way to balance necromancer´s burn

in PvP

Posted by: Zzod.5791


Remove the burning. Replace it with 3s torment, 1s ICD. Swap the trait’s place with that of Terror. Make Terror fueled by Power instead of Condition Damage.
There. I have just fixed the Necro, removed the QQ, but kept stuff viable. Go me.

No. What?…

You want to turn a condition, terror, and make it scale with power? A trait that is in a condition-based tree? A condition whose damage has been already reduced by 17%? A condition whose damage was NEVER complained about until the necromancer buffs?

I don’t think you put very much thought into this. Back to the drawing board!

A way to balance necromancer´s burn

in PvP

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

Terror isn’t a condition. Fear is a condition. If it switched places with Dhuumfire, it would no longer be in the condition damage tree. The primary intent of that is to make power necromancer builds viable, while taking away the damage stunlock from the condition pressure build.
But thanks for misunderstanding.

A way to balance necromancer´s burn

in PvP

Posted by: zach.1847


Instead of condition-spamlocking, you want power-spamlocking?
4 Seconds while channeling an undisturbed life transfer, with zerker-gear are hardly dealing less dmg then burn+bleed+terror.

A way to balance necromancer´s burn

in PvP

Posted by: Deadcell.9052


I would prefer they get rid of burning all together and give us a disengage instead.

A way to balance necromancer´s burn

in PvP

Posted by: reedju.5786


Power damage doesn’t need a boost for necros overall. The change to DS #1, tainted shackles, lower cd to wells, and LF regen has put power in a very good spot overall. Its all I play anymore. And there is no balancing it, only removing it.

Black Avarice

A way to balance necromancer´s burn

in PvP

Posted by: Kavia.8249


I don’t like OP’s idea for Dhumfire. That is how Incindiary Powder used to be but it was lame b/c you could never cleanse the burning. It has no counter at that point. The biggest complaint about both these traits (And presumably Burning Precision if condition elementalists ever become a thing) is that there is just nothing you can do to avoid the damage. You dodge an attack, the ICD doesn’t fire, and you will eat it on the next attack.

I propose picking one these options:
-tie the proc to a specific attack with its own cooldown – maybe something like the 3rd weapon skill on one handed weapons,
-when you remove a boon you apply burning (for necro). Maybe for engineer it could be “apply burning when you knockback/stun/knockdown a foe.”
-creating an icon (and ideally an animation – maybe the character’s hands light on fire) that signifies the next attack inflicts burning. If the attack is blocked/blinded/evaded/obstructed whatever, the proc is consumed.

Kavia Kael
Champion Illusionist
Stormbluff Isle

A way to balance necromancer´s burn

in PvP

Posted by: uri.6521


I know about engineers pre nerf incendiary powder, but there is a small diference betwen condi necromancers and engineers

Engineers spam grenades and bombs that hit multiple times (and some of this skills inflict burning by themselves so its not the only trait what made burning almost imposible to clenease)

Necromancers attacks (especifically the ones tied to condition damage such staff or scepter / dagger) are much much slower, so it will be much harder

Also incendiary powder pre nerf was 33% chanse of 2 seconds on a 3 secsonds internal cooldown or something like that (is that or 3 on a 5 internal cooldown i cant remember correctly) so it was stronger that 1 second on 33% chance (at least for single tragets)