A "what if" Stronghold addition.

A "what if" Stronghold addition.

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


What if we had a “grindy” addition (no more grindy than it already is) where we had to make sigils/runes/gear pieces and gain level-ups ourselves?

I don’t think it’s completely out of the question considering Stronghold already has that NPC grind factor. I do, however, see a huge snowball effect happening. There would have to be certain elements that added strategy so a person wouldn’t die all too easily when going for an objective. Then again, maybe level ups shouldn’t exist but instead have item upgrade possibilities.

The reason I ask is because there’s a sense of achievement to it. People like the extra immersion or “sense of accomplishment” when killing a player and reaching an item. It’s why Moba style games are popular. It’s not just because of all the strategy and careful footwork in play (it does take more strategy) but it has a sense of achievement within the gametype itself such as upgrades.
Getting a player kill is the highest achievement possible but I didn’t feel that so much in Stronghold beta.

There’s a few ways it can be implement but it’s a matter of whether or not it’ll improve what we’ve already seen in Stronghold beta. Also, is ArenaNet willing to part with Conquest all together if Stronghold in general becomes super popular?

What are yall’s thoughts?

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

A "what if" Stronghold addition.

in PvP

Posted by: Puck.1509


Yeah I think if stronghold overrides conquest then yeah I don’t see why not, I’d like to see that take over the META. However I feel Arena net over commit to the wrong ideas sometimes, be that conquest. They need to release multiple game modes, e.g 2 v 2 or duelling so they can gauge what the players favour more rather than focusing them on conquest or even stronghold regardless of the response. Hopefully there is more strategies involved requiring more build diversity maybe, and forcing new style of play with this new mode.

Also I’m not against the idea of an in-match reward structure similar to LoL or other MOBAS as it does allow an even deeper layer to the competitive edge and that is always welcome.

It is a risk though as they would have to tweak a few balances, almost a re-haul over the statistical system in order for that to work I think. Imagine a power ranger working up more power buffs, they would quickly earn their way up and begin one shotting from half way up the map lol. So a bit of thought would be required but its an interesting idea none the less.

A "what if" Stronghold addition.

in PvP

Posted by: phokus.8934


2v2 or dueling solves nothing for PvP.

Stronghold just seems like a desperate attempt to revitalize PvP and when I played it, it didn’t seem as if it’ll have a long shelf life and be another Courtyard/Skyhammer map.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

A "what if" Stronghold addition.

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


So, you mean gain sth. within the gamemode that resets after the game ends right? Not sth. like PvP-Gear you have to grind and carry from one game to the next?

I’d still say a clear “no” to both though. Even for a game that was built up from the ground with level- and Item-progression during a game, it brings a ton of negative effects:

- Snowball
- Boring Grind-phase where no1 actually fights could be a challenge to avoid
- harder for ppl to undertand how to play the mode and lots more stuff to learn and it’s harder for spectators to understand whats happening.

Now add this to the fact that GW2 is NOT built from the ground up for that and it’ll lead to a disaster.

A "what if" Stronghold addition.

in PvP

Posted by: L Step.8659

L Step.8659

I don’t think many people would enjoy it. The perk of GW2 is you can instantly PvP without having to grind or do anything. I think rewards should always be in the forms or items from tournaments/titles. They’ve also added many PvE tracks for people.

And just honestly I’ve never been a fan of levels in game. It’s just a generic barrier to keep you away from things longer. I’ve just never really felt the whole progression thing from numbers in MMO. Fights/Missions/some challenging task ingame always made more sense to me in unlocking things than that experience bar that goes up from anything.

ReRolled [Re] GvG Hero/Wannabe

Best NA rallybot on EU

A "what if" Stronghold addition.

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320



It would just make matches snowball harder. The team which gains an initial advantage would now have an advantage in every further fight. Stronghold already snowballs harder than any conquest match ever could.

If you’re talking incentive, the problem is that there’s no incentive to keep trying once you’ve lost a couple battles. There’s no incentive to get better either on an individual or team level. The rewards for losing are the same whether you score 50 points or 499 points. And with Stronghold having more “all or noting” victory conditions, the problem gets worse.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

A "what if" Stronghold addition.

in PvP

Posted by: Bird.3519


They could add normal minions that walk along the lanes like MOBAs but instead of having the minions give gold/exp, they could give a number of resources (the resources you use to summon gatebreakers/archers). This could keep the game type as it is but add that little depth of needing to kill minions to summon gatebreakers and archers etc. to really take down the gates without giving any real grindy gameplay.

A "what if" Stronghold addition.

in PvP

Posted by: PlatinumMember.5274


I always thought saiyans wants fair fights.

A "what if" Stronghold addition.

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Message Body length must at least be 15.

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

A "what if" Stronghold addition.

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Yeah I think if stronghold overrides conquest

I don’t see this happening. The map at its current state is just asking for ‘’dungeon speed clears’‘. Obviously it has a potential and could be played differently, but people will just do what’s in their best interest – win as fast as possible. So in my opinion, Stronghold will fall into the category of Courtyard and Skyhammer, a casual map only grinders want to play.