AAA PvP Title

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


Ya remember those promises? The ones that got a bunch of us to buy the game?

Are you ever going to try and make good on those? Maybe go back to the ‘drawing board’ and start from scratch? Spend some of our delicious monies on it?

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Starflame.5301


Forget about it. GW2 sPvP devs seem undermanned, underfinanced and less-than competent. Plus no one cares about having a PBE for testing balance, thus balance isn’t nowhere near “soon”. Anet seems to have forgotten about sPvP altogether. Just forget it and move on. Personally, GW2 is giving me the most misery for leaving. I expected so much from this game and it has so much potential…

But Anet just doesn’t care about sPvP.

Never left a game being so dissatisfied, just because I expected they would keep true to their word.

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Darcy.2079


They stole your delicious monies and they probably intend to do it again by claiming that their expansion has the PvP you’ve always wanted.

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Calae.1738


All the good players left. You could count the entire sPVP population on your left hand. I would be very surprised to see ANY resources go into sPVP in the future.

It’s dead because the developers let it die.

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Vena.8436


You could count the entire sPVP population on your left hand.

If you had several thousand fingers maybe…

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Starflame.5301


Well it was never fully alive in competitive terms. Unless I missed all those GW2 competitions and tournaments (and i don’t mean tPvP)

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


Well it was never fully alive in competitive terms. Unless I missed all those GW2 competitions and tournaments (and i don’t mean tPvP)

What are you talking about? The wall of champions has all the teams written down, but it’s just the same 5 guys winning over and over again so people don’t realize.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


Well it was never fully alive in competitive terms. Unless I missed all those GW2 competitions and tournaments (and i don’t mean tPvP)

What are you talking about? The wall of champions has all the teams written down, but it’s just the same 5 guys winning over and over again so people don’t realize.

I tried 1v1ing Squad member 2 in a mesmer duel once. He beat me using nothing but scepter autoattack.

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


Well it was never fully alive in competitive terms. Unless I missed all those GW2 competitions and tournaments (and i don’t mean tPvP)

What are you talking about? The wall of champions has all the teams written down, but it’s just the same 5 guys winning over and over again so people don’t realize.

I tried 1v1ing Squad member 2 in a mesmer duel once. He beat me using nothing but scepter autoattack.


Obviously it’s a bit insulting that they’re the only ones who were invited to participate in the beta tournament, but it’s not like any of us stood a chance anyway.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Starflame.5301


Well it was never fully alive in competitive terms. Unless I missed all those GW2 competitions and tournaments (and i don’t mean tPvP)

What are you talking about? The wall of champions has all the teams written down, but it’s just the same 5 guys winning over and over again so people don’t realize.

The “competitive” pvp in GW2 would be similar to having a group of local schoolkids (who may or may not be ridiculously good at the game, skill doesn’t really matter in this case) assembling some teams and having a “homemade” basketball tournament (tPvP), afterwards sticking a piece of paper with the winners (wall of champions).
No spectators/viewership, no big organized tournaments. no leagues, very very little fandom. And that was at the peak of times. Currently there are very few decent teams left and most of the better guys are long gone.
It is just that there were never any facilities to have a serious competitive scene in GW2 (transparent rating, leaderboards, custom arenas, spectator mode, etc, etc).

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: sim.8903


Such a waste of money.

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I have bought this game purely for PvP aspect – no gear advantage, no pocket healers, great combat mechanics were everything I wanted in an mmorpg. But, as you all have noticed, the development is atrocious for PvP – they did not add ANY new major thing all the way from beta.

It would be less frustrating if this kind of pathetic development was in every aspect of the game, so you could lie to yourself that this is how anet cares about its own game. But as you have noticed the mind numbing mob killing part of the game (pve) had a ton of new things implemented, so that this is going to be a AAA PvP, or an esport it seems was purely a lie (or a “marketing strategy”)…

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Jinks.2057



You fellas do realize this isnt DOTA or LoL. This is a different game with diffetent rules. Not everything will be discovered….look at Eles. They wrre considered the worst class…now look at em.

Balance isnt instantaneous but takes time. Quite frankly im sure those horrible classes are just fine but waiting for someone to discover a new build.

Just tired of reading whines in this forum.

ps. Remember the best parts of this game are WvW and PvE. Arena PvP is not

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Starflame.5301


ps. Remember the best parts of this game are WvW and PvE. Arena PvP is not

But most of the guys here would like sPvP to be equally good! How is it unfair or whatever to expect that when Anet spoke of sPvP being a place for esports, they would do something about it?
Currently sPvP is the forgotten kitten child that devs don’t seem to care about and players are increasingly leaving.
Why have sPvP at all if it is pretty much unusable anyway? Just scrap it and devote those few resources to WvW/PvE and noone will even whine about sPvP because it will be very obvious that it is not an sPvP game.
People expected GW2 to be the new GW1 in terms of sPvP but sadly…

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061



You fellas do realize this isnt DOTA or LoL. This is a different game with diffetent rules. Not everything will be discovered….look at Eles. They wrre considered the worst class…now look at em.

Balance isnt instantaneous but takes time. Quite frankly im sure those horrible classes are just fine but waiting for someone to discover a new build.

Just tired of reading whines in this forum.

ps. Remember the best parts of this game are WvW and PvE. Arena PvP is not

First of all, no one here is comparing gw2 with lol or dota or any other moba type game. Eles were considered the worst class for few reasons, one of those were the worst downed state skills in game and another was that the builds were focused on more interesting aspect not just bunkering and healing. Now after few patches you can see that almost every ele is running the same build.

People complain about the game with very good arguments, that is not whining, that is still hoping for any changes that would actually benefit PvP.

Also “ps. Remember the best parts of this game are WvW and PvE. Arena PvP is not” – this game was marketed as a “first mmorpg esport” a “triple A pvp”, so maybe this should be the main focus of development, not crappy pve? And WvW is as much a PvP as the costume brawl thing that happened in some event…

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: clay.7849


GW1 was the epitome of great PvP. GW2 is the epitome of bad PvP.

Same developers.

’Nuff said.

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Sovta.4719


I have bought this game purely for PvP aspect – no gear advantage, no pocket healers, great combat mechanics were everything I wanted in an mmorpg. But, as you all have noticed, the development is atrocious for PvP – they did not add ANY new major thing all the way from beta.

It would be less frustrating if this kind of pathetic development was in every aspect of the game, so you could lie to yourself that this is how anet cares about its own game. But as you have noticed the mind numbing mob killing part of the game (pve) had a ton of new things implemented, so that this is going to be a AAA PvP, or an esport it seems was purely a lie (or a “marketing strategy”)…

Nah, PVE didn’t really got new things (after february geartreadmill)
They just changed daily achivements to keep you logging in for laurels, some “epic” events where you search for some items or something and guild missions that you can’t play unless in big guild and even then only when guild leaders want to activate.

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


for someoe wanna try a real pvp take a look a “forge”, it’s incomplete for now, but have deathmatch, capture the orb, and arena. no rank, no leaderboard, etc etc for now, but get out a patch every week with some content new.

ps= that game is really hard to mastered.. but if u wanna only pvp balanced and skill based i suggest to take a look.

i usually don’t suggest a game in another game forum, but i feel betrayed from anet..i buy this game only for pvp, and the pvp in this game it’s really meh..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Vena.8436


Same developers.

Wrong. The man who created GW1 PvP hasn’t been with ANet for years. Only one of the original three founders is left and the team has changed drastically in the interim.

Want to try again?

Nah, PVE didn’t really got new things (after february geartreadmill)
They just changed daily achivements to keep you logging in for laurels, some “epic” events where you search for some items or something and guild missions that you can’t play unless in big guild and even then only when guild leaders want to activate.

At least get dates correct if you’re going to say incorrect things. The gear was introduced in November, so even giving you the benefit of the doubt you’re off by three months. Meanwhile since that time they: revamped three whole zones, re-did their scaling event feature, reworking the dailies, the guild missions are a major chunk of guild content (q.q a game called guild wars happens to emphasize large guilds and communities). Hell, the “PvP” patch was the Guild Missions patch… (And I’m not going to bother to list everything else that PvE got.)

PvE has gotten an incredible amount of attention but that’s understandable, it’s likely several orders of magnitude a large audience than PvP is/was/ever would be. Be glad you have developers like Tyler and Evan who actually try or engage with the community in SotG.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

(edited by Vena.8436)

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Starflame.5301


The man who created GW1 PvP hasn’t been with ANet for years. .

Such a shame though

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


The man who created GW1 PvP hasn’t been with ANet for years. .

Such a shame though

I was actually surprised that the devs tried to bring up MTG when talking about how they envisioned gw2 pvp working.
Gw1 was MTG in motion.
Gw2 is like mtg where you can pick the sideboard for a few premade decks, except the guy making the decks is a kittycat meow meow purr.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Sovta.4719


Same developers.

Wrong. The man who created GW1 PvP hasn’t been with ANet for years. Only one of the original three founders is left and the team has changed drastically in the interim.

Want to try again?

Nah, PVE didn’t really got new things (after february geartreadmill)
They just changed daily achivements to keep you logging in for laurels, some “epic” events where you search for some items or something and guild missions that you can’t play unless in big guild and even then only when guild leaders want to activate.

At least get dates correct if you’re going to say incorrect things. The gear was introduced in November, so even giving you the benefit of the doubt you’re off by three months. Meanwhile since that time they: revamped three whole zones, re-did their scaling event feature, reworking the dailies, the guild missions are a major chunk of guild content (q.q a game called guild wars happens to emphasize large guilds and communities). Hell, the “PvP” patch was the Guild Missions patch… (And I’m not going to bother to list everything else that PvE got.)

PvE has gotten an incredible amount of attention but that’s understandable, it’s likely several orders of magnitude a large audience than PvP is/was/ever would be. Be glad you have developers like Tyler and Evan who actually try or engage with the community in SotG.

Sorry about wrong month, but it’s true. Revamped zones? You mean Orr right? So they fixed some events and added some icons on minimap, big revamp. (and some got bugged, excepted, Lyssa when i stopped playing)
Also this game is called Guild WARS, where are your guild fighting wars (Guild wars, not World wars)???? Guild missions, chase this “boss” on this map, then chase this carro….boss on that map and sometimes you don’t even get to tag them.

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Sorry about wrong month, but it’s true. Revamped zones? You mean Orr right? So they fixed some events and added some icons on minimap, big revamp. (and some got bugged, excepted, Lyssa when i stopped playing)

Changed dungeon rewards policy (used to be hella grindy), fixed bugged events/skill points (oh the good 3 weeks I have waited to get the one in Orr), Halloween + Cursed Shore(new map,new dungeon, new items) + Christmas + this one running now events (dunno the name, haven’t played PVE since last year), yadda yadda…

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: clay.7849


Same developers.

Wrong. The man who created GW1 PvP hasn’t been with ANet for years. Only one of the original three founders is left and the team has changed drastically in the interim.

Want to try again?

Wow, I honestly didn’t know that. Thanks for the really douchy “want to try again” part. It would have been totally cool if you left that out seeing that I think we agree on the rest.

That does explain a lot. Do you know where the others went and if they are working on an MMO with PvP?

Edit: nevermind, looking at your previous posts you seem to be an ANet apologist…

(edited by clay.7849)

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: clay.7849


The man who created GW1 PvP hasn’t been with ANet for years. .

Such a shame though

I was actually surprised that the devs tried to bring up MTG when talking about how they envisioned gw2 pvp working.
Gw1 was MTG in motion.
Gw2 is like mtg where you can pick the sideboard for a few premade decks, except the guy making the decks is a kittycat meow meow purr.

This X 1000. Especially before factions.

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


Ya that MTG analogy is cute. Anet should offer refunds, it would be ethical. This is false advertising. They showed us agormet steak and gave us a week old mcdouble. More than the money i I feel betrayed.

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938



You fellas do realize this isnt DOTA or LoL. This is a different game with diffetent rules. Not everything will be discovered….look at Eles. They wrre considered the worst class…now look at em.

Balance isnt instantaneous but takes time. Quite frankly im sure those horrible classes are just fine but waiting for someone to discover a new build.

Just tired of reading whines in this forum.

ps. Remember the best parts of this game are WvW and PvE. Arena PvP is not

Meta changes more from devs than from players. Eles where the worst class, the devs buffed/fixed a lot of there abilities, and this caused there acesion in the meta fairly fast.

Most of the meta changes over the past few months are the result of adjustements from the devs, not player discoveries.

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: kaplis.7195



You fellas do realize this isnt DOTA or LoL. This is a different game with diffetent rules. Not everything will be discovered….look at Eles. They wrre considered the worst class…now look at em.

Balance isnt instantaneous but takes time. Quite frankly im sure those horrible classes are just fine but waiting for someone to discover a new build.

Just tired of reading whines in this forum.

ps. Remember the best parts of this game are WvW and PvE. Arena PvP is not

Meta changes more from devs than from players. Eles where the worst class, the devs buffed/fixed a lot of there abilities, and this caused there acesion in the meta fairly fast.

Most of the meta changes over the past few months are the result of adjustements from the devs, not player discoveries.

Buffed “Cone of cold”, fixed RTL, Magnetic grasp and that’s pretty much it as for “buffs and fixes”. Everything else had been a nerf.