AFK In Tournaments

AFK In Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Batim.9075


Yesterday i played many tournament matches with random groups.
But two times there was some bad loosers in our team, so when we started loosing they did not resurrect them selfs.

Why is there no AFK auto kick function in Tournaments.

I understand that it would have no point sense we would anyway be one man short.
But then maybe there could be some function where people could join excising matches. There is sometimes where its 5 vs 4 anyway.

An other thing with tournaments, what is determining on what team you’ll fight?
Because some times there is 5 in one team and only 1 in the other. But most of the time you end up 5vs5 or 5vs4.

Sometimes i also see that there are many high level pvp:ers in the same team, (not premaid as of what i can see) vs many low level pvp:ers.
Why is that?

AFK In Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: kito.1827


Sometimes i also see that there are many high level pvp:ers in the same team, (not premaid as of what i can see) vs many low level pvp:ers.
Why is that?

that is because because the indicator for MMR is independent from your actual rank. rank is just some type of showing how much time u invested, not how good you are.
further there are separate indicators for 2team-tpvp and for 8team-tpvp.
as for now, you cant see your MMR indicator (rating) or your ranking.

Karl Otik
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”

AFK In Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


Edit: nm, kito beat me to it.