AFKers in Tpvp
Anet is just derping and ignoring tpvp. Now i know, they will put paid tournament(this is just like a little candy so we shut up for a while, paid was suppose to be in at release) but that wont solve anything. I cant even get 1 good game tonight in tpvp cuz im pugging, ankittenep on running into those tryhards premade. I guess im lucky compared to you, havent seen 1 afk tonight.
For me, my biggest concern is premade vs pug, im so kittening tired of it, how hard is it to kittenING make 2 different Queues, 1 for premade and 1 for solo. NO paid tournament wont solve this. Why? Simply cuz a lots of premades will still Queue up into the free one.