AFKers in solo arena @anet

AFKers in solo arena @anet

in PvP

Posted by: Tarlisin.3592


Hi anet,

there is no point in solo arena as long as you don’t add a punishment or ban mechanic which is preventing pve-players from just afking in the arena to farm % for their rewardstracks. The stuff gets worse and worse. I get some guy afk who gets autokicked at some point in almost every game I play. It just entirely ruins the experience for me.


AFKers in solo arena @anet

in PvP

Posted by: AsaPrime.2179


yeah i think anet should take more action. i meet at least 5 afkers everyday in solo queue, this is terrible!
afk autokick is not enough to prevent those afker ruin the match, they just Alt-Tab every 1 or 2 minute to tap the movement button so they dont get their kitten kicked. i think we need an Arena Abuse Option in Player Conduct Report so those players would get a certain punishment in spvp. the pelnalty and punishment i’m thinking about is:
- pennalty:
+ you must have at least 15-20 point in the match to recieve the reward
+ if you dont deal dame/ taken dame or participate to cap a point for a short period time you will be considered afk and not recieve the reward
- punishment:
+ 3 days banning from spvp arena
+ lock the reward track for 1 week if they’re still continue abusing
+ reduce 3 rank if they’re still continue abusing
i know devs is still busy working on other contents and they may not have enough time to fix this spvp issue immediately but pls at least give us a response so we know that you’re still listen =)

(edited by AsaPrime.2179)

AFKers in solo arena @anet

in PvP

Posted by: Zhou.3605


I can agree to a degree. I mean a report option would be great for afking…but then so would a report option for harassment for those people that chase you around in a small group ringing bells, and claiming that them harassing you means nothing. Sure you can turn the sound off… but what about the fact I actually like to hear it when someone is putting in effort. I should be able to report for harassment, not have to miss out on things the game offers.

I also think an AFK kick is a bad idea as it would just create the same situation we have in pve where if someone dislikes someone and is with friends, they boot them and cost them their reward. To much of an abuse option. Report for afk would be good, and just give them a flat out incrimenting ban. No banned from pvp for three days, 24 hour ban, 48 hour ban, 72 hour ban, and then just ban them and be done with them. Tell them to go buy a new account.

Job done.