AFKs in Ranked

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Rejerh.1784



I was wondering if there is anything that is in the pipeline from Anet to address this issue.

Personally, I am so tired of players AFKing as soon as you make a move that they disagree with. Some people don’t care about their ranking and still play ranked (why? that is a good question) and for some reasons they just go AFK. Sometimes they rage quit but most time they just sits there and do nothing.

There used to be a “condition” to exclude such players if they did too many rage quittings half way through a game. Is there any chance we will get something that manages such horrendous behavior?

This is happening wayyyyy too much!


AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407



I was wondering if there is anything that is in the pipeline from Anet to address this issue.

Personally, I am so tired of players AFKing as soon as you make a move that they disagree with. Some people don’t care about their ranking and still play ranked (why? that is a good question) and for some reasons they just go AFK. Sometimes they rage quit but most time they just sits there and do nothing.

There used to be a “condition” to exclude such players if they did too many rage quittings half way through a game. Is there any chance we will get something that manages such horrendous behavior?

This is happening wayyyyy too much!


Only thing i can tell you is that I personally have reported on this issue numerous times already. The only thing you can really do at the moment is report them for LFG abuse, until anet decides if they will or wont address this issue in more depth.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Jockum.1385


Bring a forfeit button, done.

If Anets punishes afkers they will “protect close”. Or “wait for bosses to respawn”. You cannot force players to play and you should not try to do so. Especially if there’s no option to end a match. If you cannot report players for going after lord first while your team wipes outnumbered you should not be allowed to report players for standing on close or “defending the base”.

Allow players to leave those matches instead of trying to force them to play an already lost match. This will only end in players flaming each other – or afking.

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Hylgeriak.8250


I go AFK when my team is total rubbish and noone is communicating at all at 300vs100. I just want this 100% loss to be over asap. No point in continuing this annoyance.

Easy solution: make a /resign option as in GW1. As soon as at least 3/5 resign, thr game is lost and you may queue your next game.

Kyrgyz Manas – Gandara[EU]

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


I intentionally left a match for the first time the other day.. and regretted it deeply. Still we were up against 2 turret engis with a group on my side that I knew to be so-so at best.

I felt like a terrible sport for bailing and I think it shouldn’t be done. Still, there’s no punishment for it and I don’t like being some engi team’s whipping girl either.

Mesmerising Girl

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Rejerh.1784


My thought is that what should be is that if I block someone I should never end up in a game with that person ever, period!
That would solve the chain losses because you keep ending in the same game as that person.
What do you think?

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


My thought is that what should be is that if I block someone I should never end up in a game with that person ever, period!
That would solve the chain losses because you keep ending in the same game as that person.
What do you think?

This idea is awful it could be manipulated easily

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Rejerh.1784


Why do you say that?
I mean maybe you are right but I cannot tell why that would be a problem.
Can you develop a little bit please?

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Jockum.1385


You could put all “bad” players on your blockinglist to improve your matchmaking.

On the other hand: I had a conflict with a player and we kept getting into the same matches – like five times in a row. So maybe a capped blocklist at 1000 names to avoid matchmanipulation would be a solution.

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Rejerh.1784


That’s right..!
You could also have a temporary “non grouping” effect,
maybe a couple of days or a couple of weeks (who remembers who they blocked two weeks before :-))

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


You could also block all the “good” players and thereby pump up your win record. This is not a good idea at all.

As it stands, I’ve learned that people friend those they don’t want to play against. Then they wait until that person is in a match before que ing up.

So, the manipulation is already well established.

Mesmerising Girl

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: darres.8203


so…i had a mesmer go afk when it’s 220 vs 250
we were 2 capped but that is waaaaay too early….

u can view the chat log, i couldn’t do in while in game, since i was still fighting


AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Rejerh.1784


Maybe my idea isn’t that great and manipulation could happen, but there has to be a way to handle this. Ranked tournaments is the “serious” part of pvp and people who want to be serious shouldn’t get impacted by behaviours like that.
Nobody has an good idea ANet could implement?

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Jockum.1385


Your mesmer seems to afk because of the impolite guy.

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Rejerh.1784


Seriously… what is Anet doing about this…
Pretty much every other game now has either an afk or rage quit… this got to stop!

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Ashern.5328


“Did you just give me constructive advice? Time to go afk, gl.” “Did someone on my team just lose a 1 vs 1? Time to go afk, gl.” “Did someone just go far when they should have helped mid? Time to go afk, gl.”

There are constantly these types of people in pvp and what they fail to realize is that they are the handicap for the other people.

I literally had a guy go on and on about how I double capped home (two people standing on the point instead of just 1) at the beginning of a match, and claimed that he “saw it clearly.”

What really happened? I went home, a ranger went to the beast (Forest map) and a thief ganked the ranger, so the ranger backed up and I went down to help him after I capped the point. What did that guy claim he saw? I have no idea, but I do know that for the rest of the match he was spewing non sense and becoming a useless entity for the duration of the match because apparently he was so good that he refused to actively try because people on his team “double capped home.”

You can’t fix stupid. My only problem is that people that go afk need to just leave so the rest of their team will at least not be penalized with a loss just because they decided to go afk for reasons stated above. A simple “report for leeching” is all that needs to be done. It’s not even abusable because usually the people that want to report someone are in agreeance with the rest of their team about wanting to kick someone out.

Sure, go afk if it’s 50-300 and you see the rest of your team is just doing nothing but running into 1 vs 4 constantly. But going afk just because you feel better than the rest of the people on your team and they do something that you don’t like? That’s sad.

(edited by Ashern.5328)

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


Seriously… what is Anet doing about this…
Pretty much every other game now has either an afk or rage quit… this got to stop!

Nothing will be done about it….you either accept it or leave

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

I’ve had some really bad streaks with leavers/afkers – two weeks ago I had 9 games out of 11 where someone left or went afk before the match even started. While I have won 4v5s before, 99% of the time it is hopeless. Also makes wanting to have competitive win ratios impossible even if leavers don’t hurt your ranking.

Those that go AFK due to thinking the game is lost can suck an egg – they’re a far bigger disease than those that are playing poorly. Really, you should see it as a time to push harder for the rally – often when a team pulls a lead like that, they get over confident and start fighting off point. Some care, some don’t, leaving you with easy fights and feeds… I haven’t been keeping track, but I’d say where people don’t act like kittens and give up we win at least a third of the time from being behind that far. I’ve even had games where it was 100 to 400+ and still won by holding a 3-cap. Turning games around can be some of the most exciting matches – never give up.

As for dealing with the cancer of people leaving or going AFK, it’s difficult. There was (or is – I never leave matches, but pretty sure it’s disabled) dishonor that prevented people from queueing for a period time if they quit. I actually do think that should be re-enabled with some extra penalties:

- If you get flagged as AFK or do not leave the starter area for 2 minutes, you get ZERO rank points for the match. You shouldn’t be able to get 500 points for doing nothing and possibly be costing your team 1000.

- If you disconnect and do not rejoin within 2 minutes, you get zero rank points for the match.

I would also like the ability to blacklist people, though considering the complexities that would add to the matchmaking, I just don’t see that happening. With proper punishments for those that AFK/abandon and just reporting the trash talkers, should be able to get away with not having a blacklist. As it stands, the amount of leavers/AFKers is FAR too high.

AFKs in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Leothen.7421


its a serious problem that anet doesnt take seriously

afks should count the same as 4v5s

(edited by Leothen.7421)