AOE not to strong dont change (reply devs)
One thing that I’m curious about is they say AoE damage is the counter to stealth. Well, if they nerf AoE, does that make people in stealth unkillable?
what if ythey plan to nerf aoe and stealth ?
how can u be so close minded?
we all know they will nerf everything they say “soon”, so we have at least 3-6months left
what if ythey plan to nerf aoe and stealth ?
how can u be so close minded?
we all know they will nerf everything they say “soon”, so we have at least 3-6months left
By then, the game should really start to take off.
AOE is AOE for a reason it teaches ppl to not be stupid. a great thief is one that knows not to jump in the middle of a fight were AOE can be present.
Nerfing AOE will make this game so simple.
im trying not to get mad at the thought of it and say stupid things but it is so confusing to even hear the thought of it.
This is such a horrible idea by the devs. AOE damage is already weak. In fact, they should be increasing the number of targets that AOE can hit from 5 to unlimited. AOE is easy to dodge and the 5 player limit just encourages stacking.
This is such a horrible idea by the devs. AOE damage is already weak. In fact, they should be increasing the number of targets that AOE can hit from 5 to unlimited. AOE is easy to dodge and the 5 player limit just encourages stacking.
since this game has no pve-pve skill changing, this change will make eles op in wvwvw.
aoe is also sword, gs and stuff like that. so why do u go mad to 1 simple sentence insteaad of try to write a good quesiton in the right thread and hope they answer deeply to it?
as like other threads, stil better whine before l2 understand?
I’m shocked Sata is this the first thread where you actually aren’t trolling? :P Jk But I do agree to an extent. There has to be some sort of balance. And from watching the live stream it seems they are only thinking about the changes this aoe has on world v world and not Structured PvP. I can only hope that they think long and hard before going in and changing something thus as this that has the ability to make or break the game. That being if aoe is a problem like they say then possibly increase single target damage to compensate. Who knows probably a horrible idea but I’m just thinking off the top of my head at this point.
But my point is I just hope the game is balanced, and time will tell. So keep your fingers crossed, it might get bumpy.
From what I recall, this came up in the first state of the game discussion, and there were a couple of problems with AoE in its current state. The first is the natural impact AoE skills have in a game mode that encourages players to fight in (mostly) small areas, where movement outside of a specified zone is punished. If you can cover a point like the Keep or the Clocktower in AoE damage (which isn’t difficult at all, given the typical sizes of AoE skills), you put your opponents in a lose-lose situation, where they either surrender the point or try to eat the damage. The team that can pump out more AoE damage at whatever given time has an advantage in taking the point, and that doesn’t encourage very strategic approaches to capping. As you say, it takes more skill to avoid AoE than other forms of damage, but it doesn’t take any particular amount of skill to aim and cast AoE spells. By spamming AoE’s, you’re getting fairly large returns for a questionable investment.
I believe another problem noted was the effect AoE skills have on manual rezzing. It’s extremely difficult, if not completely impossible, to revive a player in the middle of certain popular AoE spells, which forces dependence on things like the Necro’s Signet of Undeath in team fights. This essentially limits which professions are capable of rezzing in these situations, which goes against core gameplay mechanics – the Necro is most certainly not meant to be GW2’s Monk. Downed state situations are perhaps the most important ones in the game, strategically speaking, and offer teams a chance to push their advantage or turn around a close fight. Being able to prevent revive attempts on downed players with something as easy to use as AoE damage could be seen as sapping complexity out of the game.
You may or may not agree, but you could essentially understand the changes as shifting where skill lies in the game, rather than simply reducing it. I doubt they’re going to make AoE damage useless, so positioning is still probably going to be very relevant, but now it may be reasonable to intentionally stand in the red circles for the sake of defending a point or getting an ally back up on their feet. That’s just my understanding of Anet’s position, though – I’m curious to hear what other people think.
im really confused and wondering were u are getting this information from that AOE is to strong in PVP?
Perhaps they got it from the December state of the game discussion, one of the players, a thief, Lowell said:
" but the third thing that makes it a real problem from my point of view is how strong AoE is right now, it is ridiculous to try and attempt to ress when you can just throw five aoes and make sure that guy is going to die and never be ressed anyway."
One thing that I’m curious about is they say AoE damage is the counter to stealth. Well, if they nerf AoE, does that make people in stealth unkillable?
See above.
AOE is defintily way too strong. They don’t need to make AoE useless, but it dumbs down the game to just aoe everything because its so much stronger when you compare it to single target dmg. AoE dmg also promotes aoe’ing downed targets instead of finishing them. It also doesn’t promote rezing. Its one of the main reasons why people bring rez signets and why those are so op right now(which is another problem).
A lot of times on my necro for example, if i see someone rezing i can lay wells and use aoe dmg and even 2-3 players can’t rez them (all of those players die in the process) because the aoe is so strong.
A lot of builds in the current meta are getting carried by AoE and are overpowering builds that should be viable. Those builds that aren’t viable right now are because they have less aoe or none at all.
Oh hey look! People freaking out over a change. If it is truly going to be that bad (which you don’t know it will be), it will be adjusted again.
Just chill brahs!
im really confused and wondering were u are getting this information from that AOE is to strong in PVP?
Perhaps they got it from the December state of the game discussion, one of the players, a thief, Lowell said:
" but the third thing that makes it a real problem from my point of view is how strong AoE is right now, it is ridiculous to try and attempt to ress when you can just throw five aoes and make sure that guy is going to die and never be ressed anyway."
One thing that I’m curious about is they say AoE damage is the counter to stealth. Well, if they nerf AoE, does that make people in stealth unkillable?
See above.
lol doesnt suprise me a thief would complain about AOE dmg. so he wants to be able to insta gib everyone and rez and stomp ppl??? what a joke. a good thief gets in and gets out.
without AOE dmg there would no longer be good single target players they would just run around like idiots insta gibbing ppl with nothing to scare them into playing smart.
AoE is not too strong in tPvP…..
There are just very few individual AoE-skills that are too good, like Cantrips.
Only newbs or WvW-players would complain about AoE, I’ve heard nothing like this in tPvP, EVER.
This is such a horrible idea by the devs. AOE damage is already weak. In fact, they should be increasing the number of targets that AOE can hit from 5 to unlimited. AOE is easy to dodge and the 5 player limit just encourages stacking.
since this game has no pve-pve skill changing, this change will make eles op in wvwvw.
aoe is also sword, gs and stuff like that. so why do u go mad to 1 simple sentence insteaad of try to write a good quesiton in the right thread and hope they answer deeply to it?as like other threads, stil better whine before l2 understand?
Welcome to the game. I am assuming you are quite new. Let me help you. First, there ARE differences between PVE and PVP. Devs are able to make changes to the classes in one or the other. They have done that in the past.
Second, AOE radius is quite small. Again, it is easy to dodge. It doesn’t make anything OP. You mention WvW. You should go try it sometime. What you will see is that a lot of better commanders have people “stack”. That means they stand on one point and only 5 people get hit by any one attack and everyone else is safe. That strategy should not be allowed.
AOE is defintily way too strong. They don’t need to make AoE useless, but it dumbs down the game to just aoe everything because its so much stronger when you compare it to single target dmg. AoE dmg also promotes aoe’ing downed targets instead of finishing them. It also doesn’t promote rezing. Its one of the main reasons why people bring rez signets and why those are so op right now(which is another problem).
A lot of times on my necro for example, if i see someone rezing i can lay wells and use aoe dmg and even 2-3 players can’t rez them (all of those players die in the process) because the aoe is so strong.
A lot of builds in the current meta are getting carried by AoE and are overpowering builds that should be viable. Those builds that aren’t viable right now are because they have less aoe or none at all.
won’t bother quoting the sataar guy, he’s funny though.
If they do this I want to see an ironclad justification and evidence from the devs about why they feel its needed and buffs in other areas for classes affect ie. staff eles.
AOEs like meteor show are more about area control than damage if an opponent is too stupid to get caught in the middle of it then tough luck.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
This is an uninstall level design decision for me.
I’m beginning to think that everyone saying the devs all play thieves is true and not just a community myth. The fact that we’re even having this discussion has essentially killed what little faith I had left in ANet and I don’t think there is anything they could do to get it back.
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
hey make wells for necro useless so we will have one viable build only really great lol
This is such a horrible idea by the devs. AOE damage is already weak. In fact, they should be increasing the number of targets that AOE can hit from 5 to unlimited. AOE is easy to dodge and the 5 player limit just encourages stacking.
since this game has no pve-pve skill changing, this change will make eles op in wvwvw.
aoe is also sword, gs and stuff like that. so why do u go mad to 1 simple sentence insteaad of try to write a good quesiton in the right thread and hope they answer deeply to it?as like other threads, stil better whine before l2 understand?
Welcome to the game. I am assuming you are quite new. Let me help you. First, there ARE differences between PVE and PVP. Devs are able to make changes to the classes in one or the other. They have done that in the past.
Second, AOE radius is quite small. Again, it is easy to dodge. It doesn’t make anything OP. You mention WvW. You should go try it sometime. What you will see is that a lot of better commanders have people “stack”. That means they stand on one point and only 5 people get hit by any one attack and everyone else is safe. That strategy should not be allowed.
yeah im new i play only since 25th august :/ .
i didnt know there were , for every class who can use aoes, some trait which enlarge the radius. maybe im too new.
but ofc, better be you and accept blindly what u say. u seem to have a lot of experience about random fix and random qq.
welcome to the game
I’m shocked Sata is this the first thread where you actually aren’t trolling? :P Jk But I do agree to an extent. There has to be some sort of balance. And from watching the live stream it seems they are only thinking about the changes this aoe has on world v world and not Structured PvP. I can only hope that they think long and hard before going in and changing something thus as this that has the ability to make or break the game. That being if aoe is a problem like they say then possibly increase single target damage to compensate. Who knows probably a horrible idea but I’m just thinking off the top of my head at this point.
But my point is I just hope the game is balanced, and time will tell. So keep your fingers crossed, it might get bumpy.
Im not sure if I was listening right but I think they were talking about AOE from Siege… I am prolly completely wrong but I remember something along the lines of the Siege AOE can hit up to 50 players… So maybe they are fixing that AOE and leaving the rest alone? Lets hope?
hey make wells for necro useless so we will have one viable build only really great lol
You have way more than 1 viable build, have you played necro for more than an hour ? sorry to sound harsh but don’t be ignorant.
im all for any change that nerfs mesmer shatter builds, d/d ele builds, etc. cant wait
Mesmer shatter does AOE damage but I think they were going more for the reticle AOE abilities.
i enjoy watching kaypud run up to 3 idiots and spin on them with his retail guard and kill all 4 of them because they were not smart enough to correct there positioning
ohh u ask why did i say all 4 of them???? let me tell u well here is how the story goes.
kaypud runs to a node and there is 3 ppl there that u can see. he starts spinning and downs 4 ppl because there is a thief that has no idea how to look at buffs and only thinks to go invis then enter the fight by back stab stealing from him to bad the thief killed himself from AOE retail also.
moral of the story pay attention and we dont need to nerf everything. stop making this game to easy please.
with the exception of d/d eles and shatter mesmers, i think aoe is just fine…all the while theyre making single target nukers “shine” more. i guess getting 1-shot by a macro BS thief wasnt enough.
AOE is defintily way too strong. They don’t need to make AoE useless, but it dumbs down the game to just aoe everything because its so much stronger when you compare it to single target dmg. AoE dmg also promotes aoe’ing downed targets instead of finishing them. It also doesn’t promote rezing. Its one of the main reasons why people bring rez signets and why those are so op right now(which is another problem).
A lot of times on my necro for example, if i see someone rezing i can lay wells and use aoe dmg and even 2-3 players can’t rez them (all of those players die in the process) because the aoe is so strong.
A lot of builds in the current meta are getting carried by AoE and are overpowering builds that should be viable. Those builds that aren’t viable right now are because they have less aoe or none at all.
Vyndetta is right, AOE in it’s current state is too strong. I’m not saying there shouldn’t be any AOE in the game, but it dumbs down gameplay when comps are made specifically to win team fights through massive aoe.
example: well necro + trap ranger + shortbow spamming thief that jumps in with a dagger at the right time to finish someone + shatter mesmer + greatsword guardian
It also limits melee classes because if you spam aoe ontop of an ally then the melee can’t hit that target without getting cleaved. If this game had healers it wouldn’t be that bad because you could swap targets, or split dps + collapse later, but in a game without healers this is kind of stupid.
Also, people that call Kaypud’s build a retal build do not understand the build. Just saying.
But now they’re hating cause a brotha finally got some buzz – Team Absolute Legends
(edited by Follidus.8027)
Mesmer shatter does AOE damage but I think they were going more for the reticle AOE abilities.
wouldn’t be so sure shatter stacking is abused in wvw
I agree with Vyndetta. Especially when the only mode for PVP is capture the node. Doesn’t need a huge damage nerf but a slight decrease would due. AOE damage builds do prevail in the current game type/meta, will be fun to see this game if it decides to come out with another game type.
yeah rez signets are OP with 180s cd and you have to sacrifice one slot for it I just have to lol really…………….Why do you think nobody used them before? Because at last now they are useful.
AOE is defintily way too strong. They don’t need to make AoE useless, but it dumbs down the game to just aoe everything because its so much stronger when you compare it to single target dmg. AoE dmg also promotes aoe’ing downed targets instead of finishing them. It also doesn’t promote rezing. Its one of the main reasons why people bring rez signets and why those are so op right now(which is another problem).
A lot of times on my necro for example, if i see someone rezing i can lay wells and use aoe dmg and even 2-3 players can’t rez them (all of those players die in the process) because the aoe is so strong.
A lot of builds in the current meta are getting carried by AoE and are overpowering builds that should be viable. Those builds that aren’t viable right now are because they have less aoe or none at all.
I cant agree more with this post.
AOE has become the bane of this node based game mode. With the amount of low cool down high damage aoe skills the game has been reduced to spamming skills on nodes and downed players to achieve objectives.
The only place where aoe is not too problematic is the graveyard in legacy of the foefire which can be viewed as the only point in the game where strategic team play is better than dropping aoes on a point. It also shows that the problem with aoe skills is also being exaggerated by having conquest as the only game mode.
If they are going to change aoe skills they should not change the damage but should increase the requirements for their use. Skills like epidemic are a prime example of what a strong aoe skill should be which is requiring set up and being more effective in team play unlike the typical cluster bomb spam we are greeted with each game.
i dont care about PR or whatever but they just said they dont want the AOE to affect the person going for the rez?
my comment to that is if you play pvp then you would understand how wrong u are.
we go for stomps but when we see they have 4 ppl around the body we use him as bait to see if the other team is gonna be dumb and all come for the rez we have to punish them.
its situational sometimes we aoe bodys sometimes we dont but we need that option to do it if the circumstance preseants itself.
for example if u dumb down aoe and we are fighting 2 bunker guards on a point 2v2 and they have mercy runes on then after 2 min when we down 1 we will have to aoe the body to even have a chance at a kill especially on the guard not downed because we blew everything on the downed 1 and we only have 15 sweconds before the other guard is back.
please ANET be very careful how you do whatever it is u are going to do to AOE i would suggest having some top teams help u with this.
1. Yours or any other individual;s opinion is not a standard for balancing.
2. You are just making ‘please do not nerf me’ post since your primary dmg delivery method is AOE spike. Selfish as usual.
3. Do you think it is reasonable that you have instant spike that is comparable with thief’s spike and that given spike is AOE (plus all other stuff you get as mesmer in terms of invulnerability, cc and team utilities)? Do you think d/d ele’s AOE crap thrown around (in terms of both cc and dmg) is reasonable (considering amount of healing they get)? (neither is)
4. Unfortunately ANET ppl seem to still be fumbling in the dark, instead of having proper balancing system in place. They promise adjustments but they do not even have an idea what is balanced and what is not balanced. They may overnerf your stuff or not-nerf-it-enough, who knows.
5. What they should do is have 1v1, 2v2…5v5 ranked ques. They should tweak the dmg on classes so that 1v1 is balanced. Once 1v1 is balanced they should tweak AOE aspects of skills and combo fields (dmg, buffs, …) (diminishing returns on all AOE stuff) so that 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 are properly balanced as well. Balancing should be ground up (from 1v1 toward XvX). It is meaningless to talk about 5v5 balance when even 1v1 is extremely unbalanced.
Agree with Vyndetta and Lowell. AoE is definitely too strong. It doesn’t come with much of a trade off compared to single target damage.
However given the more limited nature of skills a player can bring I don’t think harshly penalizing AoE would be the correct approach as it would degenerate into situations where obviously players geared towards AoE are going to win team fights and players geared towards single target damage are going to win small encounters. Such a predictable outcome would be boring.
I think the bigger problem is the number of mechanics that restrict movement to too large of an extent. Personally many cap points feel too small and I would prefer to see players being enabled to avoid AoE rather than globally nerfing AoE damage by increasing the size of cap points, probably in the order of 20%.
The other thing I am going to harp on is certain things need % resistance to AoE damage given their inherent vulnerability to AoE (get this tech!). This can be used for downed players, treb, nerfing instant shatters using mirror images in exchange for illusion AoE resistance, etc.
i dont care about PR or whatever but they just said they dont want the AOE to affect the person going for the rez?
my comment to that is if you play pvp then you would understand how wrong u are.
we go for stomps but when we see they have 4 ppl around the body we use him as bait to see if the other team is gonna be dumb and all come for the rez we have to punish them.
its situational sometimes we aoe bodys sometimes we dont but we need that option to do it if the circumstance preseants itself.
for example if u dumb down aoe and we are fighting 2 bunker guards on a point 2v2 and they have mercy runes on then after 2 min when we down 1 we will have to aoe the body to even have a chance at a kill especially on the guard not downed because we blew everything on the downed 1 and we only have 15 sweconds before the other guard is back.
please ANET be very careful how you do whatever it is u are going to do to AOE i would suggest having some top teams help u with this.
What you are saying about needing aoe and dps to handle targets that are being rezzed is true but that is a separate issue. The rezzing mechanic has its own problems like quickness rezzing and the likes of it.
The problem with aoe is that we have one game mode that promotes players grouping up to contest and defend nodes which leaves them vulnerable to the abundant amount of aoe skills that cant be avoided in the limited space to fight.
If anything aoe damage can and maybe be left alone. What should be changed are the small nodes that are causing aoe to be considered a balance issue.
1v1 Balance Depends on who is in the keyboard. Some classes need major buffs (ENGIS AND RANGERS) all other classes need minor nerfs or adjustments… Mesmer AOE damage is still a joke when we try to take a guardian or a d/d ele. I actually scream when I do a mindwrack right after diversion and the guardian or eles hp doesnt even drop 1/4.
1v1 Balance Depends on who is in the keyboard.
Some classes need major buffs (ENGIS AND RANGERS) all other classes need minor nerfs or adjustments… Mesmer AOE damage is still a joke when we try to take a guardian or a d/d ele. I actually scream when I do a mindwrack right after diversion and the guardian or eles hp doesnt even drop 1/4.
That is a nonsense statement. Of course that huge skill gap (who is at the keyboard) can compensate for huge imbalances. That, however, tells you nothing about balance. Imagine if there was ranked 1v1 que and the best warrior ranked 150th, while there were 30 mesmers and 30 trap rangers in front of him. Just because that warrior can beat 99.99999% of all the trap rangers and mesmers in the game (who is at the keyboard) it does not mean his class does not need buffs and that trap rangers and mesmers do not need nerf (in such case). Why would the best warrior in the game be in teh 150th place? He should be in or close to the top 10 together with the best of each class.
The LAST thing rangers need is nerfed lol… And each class attracts certain play styles while the current gaming mode encourages the use of certain play styles. I really hope they come up with newer maps ones that Warriors will be in more demand for. But the game mode that we have is whats limiting the diversity in the top players. Not the class mechanics.
first thing. MUFA who are u? i see u in my forums making 0 sense and i never seen u in pvp once? you must be EU or do you just talk in here about stuff u dont know?
1. And who are you? Just a nobody when it comes to balance, like everyone else.
2. If i make 0 sense why do you always end up losing discussions with me? Why do you always avoid answering my points and try to character assassinate me? Why do not you answer my points above since each of them makes a lot of sense. Yes, you are being selfish and you are afraid that the build you play will get nerfed, while you are trying to bs around the fact.
3. I know enough about the game for sure, and as I suggested to you before: you can bring 8 different ppl that main 8 different classes from your clan. Each of them can duel me 5 times. If I win 20+ duels, stop talking crap to me and stop L2P-ing me.
The LAST thing rangers need is nerfed lol… And each class attracts certain play styles while the current gaming mode encourages the use of certain play styles. I really hope they come up with newer maps ones that Warriors will be in more demand for. But the game mode that we have is whats limiting the diversity in the top players. Not the class mechanics.
I was not calling for ranger nerf, it was a hypothetical example to illustrate the point.
I agree that we need more game modes and more group sizes (from 1v1 to 5+).
And we need proper ranking system for each mode. All those rankings would give a lot of useful info on where buffs/nerfs are needed for proper balancing of the game. Plus, all those modes would make people flock to what they love to play/watch and contribute to the popularity of the game (both in terms of viewers of streams and playing population).
All the best.
If they nerf the AoE damage on single targets then they should in terms increase the AoE damage on multiple targets in some way, then I would have absolutely no problem with this change.
But before changing anything to AoE they should think about giving each classes more builds (especially for AoE reliant classes; elementalists & necromancers).
(edited by FluffyDoe.7539)
They need to also consider that with nerfing AOE damage they are hurting some classes only way’s to do AOE damage. Mesmers (I know I am biased) We have mindwrack for AOE and Chaos storm (cuz mind stab just LOL)…. Timewarp isn’t a direct damage AOE it is a quickness AOE. So nerfing AOE in this sense really hurts our classes few high DMG abilities. However with Mindwrack the mechanic of it is when you have one illusion it does X damage. Two illusions do Y damage that is significantly more than X damage but split the two illusions individual Damage is less than X and three illusions do Z damage which is immensely higher than X+Y but the three illusions individual damage is still lower than the base damage of X for a 1 illusion shatter. So in a sense the way the are talking about doing it already applies to mesmers… I think it would be interesting however to see it where AOE does more damage to the more targets in it but does less damage if it is just one target… I hope thats what they were meaning on proper uses for AOE is that it should be used against groups not single mobs.
They need to also consider that with nerfing AOE damage they are hurting some classes only way’s to do AOE damage. Mesmers (I know I am biased) We have mindwrack for AOE and Chaos storm (cuz mind stab just LOL)…. Timewarp isn’t a direct damage AOE it is a quickness AOE. So nerfing AOE in this sense really hurts our classes few high DMG abilities. However with Mindwrack the mechanic of it is when you have one illusion it does X damage. Two illusions do Y damage that is significantly more than X damage but split the two illusions individual Damage is less than X and three illusions do Z damage which is immensely higher than X+Y but the three illusions individual damage is still lower than the base damage of X for a 1 illusion shatter. So in a sense the way the are talking about doing it already applies to mesmers… I think it would be interesting however to see it where AOE does more damage to the more targets in it but does less damage if it is just one target… I hope thats what they were meaning on proper uses for AOE is that it should be used against groups not single mobs.
ppl think mesmers are so op. its funny. we do less dmg then 110 nade engis. less dmg then d/d eles. less dmg then 100b warrios and way less dmg then thiefs.
so if they know what they are doing they would leave the few aoe classes alone because that little bit of AOE dmg if played right doesnt make us op but equal to the single target classes
^This is true right here. Plus Eles several AOES just make mindwrack look sad. haha
vyndetta is right if your a ranger and u have quick stomp and quick rez then you dont want AOE dmg because that counters a ranger.
i want AOE because it makes ppl stop and think. “should i go rez him or is it not worth it” AOE adds variety to a game it is not the make or break of a meta it is variety
follodis is right also. AOE is to strong if 5 ppl are grouping in it and get hit by it.
i want AOE because it makes ppl stop and think. "are we in a good position now or am i to close to my teammate that might get epidemicked or AOE.
play smart AOE can stay the same its that simple. if your taking AOE dmg then move its that simple
(this was edited to make it more constructive and help get my point across without any negative in it.)
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