About Rewards
I agree that pvp rewards need an overhaul. I cannot fathom why they let ppl buy paid reward chests with tickets. I had been ranking up in hotjoin and had only done a handful of tourneys, and now like everyone else I have full paid pvp gear. It’s lame for those that really worked for it, and the rest of us have pretty much no incentive to continue to tourney. Especially with the current matchmaking flaws.
I’d play for gold, skins that are useable in pve/wvw, chests with rare/exotic pve gear. But right now there’s nothing in the current set of pvp rewards that I want.
A rare or a chance at an exotic for rewards(on top of the already present rewards) would be amazing and would likely bring back a number of players.
I agree fully on a chance at a Rare or Exotic piece.
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