About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I don’t think TDM should be split from que… if there isn’t at least 3-4 other maps for it. People simply won’t cater to the (probable) higher que times, the same map over and over, etc. The population for this one single map simply isn’t there, for it to deserve it’s own que.
It’s indeed a refreshing change of pace from the same 50 straight conquest games; more people like it than hate it. On that note, more people probably rather play Courtyard than Skyhammer, but I’m no Dev, I don’t have the vote numbers.

Stronghold – being a completely different gamemode entirely – having different mechanics – deserves it’s own gamemode. The population is going to be there; people are demanding to play it.
It’s not just some new map you can simply combine with Conquest’s que. It isn’t like Courtyard.

Maybe (and that’s a big maybe) could you set it up as majority vote to play Conquest or Stronghold. In like… 4 months down the road.. where the hype dies down and people aren’t ragequitting (as much).
My 2 copper.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Conquest and TDM are very different. If Stronghold is different enough from Conquest to warrant its own queue (this is something I agree with btw), then TDM should have its own queue as well.

Or perhaps it shouldn’t be in Unranked/Ranked at all. If the population isn’t there to support it and Anet themselves aren’t going to support it, then they should just have a couple of official hotjoin servers dedicated to TDM.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


On that note, more people probably rather play Courtyard than Skyhammer, but I’m no Dev, I don’t have the vote numbers.

For me, whenever the choice of Skyhammer, Courtyard, or Spirit Watch comes up, Courtyard is usually less popular than Skyhammer.

Courtyard in queue doesn’t work because 5v5 Deathmatch doesn’t work well – it turns into CC chain with unavoidable burst or just AoE spam. A smaller format would reduce that, but without piles of restrictions, it will be ruled by team comps that can last forever and stalemate.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: mantik.1603


i agree- game modes should be split.
as sayd many times before, build template saves would help here too.

im not a pro but i have to say i dont think tdm(courtyard) is a complete mess, just a diffrent playstyle.
waterfields and blast combos in general as well as cc walls are more important, positioning of the bursters(or the whole group), killing a temmates “adds” and regrouping before rushing in again also.
the courtyard map is narrow and small, not erveryones taste- you break los easily most of the times- maybe there sholt be a mor “open” alternative map that gives more focus on the group positioning.
maybe if the modes are split there will be people who would engage more with the odds of group fighting in gw2 tdm – sure here comes the “dont split the player base” dicussion in.
we´ll see what changes if the “guild leaderboard” changes for stronghold or the league/ladder system comes in- if its well thougt out, it may help with some of the issues. i really hope this makes it into the game before the addon.

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: jazzbrownie.6049


While I personally would like to see courtyard in its own queue just so that I wouldn’t have to play it ever again, I agree that stronghold needs its own queue for less personal and more obvious reasons. I could live with courtyard staying in the conquest queue if we get a separate queue for stronghold.

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


i disagree as I don’t believe the map itself should be a big factor in a TDM mode. i do, however, believe you should not be forced to play any mode you aren’t intending to play, and that this is a more important consideration.

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The issue is always the same, people need to play what they want and don’t be forced to play what they don’t want.

TDM deserves his own queue like stronhold and Conquest. Now we don’t have a great map for DM but if people are interested to play this game mode Anet could add better maps (more open space) with secondary mechanic (for example improvement buff or other stuff).

If DM doesn’t go behind a RNG option like now, Anet has a better data to understand how many people are really interested about this game mode.

And maybe it would be possible to modify the matchmaking, creating match up not only for 5vs5 but also for different numbers (1vs1, 2vs2, etc.)

It would be amazing

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


If you like TDM it’s more of a “would you rather” question…

Would you rather:

Get to play TDM whenever you want in its own queue, but with only 1 map


It’s pretty much random when you play it, and a lot of the people in there don’t want to be there (oh, and still only 1 map)

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I don’t think TDM should be split from que… if there isn’t at least 3-4 other maps for it. People simply won’t cater to the (probable) higher que times, the same map over and over, etc. The population for this one single map simply isn’t there, for it to deserve it’s own que.
It’s indeed a refreshing change of pace from the same 50 straight conquest games; more people like it than hate it. On that note, more people probably rather play Courtyard than Skyhammer, but I’m no Dev, I don’t have the vote numbers.

Stronghold – being a completely different gamemode entirely – having different mechanics – deserves it’s own gamemode. The population is going to be there; people are demanding to play it.
It’s not just some new map you can simply combine with Conquest’s que. It isn’t like Courtyard.

Maybe (and that’s a big maybe) could you set it up as majority vote to play Conquest or Stronghold. In like… 4 months down the road.. where the hype dies down and people aren’t ragequitting (as much).
My 2 copper.

They should just make a handfull of TDM maps and a handfull of stronghold maps and each have their own ques, or frankly, even just having their own queue for that 1 map would be fine. It worked just fine for Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry, people queued up for those because they wanted to play that specific game mode.

Now for TDM, just take a page from GW1. They had several TDM maps and most didn’t really have gimmicks they were just different layouts but there were some gimmicks to a few maps like obelisks in an Ascalon map, the sharp coral in the Jade Sea map and aside from the “wipe the enemy team” style game they had the “get more kills in a time limit” objective. Right now we have the “get x many kills first” with courtyard, you can have another map where it’s a straight “wipe the enemy team” possibly and another where it would be getting more kills within a time limit.

If you had enough maps to support the mode, I think there are people who would prefer TDM style of play to conquest. It would just be at least they could pick the builds and characters they were comfortable with in that mode rather than randomly winding up in a TDM match with a conquest character/build.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


anet doesn’t want to split them because they don’t want to make new maps for the gammodes.

maybe they should put mappacks in the gem store.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


it still doesn’t make sense. the queues are going to have to be split.

Otherwise what…. if you don’t buy the expansion you can no longer queue for PvP because one of the maps in rotation you can’t access?? I’m pretty certain that they can’t even legally do that.

(edited by Solstice.1097)

About splitting ques: TDM - Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: GreyWraith.8394


All different game modes should have separate queues. I can’t take pvp seriously when I can’t chose what game I am playing.

As things are now people who want to Deathmatch get stuck in Conquest and usually just deathmatch on mid while ignoring objectives. Others who prefer Conquest get stuck in frustrating deathmatches with no objectives beyond ‘kill lots’.

Adding a new game mode to the current one-queue-fits-all system will only make it worse.

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unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court