Add larger group mode to sPvP like normal BG?
PvP used to be 8 vs 8 if I remember correctly and it just didn’t work too well so they dropped it to 5 vs 5.
The maps are just not big enough.
Maybe if they gave us bigger maps, with random spawns and other modes (deathmatch for example – hint, hint) then yes maybe, just maybe…..
if it was team deathmatch then yeah, it could work with some map modifications.
How would you guys feel about them adding a 10v10 or 15v15 (whatever works on the map sizes) to sPvP? I think a lot of players like that larger, more traditional battleground style feel. The maps are designed well for it right now, it just seems with the 5v5 that it’s a bit too big for such small group sizes and a lot of players don’t like such small 2v2 style fights, or attacking/defending a flag by themselves. I’ve always found it weird they didn’t do standard 5v5 arena maps and essentially put an arena sized group on a battleground map. But what do you guys think of adding another mode for a larger size? I think it’d be a pretty easy addition.
I don’t know how I would truly feel about this in GW2. I think 10v10 or 15v15 would be much worst then 5v5. Think about it what has happened. The population declined so much in PvP. That ANet was forced to only allow 2 people to queue together. I honestly believed, That solo duo has solved nothing. If anything it made the mode decline even faster then before solo/duo.
It’s my belief as person from the outside looking in. The right thing would have been to reduced team size to 2v2 or 3v3. However instead we are thrown into a contest of who can make the best builds to carry some of the most useless players that are playing Ranked in a 5v5 setting where the most you can control is you and your buddy. While the rest depending on division, either team mates who instantly die to one Necro at mid. Or the lemmings who just respawn and keep running into the 1v3 situations that got them killed in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
There is such a disconnect for individual ratings and skill atm. That most who did at one point took GW2’s PvP serious. Now either play other PvP games on the market that, fits their competitive nature as competitive gamers. Or they just play GW2 with a numb mind and heart with only earning more gold and ascended gear as the goal. At the moment with the proliferation of smurf accounts who throw matches for gold or even outside real money. Is it no surprised that the PvP community is at a all time low, and is farther declining.
Most players playing PvP these days. Throw huge fits over not be awarded effortless, easy, free PvE ascended armor. Rather then throwing fits over the 5 hour old smurf accounts farther destabilizing match quality. That’s was my example of the state of mind that this current generation of “PvPers” playing ranked has. To me all sense and meaning of healthy and competition is completely gone from Ranked PvP in GW2.
The biggest thing ANet can do, but will refuse to. Is to force smurf accounts into having more time commitment to be able to play ranked. Say PvP ranked 60, I’d personally say PvP Rank 80 before allowing a account to queue for Ranked. It works so well in all of the other PvP games on the market. It limits troll smurf accounts to Unranked, unless the person is really going to put forth 30 to 80 hours to reach PvP Ranked 60 or 80, instead of now under 5 hours to hit PvP Ranked 20. If you want to push sales then how about allowing players to buy a PvP Rank Booster for $60 USD for every 20 PvP Ranks. Meaning in order to get a smurf to PvP Ranked 60, or 80 instantly. The person with the smurf account has to shell out $180 to $240 USD to get there instantly. That in combination with my next group of statements, would make smurf users have a tangible commitment cost for running a smurf.
Another thing is to punish players who do troll ranked. ANet can do this with a 3 strike rule.
1st Strike, 2 week suspension from Ranked matches.
2nd Strike account suspension from Ranked for the remainder of current season and the next season.
3rd Strike Permanent suspension from Ranked queues.
Other then those two. I don’t know atm how I can help turn PvP Ranked from a Joke Fest PvE Reward farm to a competitive, healthy, and self sustaining game mode in gaming. Without talking about balance policy changes, and match making policy changes.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys