Add "leave" option to matches
Terrible suggestion… then there would be even more unbalanced games.
If you don’t want to ‘endure’ full matches, you should do both sides a favor: Don’t do Arenas.
Arenas are meant for people who:
- care about ranking
- care about serious training/rotation feel
- competitive scene
- want to do 5v5
Only reason there are 5v4 is because ppl leave the game. They destroy the competitive feel for their team and make their lives hell for the upcoming 15mins.
If they would even implent a ‘Leave-button’, even more people would leave (mostly ppl who do not understand what Arenas are) and just make this worse.
This won’t happen.
Thank you
This would be horrible. There is not much that can be done about imbalanced soloQ matches outside of more players, better matchmaking, and not allowing matches to start without 5 players on each team. The rest is just the risk you take doing soloQ instead of teamQ.
Make it so that whenever you leave a match, you have to wear a dunce cap on your head for the rest of the day. That should fix all problems.
Letting people leave a match that is already a 4v5 might not be such a bad idea.
But all the other scenarios are no reason to leave.
Personally, if I were your teammate, and you left because it is a 4v5, to me you’re no different than the first guy who left.
I don’t like being in a 4v5 or 3v5 myself, but I have never forfeit a match just because of the odds.
Terrible suggestion there.
ALT+F4 doesn’t work?
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
If this doesn’t get implemented, I will just simply afk.
It is equal to one player missing, except I get rewarded for it.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Arenas are meant for people who:
- care about ranking
- care about serious training/rotation feel
- competitive scene
- want to do 5v5
Wut.. Are there people who care about solo-q rank?
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian
just give us /resign again…when u see ppl dieing 3v2 or going far 1v1 losing for like 4 times in a row (Or going far while you have 2 caps dieing and leaving you 2-3v5) you just need /resign…there’s no other option
(edited by Archaon.9524)
Yes but this wouldn’t do anything. The real problem is the matchmaking, not being able to quit the match quicker. Beginers/ low experienced players shouldn’t be put at top100 ( or even top1000)
Actually, people would even try less with a /resign command..
If this doesn’t get implemented, I will just simply afk.
It is equal to one player missing, except I get rewarded for it.
I can’t wait till they implement proper punishments for afkers like you.
Something like what DOTA2 does, where teammates you report get put on a lower priority for matchmaking, ideally. Enjoy your half hour queues.
If this doesn’t get implemented, I will just simply afk.
It is equal to one player missing, except I get rewarded for it.
I can’t wait till they implement proper punishments for afkers like you.
Something like what DOTA2 does, where teammates you report get put on a lower priority for matchmaking, ideally. Enjoy your half hour queues.
Stop spouting this bull. You will never win a match 4v4+hammer or 4v4+orb or 4v4+buffcapper. Disliking one of the 4 for not wanting to play a handicap match where all the maps grant a significant advantage to numbers is DUMB.