Add /resign to the game

Add /resign to the game

in PvP

Posted by: bartrentenaar.8674


Games in soloq are so frustrating, you can’t rely on your team at all. In hopeless games you’re also forced to sit them out which is even more frustrating since tourneys last long. Why not give people the option to resign and skip a match when it’s hopeless.

Add /resign to the game

in PvP

Posted by: CowAbductionInc.9687


I’m always an advocate to actually trying to complete match, as opposed to giving up…

However, when you get someone who is for whatever reason is no longer a viable player (AFK, D/C, troll…), I definitely agree that a /resign would be a great option. I think the main concern with this is that it gives people a way out of not having the exact team composition that they want; resigning gives people a way to not have to try.

So the questions include – if /resign is added, do you no longer have to play the remainder of the match? How many have to resign to have a game end? Does this affect your rating? If so, does it count as severely as a loss? Should there be a point when it becomes too late in a game to /resign?

This feature was great in GW1. My only concern is this becoming a gateway for people to get out of matches simply because they don’t feel like trying, as opposed to an opportunity for a legitimate way of moving on to another match.

Add /resign to the game

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


I’m always an advocate to actually trying to complete match, as opposed to giving up…

However, when you get someone who is for whatever reason is no longer a viable player (AFK, D/C, troll…), I definitely agree that a /resign would be a great option. I think the main concern with this is that it gives people a way out of not having the exact team composition that they want; resigning gives people a way to not have to try.

So the questions include – if /resign is added, do you no longer have to play the remainder of the match? How many have to resign to have a game end? Does this affect your rating? If so, does it count as severely as a loss? Should there be a point when it becomes too late in a game to /resign?

This feature was great in GW1. My only concern is this becoming a gateway for people to get out of matches simply because they don’t feel like trying, as opposed to an opportunity for a legitimate way of moving on to another match.

Your team is down 1 member, the game will play as a 4v5, no additional members will be allotted to your team.
-Would you like to continue out numbered for the honour?
-Or resign your team for an even fight?
Only comes up when your team loses a member and at less then 100 points (so early in the game).

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows