[Teef] guild :>
Afk'ers still going unpunished
I doubt they do bans for AFK’ers. It would likely be suspensions that escalate the more they AFK. I wouldn’t go as far as saying they are griefing as that implies intent. It’s more along the lines of selfishness and a disregard for others in the matchup.
Of course they don’t do anything. The report feature is to give you the feel that they may do something, when they do not. This has been proven time and time again where you have the same people doing it and multiple people reporting them.
Of course they don’t do anything. The report feature is to give you the feel that they may do something, when they do not. This has been proven time and time again where you have the same people doing it and multiple people reporting them.
Unless you’re keeping a log of the account that AFK’s and when, how do you know? How do you know that they weren’t just given a suspension?
Of course they don’t do anything. The report feature is to give you the feel that they may do something, when they do not. This has been proven time and time again where you have the same people doing it and multiple people reporting them.
Unless you’re keeping a log of the account that AFK’s and when, how do you know? How do you know that they weren’t just given a suspension?
1. in higher divisions you always see same people
2. there is a necro guy on EU that has been afking and griefing players for years!!! and he continues to play like nothing happened
[Teef] guild :>
I think Anet need to be a little more transparent about what is being done with reports. We can wish I suppose.
Find pvp players: https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars2PvPTeams/
I think Anet need to be a little more transparent about what is being done with reports. We can wish I suppose.
Nothing happens. Some guy on reddit got an alt account and have been trying to get himself banned by all means. It took him half year of griefing to even get a warning.
[Teef] guild :>
Of course they don’t do anything. The report feature is to give you the feel that they may do something, when they do not. This has been proven time and time again where you have the same people doing it and multiple people reporting them.
Unless you’re keeping a log of the account that AFK’s and when, how do you know? How do you know that they weren’t just given a suspension?
I have reported several people for map hacking as well and they’re still playing and are still doing it.
I think Anet need to be a little more transparent about what is being done with reports. We can wish I suppose.
Nothing happens. Some guy on reddit got an alt account and have been trying to get himself banned by all means. It took him half year of griefing to even get a warning.
Seriously? Or is it just an urban legend?
Anet really do need to step up their efforts. How much time and money do you have to throw at this game before Anet takes their customers seriously?
Find pvp players: https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars2PvPTeams/
Of course they don’t do anything. The report feature is to give you the feel that they may do something, when they do not. This has been proven time and time again where you have the same people doing it and multiple people reporting them.
Unless you’re keeping a log of the account that AFK’s and when, how do you know? How do you know that they weren’t just given a suspension?
I have reported several people for map hacking as well and they’re still playing and are still doing it.
Suspension =/ Ban. For all we know they were suspended and are back to what they are doing after the suspension ended. Or it’s someone entirely different doing it.
It seems as if people would never be satisfied unless Anet releases a report that X player got banned/suspended on Y date for doing Z. Which of course will never happen.
I think Anet need to be a little more transparent about what is being done with reports. We can wish I suppose.
Nothing happens. Some guy on reddit got an alt account and have been trying to get himself banned by all means. It took him half year of griefing to even get a warning.
Seriously? Or is it just an urban legend?
Anet really do need to step up their efforts. How much time and money do you have to throw at this game before Anet takes their customers seriously?
Yeah he made long post and all and even got reply from Anet claiming they get 10 reports per day.
[Teef] guild :>
U know why its so hard to ban afkers?
Because they know there is not a / resign option, and some games u get ,so so so bad players that even if u were the best pvper in gw2 u still wouldnt win, so they just stop trying, since there isnt any reward for trying hard.
U can see this esl streamers doing the same, they get flustrated and they afk.
Ask anet to fix MM then u woudnt see afkers.
Come on some games u know that is really impossible to win i mean really impossible, u have a poor comp, bad players , and its a lost.
U cant just ban players for stop trying when the game is 100 % lost.
Maybe u cant see when the game is lost and u see a player afk, and u got upset and u come to the forum to cry cause u didnt understand why he did it?
I tell u what send me a few cookie recepies and i will give u a few tips i have heard u are good in the kitchen
Maybe the community should start a twitch channel with f2p grief accounts and see how many matches we can go before a ban lol.
I think Anet need to be a little more transparent about what is being done with reports. We can wish I suppose.
Nothing happens. Some guy on reddit got an alt account and have been trying to get himself banned by all means. It took him half year of griefing to even get a warning.
Seriously? Or is it just an urban legend?
Anet really do need to step up their efforts. How much time and money do you have to throw at this game before Anet takes their customers seriously?
Yeah he made long post and all and even got reply from Anet claiming they get 10 reports per day.
Sounds legit with the 10 reports a day. On some days just me reports 10+ people.
Of course they don’t do anything. The report feature is to give you the feel that they may do something, when they do not. This has been proven time and time again where you have the same people doing it and multiple people reporting them.
Unless you’re keeping a log of the account that AFK’s and when, how do you know? How do you know that they weren’t just given a suspension?
I have reported several people for map hacking as well and they’re still playing and are still doing it.
Suspension =/ Ban. For all we know they were suspended and are back to what they are doing after the suspension ended. Or it’s someone entirely different doing it.
You have no idea of the frequency, where as I do. You end up playing with and against a lot of the same people. If you block them you can check your block list. If they have been doing for over 2 years and you have reported them multiple times AND they still haven’t been banned, then A-net’s system is useless.
Of course they don’t do anything. The report feature is to give you the feel that they may do something, when they do not. This has been proven time and time again where you have the same people doing it and multiple people reporting them.
Unless you’re keeping a log of the account that AFK’s and when, how do you know? How do you know that they weren’t just given a suspension?
I have reported several people for map hacking as well and they’re still playing and are still doing it.
Suspension =/ Ban. For all we know they were suspended and are back to what they are doing after the suspension ended. Or it’s someone entirely different doing it.
You have no idea of the frequency, where as I do. You end up playing with and against a lot of the same people. If you block them you can check your block list. If they have been doing for over 2 years and you have reported them multiple times AND they still haven’t been banned, then A-net’s system is useless.
You have some insider knowledge that only someone from Anet would have? Did Anet release a report that I’m not aware of? Anet has frequently stated that they prefer suspensions to bans unless the actions are truly terrible.
U know why its so hard to ban afkers?
Because they know there is not a / resign option, and some games u get ,so so so bad players that even if u were the best pvper in gw2 u still wouldnt win, so they just stop trying, since there isnt any reward for trying hard.
U can see this esl streamers doing the same, they get flustrated and they afk.
Ask anet to fix MM then u woudnt see afkers.
Come on some games u know that is really impossible to win i mean really impossible, u have a poor comp, bad players , and its a lost.
U cant just ban players for stop trying when the game is 100 % lost.
Maybe u cant see when the game is lost and u see a player afk, and u got upset and u come to the forum to cry cause u didnt understand why he did it?
I tell u what send me a few cookie recepies and i will give u a few tipsi have heard u are good in the kitchen
Maybe if said players were trying to help their team by leading them instead of just being toxic, they would get a win.
Was trying to get capri achievment yesterday, we got a really good player with us, we lost the first 2 times and he bossed us to do better (like where to stand, what strat).
The only time we lost after that was against a pro guild.
What you call good player isn’t what I’d personally call a good player. A good player must be able to understand that not everyone has his experience and should be able to teach with a few words.
Back on the topic, reason for a lot of afk right now in unranked is cause anet screwed up and we have teams fighting over achievements for capri/coliseum. The player base is immature as hell but I totally blame Anet for not having seen that coming.
U know why its so hard to ban afkers?
Because they know there is not a / resign option, and some games u get ,so so so bad players that even if u were the best pvper in gw2 u still wouldnt win, so they just stop trying, since there isnt any reward for trying hard.
U can see this esl streamers doing the same, they get flustrated and they afk.
Ask anet to fix MM then u woudnt see afkers.
Come on some games u know that is really impossible to win i mean really impossible, u have a poor comp, bad players , and its a lost.
U cant just ban players for stop trying when the game is 100 % lost.
Maybe u cant see when the game is lost and u see a player afk, and u got upset and u come to the forum to cry cause u didnt understand why he did it?
I tell u what send me a few cookie recepies and i will give u a few tipsi have heard u are good in the kitchen
Maybe if said players were trying to help their team by leading them instead of just being toxic, they would get a win.
Was trying to get capri achievment yesterday, we got a really good player with us, we lost the first 2 times and he bossed us to do better (like where to stand, what strat).
The only time we lost after that was against a pro guild.What you call good player isn’t what I’d personally call a good player. A good player must be able to understand that not everyone has his experience and should be able to teach with a few words.
Back on the topic, reason for a lot of afk right now in unranked is cause anet screwed up and we have teams fighting over achievements for capri/coliseum. The player base is immature as hell but I totally blame Anet for not having seen that coming.
Leading them?
U must be new to the game, it doesnt matter what u say or write or even draw in the minimap, player are gonna go where they want over and over to die.
And on top will insult u for saying anything when u trying to help them.
Also u cant lead any one when the team loses every team fight, and afk at points.
Sometimes i feel most of u not even play the same game really…
There is some game that it doesnt matter what u do, because u have so bad players and so bad team comp , that u are going to lose no matter what, im serious , pliz think a bit and realize this.
It seems as if people would never be satisfied unless Anet releases a report that X player got banned/suspended on Y date for doing Z. Which of course will never happen.
Or they could just do it like they did in gw1, Dhuum comes and kill banned players for everyone to see.
U know why its so hard to ban afkers?
Because they know there is not a / resign option, and some games u get ,so so so bad players that even if u were the best pvper in gw2 u still wouldnt win, so they just stop trying, since there isnt any reward for trying hard.
U can see this esl streamers doing the same, they get flustrated and they afk.
Ask anet to fix MM then u woudnt see afkers.
Come on some games u know that is really impossible to win i mean really impossible, u have a poor comp, bad players , and its a lost.
U cant just ban players for stop trying when the game is 100 % lost.
Maybe u cant see when the game is lost and u see a player afk, and u got upset and u come to the forum to cry cause u didnt understand why he did it?
I tell u what send me a few cookie recepies and i will give u a few tipsi have heard u are good in the kitchen
Or maybe they just need to put their big boy pants on and realize they can’t always have great team mates to carry them. Losing is a part of life.
U know why its so hard to ban afkers?
Because they know there is not a / resign option, and some games u get ,so so so bad players that even if u were the best pvper in gw2 u still wouldnt win, so they just stop trying, since there isnt any reward for trying hard.
U can see this esl streamers doing the same, they get flustrated and they afk.
Ask anet to fix MM then u woudnt see afkers.
Come on some games u know that is really impossible to win i mean really impossible, u have a poor comp, bad players , and its a lost.
U cant just ban players for stop trying when the game is 100 % lost.
Maybe u cant see when the game is lost and u see a player afk, and u got upset and u come to the forum to cry cause u didnt understand why he did it?
I tell u what send me a few cookie recepies and i will give u a few tipsi have heard u are good in the kitchen
Or maybe they just need to put their big boy pants on and realize they can’t always have great team mates to carry them. Losing is a part of life.
I agree we cant always win.
But i would like to have 10 players of equal mmr.
And if the game is lost , u see that is really lost, like u said , " u cant win all the games" right? Why u get upset if the player stops trying?
If the player stops trying then he is weak personality and giving up everything too easy don’t really want to play just want some ego boosting wins to have success atleast in a video game if can’t have it in real life. So that kind of peoples just want wins so bad while not really having fun in the game. They probably once was players that raged at other players but they are on new level now. They just go afk instead of raging at other players, but there are also creatures that afk and raging at players keep playing/trying.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
This is what I hear.
“I just want to kitten all my matches, and grief people on my team by not trying to win but waste their time.”
One team mate sees this and stops fighting and just sits in spawns and starts messing around on his 2nd monitor.
Griefer.. " How dare this person not waste his time. I am soo entitled to him to waste his time to my foolishness. I’m going to go to the forums and cry, because this player didn’t allow me to waste his time. I’m going to call for these ungriefable players to be banned from the game."
The AFKer “Yeah good luck with that brah. Have fun griefing others and getting a raise and hate whispers from them. Because you won’t get one from me. Matter of fact since you want to troll and grief my match on my team. I’m not even going to give you my attention at all. I have better things to do then to screem at kid-like grown entitled trolls like your self. Oh yeah good luck trying to get anet to ban me. Matter of fact I have you on recorded video trolling and carrying on. You more then likely to get banned then me now. SUCKER!”
Self Entitled Brat “Oh yeah! I still wasted your GW2 play time so at the end I win. And when I see you next match I’m going to just troll by running and instantly dying to the enemy so you are sure to lose.”
AFKer " Ok good luck with that kid. 2nd monitor for the win. You are only kittening and trolling the other players on our team. Because I’m doing something else while you act a fool."
Trolls like OP, are the reason other then getting transmutation charges. I avoid sPvP in this game like the plague.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
(edited by Reaper Alim.4176)
If the player stops trying then he is weak personality and giving up everything too easy don’t really want to play just want some ego boosting wins to have success atleast in a video game if can’t have it in real life. So that kind of peoples just want wins so bad while not really having fun in the game. They probably once was players that raged at other players but they are on new level now. They just go afk instead of raging at other players, but there are also creatures that afk and raging at players keep playing/trying.
Its not a matter of weak personality, its just u cant win that game, u are far 1v2 for 3 minutes and u look at the map and u see your team cant even decap mid or close and are always dead, thete is like 400- 30 score.
And u just go afk, do u think its fair that some of the other team mates start insulting u and reporting u for afk?
They will cause they cant see whats going on, but that doesnt mean u need to just keep feedind in such game.
U need to understand the other guy point of view also, if u want to keep feeding ok man go and die over and over, but dont rage at the poor guy that soend whole game 1v2 while the rest couldnt do anything, and with such score diference and 0 caps maybe afking should be alowed in such situation, since u dont gain anything for trying hard , there is no resign option and the game is lost.u see some of us know when enough is enough thats all, and we just have to agree to disagree, im sorry bud.
Its been there since the beginning although game is running on his 4th old, i wouldn’t expect some any improvement. Worst case given the fact some tools is already existed in their previous franchise to determine such behavior and as someone already mention, i’ll embrace Dhuum.
As the above stated, considering their point of view could be fair enough on my side.
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
U know why its so hard to ban afkers?
Because they know there is not a / resign option, and some games u get ,so so so bad players that even if u were the best pvper in gw2 u still wouldnt win, so they just stop trying, since there isnt any reward for trying hard.
U can see this esl streamers doing the same, they get flustrated and they afk.
Ask anet to fix MM then u woudnt see afkers.
Come on some games u know that is really impossible to win i mean really impossible, u have a poor comp, bad players , and its a lost.
U cant just ban players for stop trying when the game is 100 % lost.
Maybe u cant see when the game is lost and u see a player afk, and u got upset and u come to the forum to cry cause u didnt understand why he did it?
I tell u what send me a few cookie recepies and i will give u a few tipsi have heard u are good in the kitchen
Or maybe they just need to put their big boy pants on and realize they can’t always have great team mates to carry them. Losing is a part of life.
I agree we cant always win.
But i would like to have 10 players of equal mmr.
And if the game is lost , u see that is really lost, like u said , " u cant win all the games" right? Why u get upset if the player stops trying?
How do you determine when a game is truly lost? I’ve come back countless times from large deficits. Often times a match starts to snowball but you can often recover and flip it the other way. You can never recover, though, if one player quits. But in my experience I’ve often found that the person who quits isn’t half as good as they think. They’re used to be carried by better players and when they have to contribute more for their team, they can’t and get frustrated. Then they lash out and pout and quit. You will never get better at the game if you just quit every time you go up against better opposition.
Dear Anet, please give actual banns to afk’ers. They ruin game for other 9 players and go unpunished all the time.
Say a word on forums – get insta banned. People grief other players in game – nothing is done about it. Why? Why is griefing in game is accepted?
What do you suggest they do Cynz? I have been reported for things like going far point, for running away from lost fights, for defending home against a thief/rev that keeps trying to decap, and running a certain build.
I wouldn’t trust any player driven reporting system in this game given what I have experienced.
Dear Anet, please give actual banns to afk’ers. They ruin game for other 9 players and go unpunished all the time.
Say a word on forums – get insta banned. People grief other players in game – nothing is done about it. Why? Why is griefing in game is accepted?
What do you suggest they do Cynz? I have been reported for things like going far point, for running away from lost fights, for defending home against a thief/rev that keeps trying to decap, and running a certain build.
I wouldn’t trust any player driven reporting system in this game given what I have experienced.
No, i mean actual trolls that even announce that they afk and just sit afk at spawn.
[Teef] guild :>
Of course they don’t do anything. The report feature is to give you the feel that they may do something, when they do not. This has been proven time and time again where you have the same people doing it and multiple people reporting them.
Unless you’re keeping a log of the account that AFK’s and when, how do you know? How do you know that they weren’t just given a suspension?
I have reported several people for map hacking as well and they’re still playing and are still doing it.
Suspension =/ Ban. For all we know they were suspended and are back to what they are doing after the suspension ended. Or it’s someone entirely different doing it.
You have no idea of the frequency, where as I do. You end up playing with and against a lot of the same people. If you block them you can check your block list. If they have been doing for over 2 years and you have reported them multiple times AND they still haven’t been banned, then A-net’s system is useless.
You have some insider knowledge that only someone from Anet would have? Did Anet release a report that I’m not aware of? Anet has frequently stated that they prefer suspensions to bans unless the actions are truly terrible.
I was speaking about the frequency of the exploiters exploiting. They do it all of the time and they’re still doing it. They have been reported multiple times by multiple people. There are no more deserving actions than repeatedly cheating in matches to warrant a ban.
Dear Anet, please give actual banns to afk’ers. They ruin game for other 9 players and go unpunished all the time.
Say a word on forums – get insta banned. People grief other players in game – nothing is done about it. Why? Why is griefing in game is accepted?
What do you suggest they do Cynz? I have been reported for things like going far point, for running away from lost fights, for defending home against a thief/rev that keeps trying to decap, and running a certain build.
I wouldn’t trust any player driven reporting system in this game given what I have experienced.
Typically you would provide screen shots or videos when you really want something done.
The main problem here is that Anet keeps silence, which make us think that absolutely nothing is done. You can afk/troll/verbal abuse as much you want and stay unpunished.
If they care, they should give something like a montly report: “we are working and last month, 50 players were banned and 200 players were suspended for 3 days”.
However, as the others stated, I hardly believe they care (and they still donĀ“t figure out why the pvp pool players is small when compared to pve).
(edited by Coelho Nat.4697)
You people are nothing then the most selfish self entitled people in the world. Yall make me laugh. 9.9 times at of 10 the only time I’ve seen people afk is in a completely hopeless match for what ever reasons.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
Leading them?
U must be new to the game, it doesnt matter what u say or write or even draw in the minimap, player are gonna go where they want over and over to die.
And on top will insult u for saying anything when u trying to help them.
Also u cant lead any one when the team loses every team fight, and afk at points.
Sometimes i feel most of u not even play the same game really…
There is some game that it doesnt matter what u do, because u have so bad players and so bad team comp , that u are going to lose no matter what, im serious , pliz think a bit and realize this.
Thanks, that was funny to be called new to the game.
That’s also funny to claim that the bad players are the one insulting those who try to help, I don’t know in what dimension you live but it’s not mine.
In my world, whenever a team loses, there’s gonna be one or two smartkitten to tell you that you play bad, that this game is the worst they’ve even seen and that you should go back to pve. Yeah, that’s random “constructive” criticism by a typical wanna-think-he’s -good player.
I’m one of those players who don’t feel the need to remind everyone they’re bad whenever they make mistake, I’m not the worst and definitely not the best, I just enjoy playing. I understand that it sounds like I’m new for people who are used to the toxic environment, I personally never got used to the level of immaturity in pvp.
Leading them?
U must be new to the game, it doesnt matter what u say or write or even draw in the minimap, player are gonna go where they want over and over to die.
And on top will insult u for saying anything when u trying to help them.
Also u cant lead any one when the team loses every team fight, and afk at points.
Sometimes i feel most of u not even play the same game really…
There is some game that it doesnt matter what u do, because u have so bad players and so bad team comp , that u are going to lose no matter what, im serious , pliz think a bit and realize this.Thanks, that was funny to be called new to the game.
That’s also funny to claim that the bad players are the one insulting those who try to help, I don’t know in what dimension you live but it’s not mine.
In my world, whenever a team loses, there’s gonna be one or two smartkitten to tell you that you play bad, that this game is the worst they’ve even seen and that you should go back to pve. Yeah, that’s random “constructive” criticism by a typical wanna-think-he’s -good player.I’m one of those players who don’t feel the need to remind everyone they’re bad whenever they make mistake, I’m not the worst and definitely not the best, I just enjoy playing. I understand that it sounds like I’m new for people who are used to the toxic environment, I personally never got used to the level of immaturity in pvp.
Is there a question there?
U not even had anything to the discussion.
Game is lost when u see u lose every team fight, u see u have no caps, the score is 400-30 , then yes u are alowed to afk, because the game is lost, and no point to try hard or feed.
Is this so hard to understand?
I see this happen almost every 4th game or so , 1 team gets 4 esl players the other 4 new players, and there is nothing u can do, how can u blame a guy to go afk like this?
Is there a question there?
U not even had anything to the discussion.
You don’t need to ask a specific question to participate in a topic, as long as it stays more of less related to the topic, which it does. Now I reacted to your post, like you reacted to mine (which didn’t have any question either btw…)
Game is lost when u see u lose every team fight, u see u have no caps, the score is 400-30 , then yes u are alowed to afk, because the game is lost, and no point to try hard or feed.
Is this so hard to understand?
It’s called fairplay, yes it’s probably hard to understand. Even if you’re losing, you’re still giving your best. Something that again, is considered normal in most competitions, yet here people don’t give a kitten.
Afking is never okay, being toxic is never okay, Anet has just been so passive about it that players became to think that it wasn’t a big deal. Whether you are afking because you’re too lazy to work on your daily, because it’s not the map you want or cause you think you’re too good to be with the players you’re playing with, it’s just giving yourself excuses, you are ruining someone else’s experience and that is NOT okay.
And before telling me “boo bad people are ruining my experience”, well first, there’s a difference between trying and failing to do good and purposely doing something bad. And second, there are ranked arenas, so unless you consider that diamond/legend divisions are full of bad people, no reason to complain about it there.
It really has to do with maturity and playing a game that involves other people with integrity.
i want to be clear , that when i say its ok to afk , i mean its ok to afk when the game is lost.
if a player afk because their map didnt win , then im afraid they should get a time out from pvp , like 72h time out.
It’s called fairplay, yes it’s probably hard to understand. Even if you’re losing, you’re still giving your best. Something that again, is considered normal in most competitions, yet here people don’t give a kitten.
In a lot of competitions, you can concede when you’re clearly going to lose and save everyone’s time that way. Guild Wars 1 had a system whereby if everyone on a team used /resign, then the game was conceded then by the mutual consent of everyone on the team.
This got nixed when people started using things like “red resigns” as a means of farming games in the minimum amount of time.
In the GW2 sPvP context… there are times when you know that your team just doesn’t have any chance. When it’s <100 on your team and >350, you’ve watched your team melt in seconds in every engagement, there are members of the enemy team camping your spawnpoint because they can afford to, and all fun has gone from the match and every time you leave the spawnpoint feels like an exercise in futilely banging your head against a brick wall…
…then yeah, it’s time to alt-tab out and do something productive for the minute or so it takes for the game to end rather than trying to delay the inevitable.
The metric is really the ‘fun’ side of things. This is supposed to be a game, and while trying to claw your way back from a 100 point deficit can be fun (and I think people who afk out at that point are giving up too easily), once it enters the territory of being on the receiving end of an all-out kerbstomp… I’ve got better things to do with my time than to make it take an extra twenty seconds before it’s done.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
You people are nothing then the most selfish self entitled people in the world. Yall make me laugh. 9.9 times at of 10 the only time I’ve seen people afk is in a completely hopeless match for what ever reasons.
And I’ve seen people afk after losing mid in the opening battle.
You people are nothing then the most selfish self entitled people in the world. Yall make me laugh. 9.9 times at of 10 the only time I’ve seen people afk is in a completely hopeless match for what ever reasons.
And I’ve seen people afk after losing mid in the opening battle.
This rarely happened that people go afk after whole team die in like 3-4 sec midfight. when Team comp is worse than enemy or when i survive better on necro than teammates with the most overtuned classes.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Moral of the day guys… Use the daily lobbies to get things done. That way people are not wasting your time. And you are not making other people mad at you for refusing to continue on in a completely curb stomp lost match. It saves all parities in question.
Only go into unrank (rank is completely out of the question) matches with a pre made team. This way if yall decide to go “afk” it’s a team decision and no one to really get mad at yall.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
player get upset with afkers because , they think every one afks for the same reason.
if u afk because the game is lost , its ok.
if u afk because u dont like the map , then u should get banned 72h.
just got 2 games in a row with the same player that akitten cause he didnt like the maps that were picked.
Ask anet to fix MM then u woudnt see afkers.
It will never be “fixed” it is a complex issue, you can improve on it but it still wont be perfect, however what they could do and it is MUCH easier, is that give a lost game still some purpose, introduce features where you still have some goal, something to fight for even if you know you have lost the game, because currently there is none
I have two things to say: I think there should be a forfeit button, but it should scale. It starts 3 min into game. If you are 50-100 points below, you need 5 player agreeance. If you are 101-150, 4 players. 151-350, 3 players. More than 350 you need 2 players, but both players must have moved and entered combat for the majority of the time in the match.
Other thing: Price Vengador, beware. You an get posts deleted for “shaming” other players. Try to photo edit to remove the names of the players.
Plot Twist: Elder Dragons are massive robots created by the Black Lion Trading Company.
Think of the money they make off weapons and armor…
I have two things to say: I think there should be a forfeit button, but it should scale. It starts 3 min into game. If you are 50-100 points below, you need 5 player agreeance. If you are 101-150, 4 players. 151-350, 3 players. More than 350 you need 2 players, but both players must have moved and entered combat for the majority of the time in the match.
Other thing: Price Vengador, beware. You an get posts deleted for “shaming” other players. Try to photo edit to remove the names of the players.
problem is i get this to often , they afk ( not because the game is lost) i mean the game not even started yet.
The main reason for that post was to warn you about the forum rules, I had to add to the topic so my post wasn’t removed.
Plot Twist: Elder Dragons are massive robots created by the Black Lion Trading Company.
Think of the money they make off weapons and armor…
player get upset with afkers because , they think every one afks for the same reason.
if u afk because the game is lost , its ok.
if u afk because u dont like the map , then u should get banned 72h.
just got 2 games in a row with the same player that akitten cause he didnt like the maps that were picked.
The bolded is wrong. So many games have been called “lost” after the first wipe at mid by inexperienced players. Quite often the people who give up are the real reason for a loss as they prevent a comeback. Those players that AFK because they feel the match is lost deserve to be reported.
Daily Lobbies are so much more effiecent. Get more done in the daily lobbies with much less hate and contempt. Best part about it is I don’t have “waste others people’s time” by discontinuing to play a match that is clearly beyond my team’s reach. And other people don’t have to waste my time, unless of course I choose to. In that case yes I should be banned for not being the party animal of other people’s self entitled EGO’s.
There, problem completely solved, with a logical answer. All parties in question wins. Oh wait except for the very players who complain about AFK’ers that afk’s after match win is completely obviously out of reach.
You all can say I have a very weak personality or what not. Me my family, my real life merits and awards, tell of a different story. And no amount of kittening that a would-be self entitled civilian gamer do, can change those facts. End of story.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
player get upset with afkers because , they think every one afks for the same reason.
if u afk because the game is lost , its ok.
if u afk because u dont like the map , then u should get banned 72h.
just got 2 games in a row with the same player that akitten cause he didnt like the maps that were picked.The bolded is wrong. So many games have been called “lost” after the first wipe at mid by inexperienced players. Quite often the people who give up are the real reason for a loss as they prevent a comeback. Those players that AFK because they feel the match is lost deserve to be reported.
Keep feeding then.
I think after 25k+ i have a good idea when the game is lost or no.
There was one player who was joining match after match but just staying in the starting area, never getting banned but was clearly online and there.