Most of you probably don’t know me unless you frequent the ranger forums. Though I am sure some of you read my recent salt post. I thought I should create a more organized post.
I have been an avid user of the Longbow/GS Shout Ranger playstyle for three years now. So you know I am used to running underperforming builds.
In PvP I have managed to make it to what I have to assume is as high as a solo quer can get in MMR. I was regularly partnered against PvP teams that are normally in tournaments even before the release of HoT.
This is despite running what is probably the WEAKEST build in the history of GW2. I ran longbow/gs with shouts back when longbow could be sidestepped while WALKING. I ran it during the condi meta where the only condi removal I had was trooper runes. I ran it during the bunker meta where my auto attacks did less than 400 damage per hit. I ran it during the DD ele meta where the salt flowed freely in the oceans of tears.
I outkited and outplayed the condi players. I perfectly timed my bursts against the bunekr players. And I laughed at DD eles as I slowly wore there health down while steadily cleansing their burning piece by piece waiting for my fern hound to land its knock down (kitten takes awhile).
And all through that. I have never felt like anything I did was actually pointless. I always felt like in the end my skill was what mattered. That despite running a HORRIFYINGLY bad and buggy build I could out play anything that stood in my path.
That feeling is gone now. And it probably won’t come back for AT LEAST 3 months.
When I que now I can look at the enemy roster and know without a doubt how I will perform. Because there exists builds and effects in the game that can’t be outplayed. Because there are critical tool sets that HAVE to be had to succeed in this…I am not even gonna call it a meta…
Two tempests on the enemy team in stronghold? I lose because I will get 0 kills and even if I land every burst perfectly. Even killing a doorbreaker is impossible…much less the channeled heroes. And thats not even talking about trying to defend your own doorbreakers against something you can’t hit.
Two malyx revenants in conquest? I lose because they counter EVERY strength I can produce. They can take away my mobility. The boons I rely on to gain enough power to be a threat. The damage of my bursts. My ability to control them. And even my ability to run away from them.
And thats just for me. I have seen a lot of salt pass through this forum the last week. I can’t even come close to imagining ALL of these are just “L2P” issues.
I am at the point where the tools I need to be successful in PvP in its current form…don’t exist. They simply aren’t there. Its like I look through all the possible weapon combinations and come up with…nothing.
In the end. I find the only option I have is to give up a playstyle I have managed to make work to AMAZING success for 3 years. A build I was able to make work against builds that supposedly hard countered me. Not even counting all the bugs innate in my utility choices >.<.
So I am at a turning point. I either give up 3 years worth of effort, mechanical knowledge, and skill in order to not be literally a wasted slot dooming every team I join to what is effectively a 4v5. Or B. Stop PvPing entirely and give up goals I had set for myself 3 years ago.
Honestly. I am writing this hoping that PvP community can find a different way I can take. But I am so deeply buried in my own salt that I can’t see it.
Ill go ahead and say. What I am looking for isn’t.. Oh just go condi…or Oh just go druid. Or oh just play revenant for awhile.
I am trying to find a way to salvage SOMETHING of what I have built. I hope yall can help.
Edit: Fixed some grammar issues (I missed some I am sure)
(edited by Shadelang.3012)