All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


21.5k hp, 2700+ armor. Go from 100% hp to 0% in under 2 seconds. This is unplayable. The game has degenerated into an invulnerability CD contest.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: BeepBoopBop.5403


No they don’t

Koolgai Smurf – Thief | Dazin U – Mesmer | Whats Healing Power – Ranger|
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Emdrix.6124


Learn to dodge and LoS. Its easier to survive than ever despite not having bunker amulets. every class has a lot of ways to survive longer than 2 secs.

If you die that fast its an l2p issue. And adding 500 armor would just make this game more boring and more bunker based. Considred only barely 3 DPS builds are viable the rest are bruiser/bunker.

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Tiefsee.3647


If you want to be a bunker, chose a bunker build, or if you have a real reason;

1. Explain the issue (including the rank you saw that, bronce i assume?)
2. Give possible solutions
3. Explain how those solutions should work and how they would change the game
4. Say the risks this fix could create (in this case, how a bunker build would be compared to a glass canon)

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Wargameur.6950


At least ask for a reasonable ratio change between damage and defense. A plain “I need +500 on that stat” just increases power creep.

main ~ Esper Jace (Thief )/ Ellundril Jiluan
(mesmer ) – EU [Teef]

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


At least ask for a reasonable ratio change between damage and defense. A plain “I need +500 on that stat” just increases power creep.

it is not that “I need it”, it is that this game is not a kittening moba to kill the opposing player with 2 skills and a couple of auto attacks and it shows in how STILL BORN pvp has been for GW2.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Spoichiche.1290


So you die in under 2sec and you think 500 more armor could change something to that?

Oh my sweet summer child.

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


So you die in under 2sec and you think 500 more armor could change something to that?

Oh my sweet summer child.

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


So you die in under 2sec and you think 500 more armor could change something to that?

Oh my sweet summer child.

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

homes you are just getting wronked. TTK is really low in this game if you don’t react properly, especially because 90% of the playerbase is on burst damage builds.

post your build, im sure we can give you some tips on how not to hit the floor. also, if you’re NA & have the ability to be calm i’ll duel you & give you tips.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


So you die in under 2sec and you think 500 more armor could change something to that?

Oh my sweet summer child.

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

homes you are just getting wronked. TTK is really low in this game if you don’t react properly, especially because 90% of the playerbase is on burst damage builds.

post your build, im sure we can give you some tips on how not to hit the floor. also, if you’re NA & have the ability to be calm i’ll duel you & give you tips.

Dude its not about the build, its about the mechanics, you should not down a person faster than casted skills activate. Period. END.

Kill times should be around at least 10-15 seconds, and skills work on top of it. As it is its around 1-3 seconds and skills work on top of it.

This unwatchable, uncommentable mess is the reason pvp never took off as an esport.

I get it, Anet need to sell the new op elite specs, ok, they work on maps where monsters are essentially undieing damage sponges, well the stats on pvp amulets need to adjust accordingly.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


So you die in under 2sec and you think 500 more armor could change something to that?

Oh my sweet summer child.

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

homes you are just getting wronked. TTK is really low in this game if you don’t react properly, especially because 90% of the playerbase is on burst damage builds.

post your build, im sure we can give you some tips on how not to hit the floor. also, if you’re NA & have the ability to be calm i’ll duel you & give you tips.

Dude its not about the build, its about the mechanics, you should not down a person faster than casted skills activate. Period. END.

Kill times should be around at least 10-15 seconds, and skills work on top of it. As it is its around 1-3 seconds and skills work on top of it.

This unwatchable, uncommentable mess is the reason pvp never took off as an esport.

I get it, Anet need to sell the new op elite specs, ok, they work on maps where monsters are essentially undieing damage sponges, well the stats on pvp amulets need to adjust accordingly.

nah dude, you’re just emotional & have no idea how to react to attacks. i never die in 1-3 seconds unless im afk.

secondly, homes as somone who watches casts there’s a lot to comment on, & the fights are often great. i’m actually big into the 1v1 cups currently, oh dude you should check them out they might have some good tips on how not to die so fast.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


So you die in under 2sec and you think 500 more armor could change something to that?

Oh my sweet summer child.

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

homes you are just getting wronked. TTK is really low in this game if you don’t react properly, especially because 90% of the playerbase is on burst damage builds.

post your build, im sure we can give you some tips on how not to hit the floor. also, if you’re NA & have the ability to be calm i’ll duel you & give you tips.

Dude its not about the build, its about the mechanics, you should not down a person faster than casted skills activate. Period. END.

Kill times should be around at least 10-15 seconds, and skills work on top of it. As it is its around 1-3 seconds and skills work on top of it.

This unwatchable, uncommentable mess is the reason pvp never took off as an esport.

I get it, Anet need to sell the new op elite specs, ok, they work on maps where monsters are essentially undieing damage sponges, well the stats on pvp amulets need to adjust accordingly.

nah dude, you’re just emotional & have no idea how to react to attacks. i never die in 1-3 seconds unless im afk.

secondly, homes as somone who watches casts there’s a lot to comment on, & the fights are often great. i’m actually big into the 1v1 cups currently, oh dude you should check them out they might have some good tips on how not to die so fast.

What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

Dude, the truth of the pudding is in the eating, and pvp as an esport or anything resembling it is DEAD. In fact if it werent for the free ascended gear and gold, it would be dead as a game mode as well, pretty much like it was 6 months ago.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

(edited by Apolo.5942)

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

i could have sworn you were talking about the average player?

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

oh that’s why.

well anyway dude, i’ve played a ton of pvp games, & even in moba style ones like paragon players who don’t know how to play just go splat to high burst characters.

low ttk is the whole point of a high burst build. so it’s pretty sensible to have those builds able to kill a static target very quickly, especially in a game like guild wars where most defences are active. like, sure that thief hits for 10k with vault, but thats only if you don’t dodge it. yeah, you can stand there while the thief vaults twice & die & then complain about it, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere. especially because in gw2 there is something you can do about it. like, dodge roll, or block, or like dude just get creative.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

i could have sworn you were talking about the average player?

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

oh that’s why.

well anyway dude, i’ve played a ton of pvp games, & even in moba style ones like paragon players who don’t know how to play just go splat to high burst characters.

low ttk is the whole point of a high burst build. so it’s pretty sensible to have those builds able to kill a static target very quickly, especially in a game like guild wars where most defences are active. like, sure that thief hits for 10k with vault, but thats only if you don’t dodge it. yeah, you can stand there while the thief vaults twice & die & then complain about it, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere. especially because in gw2 there is something you can do about it. like, dodge roll, or block, or like dude just get creative.

You still dont get it, this is not about gaming skills, this is about game design, to quote the simpsons, “people dont like fights that end before they can get drunk”.

And just so you know, there are no burst builds, everybody can do a kitten ton of damage in no time flat, when everybody is awesome, then nobody is awesome.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

i could have sworn you were talking about the average player?

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

oh that’s why.

well anyway dude, i’ve played a ton of pvp games, & even in moba style ones like paragon players who don’t know how to play just go splat to high burst characters.

low ttk is the whole point of a high burst build. so it’s pretty sensible to have those builds able to kill a static target very quickly, especially in a game like guild wars where most defences are active. like, sure that thief hits for 10k with vault, but thats only if you don’t dodge it. yeah, you can stand there while the thief vaults twice & die & then complain about it, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere. especially because in gw2 there is something you can do about it. like, dodge roll, or block, or like dude just get creative.

You still dont get it, this is not about gaming skills, this is about game design, to quote the simpsons, “people dont like fights that end before they can get drunk”.

And just so you know, there are no burst builds, everybody can do a kitten ton of damage in no time flat, when everybody is awesome, then nobody is awesome.

so when i say “nope, fights are only short when the players are bad” & link a bunch of lengthy fights you say “no fights are too short, there are no damage builds this is not about skill!111!!!11!”.

sure dude. sure.

have a cool time in fairyland where a Simpsons quote dictates game design (especially the design of a game it seems you can’t actually play very well).

PS: getting drunk in seconds is totally doable. just smash shots homes.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

i could have sworn you were talking about the average player?

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

oh that’s why.

well anyway dude, i’ve played a ton of pvp games, & even in moba style ones like paragon players who don’t know how to play just go splat to high burst characters.

low ttk is the whole point of a high burst build. so it’s pretty sensible to have those builds able to kill a static target very quickly, especially in a game like guild wars where most defences are active. like, sure that thief hits for 10k with vault, but thats only if you don’t dodge it. yeah, you can stand there while the thief vaults twice & die & then complain about it, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere. especially because in gw2 there is something you can do about it. like, dodge roll, or block, or like dude just get creative.

You still dont get it, this is not about gaming skills, this is about game design, to quote the simpsons, “people dont like fights that end before they can get drunk”.

And just so you know, there are no burst builds, everybody can do a kitten ton of damage in no time flat, when everybody is awesome, then nobody is awesome.

so when i say “nope, fights are only short when the players are bad” & link a bunch of lengthy fights you say “no fights are too short, there are no damage builds this is not about skill!111!!!11!”.

sure dude. sure.

have a cool time in fairyland where a Simpsons quote dictates game design (especially the design of a game it seems you can’t actually play very well)

Failed design is failed design.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

i could have sworn you were talking about the average player?

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

oh that’s why.

well anyway dude, i’ve played a ton of pvp games, & even in moba style ones like paragon players who don’t know how to play just go splat to high burst characters.

low ttk is the whole point of a high burst build. so it’s pretty sensible to have those builds able to kill a static target very quickly, especially in a game like guild wars where most defences are active. like, sure that thief hits for 10k with vault, but thats only if you don’t dodge it. yeah, you can stand there while the thief vaults twice & die & then complain about it, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere. especially because in gw2 there is something you can do about it. like, dodge roll, or block, or like dude just get creative.

You still dont get it, this is not about gaming skills, this is about game design, to quote the simpsons, “people dont like fights that end before they can get drunk”.

And just so you know, there are no burst builds, everybody can do a kitten ton of damage in no time flat, when everybody is awesome, then nobody is awesome.

so when i say “nope, fights are only short when the players are bad” & link a bunch of lengthy fights you say “no fights are too short, there are no damage builds this is not about skill!111!!!11!”.

sure dude. sure.

have a cool time in fairyland where a Simpsons quote dictates game design (especially the design of a game it seems you can’t actually play very well)

Failed design is failed design.

yeah man, you’re so clever like a man who thinks a car is failed design because he doesn’t know how to drive.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

i could have sworn you were talking about the average player?

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

oh that’s why.

well anyway dude, i’ve played a ton of pvp games, & even in moba style ones like paragon players who don’t know how to play just go splat to high burst characters.

low ttk is the whole point of a high burst build. so it’s pretty sensible to have those builds able to kill a static target very quickly, especially in a game like guild wars where most defences are active. like, sure that thief hits for 10k with vault, but thats only if you don’t dodge it. yeah, you can stand there while the thief vaults twice & die & then complain about it, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere. especially because in gw2 there is something you can do about it. like, dodge roll, or block, or like dude just get creative.

You still dont get it, this is not about gaming skills, this is about game design, to quote the simpsons, “people dont like fights that end before they can get drunk”.

And just so you know, there are no burst builds, everybody can do a kitten ton of damage in no time flat, when everybody is awesome, then nobody is awesome.

so when i say “nope, fights are only short when the players are bad” & link a bunch of lengthy fights you say “no fights are too short, there are no damage builds this is not about skill!111!!!11!”.

sure dude. sure.

have a cool time in fairyland where a Simpsons quote dictates game design (especially the design of a game it seems you can’t actually play very well)

Failed design is failed design.

yeah man, you’re so clever like a man who thinks a car is failed design because he doesn’t know how to drive.

No, i think its failed design because Anet has not managed to pull more that 4k concurrent viewers world wide on its main competitive events.

To put it bluntly the WORLD does not give a kitten about this design.

World of Warcraft pulled more that this with its much more antiquated game, on its arena tournaments, that should tell you something.

And for kitten sakes its 4k viewers, college dorm events get more viewers anets game does world wide…

Phhff, they already had to backpedal their “no trinity” bullkitten on the pve front…

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

(edited by Apolo.5942)

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


It used to be possible to play an elementalist with a berserker amulet.

Now if you use anything else than a bunker amulet any heavy class can melts you, but it doesn’t seem like the dev team cares at all so kitten it.

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

i could have sworn you were talking about the average player?

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

oh that’s why.

well anyway dude, i’ve played a ton of pvp games, & even in moba style ones like paragon players who don’t know how to play just go splat to high burst characters.

low ttk is the whole point of a high burst build. so it’s pretty sensible to have those builds able to kill a static target very quickly, especially in a game like guild wars where most defences are active. like, sure that thief hits for 10k with vault, but thats only if you don’t dodge it. yeah, you can stand there while the thief vaults twice & die & then complain about it, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere. especially because in gw2 there is something you can do about it. like, dodge roll, or block, or like dude just get creative.

You still dont get it, this is not about gaming skills, this is about game design, to quote the simpsons, “people dont like fights that end before they can get drunk”.

And just so you know, there are no burst builds, everybody can do a kitten ton of damage in no time flat, when everybody is awesome, then nobody is awesome.

so when i say “nope, fights are only short when the players are bad” & link a bunch of lengthy fights you say “no fights are too short, there are no damage builds this is not about skill!111!!!11!”.

sure dude. sure.

have a cool time in fairyland where a Simpsons quote dictates game design (especially the design of a game it seems you can’t actually play very well)

Failed design is failed design.

yeah man, you’re so clever like a man who thinks a car is failed design because he doesn’t know how to drive.

No, i think its failed design because Anet has not managed to pulled more that 4k concurrent viewers world wide on its main competitive events.

To put it bluntly the WORLD does not give a kitten about this design.

World of Warcraft pulled more that this with its much more antiquated game, on its are tournaments, that should tell you something.

And for kitten sakes its 4k viewers, college dorm events get more viewers anets game does world wide…

there is no evidence to show that low TTK is the cause of low viewership. LoL & Overwatch can have very low TTK at times, & that’s not hurt their popularity. some even say low TTK can be exciting.

like dude, i’m still going with the theory that you think TTK is too low because you are a poor player. but still, even when gw2 had higher TTK it wasn’t getting more viewers, so like? why even bring up esports. it has no relevance to TTK, but i guess i shouldn’t expect a lot from guy who justifies game design mandates with simpsons quotes.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

i could have sworn you were talking about the average player?

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

oh that’s why.

well anyway dude, i’ve played a ton of pvp games, & even in moba style ones like paragon players who don’t know how to play just go splat to high burst characters.

low ttk is the whole point of a high burst build. so it’s pretty sensible to have those builds able to kill a static target very quickly, especially in a game like guild wars where most defences are active. like, sure that thief hits for 10k with vault, but thats only if you don’t dodge it. yeah, you can stand there while the thief vaults twice & die & then complain about it, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere. especially because in gw2 there is something you can do about it. like, dodge roll, or block, or like dude just get creative.

You still dont get it, this is not about gaming skills, this is about game design, to quote the simpsons, “people dont like fights that end before they can get drunk”.

And just so you know, there are no burst builds, everybody can do a kitten ton of damage in no time flat, when everybody is awesome, then nobody is awesome.

so when i say “nope, fights are only short when the players are bad” & link a bunch of lengthy fights you say “no fights are too short, there are no damage builds this is not about skill!111!!!11!”.

sure dude. sure.

have a cool time in fairyland where a Simpsons quote dictates game design (especially the design of a game it seems you can’t actually play very well)

Failed design is failed design.

yeah man, you’re so clever like a man who thinks a car is failed design because he doesn’t know how to drive.

No, i think its failed design because Anet has not managed to pulled more that 4k concurrent viewers world wide on its main competitive events.

To put it bluntly the WORLD does not give a kitten about this design.

World of Warcraft pulled more that this with its much more antiquated game, on its are tournaments, that should tell you something.

And for kitten sakes its 4k viewers, college dorm events get more viewers anets game does world wide…

there is no evidence to show that low TTK is the cause of low viewership. LoL & Overwatch can have very low TTK at times, & that’s not hurt their popularity. some even say low TTK can be exciting.

like dude, i’m still going with the theory that you think TTK is too low because you are a poor player. but still, even when gw2 had higher TTK it wasn’t getting more viewers, so like? why even bring up esports. it has no relevance to TTK, but i guess i shouldn’t expect a lot from guy who justifies game design mandates with simpsons quotes.

What ever makes you feel better about your self dude. Its not rocket science play warrior or DH and chain one invulnerability after the other and win, that is what makes it poor game design.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

i could have sworn you were talking about the average player?

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

oh that’s why.

well anyway dude, i’ve played a ton of pvp games, & even in moba style ones like paragon players who don’t know how to play just go splat to high burst characters.

low ttk is the whole point of a high burst build. so it’s pretty sensible to have those builds able to kill a static target very quickly, especially in a game like guild wars where most defences are active. like, sure that thief hits for 10k with vault, but thats only if you don’t dodge it. yeah, you can stand there while the thief vaults twice & die & then complain about it, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere. especially because in gw2 there is something you can do about it. like, dodge roll, or block, or like dude just get creative.

You still dont get it, this is not about gaming skills, this is about game design, to quote the simpsons, “people dont like fights that end before they can get drunk”.

And just so you know, there are no burst builds, everybody can do a kitten ton of damage in no time flat, when everybody is awesome, then nobody is awesome.

so when i say “nope, fights are only short when the players are bad” & link a bunch of lengthy fights you say “no fights are too short, there are no damage builds this is not about skill!111!!!11!”.

sure dude. sure.

have a cool time in fairyland where a Simpsons quote dictates game design (especially the design of a game it seems you can’t actually play very well)

Failed design is failed design.

yeah man, you’re so clever like a man who thinks a car is failed design because he doesn’t know how to drive.

No, i think its failed design because Anet has not managed to pulled more that 4k concurrent viewers world wide on its main competitive events.

To put it bluntly the WORLD does not give a kitten about this design.

World of Warcraft pulled more that this with its much more antiquated game, on its are tournaments, that should tell you something.

And for kitten sakes its 4k viewers, college dorm events get more viewers anets game does world wide…

there is no evidence to show that low TTK is the cause of low viewership. LoL & Overwatch can have very low TTK at times, & that’s not hurt their popularity. some even say low TTK can be exciting.

like dude, i’m still going with the theory that you think TTK is too low because you are a poor player. but still, even when gw2 had higher TTK it wasn’t getting more viewers, so like? why even bring up esports. it has no relevance to TTK, but i guess i shouldn’t expect a lot from guy who justifies game design mandates with simpsons quotes.

What ever makes you feel better about your self dude. Its not rocket science play warrior or DH and chain one invulnerability after the other and win, that is what makes it poor game design.

yeah man, i know it’s not rocket science to survive for more than 5 seconds. very doable with all classes. but it’s no surprise, i’m not the one making posts complaining about dying too fast & wanting more passive defences.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

i could have sworn you were talking about the average player?

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

oh that’s why.

well anyway dude, i’ve played a ton of pvp games, & even in moba style ones like paragon players who don’t know how to play just go splat to high burst characters.

low ttk is the whole point of a high burst build. so it’s pretty sensible to have those builds able to kill a static target very quickly, especially in a game like guild wars where most defences are active. like, sure that thief hits for 10k with vault, but thats only if you don’t dodge it. yeah, you can stand there while the thief vaults twice & die & then complain about it, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere. especially because in gw2 there is something you can do about it. like, dodge roll, or block, or like dude just get creative.

You still dont get it, this is not about gaming skills, this is about game design, to quote the simpsons, “people dont like fights that end before they can get drunk”.

And just so you know, there are no burst builds, everybody can do a kitten ton of damage in no time flat, when everybody is awesome, then nobody is awesome.

so when i say “nope, fights are only short when the players are bad” & link a bunch of lengthy fights you say “no fights are too short, there are no damage builds this is not about skill!111!!!11!”.

sure dude. sure.

have a cool time in fairyland where a Simpsons quote dictates game design (especially the design of a game it seems you can’t actually play very well)

Failed design is failed design.

yeah man, you’re so clever like a man who thinks a car is failed design because he doesn’t know how to drive.

No, i think its failed design because Anet has not managed to pulled more that 4k concurrent viewers world wide on its main competitive events.

To put it bluntly the WORLD does not give a kitten about this design.

World of Warcraft pulled more that this with its much more antiquated game, on its are tournaments, that should tell you something.

And for kitten sakes its 4k viewers, college dorm events get more viewers anets game does world wide…

there is no evidence to show that low TTK is the cause of low viewership. LoL & Overwatch can have very low TTK at times, & that’s not hurt their popularity. some even say low TTK can be exciting.

like dude, i’m still going with the theory that you think TTK is too low because you are a poor player. but still, even when gw2 had higher TTK it wasn’t getting more viewers, so like? why even bring up esports. it has no relevance to TTK, but i guess i shouldn’t expect a lot from guy who justifies game design mandates with simpsons quotes.

What ever makes you feel better about your self dude. Its not rocket science play warrior or DH and chain one invulnerability after the other and win, that is what makes it poor game design.

yeah man, i know it’s not rocket science to survive for more than 5 seconds. very doable with all classes. but it’s no surprise, i’m not the one making posts complaining about dying too fast & wanting more passive defences.

Because the game should not be designed around mechanics that break it. You want to make this about how i play, and that is not the issue, the game play design and how unpopular it turned out is the issue.

Sure i can hope on the op class of the month, that generally tend to be the ones that exploit the games design flaws the most, but i would rather the game on its whole have a better gaming experience.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

(edited by Apolo.5942)

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


What part of this not being about reaction times don you get?, am talking about static targets.

i could have sworn you were talking about the average player?

If its not enough then it needs to be more, for Christ sake, you can take the average player from 100% to 0 faster than most skills with casting times activate, that should ring all sort of warning bells on how screwed up things are.

oh that’s why.

well anyway dude, i’ve played a ton of pvp games, & even in moba style ones like paragon players who don’t know how to play just go splat to high burst characters.

low ttk is the whole point of a high burst build. so it’s pretty sensible to have those builds able to kill a static target very quickly, especially in a game like guild wars where most defences are active. like, sure that thief hits for 10k with vault, but thats only if you don’t dodge it. yeah, you can stand there while the thief vaults twice & die & then complain about it, but that isn’t going to get you anywhere. especially because in gw2 there is something you can do about it. like, dodge roll, or block, or like dude just get creative.

You still dont get it, this is not about gaming skills, this is about game design, to quote the simpsons, “people dont like fights that end before they can get drunk”.

And just so you know, there are no burst builds, everybody can do a kitten ton of damage in no time flat, when everybody is awesome, then nobody is awesome.

so when i say “nope, fights are only short when the players are bad” & link a bunch of lengthy fights you say “no fights are too short, there are no damage builds this is not about skill!111!!!11!”.

sure dude. sure.

have a cool time in fairyland where a Simpsons quote dictates game design (especially the design of a game it seems you can’t actually play very well)

Failed design is failed design.

yeah man, you’re so clever like a man who thinks a car is failed design because he doesn’t know how to drive.

No, i think its failed design because Anet has not managed to pulled more that 4k concurrent viewers world wide on its main competitive events.

To put it bluntly the WORLD does not give a kitten about this design.

World of Warcraft pulled more that this with its much more antiquated game, on its are tournaments, that should tell you something.

And for kitten sakes its 4k viewers, college dorm events get more viewers anets game does world wide…

there is no evidence to show that low TTK is the cause of low viewership. LoL & Overwatch can have very low TTK at times, & that’s not hurt their popularity. some even say low TTK can be exciting.

like dude, i’m still going with the theory that you think TTK is too low because you are a poor player. but still, even when gw2 had higher TTK it wasn’t getting more viewers, so like? why even bring up esports. it has no relevance to TTK, but i guess i shouldn’t expect a lot from guy who justifies game design mandates with simpsons quotes.

What ever makes you feel better about your self dude. Its not rocket science play warrior or DH and chain one invulnerability after the other and win, that is what makes it poor game design.

yeah man, i know it’s not rocket science to survive for more than 5 seconds. very doable with all classes. but it’s no surprise, i’m not the one making posts complaining about dying too fast & wanting more passive defences.

Because the game should not be design about mechanics that break it.

break it, or break you ;-)

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Rune Darkmoor.3269

Rune Darkmoor.3269

What ever makes you feel better about your self dude. Its not rocket science play warrior or DH and chain one invulnerability after the other and win, that is what makes it poor game design.

^ This tells people all they need to know about you. If you think that wins you don’t know what counterplay mechanics, builds, and effective play are like in this game. I would suggest studying how the builds and classes in this game actually interact before making baseless assumptions from the narrow view of your personal experiance.

Sidenote: I defeat other players through invulnerability all the time. It’s not a magic trick that wins games.

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: ButterPeanut.9746



Not sure if you are trolling at this point or actually concerned. Many folks above tried to get an example, give constructive feedback, etc but it sounds like you are pretty set in this being true, yet you counteract your own argument.

“Everything goes from 100-0 in 2s”, and “play warrior or DH and chain one invulnerability after the other”…well which one is it? Because it can’t be both. Either you die in 2s, or you are using your skills well enough to not die.

Warrior – Endure pain lasts more than 2s
Guardian – Renewed Focus lasts more than 2s
Rev – Herald heal lasts more than 2s
Ranger – Signet of stone lasts more than 2s
Engi – Tini elixer lasts more than 2s
Thief – You can perma dodge or stealth for more than 2s
Necro – Using shroud you have more HP than anything can do in 2s
Mesmer – Distortion and blurred frenzy last more than 2s
Ele – Obsidian Flesh lasts more than 2s

Literally every class has tools to be able to last more than 2s. If you aren’t using them…thats a build or a play issue. Folks have asked for a build or video of this happening, yet you can’t provide them. So if you die 1v1 in 2s…thats on you.

What is a static target? I’m not sure what that means in PvP. In my head, that means 1 of two things
1. The bosses on Forrest
2. A player who stands still and does not move/dodge/use skills

In either case, if you die in 2s, that again is on you…not the game.

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Wargameur.6950



Not sure if you are trolling at this point or actually concerned. Many folks above tried to get an example, give constructive feedback, etc but it sounds like you are pretty set in this being true, yet you counteract your own argument.

“Everything goes from 100-0 in 2s”, and “play warrior or DH and chain one invulnerability after the other”…well which one is it? Because it can’t be both. Either you die in 2s, or you are using your skills well enough to not die.

Warrior – Endure pain lasts more than 2s
Guardian – Renewed Focus lasts more than 2s
Rev – Herald heal lasts more than 2s
Ranger – Signet of stone lasts more than 2s
Engi – Tini elixer lasts more than 2s
Thief – You can perma dodge or stealth for more than 2s
Necro – Using shroud you have more HP than anything can do in 2s
Mesmer – Distortion and blurred frenzy last more than 2s
Ele – Obsidian Flesh lasts more than 2s

Literally every class has tools to be able to last more than 2s. If you aren’t using them…thats a build or a play issue. Folks have asked for a build or video of this happening, yet you can’t provide them. So if you die 1v1 in 2s…thats on you.

What is a static target? I’m not sure what that means in PvP. In my head, that means 1 of two things
1. The bosses on Forrest
2. A player who stands still and does not move/dodge/use skills

In either case, if you die in 2s, that again is on you…not the game.

naaa svanir and the chief can run at you….I think static targets are HoTM golems. It’s the only enemy that makes sense with his complains.

Seriously, I suppose the point is not the amount of time we can survive but the pace of the game. The way it is now, we have a lot of damage mitigations and the counterplay to this is high damage builds to spike during the small window of vulnerability. It’s a really fast paced gameplay.

One of the best example are engis. Once you get them in elixir form, you have ~1-2 sec to burst them or they heal themselves to a huge amount.

main ~ Esper Jace (Thief )/ Ellundril Jiluan
(mesmer ) – EU [Teef]

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Bezerker.2379


As noted, TTK is low in this game and that’s a bad thing.

Competitive games generally have a higher TTK for a reason.

You may want the slower fights. I like them too, but they are bad for the game.

The game is designed to require actions to play. Meaning, if you do not dodge, move, or block or anything then yes, you will be instagibbed by a burst damage build. That’s intentional and it’s fine. Why? Because it’s so trivial to avoid those attacks.

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Justine.6351


I wouldn’t mind 300/300 toughness/vita amulets but that gets messy then.

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Just gonna put this out there…. If they put that toughness onto all Amulets, I will play a condition build to ignore that stat entirely.

I can only assume many others would do the same, which would bring a form of PvP I’m not entirely keen on, conditions are already crazy strong.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


What they need to do is bring back the amulets they removed. Celestial, Mercenary, and so on, along with introducing ones for the new stat combos that they haven’t put in yet.

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


What they need to do is bring back the amulets they removed. Celestial, Mercenary, and so on, along with introducing ones for the new stat combos that they haven’t put in yet.

It would be nice if you could have those amulets even for Unranked.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


If they ever want to see me play pvp again they need celestial back.

All amulets need +500 armor AT LEAST.

in PvP

Posted by: LucosTheDutch.4819


Please no, this meta is already way too tanky.

If anything, every amulet should give a MINUS 500 armor.